Ray (2003a): Meriam
Search entries
Headword | IPA | Glosses | |
a | ‘and, also’ |
a | ‘prefix’ |
ab | ‘large blue editable fish, its bones used as ornaments’ |
ab | ‘this, that’ |
ab ged | ‘there, that place’ |
ab gereger | ‘that day, yesterday’ |
ab kige | ‘last night’ |
ab koreb | ‘suitable, proper, fit’ |
ababurge | ‘when’ |
abal | ‘pandanus’ |
abal kerem | ‘fruit of pandanus’ |
abal krim | ‘pandanus fruit’ |
abar | ‘pandanus’ |
abara | ‘his, her, its’ |
abe | ‘father, father's brother, etc’ |
abeida | ‘confess’ |
abeili | ‘confess’ |
abele gereger | ‘this day, to-day’ |
abele gub batimeda | ‘waterspout strikes us’ |
abelelam | ‘through this, because’ |
abemedabemed | ‘unexplained word in Malu songs’ |
aber | ‘beche-de-mer’; ‘Holothuria’ |
ab-gedlam | ‘from thence, from that place’ |
abger | ‘called’ |
ab-gereger | ‘that day, yesterday’ |
abi | ‘him, her, it’ |
ab-kesem | ‘so that’ |
ab-kige | ‘last night’ |
ab-koreb | ‘proper, suitable, fitted to’ |
abo | ‘blue fly’ |
ab-saimarsaimar | ‘so much, to such a degree, apiece’ |
ab-saimarsaimar | ‘so much’ |
abu | ‘fall, climb down, drop’ |
abuli | ‘fall, climb down, drop’ |
ad | ‘legend, any thing about which a legend is told, all sacred and magical stones are ad’ |
ad | ‘outside, outer fence of a house plot’ |
ad(a)ri adrida | ‘put in case or box, put in pocket, sheathe’ |
ade | ‘suffix’ |
adem dikri | ‘throw away’ |
adem itkir | ‘snatch away’ |
adem itkiri | ‘snatch away’ |
adigir | ‘healed’ |
adile | ‘outsider, stranger’ |
adud mer | ‘swear word’ |
adud nesur | ‘menses’ |
ae | ‘suffix’ |
agber | ‘flood tide’ |
ageakar | ‘truth’ |
ageg | ‘meaty, fleshy, fully formed, hence ripe, of coconut’ |
agem | ‘denied’ |
agem kak | ‘acknowledged’ |
agemkak | ‘acknowledged’ |
agemli | ‘save up’ |
ager | ‘aroid with acrid juice, a "stink plant", tuberous rhizome is used as food during scarcity cooked in "copper maori"’; ‘Callicarpa longifolia’ |
agisi | ‘lift’ |
agud | ‘initiation ceremony of the Malu fraternity or more particularly the masked performers, also certain animals associated with this cult, also certain food zogos’ |
aipersu lu | ‘toy, stick thrown in a game’ |
aipus | ‘small basket made from gerer (pandanus leaf) or u lam (coco-palm leaf)’ |
ais | ‘take’ |
aisili | ‘take’ |
aiswer | ‘exchange of food, food’ |
aka | ‘why’ |
akari | ‘men who marry two sisters’ |
akarida | ‘each’ |
aketi meb | ‘moon with a thin crescent’ |
aketi meb | ‘new moon when first visible, moon with a thin crescent’ |
ak(i)meda | ‘fix, as anchor’ |
akmeida | ‘dip’ |
akmeri | ‘understand’ |
akomeda | ‘return’ |
akur | ‘thatch’ |
alag | ‘ceremony connected with the enau zogo’ |
ali | ‘stay here or there’ |
alida | ‘shield-shape piece of shell worn over the groin, fight and dancing’ |
amarik le | ‘vendor’ |
amau | ‘mother, etc.’ |
amawa | ‘mother, etc.’ |
amaz | ‘pillow’ |
ame | ‘earth oven’ |
ame | ‘mother's elder sisters’ |
amer | ‘and stem of’ |
ami | ‘dressed, clothed, prepared’ |
amile | ‘men who prepared a corpse for desiccation’ |
amili | ‘clothe’ |
amri | ‘sitting’ |
amri-ki | ‘evening, sitting time’ |
amri-ki | ‘evening’ |
amulu | ‘bell’ |
am-wali | ‘dress’ |
aneg | ‘taro’ |
ao | ‘hole, pit, long hole’ |
ao | ‘indicating a question’ |
ao | ‘yes’ |
aosmer lewer | ‘gift of food in connection with the kaba zogo’ |
aotar-le | ‘writer’ |
ap | ‘shrub’; ‘Macaranga Tanarius’ |
apek | ‘side, direction’ |
aper | ‘hat’ |
aperda ebur | ‘bird’ |
aperda-ebur | ‘bird, flying animal’ |
apit | ‘struck’ |
apu | ‘mother, etc., mother's sister, horizontal fire-stick’ |
apu ur ikwar | ‘"fire is produced," literally "mother gives fire," said of the horizontal fire-stick’ |
apule | ‘mother's brother and sister's child (reciprocal)’ |
araiger | ‘dip, dive’ |
araiger-le | ‘diver’ |
arap | ‘buying’ |
araparap | ‘maimed’ |
arap-le | ‘buyer, merchant’ |
are | ‘suffix’ |
areg | ‘eatable’ |
arem | ‘sky’ |
arem-lu | ‘long wooden bodkin used in thatching’ |
areparep | ‘tree, wood used for goigoi’ |
arer | ‘kin’ |
ares | ‘fight’ |
ares le | ‘warrior’ |
ares lu | ‘weapon’ |
aresem bakeauda | ‘go forth to fight’ |
argerarger | ‘tree (Callicarpa sp.), wood used for goigoi, also argerger used for abortion and preventative’ |
argerarger wet | ‘small digging-stick’ |
argerger wet | ‘stick made of argerger wood’ |
ariag | ‘fishing line’ |
ariari | ‘small kind of tree’ |
aritarit | ‘burning’ |
aro | ‘eating’ |
aroaro | ‘eating’ |
aro-lu | ‘spoon’ |
arot | ‘put in’ |
arsei le | ‘assistant to a kekuruk le.’ |
arti | ‘octopus’ |
arti lele | ‘sepia’ |
arti-lele | ‘sepia’ |
arub | ‘washed, clean’ |
arub-kak | ‘dirty’ |
as | ‘shell, used as a water vessel, various shells’; ‘Cassis cornuta, Murex, Auricula, Cassis’ |
asam | ‘quenched, darkened’ |
asamasam | ‘quenched, darkened’ |
asasem wed | ‘songs wailed at a funeral’ |
aseamur | ‘finishing, ending’ |
aseamur kak | ‘unending, eternal’ |
aseseredi | ‘tend, look after, adopt’ |
aseseret | ‘tend, look after, adopt’ |
asi | ‘sore, pain’ |
asiasi | ‘painful, sore’ |
asisli | ‘care for’ |
asislu | ‘inner rafter supporting mui pek’ |
asmirasmir | ‘triangular, with pieces cut off’ |
asoli | ‘hear, listen’ |
asor | ‘spider shell’; ‘Pterocera lambis’ |
aspidar | ‘[married], hide’ |
aspidar-le | ‘bridegroom’ |
aspider-le | ‘bridegroom’ |
aspir | ‘hide, marry’ |
at | ‘flat fish’ |
atamelam | ‘thing shown, sign’ |
ataparet | ‘scold, blame’ |
ati | ‘octopus’ |
atiem | ‘voyage, travel on sea’ |
atkam le | ‘stealer, one who snatches’ |
atkap | ‘squeezed up, double up’ |
atket lu | ‘needle’ |
atki | ‘lighted up’ |
atkiri | ‘snatched’ |
atkirua | ‘wipe out’ |
atkobei | ‘burying, laying out’ |
atkobei uteb | ‘burial place’ |
atkobei utob | ‘burial place’ |
atkobeida uteb | ‘burial place’ |
atkuritatkurit | ‘maimed’ |
atoatatoat | ‘torn’ |
atperik | ‘looking all round’ |
atrugili | ‘[manoeuvre the tug]’ |
atrumuda | ‘accuse, watch (get into trouble?)’ |
atuer | ‘clouds on top of a hill, "smoke"’ |
aturatur | ‘corrosive coral’ |
atwar lu | ‘bodkin used in thatching’ |
au | 1. ‘large, great’ 2. ‘very’ |
au baba | ‘father's brother, according to age’ |
au gemgem | ‘corpulent’ |
au gur | ‘ocean’ |
au kes | ‘broad opening’ |
au kok | ‘elbow’ |
au kok ne | ‘inside of elbow, seven in counting on body’ |
au kok ne sor | ‘bone of elbow’ |
au kosker | ‘old woman’ |
au meg | ‘flood tide’ |
au mune | ‘swear word’ |
au nar | ‘ship’ |
au neb kosker | ‘a "swear phrase,"literally "large anus woman"’ |
au nei | ‘generic name’ |
au ponepon | ‘having big eyes’ |
au sunursunur | ‘very bright’ |
aua | ‘mother's brother: au or kebi, according to age’ |
aud | ‘dead’ |
aud le | ‘mummy’ |
audbar | ‘bound’ |
audbar meta | ‘prison’ |
audbar-meta | ‘prison’ |
au-gur | ‘ocean’ |
auk | ‘cooked’ |
au-ke | ‘thumb’ |
au-kes | ‘broad cracking or opening’ |
au-kok | ‘elbow’ |
au-kok-ne | ‘inside of elbow’ |
au-kok-ne sor | ‘projecting bone of elbow’ |
au-kok-ne-sor | ‘projecting bone of elbow’ |
au-kosker | ‘old woman’ |
au-le | ‘old man’ |
aumeraumer | ‘bound up’ |
au-nar | ‘ship’ |
aupaup | ‘plant’; ‘Cupaniopsis’ |
auperauper | ‘plant, hollow seed-vessel is used as a whistle (auper-lu), also as a rattle’; ‘Makaranga sp.’ |
auski kosker | ‘midwife’ |
auskili | ‘crouch’ |
auzi | ‘caterpillar’ |
awak | ‘trench, hollow in land, valley, round hole’ |
awe | ‘variety of kaba’ |
awem | ‘suffix’ |
awima | ‘wife's relatives’ |
aza | ‘shell (?)’ |
azer | ‘go back, draw back, walk backward’ |
aziri | ‘cast in’ |
azrida | ‘go back, draw back, walk backward’ |
azrikedi | ‘take inside, put inside’ |
azrik-le | ‘man going backward, figure in kamut’ |
ba | ‘prefix indicating reflexive or reciprocal action, or combined movement’ |
baba | ‘father, etc. In vocative only’ |
babana segur | ‘overture on drums at beginning of a dance’ |
babuseda | ‘ooze’ |
bad | ‘sore, fester, abscess’ |
badari | ‘enter’ |
badbad | ‘diseased, full of sores’ |
badi | ‘aroid plant, root eaten’ |
badkar | ‘abscess’ |
badmirida | ‘lose sight of’ |
bag | ‘cheek’ |
bag mus | ‘whiskers’ |
bagbag | ‘with puffed out cheeks’ |
bagem | ‘secret’ |
bager | ‘fire charm’ |
bager | ‘long stick, staff, spear’ |
bageri | ‘look round’ |
bagrili | ‘play’ |
baibai | ‘eyebrow’ |
baibai mus | ‘hair of the eyebrows’ |
baibai-mus | ‘hair of the eyebrows’ |
baili | ‘fast, go without food’ |
baimida | ‘cease crying’ |
baiteri | ‘drown, sink’ |
bakaerti | ‘able to see’ |
bakeamuda | ‘go’ |
bakedida | ‘finish’ |
baker | ‘stone’ |
baker kaur | ‘rock island’ |
baker mog | ‘diamond trevally (fish), black bat-fish’; ‘Caranx gallus, Stromateus niger’ |
baker mog | ‘fragment of stone’ |
baker paser | ‘cliff’ |
bakwari | ‘carry’ |
bakwari sorkobu | ‘carry on the back’ |
balgup | ‘gust of wind along top of water’ |
