OUTOFPAPUA database: Lexicons of the West Papuan language area

Entry record from Ray (2003a): Meriam

Page number: 168


•  n. hair.

Etymology comment: Mawatta, New Guinea muo, Kiwai, New Guinea muso

baibai mus

•  n. hair of the eyebrows.

bag mus

•  n. whiskers.

gem mus

•  n. hair of the body.


•  n. hair of the face.

keu mus

•  n. beard.


•  n. hair of armpit.

mus dari

•  n. a ridge of hair extending from ear to ear of the shaven head.

See also: d(a)ri

op imus

•  n. moustache.

pis mus

•  n. tendril (of plant); antenna of insect; anything that curls round.