bali | ‘beg’ |
bam | ‘turmeric’ |
bamarik | ‘stem of’ |
bambam | ‘yellow, orange’ |
bamesirida | ‘become tangled as strings in kamut, becoming knotted, a trouble to’ |
bamrida | ‘go away, depart, betake one's self’ |
bane | ‘dawn, daybreak’ |
bane ekri | ‘morning twilight, light before sunrise’ |
baos | ‘imperative of badari’ |
baospili | ‘boast’ |
bapegeli | ‘capsize, overturn’ |
bapiti | ‘reflex and recip. strike one another’ |
bar | ‘[bent?]’ |
bar | ‘season of growth, time of South-west’ |
bara | ‘(suffix)’ |
baraigida | ‘dip one's self, dive, set of sun’ |
barbar | ‘crooked, semicircular’ |
bar-ditki | ‘straighten, judge, put right’ |
barebli | ‘swim’ |
baremda | ‘echo’ |
barit | ‘cuscus or phalanger, "opossum"’ |
bar-kak | ‘straight’ |
barkak | ‘straight’ |
baroma | ‘red, branched (coral)’; ‘Alyonarian (Gorgonia)’ |
barot | ‘enter’ |
barti | ‘enter’ |
barukli | ‘go on, go forth, proceed’ |
basaredi | ‘argue, dispute’ |
basemeri | ‘see one's self’ |
baseseredi | ‘look after one's self, take care, beware’ |
baski | ‘wound one's self’ |
batagemda | ‘stick to, adhere’ |
batagemli | ‘stick to, closed up, conceive’ |
bataieda | ‘grow’ |
bataili | ‘grow’ |
bataparet | ‘scold one another, quarrel without fighting’ |
batapili | ‘deaf’ |
batauerda | ‘walk round in a circle, veer’ |
bataueredi | ‘throw, heave, of one thing only’ |
batimeda | ‘go through, fall through’ |
batirik | ‘stem of batirimuda, stretch arms’ |
batirimuda | ‘stretch out arms’ |
batkami | ‘cover one's self’ |
batkopor | ‘reciprocally decorate one's self’ |
batoamerdi | ‘burn up, revive of itself, said of fire’ |
batueri | ‘descend, go down’ |
bau | ‘posts of sleeping platform’ |
bau batamar | ‘carry on a bed’ |
baudaredi | ‘wail’ |
baugem | ‘Malu word for kaisu’ |
baupamareti | ‘land’ |
baur | ‘fish spear sometimes used for turtle, carved plank used in turtle ceremonies’ |
baur ke | ‘index finger’ |
baur-ke | ‘index finger’ |
bautapili | ‘come out of the ground, as yam, because of some obstruction in the soil, "he come back because bad road"’ |
baz | ‘cloud, cloudy sky’ |
baz golegole ismi | ‘dark clouds are breaking’ |
bazegauri | ‘quiet’ |
be la | ‘men holding torches at a dance’ |
be tige datki | ‘light up, illumine’ |
bebe | ‘lighted up’ |
bebe sor | ‘variety of coconut with a deep yellow husk’ |
bebeb | ‘wet’ |
beberbeber | ‘heavy’ |
beged | ‘Spirit-land’ |
begur | ‘ulcer’ |
begur gim | ‘dropsy’ |
be(i) | ‘dry coco-palm leaf, torch made of it, light, flame’ |
bei | ‘swordfish’ |
bei lid | ‘midrib of palm leaf, broom made of it’ |
beilidu dirupi | ‘sweep’ |
beizam | ‘shark, various species, constellation, the Great Bear with other stars’ |
beizam mi | ‘clam shell’; ‘Tridacna serrifera’ |
beizam-boai | ‘certain members of the Malu fraternity’ |
beizam-mi | ‘clam shell’; ‘Tridacna serrifera’ |
beizam-u | ‘variety of coconut’ |
beizar | ‘stone fence (?)’ |
ber | ‘left (side)’ |
berber | ‘black coral’; ‘Antipathes’ |
berbet | ‘woman's brother, man's sister, au or |{kebi} prefixed according to age’ |
berder | ‘swamp, muddy ground’ |
ber-didgar | ‘kind of dance’ |
berer keber le | ‘assistant to keber le’ |
beri | ‘rope for tying the fence or wall, wall of a house’ |
beriberi kar | ‘rope fence’ |
bes | ‘false’ |
bes mer | ‘lie, falsehood’ |
bes-apu | ‘lying’ |
bes-esmeda | ‘still-born’ |
bes-ikwari | ‘lend’ |
bes-kak | ‘true’ |
bes-mer | ‘lie, falsehood’ |
bet | ‘soft wood from New Guinea’ |
beuribeuri | ‘plant’; ‘Uvaria sp.’ |
bezam-le | ‘certain members of the Malu fraternity’ |
bid | ‘porpoise’; ‘Delphinus’ |
bigo | ‘small bullroarer’ |
bilid | ‘rib’ |
bir | ‘lungs, side, wall’ |
bir lid | ‘ribs’ |
biri | ‘(?)’ |
birobiro | ‘small migratory bird’ |
birom ikapsi | ‘carry child on hip’ |
bisi | ‘sago palm’ |
bisi kep | ‘arrow’ |
bisi wam | ‘fringe of sago leaf worn on the leg in dancing’ |
boai | ‘members of a clan, friend’ |
bodom | ‘equivalent, reward, wages, payment’ |
bodoma-lam | ‘that which makes the equivalent, reward, payment, wages’ |
bogai | ‘(?)’ |
bogbog | ‘across’ |
boigu | ‘place of departed spirits in the west’ |
bok | ‘small tree, used to produce abortion’ |
bologor | ‘saw-fish’; ‘Pristis sp.’ |
bonau | ‘hard coral, variety of lewer’ |
borabor | ‘gravel, sand’ |
boroboro | ‘small cylindrical drum’ |
boroboro eremli | ‘beat drum’ |
boroboro eremli | ‘beat the boroboro’ |
borom | ‘pig’ |
borom | ‘variety of kaba (banana)’ |
borometa | ‘flat, sweet yam’ |
boz | ‘climbing plant, stem used in house-building, for fences, etc.’; ‘Flagellaria indica’ |
bozar | ‘name of a fish’ |
bu | ‘(suffix) self’ |
bub | ‘chest, front of the body’ |
buber | ‘elastic, stretchable’ |
bubuam | ‘variety of kaba (banana)’ |
bubuam | ‘various species of cowry shells, usually the white cowry’; ‘Amphiperas ovum’ |
bubuam aza | ‘shell’; ‘Cypraea tigris’ |
bud | ‘grey mud, earth, mourning’ |
bud desau | ‘mark mourners with mud’ |
bud dipu | ‘to slight or defile mourning’ |
bud lewer | ‘funeral feast’ |
budbud | ‘black’ |
buer | ‘mud’ |
bukani | ‘scorpion’ |
buli | ‘kind of cuckoo’ |
bumer | ‘buzzing sound, noise of the wind’ |
burar | ‘bamboo whistle, bamboo receptacle, bamboo flute with two holes’ |
burar dipeli | ‘blow the whistle or flute’ |
burbur | ‘gravel’ |
burbur-aber | ‘spotted-fish’; ‘Holothuria argus’ |
buromar | ‘red branching "coral"’; ‘Gorgonia’ |
busor | ‘shell, white Natica’ |
buzibuz | ‘rotten, old, decayed’ |
d | ‘(suffix)’ |
da | ‘suffix’ |
dab | ‘spear’ |
dabgeri | ‘call’ |
dabor | ‘fish, mackerel, drum shaped like the fish, dance figure’ |
dad | ‘fish, spinous schnapper’; ‘Pagrus spinifer’ |
dad | ‘Milky Way, still white cloud in the night sky’ |
dager | ‘dugong’ |
daibar | ‘yam plant springing up’ |
daip | ‘hill’ |
dairili | ‘bore’ |
daisum(u)da | ‘stop, desist, leave off’ |
daiwi | ‘dig, make hole as in wood’ |
dakeili | ‘dig’ |
dali | ‘stay there’ |
dalu | ‘(suffix)’ |
dam | ‘sea-grass, name of various species’; ‘Cymodocea’ |
dame lu | ‘wonderful thing’ |
dameri | ‘wonder at’ |
damesili | ‘leave waiting, get in a tangle, as strings of kamut’ |
damili | ‘prepare a corpse for desiccation: e le aud damili’ |
dam(o)si | ‘ask’ |
damriki | ‘scourge’ |
danako | ‘ring’ |
daokili | ‘leave waiting, leave behind’ |
dapitili | ‘strike’ |
dar | ‘kind of sponge’ |
dara | ‘(prefix)’ |
daradara | ‘thorny, prickly’ |
darakeker | ‘stay between two’ |
darakesa | ‘chase many, hunt’ |
dararager | ‘stick two things’ |
darborida | ‘snatch at and miss’ |
darbum(u)da | ‘pluck up, pull up’ |
darbumuli | ‘pluck up, pull up’ |
dare | ‘(suffix)’ |
d(a)ri | ‘head dress of white feathers’ |
dariei | ‘(suffix)’ |
dariwam | ‘(suffix)’ |
daroberi | ‘native Jew's harp of bamboo’ |
dasirida | ‘sheathe, pass through loop, fasten bait on line, sew together’ |
dasmeri | ‘see’ |
datki | ‘lighten, light up, give light to’ |
datkimuarti | ‘guide’ |
datupida | ‘step over’ |
dau | ‘sling, throw’ |
dauma | ‘constellation Cancer, ornament in the crab dance or daumer’ |
daumer | ‘Torres Strait pigeon’; ‘Carpophaga luctuosa’ |
daumer le | ‘pigeon clan’ |
daumer lub | ‘black-tipped feathers of daumer worn ceremonially’ |
daup | ‘carved and painted dance ornament’ |
dazrik | ‘put hand in bag’ |
de | ‘(prefix) [to verbs]’ |
de | ‘(suffix) [to nouns, indicating instrumental case]’ |
deaber | ‘abbreviation of deib eber, swell up’ |
dear | ‘zingiberaceous plant’; ‘Alpinia sp.’ |
debe | ‘good’ |
debe laglag | ‘sweet, of taste and smell’ |
deberukeb | ‘cleared space in the bush’ |
dederedi | ‘pour water on’ |
dedkoli | ‘spoil’ |
dedkomedi | ‘fasten up’ |
deg | ‘edge, border’ |
degem | ‘Bird of Paradise’ |
degemli | ‘pass by’ |
deger | ‘dugong, dance ornament or a charm in the form of a dugong’; ‘Halicore australis’ |
degmori | ‘overcome, conquer’ |
degrarti | ‘begin’ |
degwati | ‘scrape hands, form of greeting’ |
degwatumur | ‘scrape hands, form of greeting’ |
deiar | ‘plaited coco-palm leaves used on doiom’ |
deib | ‘swelling, elephantiasis of the leg, swelling of a corpse’ |
deib eberi | ‘swell up’ |
deirdeir | ‘shell (Turbo)’ |
deirdeir pot | ‘operculum of Turbo, with eye-like markings’ |
dek | ‘side, plank’ |
dekaerti | ‘leave’ |
dekaili | ‘leave, let go, as string in kamut’ |
dekasiri | ‘boil, cook food’ |
deketida | ‘peep’ |
demaiser keremge | ‘to kill an infant by pressing its head’ |
demaisereti | ‘wring, break up’ |
demari | ‘shake, beat drum’ |
demas | ‘open coconut, with tulik’ |
deparsi | ‘drop down (of jaws in death)’ |
depaupda | ‘bale’ |
depaupli | ‘bale’ |
depegemeli | ‘change’ |
depegili | ‘turn over, upset’ |
depumeda | ‘store up’ |
der | ‘rest on sand, of canoe’ |
deraimeli | ‘seek’ |
derapeida | ‘cut off’ |
derapeili | ‘share out, divide’ |
derar(e)ti | ‘flee, avoid, beware of, hate’ |
deraueli | ‘go round, go about’ |
derebli | ‘dig up, as yam’ |
der(e)g(l)i | ‘put out tongue, bite a person’ |
derem | ‘grass bands for tying thatch, grass round doorpost of house’ |
deremli | ‘thatch, tie on thatch’ |
deres | ‘large pool or lagoon on the reef’ |
dergeiri | ‘break, as string with the teeth’ |
derget | ‘fat, as of turtle, dugong, etc’ |
derseri | ‘prepare, make ready’ |
derumeda | ‘stand round’ |
desaki | ‘erase’ |
desauersili | ‘depreciate, make light of’ |
desaui | ‘anoint, rub on’ |
desisi | ‘care for, tend, look after’ |
deskeda | ‘tell’ |
deskerdi | ‘shake, rattle’ |
despili | ‘praise’ |
detagemli | ‘knead’ |
detageri | ‘tell’ |
detali | ‘go from one direction to another, write’ |
detapi | ‘slap’ |
detauti | ‘speak’ |
detoameredi | ‘blow nose, snort out water when swimming’ |
detroki | ‘pierce’ |
detwi | ‘separate as strands of rope, undo a tangle, cast out, forgive’ |
deumer | ‘hatchet’ |
deuselu | ‘(present not found) came undone’ |
diadi | ‘flat, level’ |
dibadiba | ‘dove’; ‘Ptilinopus swainsoni’ |
diber kab | ‘name of a dance (probably diba)’ |
diber kab | ‘name of a dance’ |
dibidibi | ‘shell disc ornament made from the flat end of wauri’; ‘Conus litteratus var. millepunctatus’ |
didbari | ‘bind’ |
didmirki | ‘lose’ |
didwi | ‘undo’ |
digagur | ‘put string on hands and finger in beginning kamut’ |
digemli | ‘pass to and fro’ |
digmi | ‘go past’ |
digmili | ‘look out’ |
dike | ‘here’ |
diketida | ‘peep round corner’ |
dikiami | ‘cut off’ |
dikiamuda | ‘take out, as bowl of pipe from its hole’ |
dikiapor | ‘think’ |
dikmerida | ‘carry on shoulder, head, or in open hand, used with kodrom, kerem or tag’ |
dikmerik | ‘stem of dikmerida’ |
dikri | ‘throw away’ |
dikrieda | ‘throw?’ |
dikrili | ‘throw?’ |
dikromeri | ‘twist’ |
dilik | ‘feast for child-naming’ |
diliki | ‘announce a feast’ |
dimegeri | ‘allow, let?’ |
dimi | ‘choke’ |
dimida | ‘shut, covered over’ |
dim(i)ri | ‘tie together, fasten together, sew’ |
dimiruarti | ‘look up’ |
dimrida | ‘tie together, fasten together, sew’ |
dipeli | ‘blow’ |
dirili | ‘wag’ |
dirimeda | ‘choke (?)’ |
d(i)rimli | ‘twirl firesticks, spin by rubbing between the hands’ |
dirumdi | ‘surround’ |
dirupi | ‘wash’ |
dirwi | ‘sink’ |
disirida | ‘kindle, rub backward and forward as strings of kamut’ |
disirik | ‘stem of disirida’ |
diskedi | ‘project’ |
diskemeda | ‘run after’ |
diski | ‘open’ |
ditakeamuda | ‘separate’ |
ditakeamur | ‘stem of ditakeamuda’ |
ditimeda | ‘begin’ |
ditirida | ‘send’ |
ditkapili | ‘crowd up, double up’ |
ditkeda | ‘snatch away (from a person)’ |
ditkomeda | ‘press’ |
ditmar | ‘catch tup, scoop up fish in basket’ |
ditpurda | ‘delve’ |
ditri | ‘send’ |
dituaki | ‘expel’ |
ditug | ‘stem of (verb) ditki’ |
dituperti | ‘peep round, look from behind a post, from both sides’ |
doakri | ‘sail canoe’ |
dodo | ‘running water, stream, brook’ |
dodo abi | ‘waterfall’ |
dodo giz | ‘source of stream’ |
dodo mer | ‘noise of running water’ |
dodo te | ‘river mouth’ |
dodo wamen | ‘rapids of stream’ |
dodo wamen | ‘rapids’ |
dogai | ‘planet (Mars?)’ |
dogai le | ‘jelly fish at naiger time’ |
dogai le | ‘jelly fish which abound during naiger time’ |
dogaira le | ‘jelly fish which abound during naiger time’ |
dogaira le | ‘jelly fish which abound during naiger’ |
doge | ‘(suffix) to nouns, indicating the locative case, with, alongside, by, beside’ |
doiom | ‘stone image used as a charm to produce rain or sickness’ |
dopeki | ‘have nightmare’ |
dopekil | ‘have nightmare’ |
dor | ‘(?)’ |
dorge | ‘work’ |
dorge-ikeli | ‘work’ |
du | ‘payment for work done’ |
dub | ‘scar or cicatrix’ |
dudum | 1. ‘quick, fast’ 2. ‘soon’ |
dukak | ‘not pay for work done’ |
dulam | ‘pay for work’ |
dum | ‘plant’; ‘Apocynaceae’ |
durdur | ‘shaking, trembling’ |
e | ‘(suffix)’ |
e | ‘he, she, it’ |
e | ‘tear’ |
eb | ‘(suffix)’ |
eb | ‘penis’ |
eb | ‘tear’ |
eb eneop | ‘shell worn on the groin’; ‘Melo diadema’ |
ebeb | 1. ‘tears’ 2. ‘weeping’ |
ebegri | ‘roll down, as hill, etc’ |
ebeneaup | ‘shell worn on the groin’; ‘Melo diadema’ |
eberi | ‘swell up’ |
ebisida | ‘cure’ |
ebur | ‘animal, bird’ |
ebur lamar | ‘ghost appearing as an animal’ |
ebur meta | ‘bird's nest’ |
ed | ‘hair twisted into long ringlets, usually plastered with mud’ |
eda | ‘(suffix)’ |
edagi | ‘gather up’ |
edaremli | ‘crawl’ |
eded | ‘alive, living’ |
ededem | ‘make live’ |
edegi | ‘burn’ |
edoak | ‘shell, smooth Turbo’ |
edomeli | ‘draw along, pull’ |
egali | ‘speak’ |
egaredi | ‘take, carry in the arms, nurse’ |
egeb | ‘season when the bush is cleared’ |
egeli | ‘look round’ |
egemedi | ‘fresh’ |
egimer | ‘take out’ |
egimuli | ‘settle on, as fly on hand, perch on’ |
egobli | ‘leak’ |
egremada | ‘look round’ |
egwatumuda | ‘pull, haul’ |
ei | ‘(suffix)’ |
eideda | ‘lie?’ |
eidili | ‘lie?’ |
eip gereger | ‘noon, mid-day’ |
eip keimer | ‘brothers or sisters between the eldest and youngest’ |
eip meb | ‘nearly full moon’ |
eip-ke | ‘middle or ring finger’ |
eip-ki | ‘midnight’ |
eip(u) | ‘middle, midst’ |
eipu-le | ‘intermediary in purchasing a "middle-man"’ |
eiri | ‘stop revolving, as kolap’ |
ekada | ‘lift with finger, as string in kamut, carry, as on pole’ |
ekaerti | ‘roast in fire’ |
ekaida | ‘agree, become right, become well, get better of’ |
ekarida | ‘reach’ |
ekarik | ‘stem of verb ekarida’ |
ekaseredi | ‘walk’ |
ekasi | ‘walk’ |
ekau | ‘stem of verb ekada’ |
ekauererti | ‘climb into, embark’ |
ekeam(u)da | ‘rise up’ |
ekekeli | ‘dwindle, not flourish, of plant’ |
ekesmeri | ‘fall’ |
ekesmuda | ‘split’ |
eko | 1. ‘yes, that's so’ 2. ‘he again’ |
ekos | ‘(stem of verb) iski’ |
ekoseli | ‘beckon with the hand’ |
ekwe | ‘cry of the kiau’ |
ekweida | ‘stand up’ |
ekweli | ‘stand up’ |
elam | ‘(suffix)’ |
elele | 1. ‘tight, firm’ 2. ‘strongly, urgently’ |
em | ‘for, to, towards’ |
emaidereti | ‘blame’ |
emaiderti | ‘caulk’ |
emare | ‘sway’ |
emarida | ‘send, send a purchased article to the buyer, vend’ |
emarmuli | ‘roll about, as water in bucket, wind in stomach, etc’ |
emeli | ‘give to suck’ |
emeredili | ‘hang upon a hook’ |
emeret | ‘olden time, former times’ |
emeretge | ‘formerly’ |
emetu | ‘finished’ |
emiri | ‘fix lemlem in making house’ |
emorda | ‘plant, sow’ |
emrida | ‘sit, stay’ |
enau | ‘tree, Wangai "plum"’; ‘Mimusops browniana’ |
enoa | ‘tree, Wangai "plum"’; ‘Mimusops browniana’ |
eogredi | ‘fall to pieces’ |
eosmeda | ‘go out’ |
epaiteredi | ‘spill’ |
eparsida | ‘stoop, bend the back’ |
epei | ‘basket’ |
eperda | ‘fly’ |
eperkili | ‘shoot forth, sprout’ |
epersida | ‘slip’ |
epitli | ‘lie in a hole, wallow’ |
epki | ‘lean on’ |
epuli | ‘carry in hand’ |
er | ‘(suffix)’ |
eragi | ‘share out’ |
erapei | ‘buy, sell, with locative of person’ |
erapeida | ‘tear, break’ |
erar | 1. ‘tired, weary’ 2. ‘weariness’ |
eraski | ‘turn over’ |
eraskida | ‘turn over’ |
erdali | ‘see, find’ |
eregli | ‘eat animal food, bite flesh’ |
ere-meta | ‘school’ |
eremli | ‘pierce, spear fish’ |
ere-tikri | ‘shout at’ |
ere-werem | ‘learning, teaching’ |
ere-werem | 1. ‘learning, teaching’ 2. ‘teach’ |
ere-wer-le | ‘teacher’ |
eri | ‘drink’ |
erida | ‘drink’ |
erili | ‘drink’ |
ero | ‘plant’; ‘Eugenia sp.’ |
eroko | ‘sea slug’; ‘Dolabella scapula’ |
eroko mamamam | ‘pink, purple’ |
eroko-mamamam | ‘pink, purple’ |
eroli | ‘eat vegetable food’ |
erosia | ‘high tides at night during naiger and koki’ |
erparida | ‘roll away’ |
erparik | ‘stem of erparida’ |
erpeida | ‘seize, hold, catch’ |
erperida | ‘burst’ |
erperidi | ‘(?)’ |
eruam | ‘steal, especially to steal woman’ |
erueli | ‘show, point out’ |
eruseli | ‘chew’ |
esaimeda | ‘pass by’ |
esakeida | ‘cut’ |
esali | ‘increase, grow bigger’ |
esameida | ‘go out, extinguished’ |
esameida | ‘put out’ |
esaprida | ‘cover over, put one string over another in kamut, cook (in earth oven)’ |
ese | ‘centipede’ |
eseamuda | ‘finish’ |
esegemeda | ‘spread out’ |
esegemeli | ‘lie prone’ |
esegeri | ‘spread, as blanket or mat’ |
esekaup | ‘reef-fish’; ‘Julis cyanoventor’ |
esererdi | ‘blow, spout, of whale, dugong, etc’ |
esese | ‘grass, used for making toy arrows’ |
esi | ‘centipede’; ‘Scolopendra’ |
esili | ‘expire, breathe out’ |
esirili | ‘(?)’ |
eskosi | ‘kiss’ |
esmeda | ‘go out, born’ |
esmeri | ‘draw out’ |
esoao | ‘thanks’ |
esolu | ‘girded’ |
esomedi | ‘suckle, give suck to’ |
esor | ‘neck, back of neck’ |
esor-erapeida | ‘sit with head bent, pray’ |
esorgiru | ‘stooping with head bent’ |
esperi | ‘dry’ |
espi | ‘urine’ |
et | ‘(suffix)’ |
etagi | ‘count’ |
etakili | ‘collect, gather up’ |
etali | ‘swing, sway’ |
etami | ‘put together’ |
etamili | ‘meet, assemble’ |
etaperet | ‘mix’ |
etar | ‘pick up’ |
etarapi | ‘choked up, hindered’ |
etarda | ‘pick up’ |
etarkeda | ‘pick up’ |
etaruk | ‘stem of etarda and etarkeda’ |
etatkoi | ‘beat into, as waves into boat, fill with water’ |
etatmili | ‘move to and fro, wave (of insect's antennae), rub, polish’ |
eti | ‘look up’ |
etirida | ‘dodge, as stone, with thing dodged in the ablative’ |
etkarti | ‘answer’ |
etkemedi | ‘gather up’ |
etkobeida | ‘bury’ |
etkopoli | ‘to decorate another’ |
etoameredi | ‘blow fire’ |
etoati | ‘tear’ |
etoatmuda | ‘burst’ |
etomer(e)ti | ‘show, explain, confess’ |
etopemeda | ‘pluck fruit’ |
etrida | ‘split’ |
etugili | ‘(?)’ |
eturumili | ‘(?)’ |
eud meta | ‘old house used as a store-house’ |
eudeud | ‘deadly’ |
eudeud lu | ‘poison’ |
eum | ‘plant’; ‘Mariscus ap.’ |
eumida | ‘die’ |
eupamada | ‘leap up’ |
euselu | ‘withered’ |
ewa | ‘spathe of coco-palm leaf, natural cloth’ |
eweli | ‘plait’ |
ezagri | ‘tear’ |
ezer | ‘melon shell, used as a cooking vessel’; ‘Melo diadema’ |
ezigmada | ‘start back’ |
eziki | ‘walk backwards’ |
ezoli | ‘weep’ |
ezu-bameli | ‘reciprocally abuse one another’ |
g | ‘prefix’ |
g | ‘sometimes used as an euphonic letter, as lug for lu’ |
ga | ‘and’ |
gab | ‘flat, clear surface, road, path’ |
gab te | ‘gate’ |
gabagaba | ‘the au nei for stone clubs’ |
gabegeb | ‘old coconut’ |
gabigebi | ‘cold’ |
gabo | ‘outer skin of the nostrils, side of the nose’ |
gab-te | ‘o gate’ |
gad | ‘green coconut’ |
gai bar | ‘season of growth’ |
gaino | ‘Torres Strait pigeon, usually called daumer’; ‘Carpophaga luctuosa’ |
gaire war | ‘letters’ |
gair(o) | ‘many, all, sign of the plural’ |
gako | ‘also, and’ |
galbol | ‘porpoise, whale’ |
gali | ‘annual initiation ceremony connected with the irmer zogo, hence usually called irmer gali or doiom gali’ |
gali wed | ‘prayers sung at irmer gali’ |
gam | ‘fishing line’ |
gani apu | ‘bee’ |
gani-apu | ‘bee’ |
gar | ‘mangrove species’ |
gar kurup | ‘fruit of the mangrove’ |
gar sab | ‘a gelar against yams’ |
garbad | ‘flat board at end of canoe gunwale’ |
gared | ‘south’ |
gared sager | ‘south-south-east’ |
garger | ‘sharp, pointed’ |
garger kak | ‘blunt’ |
gargerkak | ‘blunt’ |
garom | ‘grey fish with brown spots, edible’ |
gas | ‘hopping fish, edible’; ‘Periophthalmus’ |
gasu barpeili | ‘whistle’ |
gasupe | ‘clinging together of frightened people’ |
gaudar | ‘species of vine, root eaten in time of scarcity’ |
gaus | ‘pus’ |
gausgaus | ‘green’ |
gawei | ‘spoonbill’ |
gawet | ‘mouth of a drum’ |
ge | 1. ‘(demonstrative) and’ 2. ‘there, then’ |
ge | ‘(suffix)’ |
geb | ‘cold’ |
geb war | ‘testicle’ |
geb wer | ‘testicle’ |
gebar | ‘ironwood’ |
geb-baugeli | ‘warm one's self’ |
gebgeb | ‘weak, gentle, ripe, of fruits’ |
gebi | ‘tree, word used for goigoi’ |
gebo | ‘scrotum’ |
ged | ‘land, country’ |
ged atkam le | ‘stealer of land’ |
ged kem le | ‘owner of land’ |
gedub | ‘garden, plantation’ |
gegedar | ‘worm, earthworm’ |
geger mer | ‘snore, snoring, groan, moan’ |
gegur | ‘skin, bark, when scaly or flaky’ |
gegur tulik | ‘hoop iron’ |
geigi | ‘king fish, name of a kamut’; ‘Cybium commersoni’ |
gein | ‘oyster’; ‘Pecten, Anomia’ |
geirdi | ‘then’ |
geko | ‘again’ |
gelar | ‘tabu, prohibition’ |
gelub | ‘bamboo spear for catching birds’ |
gem | ‘body, abdomen, trunk of tree’ |
gem kak | ‘lean, thin’ |
gem kerar | ‘wasted, thin’ |
gem lidlid | ‘bony, thin’ |
gem mus | ‘hair of the body’ |
gem wali | ‘shirt, chemise’ |
geme lag | ‘scent, perfume’ |
gemelag | ‘scent, perfume’ |
gemgem | ‘from gem [substantial]’ |
gem-wali | ‘shirt, chemise’ |
genoka | ‘then’ |
gep | ‘sucker-fish’; ‘Echeneis naucrates’ |
gepera neter | ‘sucker of sucker-fish, gep, q.v.’ |
gerar(e) | ‘rock at sea’ |
gereger | ‘daylight, day’ |
gereger eipu | ‘noon, also eip gereger’ |
gereger nesau | ‘morning star’ |
gereger osakeida | ‘day breaks’ |
geregere | ‘small migratory bird that comes from New Guinea’ |
gerer | ‘pandanus leaf’ |
gerer epei | ‘man's basket for carrying fishing line’ |
gerer moder | ‘small square of plaited gerer fastened to a necklace’ |
geres | ‘sea-anemone’; ‘Discosoma sp.’ |
geresgeres werem | ‘small fish living commensally with large sea-anemones’; ‘Amphiprion sp.’ |
geribe | ‘plant with long leaves and a scent like an onion’ |
gerip | ‘internal ear’ |
gerip neb | ‘external meatus (channel of the ear)’ |
geru | ‘spathe of coco-palm’ |
geseb | ‘land, soil, ground’ |
gesekerem | ‘(?), in Pasi's MS’ |
geses | ‘(?) on Bomai mask’ |
geum | 1. ‘fear, terror, fright’ 2. ‘fear, afraid’ |
geur | ‘large maine eel’ |
giai | ‘south-west wind’ |
giaud | ‘lime’ |
giaudgiaud | ‘white’ |
giaz | ‘newly-born infant’ |
giazgiaz | ‘green’ |
giazgiaz werem | ‘newly born infant’ |
gib | ‘red fish’ |
gilid | ‘hollow above the clavicle’ |
gim | ‘sickness, illness, disease’ |
gimgam | ‘(?) from gem’ |
gimgim | ‘ill, sick’ |
gimgim akaida | ‘recover from sickness’ |
gimgim ekaida | ‘recover from sickness’ |
ginar | ‘dance’ |
giod | ‘lime, white pigment’ |
gir | ‘boar's tusk, charm worn on the chest’ |
gir le | ‘dancers following one another in a circular line’ |
Gir put | ‘armlet’ |
gir put | ‘armlet of boar's tusk’ |
girgir | ‘thunder’ |
girkupi | ‘tende’ |
giru | ‘cold’ |
giz | ‘base of tree trunk, roots, origin, basis, foundation, collection, sign of the collective plural’ |
giz ged | ‘place of origin’ |
giz meb | ‘full moon’ |
giz mer | ‘speech, sermon’ |
giz nur | ‘harvest time, time when yams are ripe’ |
giz nur | ‘season when leaves are withered harvest time’ |
gizakos uteb | ‘market’ |
goa | ‘seeds of Pangium edule, used as a rattle’ |
goai | ‘tree-frog’; ‘Hyla coerulea’ |
goar | ‘fish, sting-ray’ |
gob | ‘short pieces of wood fixed transversely across the huII of a canoe’ |
gobar | ‘adoption’ |
gobar berbet | ‘adopted brother or sister’ |
gobar neur | ‘adopted daughter’ |
gobar werem | ‘adopted child’ |
gobarem-tais | ‘adopt’ |
gobar-neur | ‘adopted daughter’ |
gobar-werem | ‘adopted son’ |
godegode | ‘turtle shell ear ornament’ |
godegode leb | ‘spiral ornament of turtle shell’ |
gogo neb | ‘nostrils’ |
goigoi | ‘fire drill, two sticks (apu and werem) used for fire-making’ |
goigoi le | ‘dust formed by the goigoi’ |
goigoi le | ‘dust made by firesticks’ |
goigoi pi | ‘dust made by firesticks’ |
goki | ‘pool in the rocks’ |
gole | ‘cuttlefish, squid’ |
golegole | ‘black’ |
golegole baz | ‘rain cloud’ |
golegole wer | ‘pupil of the eye’ |
golegole weswes | ‘black weswes’ |
golegole weswes | ‘black weswes (branching coral)’ |
golera meta | ‘egg capsules of squid’ |
gope | ‘figure-head of a canoe’ |
goram | ‘(?)’ |
gorgor | ‘slanting, inclined’ |
gorgor paser | ‘slanting surface of hill’ |
gotat | ‘current in the sea, tideway’ |
goz | ‘variety of lewer’ |
gub | ‘dance ornament’ |
gub | ‘water-spout’ |
gulab | ‘dry banana leaf’ |
gumik | 1. ‘secret’ 2. ‘secretly’ |
gur | ‘sea, salt-water’ |
gur dege | ‘by the sea side’ |
gur zoromzorom | ‘reflection of sun on sea’ |
gur-ebur | ‘sea bird’ |
guriguri | ‘variety of coconut with small fruit’ |
guriz | ‘crab’ |
gwar | ‘sting-ray’ |
gwis | ‘small kind of fish, stone charm in the form of a fish’ |
i | ‘(demonstrative)’ |
i | ‘(suffix)’ |
ia | ‘(demonstrative)’ |
ia | ‘heel’ |
ia | ‘tree’; ‘Pisonia inermis’ |
iaba | ‘Malu word for wiaba’ |
iako | ‘again’ |
ib | ‘the zogo nei for |fii{magur}’ |
ibibi | ‘shaking’ |
ibkep | ‘clapping or clicking noise’ |
ib(u) | ‘jaw, chin’ |
id | ‘coconut oil’ |
ida | ‘(?) in mereg-ida’ |
idaid | ‘Nautilus shell’ |
idaid mat lager | ‘fillet made of nautilus nacre’ |
idare | ‘(suffix)’ |
idid | ‘oily’ |
idid baker | ‘stone used for crushing and pounding, also used as a weapon’ |
idigiri | ‘cure’ |
idikubi | ‘comfort’ |
idim | ‘morrow, next morning’ |
idisor | ‘small variety of coconut water-bottle’ |
idoni | ‘brain’ |
iei | ‘(suffix)’ |
ierger | ‘tree’; ‘Hibiscus tetraphyllus’ |
iger | ‘tree, cashew’; ‘Semecarpus heterophyllus’ |
igi | ‘roast?’ |
igiami | ‘bend’ |
igida | ‘undress’ |
igmesi | ‘squeeze, wring’ |
igredi | ‘sit on something high, as on chair, perch’ |
ikai | ‘ask’ |
ikap | ‘temples’ |
ike | ‘(demonstrative) here’ |
ikedi | ‘put, place’ |
ikeli | ‘make’ |
ikewi | ‘break string’ |
ikidili | ‘dig up, as yam, etc’ |
ikik | ‘foggy’ |
ikrisi | ‘scrape’ |
ikupmaretili | ‘grind teeth’ |
ikwari | ‘give’ |
ilwel | ‘evening star’ |
im | ‘dog-fish’; ‘Chiloscyllium’ |
imada | ‘push, put out’ |
imadari | ‘here’ |
imi | ‘claw’ |
imi | ‘stay here’ |
imuda | ‘drive away’ |
imur | ‘chin’ |
imus | ‘hair of the face’ |
imus | ‘hair on the face’ |
imut | ‘pole for pushing canoe’ |
inigob | ‘shell or stone axe’ |
inoka | ‘here, now’ |
iobaru | ‘to-morrow, hereafter’ |
ipe | ‘(demonstrative)’ |
ipe | ‘lay down’ |
ipigaba | ‘variety of lewer’ |
ipit-eimilu | ‘kill’ |
ipiti | ‘strike, beat’ |
ipitili | ‘strike, beat’ |
ipriki | ‘break and make dust’ |
ipu | ‘ripple on water’ |
ir le | ‘circle of spectators at a dance’ |
irado | ‘without food or garden’ |
irapu | ‘working for food’ |
irau | ‘eyelid’ |
irau mus | ‘hair on eyebrows’ |
irgi | ‘rebuke’ |
irit | ‘plant’ |
irke-mus | ‘eyebrow’ |
irkep | ‘eyeball’ |
irkes | ‘ditch, crack or trench in ground or floor’ |
irkes ekesmuda | ‘dig a ditch or trench’ |
irmad | ‘stones for supporting the shell saucepan’ |
irmautur | ‘falling from want of food’ |
irmer | ‘rain’ |
irmer abi | ‘rain falls’ |
irmer pi | ‘mist, fine rain’ |
irmer tabarki | ‘rain falls, rain comes down’ |
irmer tabarki | ‘rain falls’ |
irmi | ‘(?)’ |
irmili | ‘follow’ |
irmili | ‘swallow’ |
iruk | ‘"make jump up," probably "enclose" same as irukili, said of tup when being caught in weres’ |
irukili | ‘make fence, enclose’ |
iruwam | ‘legendary man who lived in a water-hole’ |
irwapap | ‘hammer-headed shark’; ‘Zygaena’ |
irwi | ‘enjoy’ |
isau | ‘wax’ |
isau-apu | ‘bee’ |
ise | ‘likeness’ |
iseda | ‘draw out’ |
iseise | ‘large brittle starfish’ |
iser | ‘sandy soil close to the beach’ |
iserum | ‘small black ant’ |
isgarik | ‘drawn tight, of a knot’ |
isi | ‘centipede’; ‘Scolopendra’ |
isiri | ‘beetle’ |
isisiri | ‘threadle (thread), as beads on string’ |
iskedi | ‘erect, stick up’ |
iskeli | ‘obstructed, move along slowly, crawl’ |
iskemada | ‘remove, move a thing from its place, pole a canoe, push by means of a pole’ |
iski | ‘sting, stick into’ |
iski sekerise | ‘stick out like comb, rough’ |
ismeda | ‘draw out (as handkerchief from pocket)’ |
ismida | ‘cut, carve, break of clouds’ |
ispili | ‘hide, marry’ |
itara | ‘clearing of bush for garden, carrying away of scrub, etc’ |
itarati | ‘fold up, roll up’ |
iteli | ‘(?)’ |
iteri | ‘fasten up or hang up by a loop’ |
itiagi | ‘complete’ |
itikaretili | ‘answer (?)’ |
itike | ‘distant’ |
itili | ‘take up, take out’ |
itimeda | ‘thow, shoot’ |
itiri | ‘awaken, put hand on, hold back’ |
itirimuda | ‘put out the hand’ |
itkami | ‘cover over, steal’ |
itkeda | ‘snatch away’ |
itketi | ‘stick in, stick through, sew’ |
itkiri | ‘snatch, wipe, wipe out’ |
itmeri | ‘ask questions’ |
itpari | ‘stop up, caulk’ |
itrugili | ‘sail’ |
itrumda | ‘take out, watch’ |
itu | ‘spit’ |
itugeret | ‘take away’ |
ituli | ‘spit’ |
ituri | ‘stumble’ |
ituti | ‘touch’ |
itutida | ‘touch’ |
itutiri | ‘touch’ |
iwaokaer | ‘to-morrow’ |
iwariwar | ‘variety of lewer’ |
iwer | ‘variety of Kaba’ |
jiau-wali | ‘paper’ |
k | ‘(suffix)’ |
ka | ‘I’ |
ka | ‘mat made of strips of leaves (from New Guinea)’ |
ka | ‘shell’; ‘Natica columnaris’ |
ka bulibuli | ‘small univalve shell’ |
kab | ‘dance’ |
kab eri | ‘dancing’ |
kab eri | ‘general name for dancing’ |
kab eupamada | ‘leap from the ground in dancing’ |
kab eupamada | ‘leap in dancing’ |
kab eupamar | ‘leap from the ground in dancing’ |
kaba | ‘banana tree, leaf, and fruit’ |
kaba kep | ‘separate fruits of banana’ |
kaba kerem | ‘bunch of bananas’ |
kaba kupi | ‘central leaf-spike of banana’ |
kaba nesur | ‘petticoat made from banana leaf’ |
kaba sus | ‘juice of banana’ |
kab-digili | ‘dance, make a dance’ |
kabor | ‘gourd, bottle’ |
kadik | ‘bracer or arm-guard worn to protect the left arm from the bow string’ |
kag | ‘outer sticks joining sirib of canoe to tug’ |
kai | ‘ball’ |
kai | ‘fruit used as a ball’ |
kaiabo | ‘firefly’ |
kaied | ‘grandparent’ |
kaier | ‘crayfish, spiny lobster’; ‘Palinurus’ |
kaigar | ‘dugong bacon’ |
kaigob | ‘spear, javelin’ |
kaip | ‘name of various kinds of bivalve shells, these are often used as scrapers, spoons and ladles’ |
kaise | ‘like’ |
kaisu | ‘turtle-shell’ |
kaiti | ‘crayfish’ |
kak | ‘(suffix), not, none, nothing’ |
kak | ‘a kebi nei for yams’ |
kak | ‘purple sweet potato’ |
kaka | ‘I’ |
kakaper | ‘spark’ |
kake | ‘(?)’ |
kakekak wer | ‘white of the eyes’ |
kakekak weswes | ‘white weswes’ |
kakekak weswes | ‘white weswes’ |
kakekakek | ‘white’ |
kakerikakeri | ‘dark?’ |
kaketut | ‘food ceremony connected with marriage’ |
kakigaba | ‘variety of lewer’ |
kaknali | 1. ‘and’ 2. ‘I here’ |
kalapi | ‘kolap’ |
kale | ‘added to the adjective au to intensify the meaning’ |
kalkal | ‘fowl’ |
kamer | ‘red powder that produces disease’ |
kamosar | ‘black dog-fish’ |
kamosar gole | ‘black birthmark’ |
kamsam | ‘eel’ |
kamut | ‘string figures, game played with a string, "cat's cradle"’ |
kanai | ‘mitre shell (Mitra)’ |
kap | ‘butterfly’ |
kapa kep | ‘separate fruits of banana’ |
kapeler | ‘pandanus’ |
kaper | ‘plant’; ‘Sterculia sp.’ |
kaperkaper | ‘plant, "crab's eyes"’; ‘Abrus precatorius’ |
kapkap | ‘itching, applied also to acid, biting, and bitter taste’ |
kapkap lu | ‘plant, used as a kog-lukup’; ‘Indigofera viscosa’ |
kar | ‘fence, enclosure’ |
kar | ‘true, real, actual’ |
kara | ‘my’ |
karakar | ‘fern’ |
karbabu | ‘myself’ |
kareg | ‘name of a star in Scorpio’ |
karem | ‘deep, far-off sea’ |
karemge batimeda | ‘dive in the sea’ |
karker | ‘bird, crab’ |
karom | ‘monitor lizard’; ‘Varanus’ |
karomkarom | ‘doubtful’ |
karor | ‘frigate-bird’ |
karu dirumdi | ‘surround by a fence, enclose’ |
karus | ‘blister’ |
kase | ‘exceedingly’ |
kasi | ‘Malu word for werem’ |
katawar | ‘parrot’ |
kau | ‘heron’ |
kaubkaub | ‘ball, sphere, European bead, pendant’ |
kaubkaub meta | ‘round or beehive house, old form of house on Mer’ |
kaubkaub neb | ‘ring’ |
kaukau | ‘hanging from, suspended’ |
kaur | ‘island’ |
kaur wair | ‘name of a bird’ |
kausor | ‘hermit crab and its shell’ |
kaz | ‘fathom, unit of measure, from tip to tip of finger of outstretched arms’ |
ke | ‘finger’ |
keau mit | ‘lower lip’ |
keauk | ‘exchange of brother or sister in marriage’ |
keaupai | ‘parrot-fish’; ‘Chamaerops hodgkinsoni’ |
kebe kok ne | ‘front of wrist’ |
kebe werem sab | ‘raised portion of canoe gunwale at the bow, ornamented with sam feathers’ |
kebe-le | ‘man who borrows a garden’ |
kebe-le tonar | ‘ceremony for closing gardens’ |
keber | ‘death dance’ |
keber op | ‘leafy mask worn by keber, q.v.’ |
kebi | ‘small, little’ |
kebi amawa | ‘mother's younger sisters’ |
kebi baba | ‘father's brother, according to age’ |
kebi bubuam | ‘Calpurnus verrucosus’ |
kebi bubuam | ‘shell’; ‘Calpurnus verrucosus’ |
kebi ged | ‘island’ |
kebi gemgem | ‘thin, in body’ |
kebi gereger | ‘early morning, "small daylight."’ |
kebi gereger | ‘early morning’ |
kebi ke | ‘little finger’ |
kebi kes | ‘small opening, narrow opening’ |
kebi kok | ‘wrist’ |
kebi kok ne | ‘inside or front of wrist, six in counting on body’ |
kebi kok ne sor | ‘bones of wrist’ |
kebi le | ‘boy’ |
kebi makerem | ‘boy at puberty’ |
kebi nei | ‘specific name’ |
kebi o | ‘spleen’ |
kebi sab | ‘green sponge’ |
kebi sunursunur | ‘less bright’ |
kebi werem sab | ‘raised portion of canoe gunwale at bow’ |
kebi-ke-neis | ‘ring finger’ |
kebi-ke-nerut | ‘ring finger’ |
ked | ‘lizard’ |
ked | ‘plaited string made of coconut fibre’ |
kedakeda | ‘kingfisher’ |
kedelup | ‘string handle which joins two coconut water-bottles’ |
kedked | ‘kind of lobster, not eaten’ |
kef | ‘skewer’ |
keg | ‘charcoal made from coconut shell’ |
keg warup | ‘marking of non-mourners with charcoal at a funeral ceremony’ |
kega | ‘sign of quotation, saying, thus’ |
kegar kar | ‘stone fence (on land)’ |
kegor | ‘woodcock-fish’; ‘Centriscus scolopax’ |
kei apek | ‘other side’ |
kei tereg | ‘molar or canine tooth’ |
keikeri | ‘hermit crab’ |
keimer | ‘man's younger brother, woman's younger sister’ |
keimer kek | ‘one of the stars in the constellation kek’ |
keimer moder | ‘mainsail of canoe’ |
kek | ‘constellation’ |
kek | ‘fish-book’ |
kek | ‘front, fore part, cape’ |
kekem | ‘to the front, in front, before’ |
kekem bakeam | ‘go before, proceed’ |
kekem bakeam | ‘precede’ |
kekmir | ‘mucus of nose’ |
kekuruk | ‘magical method of curing disease’ |
kekuruk le | ‘magician’ |
kelar | ‘strength, force’ |
kelarkelar | ‘strong’ |
kem | ‘belly, lower part of the body’ |
kem | ‘possessing, having, (suffix)’ |
kem le | ‘owner, possessor’ |
kem osmeda | ‘filled with food, satisfied’ |
kemerkemer | ‘whole, entire, filled up, of space’ |
kemge ner esili | ‘groan’ |
kemge nerezi | ‘groan’ |
kemkem | ‘pregnant’ |
kemur | ‘smoke [kem and ur]’ |
kenan mus | ‘hair of armpit’ |
kenan(i) | ‘armpit’ |
keoge | ‘low’ |
kep | ‘(suffix) to nouns’ |
kep | ‘seed, kernel’ |
kep | ‘skewer’ |
kep mam | ‘drop of blood’ |
kep sabez | ‘arrowroot, variety of lewer’ |
keper | ‘small lagoon, pool’ |
kepkep | ‘few’ |
kep-le | ‘one or two men dancing separately at the end of a dance’ |
kepu | ‘in separate places, by different ways’ |
kepu-bamrida | ‘disperse’ |
ker | ‘mat made of pandanus’ |
ker | ‘ovary’ |
kerakera | ‘pungent zingiberaceous root-chewed and swallowed for coughs’ |
kerar | ‘vein, artery, sinew, tendon’ |
kerem | ‘head’ |
kerem derapeida | ‘behead’ |
kerem lid | ‘skull’ |
kerem mus | ‘hair of the head’ |
kerem saker | ‘comb’ |
kerem seker | ‘comb’ |
kerem teter | ‘inner horizontal beam in wall’ |
kerem teter | ‘inner horizontal beam of wall’ |
keremu dirili | ‘wag the head’ |
keres | ‘unripe banana’ |
keres lar | ‘raw fish’ |
kereskeres | ‘raw, unripe, of plants, green’ |
keret | ‘shell’; ‘Strombus’ |
kerger | ‘(?)’ |
kerger sam | ‘short cassowary feathers’ |
keriba | ‘we, they and I, not you’ |
keribibu | ‘ourselves’ |
keriger | ‘cuttlefish’ |
kerkar | ‘new, fresh, young’ |
kerker | ‘crab’ |
kerker keber | ‘clapper made of pater’ |
kerketai | ‘rail’; ‘Porphyrio melanotus’ |
keru | ‘kind of curlew’ |
kes | ‘crack in the rock, channel between shallows, passage in reef’ |
kes | ‘sake: belongings of any one: things intended for any one’ |
kesem | ‘heir’ |
keserkeser | ‘soon, quick’ |
kesi | ‘initiate’ |
kesur | ‘"tortoiseshell" turtle: turtle-shell’ |
ketai | ‘variety of yam (lewer)’ |
keu | ‘lower part’ |
keu imus | ‘beard’ |
keu mus | ‘beard’ |
keu ner-kep | ‘pit of the stomach’ |
keuba | ‘enemy’ |
keubu | ‘afterwards’ |
keu-ib | ‘lower jaw’ |
keu-imus | ‘beard’ |
keu-mit | ‘lower lip’ |
keu-nerkep | ‘pit of the stomach’ |
ki | ‘night’ |
ki | ‘we, he and I, they and I, not you’ |
ki ekadariei | ‘we two carry on pole between us’ |
ki nesau | ‘evening star’ |
kiaki nesur | ‘petticoat made from leaves of the kiaki vine’ |
kiakikiaki | ‘scented root used as a love charm’ |
kiam | ‘purple secretion of eroko’ |
kiamikiam | ‘pink, purple’ |
kiau | ‘kingfisher’; ‘Halcyon sanctus’ |
kiaur | ‘lime’ |
kibkib | ‘blunt’ |
kid | ‘name of a wood used for axe handles’ |
kige tidedewer | ‘day before yesterday’ |
ki-kem | ‘evening twilight’ |
kikiem | ‘in front’ |
kimiar | ‘man, male, husband’ |
kimiar keber | ‘representative of a deceased man in the death dance’ |
kimus | ‘point of an arrow’ |
kinani | ‘armpit’ |
kinan(i) mus | ‘hair of armpit’ |
kinan(i)mus | ‘hair of armpit’ |
kip | ‘nates or buttock’ |
kip lid | ‘vertical column of the sacrum’ |
kip user | ‘scarification on the buttock’ |
kirakira | ‘(?)’ |
kirir | ‘small unique coconut, abortion’ |
kirkir keber | ‘bamboo clapper’ |
kitoto | ‘stridulating insect, locust or grasshopper’ |
klu | ‘(suffix)’ |
ko | ‘again’ |
koba sermer | ‘earwig’ |
kobe kok ne | ‘front of wrist’ |
kobegud | ‘grey clay, black paint’ |
kobegudkobegud | ‘grey’ |
kobek | ‘cough’ |
kobek esili | ‘cough’ |
kobil | ‘bush men, especially people of New Guinea’ |
kod | ‘occiput, back of head, back of neck’ |
kodal | ‘crocodile’; ‘Crocodylus porosus’ |
kodo | ‘connected words, phrase, sentence’ |
kodo mer | ‘speech, language’ |
kodo-mer | ‘language’ |
kodrom bakwari | ‘carry on shoulder’ |
kog lu | ‘love charm’ |
kog mer | ‘obscene language’ |
kogem | ‘adultery, fornication’ |
kogiz | ‘polygamy’ |
koglu | ‘love charm’ |
kog-lukup | ‘love charm’ |
kog-lukup | ‘love philter’ |
kogmer | ‘obscenity’ |
kok | ‘joint (probably the projecting bone of the joint, being the inside of the joint)’ |
kok ne | ‘hollow of a joint’ |
kok ne lid | ‘bone of a joint’ |
koket | ‘stick, staff’ |
koket ekada | ‘walk with stick’ |
koki | ‘north-west monsoon, rainy season’ |
koki ziai | ‘west’ |
koko | ‘having marital intercourse, divinatory game played by girls who thrust their hands into sand’ |
koko | ‘omen bird’; ‘Geopelia humilis’ |
koko keu | ‘exchange of brother or sister in marriage’ |
koko mer | ‘cooey, shouting’ |
kokokoko | ‘wood used for goigoi’ |
kokuam | ‘scarlet hibiscus’ |
kola pespes | ‘dance wand’ |
kolap | ‘seed or bean of sirip the "Queensland bean", stone tectotum or top, probably so called from having originally been made of a kolap bean’ |
kolap ageg | ‘"meat" of kolap bean’ |
kolap ageg | ‘"meat" of kolap bean, eaten by Australians, but not by Miriam’ |
kolap omen | ‘top spinning’ |
kolber kolber | ‘tuft of cassowary feathers used as a "tail," in dancing’ |
kole | ‘master’ |
kolelut | ‘master, one's own master’ |
kolet | ‘polygamy’ |
kolma | ‘device cut on the shoulder or elsewhere as a sign of mourning or for decoration’ |
kolop | ‘dragon-fly’ |
komazer | ‘tongs of bamboo’ |
komelag | ‘whistle’ |
komosar | ‘fish’ |
komosar gole | ‘black birthmark’ |
konor | ‘name of a tree’ |
konor tut | ‘wooden club’ |
kop | ‘bay, opening of the sea, corner, end of house’ |
kop | ‘sacred ground’ |
kop ditimeda | ‘slap buttock’ |
kopakopa | ‘star in Draco’ |
kop-ditimeda | ‘slap buttocks’ |
kopei | ‘omen bird’ |
kopkop | ‘deep, [going far in]’ |
kopor | ‘navel’ |
kor | ‘back, stern of canoe’ |
kor | ‘groin’ |
kor garbad | ‘wood of canoe stern’ |
kor mus | ‘hair of the groin’ |
koreder | ‘haste, running’ |
korederge | ‘hastily, quick, running’ |
koreg | ‘small sunfish’ |
kor-izer | ‘rubber’ |
korizer | ‘steering oar (or rudder)’ |
korizer erpeili | ‘steer’ |
korkor | ‘nearly full-grown turtle’ |
kor-mus | ‘hair of the groin’ |
korot | ‘fold of skin in the groin above penis, bladder (of turtle)’ |
korot lid | ‘pubes’ |
kosker | ‘married woman, wife’ |
kosker keber | ‘impersonator of a deceased woman in the death dance’ |
kosker teibur | ‘horizontal bars in framework of house’ |
kosker teibur | ‘horizontal bars in wall of house, usually made of bamboo’ |
kosker telbur | ‘horizontal bars in wall of house, usually made of bamboo’ |
koskerlam | ‘adultery (?)’ |
kotor | ‘sky: gaire wer emri kotorge’ |
kowazi ikapsi | ‘carry child on back of neck’ |
kozo | ‘small tree, with scented root and leaf, wood used for goigoi’ |
kriskris | ‘cuckoo’; ‘Chrysococcyx lucidus’ |
kuapal | ‘canoe baler made of coco-palm spathe’ |
kuir | ‘kind of dance’ |
kuk | ‘name of various shells’; ‘Nerita’ |
kum le | ‘performer in the alag ceremony’ |
kumasar | ‘variety of shark (? a sting-ray)’; ‘Pteroplatea’ |
kupe | ‘sticks tied to a string and used as a tally for recording certain events, such as the number of dugong or turtle killed, number of amours, etc.’ |
kuper | ‘shell, maggots’; ‘Helix pepartita, var.’ |
kuper sor | ‘whelk shell, name of an odour, civet’ |
kupi ti | ‘male (i.e. dark throated)’ |
kup(i)kup(i) | ‘dark’ |
kupkup baz | ‘cloudy sky’ |
kupkup sor | ‘variety of coconut with a black shell’ |
kur | ‘cave’ |
kurab | ‘variety of coconut with a bitter husk’ |
kurabem | 1. ‘flavour’ |
kurabkarab | ‘bitter, acid’ |
kuri | ‘small soft mat for a baby, or for wrapping things in’ |
kur-te | ‘mouth of a cave’ |
kus | ‘steady, of kolap spinning’ |
kus | ‘tree, stick used for husking coconut’ |
kus bager | ‘stick made of kus wood’ |
kus keg | ‘wooden skewer’ |
kus leb | ‘ear ornament of kus seeds’ |
kusi bager | ‘small creeping zingiberaceous plant’ |
kusibager | ‘small creeping plant’ |
kus(u) | ‘seeds of Coix lachryma, "Job's tears", beads’ |
kutikuti | ‘diving with head under water’ |
kut-narur | ‘change strings from one finger to another in kamut’ |
kwarwei | ‘bird, - wild fowl,"smaller than Surka’ |
kwas | ‘insect’ |
kwas | ‘magic directed against fruit crops’ |
kwir | ‘dart of dugong harpoon’ |
kwir girir | ‘handle for head-carrying loop’ |
kwoier | ‘bamboo knife’ |
la | ‘sometimes found for ra’ |
lag | ‘mosquito’ |
lag | ‘wish’ |
lag sop | ‘boarding over gunwale at bow of canoe’ |
lag sop | ‘boarding over gunwale at canoe bow’ |
lager | ‘rope, cord, stays to mast’ |
lager daratkaperida peik okakes | ‘double equally, fold in half’ |
laglag | ‘wishful’ |
laip | ‘lobe of the ear, external ear’ |
laip neb | ‘hole in the ear lobe’ |
laip sak | ‘pendent lobe of the ear’ |
laip tut | ‘ear weight, wooden cone used to distend the lobe’ |
laip tut | ‘ear weight, a wooden cone distending the lobe’ |
lakak | ‘unwilling’ |
lakub | ‘many, great number’ |
lam | ‘(suffix)’ |
lam | ‘leaf’ |
lam eperkili | ‘send out leaves’ |
lam pot | ‘ribs and stalk of a leaf’ |
lam pot | ‘ribs and stalk of leaf’ |
lamar | ‘ghost’ |
lamar ebur | ‘ghost of a recently deceased person appearing in the form of an appropriate animal, often as a death omen’ |
lamar-marik | ‘skull by which to divine’ |
lar | ‘fish’ |
lare | ‘(suffix)’ |
larem | ‘(go) for fish, fish’ |
le | ‘(suffix)’ |
le | ‘excrement, faeces, rust’ |
le | ‘human being, mankind, person’ |
le | ‘man's brother, woman's sister’ |
le op | ‘mask’ |
le roairoai | ‘portrait’ |
le serur | ‘diarrhoea’ |
le tekelar | ‘enemy’ |
leb | ‘rim of the ear, fin of a fish, ornament for the ear’ |
lei | ‘(suffix)’ |
le-ise | ‘like a man’ |
lekak | ‘deserted’ |
lela lid | ‘os innominatum (? from le, excrement)’ |
lela-lid | ‘os innominatum’ |
lele | ‘from le’ |
lem | ‘sun’ |
lem baraigida | ‘sun sets, dives’ |
lem eipu | ‘midday, noon’ |
lem eupamada | ‘sun rises’ |
lemlem | ‘thin upright sticks fastened to kosker teibur in wall of house’ |
lemlem | ‘thin upright sticks fostened to kosker teibur in walls of house’ |
le-op | ‘mask, picture of a man, arrow with carved human face’ |
lerkar | ‘thin’ |
let | ‘cane bowstring’ |
lewer | ‘au nei for yams, vegetable food in general’ |
lewer kep | ‘stone charm to make yams abundant’ |
lewer pas | ‘Ocimum canum and O. basilicum’ |
lewer pas | ‘scented grass’; ‘Ocimum canum, O. basilicum’ |
lewer puipi | ‘crumb, small piece of food’ |
lewer puipi | ‘crumb’ |
lewer-mog | ‘resin chewed to bring good luck in fishing’ |
li | ‘evacuate’ |
lid | ‘bone, framework, skeleton, shell’ |
lid agem | ‘impudent’ |
lid dasmeri | ‘stare at’ |
lidlid | ‘bony’ |
liga | ‘shell’; ‘Conus’ |
ligile | ‘shell’; ‘Conus geographicus’ |
lislis | ‘twig, small branch’ |
lit | ‘round "cloud" appearing before Tagai, at turtle season’ |
logab | ‘South’ |
lokod | ‘bottom, under part’ |
lokodge | ‘under, beneath, down’ |
lolo | ‘toy whip to make a cracking noise’ |
lu | ‘(suffix)’ |
lu | ‘au nei for trees and plants, an au au nei for things in general. Sometimes lug, especially before a vowel’ |
lu doridili | ‘noise made by wind blowing through trees’ |
lu gegur | ‘bark cloth’ |
lu gegur | ‘native bark cloth’ |
lu giz | ‘swollen base of a tree trunk’ |
lu gizra apu | ‘rich’ |
lu ismi | ‘fell a tree’ |
lu kak | 1. ‘nothing’ 2. ‘poor’ |
lu kaz | ‘creeping plant’ |
lu kem le | ‘master of ceremonies at tama’ |
lu lam | ‘leaf’ |
lu lam gimgam | ‘green’ |
lu sik | ‘bud’ |
lu sik | ‘feather’ |
lu-babat | ‘anything pertaining to folklore, heirloom’ |
lug | ‘used before a vowel’ |
lug asmer le | ‘wise man’ |
lug atkamer le | ‘thief’ |
lu-giz | ‘great grand-parent’ |
lugiz | ‘great grand-parent, etc’ |
luglug | ‘plentiful, rich, having plenty of things’ |
luk | ‘dove’ |
lukluk | ‘stammering, stuttering’ |
lukluk mer | ‘impediment in the speech’ |
lukup | ‘medicine, therapeutic and magical’ |
lukup kem le | ‘doctor physician’ |
luper | ‘piercer of turtle shell and used for shredding leaves for petticoats’ |
luzap-le | ‘expert, man who knows his work well’ |
m | ‘(suffix)’ |
ma | ‘thou, you singular’ |
mabara | ‘thy’ |
maber | ‘conch shell, shell trumpet’; ‘Hemifusus proboscidea ferus, Triton variegatus’ |
mabu | ‘thyself, yourself’ |
mabus | ‘mash of ketai and u’ |
mabus-ikeli | ‘make mash’ |
mad lewer | ‘plant’; ‘Pouzolzia microphylla’ |
madub | ‘au nei, for charms, wooden images used in magic’ |
madupenau | ‘variety of lewer’ |
mag | ‘season when the new leaves of the yam are sprouting’ |
magur | ‘disciplinary executive of the Malu cult’ |
mai | ‘nacre, shell of pearl oyster, crescentic chest ornament made of pearl shell’ |
mai leb | ‘ear ornament mode of mai’ |
mai leb | ‘ear ornament of pearl shell’ |
mai tereg | ‘pearl’ |
mai tereg | ‘pearl. In pearl’ |
maid | ‘sorcery, magic, especially maleficent magic’ |
maid kem le | ‘sorcerer’ |
maid kern le | ‘sorcerer’ |
maidem | ‘fish with bluish-grey skin and red spots’ |
maidem | ‘general name (au nei) for stones used in magic, e.g. doiom’ |
maidkem le | ‘sorcerer’ |
maiem | 1. ‘draw near’ 2. ‘form of salutation’ |
maier | ‘shooting star’ |
maiged | ‘neighbourhood, place close by’ |
maik | ‘mourning’ |
maik kimiar | ‘widower’ |
maik kosker | ‘widow’ |
maik nagar | ‘mourning costume’ |
maik werem | ‘orphan’ |
maike | ‘near, close by’ |
mair | ‘roasted yellow ochre, red ochre’ |
mairmair | ‘red’ |
maisu | ‘lower part of thatch of house, eaves, porch, verandah’ |
maisu | ‘roaring of the sea’ |
makamak | ‘leglet’ |
makerem | ‘youth, young man’ |
makerem meta | ‘house for young men’ |
makerem meta | ‘house for young unmarried men’ |
malil | ‘sheet of metal, iron’ |
malil lager | ‘iron chain’ |
malil-lager | ‘iron chain’ |
mam | ‘blood’ |
mam babuseda | ‘bleed’ |
mam kem | ‘pregnant’ |
mam osawi | ‘"the red is spreading," said of the red sky at sunset’ |
mama | ‘thou’ |
mamamam | ‘bloody, red’ |
mamamam borbor | ‘organ-pipe coral’; ‘Tubipora musica’ |
mamamam pas | ‘name of a scent’ |
mamamamam weswes | ‘red weswes’ |
mamamamam weswes | ‘red weswes’ |
mam-amarik | ‘skull used for divining’ |
mamoe asesered le | ‘shepherd’ |
mamoro | ‘carefully’ |
mamus | ‘chief, head man’ |
map | ‘shoulder’ |
map le | ‘person who obtains for a girl the man she wants, go-between’ |
map lid | ‘shoulder-blade’ |
mapis | ‘variety of lewer’ |
mapodan | 1. ‘narmless’ 2. ‘peace’ |
mar | ‘grass-like, scented plant obtained from New Guinea, leaf and root edible’ |
mar | ‘shadow, spirit, soul, ghost’ |
mara | ‘thy’ |
mar-asmer | ‘reflection of face in mirror or water’ |
marau | ‘preach’ |
marep | ‘bamboo’ |
marep pek | ‘thatch-bands of house’ |
margor | ‘cloud appearing during the northwest season, a sign of fine weather’ |
mari teirem | ‘ornament with flowers’ |
markak | ‘tame, spiritless’ |
markak katam | ‘variety of kaba’ |
marmar | ‘wild’ |
marmot | ‘breast or chest’ |
marmot lid | ‘breast-bone’ |
masaibri | ‘alligator pipefish’; ‘Gastrotokeus biaculeata’ |
mase! | ‘go on! proceed!’ |
mat | ‘cloth placed on the garbad of a canoe’ |
mat | ‘forehead’ |
mat | ‘stone of coral reef, frondose coral’ |
mat arti | ‘brittle-starfish’; ‘Ophiomastix annulosa’ |
mat lager | ‘fillet for the forehead, plain or made of kus seeds’ |
mat lager | ‘fillet made of nautilus nacre’ |
mat lager | ‘fillet worn on the forehead’ |
mat lid | ‘frontal bone’ |
mat pas | ‘wrinkle’ |
mat pas | ‘wrinkles’ |
mata mog | ‘pebble’ |
matei | ‘fringe-finned trevally’; ‘Caranx radiatus’ |
mau | ‘nest of small (tree) ant’ |
maub | ‘small flat pearl shell (Pinna)’ |
mauko | ‘variety of kaba’ |
maumer | ‘gunwale of a canoe’ |
mauteb | ‘hibiscus’ |
me | ‘interrogative’ |
meaii | ‘invisible bird connected with the kaba zogo’ |
meau | ‘sea weed’; ‘Alga’ |
meb | ‘moon, month’ |
meb bazide dimdi | ‘moon is covered by a cloud’ |
meb degemli | ‘moon in the first quarter’ |
meb dimdi | ‘eclipse’ |
meb gerip | ‘shine (of moon only)’ |
meb zizimi | ‘moon in the last quarter’ |
meb-gerip | ‘shining, of the moon only’ |
mebud | ‘reed’ |
med | ‘flesh’ |
meg | ‘tide’ |
meg apu | ‘shrimp’ |
meg ogeri | ‘rise, of hide, become high water’ |
meg ogeri | ‘rise, of tide, become high water’ |
meg ogri | ‘rise (of tide), flow’ |
meg ogri | ‘rise, of hide, become high water’ |
meg omarida | ‘ebb of tide’ |
meg omarida | ‘ebb, of tide’ |
meg tawerge | ‘flood tide’ |
meg-apu | ‘shrimp’ |
megapu | ‘shrimp’ |
meg-egli | ‘vomit’ |
megi | ‘vomit’ |
mei | ‘sky’ |
meidu | ‘the nipa palm, which occasionally floats down from the Fly River’ |
mek | ‘sign or mark, footprint, rising of a star or constellation which indicates the beginning of a season’ |
mekek | ‘fish-hook’ |
mekek gem | ‘fishing line’ |
mekek par | ‘sinker of a fishing line’ |
meket op | ‘figure-head of a canoe’ |
meket op | ‘figure-head of canoe’ |
meket siriam | ‘a "small" initiation ceremony’ |
meket siriam | ‘initiation ceremony, "a small zogo like Malu’ |
meket ziriam | ‘initiation ceremony, "a small zogo like Malu’ |
memeg | ‘serving’ |
memegem | ‘make servant of, serve’ |
memegle | ‘servant’ |
mena | 1. ‘continually, often, yet’ 2. ‘wait!, stop!’ 3. ‘while’ |
menaba | ‘windpipe, speech, language, sound’ |
mer | ‘windpipe, speech, language, sound’ |
mer akesmur | ‘oath’ |
mer atager | ‘gossiping, chattering’ |
mer atager le | ‘chatterer’ |
mer kem | ‘message’ |
mer tigri | ‘command’ |
mer umer le | ‘witness’ |
mereg | ‘perspiration, sweat’ |
mer-egida | ‘perspire’ |
mergai | ‘small or medium-sized turtle’ |
meriba | ‘we, our, you and I’ |
meribibu | ‘we, ourselves’ |
merkak | ‘speech, dumb’ |
merkak | ‘speechless, dumb’ |
merod | ‘calf of the leg’ |
merot | ‘calf of the leg’ |
merot user | ‘scarification on the calf of leg’ |
merot usur | ‘scarification on the calf of leg’ |
mes | ‘coconut husk, fibre’ |
mes aroaro u | ‘variety of coco-nut with edible husk’ |
meskep | ‘low tide’ |
meta | ‘house’ |
meta kek | ‘front of a house’ |
metalu | ‘calm’ |
meta-te | ‘door’ |
meur | ‘shrub’; ‘Scaevola sp.’ |
mi | ‘clam shell with yellow lips’; ‘Tridacna compessa’ |
mi | ‘we, thou and I, you and I’ |
mikir | ‘large tree, fruit edible, leaf used for cigarette wrapper’; ‘Terminalia catappa’ |
mimim | ‘desirous of going’ |
mir | ‘oil in a sprouting coconut’ |
mirem | ‘tempt, try’ |
mirkak | ‘quiet’ |
miskor | ‘large clam’ |
mit | ‘lip’ |
mit-kar | 1. ‘brim’ 2. ‘full, filled up’ |
mit-lid | ‘gum’ |
mizmiz | ‘piece, chapter’ |
mo | ‘shell’; ‘Cypraea or Bulla’ |
mo siu | 1. ‘ochre of a deep yellow colour’ 2. ‘orange coloured’ |
moar | ‘variety of kaba’ |
moder | ‘mat, mat sail’ |
mog | ‘piece, lump, bit’ |
mog wali | ‘towel’ |
moglu | ‘hammer for making native cloth’ |
mogmog | ‘in pieces, broken up’ |
mog-wali | ‘towel’ |
moiaini | ‘coco-palm leaf plaited on itself, so as to form a large screen, used in connection with doiom’ |
mokakalam | ‘same way, like similar to’ |
mokarem | ‘(?)’ |
mokarem deskemedi | ‘pound’ |
mokarem ipit | ‘crush’ |
mokarem ipiti | ‘crush’ |
mokeis | ‘rat, figure in kamut’; ‘Uromys cervinipes’ |
mo-kepu | ‘mottled cowry shell hung in doorway of house’; ‘Cypraea argus’ |
moko | ‘there, distant’ |
mokor | ‘leaf insect’ |
monan | ‘lizard, name of a figure in kamut’ |
mone | ‘vulva’ |
moni | ‘edible fish, blue with yellow head and fine’ |
mop | ‘end, head of a tree’ |
mop kar keimer | ‘youngest of several brothers or sisters’ |
mop werut | ‘tip of the tongue’ |
mop werut | ‘tip of tongue’ |
mo-pert | ‘cowry with a broad brown edge’ |
mopge | 1. ‘at the last’ 2. ‘until’ |
moramor | ‘red Hemiptera with white stripes on body and black marks on the wings’ |
morgobar | ‘mast’ |
moroko | ‘Megapodius’ |
morop | ‘forehead’ |
mos | ‘saliva, spittle, lungs’ |
mos ekaida | ‘split’ |
mos ekeida | ‘spit’ |
mos ituli | ‘spit’ |
mos ituli | ‘split’ |
mo-siu | 1. ‘ochre of a deep yellow colour’ 2. ‘orange coloured’ |
mosu-ituli | ‘spit’ |
mot | ‘cluster of tubers of the ketai’ |
motop | ‘middle line of the buttocks’ |
mu | ‘(suffix)’ |
mud | ‘underside’ |
mud mer | ‘murmur, grumble’ |
mudge | ‘under, underneath’ |
mudu | ‘shell (Arca’ |
mueni | ‘coco-palm leaf plaited on itself, so as to form a large screen, used in connection with doiom’ |
mui | ‘inside’ |
muige | ‘within’ |
muimui | ‘deep, hollow’ |
muk dipu | ‘to break wind’ |
mukub | ‘knot’ |
mukub bamereda | ‘become knotted as strings in kamut (string figures)’ |
mune | ‘vagina’ |
muriz | ‘distant place’ |
muriz-ge | ‘afar, far off’ |
mus | ‘hair’ |
mus dari | ‘ridge of hair extending from ear to ear of the shaven head’ |
mut | ‘sound noise’ |
mut ipitili | ‘make a noise’ |
mut ipitli | ‘make noise’ |
muti | ‘fibre of coconut husk, used for making string’ |
mutmut | ‘rattling, as mokepu hung over a doorway’ |
na | ‘(prefix)’ |
na | ‘interrogative prefix, what?’ |
na | ‘there’ |
nab | ‘cannot’ |
naba | ‘(prefix)’ |
nade | ‘where?’ |
nagar | ‘mourning costume, fringe that hangs down from the front and back of neck’ |
nageg | ‘triggerfish, "leather jacket"’; ‘Monacanthus’ |
nagri | ‘have possess’ |
naiger | ‘north-east wind, varies from NE. to E.’ |
naiger pek | ‘north-east’ |
nail | ‘stay’ |
naiwet | ‘wife's relations, not used by man when addressing them’ |
naiwet kimiar | ‘father-in-law or brother-in-law of man’ |
naiwet kosker | ‘mother-in-law, sister-in-law of man’ |
naket | ‘how many? how much?’ |
nako | 1. ‘and’ 2. ‘what?’ |
nam | ‘green turtle, when full grown’ |
namra werem | ‘young of (nam)’ |
nano | ‘breast, nipple’ |
nano dub | ‘scarification on the breast’ |
nano user | ‘scarification on the breast’ |
nap | ‘grand-child’ |
nar | ‘canoe’ |
nar aoser | ‘launch a canoe’ |
nar atrugili | ‘sail boat’ |
nar atrugli | ‘sail boat’ |
nar der | ‘canoe rests’ |
nar der | ‘rest on sand, supported on sand, of canoe’ |
nar der | ‘rest on sand, be supported on sand, of canoe’ |
nar gem | ‘canoe hull’ |
nar gem | ‘hull of canoe’ |
nar mui | ‘inside of canoe hull’ |
narat | ‘platform from which dugong are harpooned’ |
narb | ‘large black hymenopterous insect, probably a solitary wasp’ |
narbet | ‘elder, foremost’ |
narbet berbet | ‘man's eldest sister, woman's eldest brother’ |
narbet kek | ‘star in the constellation of Kek’ |
narbet moder | ‘foresail of a canoe’ |
narbet pek | ‘[front or windward side?]’ |
narger | ‘plant, seed, stick’ |
narger | ‘small fly’ |
nas | ‘sorrow’ |
nasem | ‘namesake’ |
nasge | ‘sorry’ |
nasi | ‘shell’; ‘Trochus niloticus’ |
nasir | ‘shell’; ‘Trochus niloticus’ |
nasir sauad | ‘artificial sauad, made from nasir shell’ |
nasir sauad | ‘imitation sauad, q v., made of Trochus shell’ |
nasnas | ‘sorry’ |
natkak | ‘cylindrical, cubical’ |
natkak darakri | ‘uneven’ |
naumaur | ‘bird’; ‘Graculus melanops’ |
naur | ‘plant’; ‘Erythrina indica’ |
naurwer | ‘(Brothers' stars) α, β, γ, Lyrae and α, β, γ, Aquilae’ |
nauwareb | ‘name of a legendary person’ |
nauwareb zogo | ‘the zogo of a certain garden’ |
nazirnazir gob | ‘coral’; ‘Fungia’ |
ne | ‘[hollow inside a joint, i.e. the part opposite to sor]’ |
ne | ‘dry coconut leaf, torch made from ne’ |
ne igi | ‘fish by torchlight’ |
ne kaba | ‘fruit just forming in banana flower’ |
neabgir | ‘short bamboo whistle’ |
neasor | ‘spider shell with curved spines’; ‘Pterocera chiragra’ |
neau | ‘ripe’ |
neau kai | ‘ripe kai’ |
neb | ‘hole’ |
neb dairili | ‘bore hole’ |
neb seker | ‘bore a hole’ |
ned-ame | ‘large stone on top of the ame’ |
neder | ‘stratus cloud’ |
nedibi | ‘dawn’ |
neg | ‘laughter’ |
neg | ‘seeds’ |
neg-degali | ‘laugh at’ |
negneg | ‘laughing, derisive’ |
negwam | ‘cousin on mother's side, children of mother's brother or sister, etc.’ |
nei | ‘name’ |
neid | ‘hard earth, stony or rocky ground’ |
ne-igi | ‘fish by torchlight’ |
neis | ‘two’ |
neis gaber | ‘twice’ |
neis neis | ‘four’ |
neis netat | ‘three’ |
neis-netat | ‘three’ |
neitawet | ‘women who marry two brothers’ |
neizab | ‘tree with octopus-like inflorescence’ |
nekerem | ‘sea-urchin’; ‘Heterocentrotus mammillatus’ |
nem | ‘breast’ |
nem | ‘louse’ |
nemau | ‘name of a drum used in Malu ceremonies’ |
nemipi | ‘variety of kaba’ |
nemkod | ‘shell’; ‘Cerithium’ |
nemsus | ‘variety of coral’ |
nener | ‘border, boundary’ |
nener | ‘breath’ |
ner bei | ‘lightning’ |
ner esili | ‘rest, sigh, draw long breath, take a spell’ |
ner esili | ‘sigh, take long breath, rest, "take a spell"’ |
ner esli | ‘rest, sigh, draw long breath, take a spell’ |
ner kak | ‘incessant’ |
ner kep | ‘hollow in throat under pomum adami, heart, seat of the feelings’ |
ner-ezili | ‘sigh, take long breath, rest, "take a spell"’ |
ner-kep | ‘hollow in throat under pomum adami, heart, seat of the feelings. This Word’ |
neru | ‘sugar cane’ |
nerut au kok ne | ‘fifteen in counting on the body’ |
nerute | 1. ‘other’ 2. ‘another, different one’ |
nes | ‘gill opening of a fish’ |
nesau | ‘star’ |
nesur | ‘petticoat’ |
nesur atparit | ‘widow's petticoat wound round the loins’ |
net | ‘mollusk’; ‘Chiton Sp.’ |
netabet | ‘bridesmaid at a wedding’ |
netat | ‘one’ |
nete | ‘who?’ |
netebu | ‘earth oven’ |
neu | ‘ripe banana’ |
neu | ‘small stick’ |
neubet | ‘name given by woman, to her husband's relatives’ |
neur | ‘girl, unmarried woman, daughter’ |
neur madub | ‘magical image of a girl’ |
neur wer | ‘name of a constellation’ |
neur werem | ‘daughter’ |
ni | ‘water, fresh water’ |
ni egemedi | ‘pool of fresh water’ |
ni iskedi | ‘ooze from ground, as water’ |
ni kabor | ‘water-bottle’ |
ni omeida | ‘spring up, of water’ |
ni pat | ‘well, water hole’ |
ni purapura | ‘duck’ |
ni sor | ‘coconut shell used as a water bottle’ |
ni sor | ‘water vessel’ |
ni tigri | ‘pour out water’ |
ni tomeili | ‘water springing up’ |
ni tomeilli | ‘water springing up’ |
niai | ‘always, in future’ |
niai karem | ‘for really long time, for ever’ |
niaiem | ‘always, for long time’ |
ni-ap | ‘thirsty’ |
niap | 1. ‘thirst’ 2. ‘thirsty’ |
nini | ‘filed with water’ |
nini | ‘filled with water’ |
nini lu | ‘sap [watery thing]’ |
no | 1. ‘barely, just, hardly’ 2. ‘bare’ |
no imri | ‘stop from going, make stay’ |
nog | ‘outside of a place, mask (or nog)’ |
nog le | ‘outsider, foreigner, heathen’ |
noge | ‘on outside’ |
no-gem | 1. ‘bare body’ 2. ‘naked’ |
nokobar | ‘occiput’ |
no-korot | ‘small boy’ |
nole | 1. ‘not’ 2. ‘no’ |
nole dali | ‘not here, not present’ |
nole la kak | ‘not willing’ |
nole le kak | ‘nobody, no one’ |
nole lu kak | ‘nothing’ |
nole nesur kak | ‘naked’ |
nole okakes | ‘unequal’ |
nolea | ‘no! nay!’ |
nono | ‘nostrils’ |
nono neb | ‘nostril’ |
nor | ‘sunken reef, detached reef’ |
norgor | ‘slack, easy’ |
nosik | ‘row of persons’ |
no-sumez | ‘weeds’ |
nug | ‘palate, inside of mouth’ |
nunei | ‘man's sister's child’ |
nunur | ‘ripe, ready for harvest, faded, of leaf’ |
nur | ‘season when the yam leaf fades’ |
nureb | ‘said of the female ti bird, which has a yellow throat’ |
nureb ti | ‘female (i.e. yellow throated) ti bird’ |
nuri | ‘au nei for sweet potatoes, white sweet potato’ |
o | ‘(prefix) to verb indicating inceptive action’ |
o | ‘liver’ |
o | ‘triangular shell pendant, worn by women’ |
o seker | ‘ventral spine of fish’ |
oa | ‘(suffix)’ |
oa | ‘name of a constellation’ |
oam | ‘(suffix)’ |
obagobag | ‘scented (like Benzaldehyde)’ |
obal | ‘inner sticks binding sirib of canoe to the tug’ |
o-bapiti | ‘meet’ |
o-bazegeda | ‘feel to be wrong, conscience stricken’ |
o-bazgeda | ‘feel to be wrong, conscience stricken’ |
o-bazgeda | ‘feel to be wrong’ |