Elmberg (1968a): Maybrat
Search entries
Headword | IPA | Glosses | |
-a | -a | ‘nearness, what?’ (eng) |
-ä | -e | ‘empty’ (eng) |
a | a | ‘certain, in to, of, for, liana, slender stem, "rope" (descent unit)’ (eng) |
aäro | aero | ‘ventral fin’ (eng) |
ach | ax | ‘frog’ (eng) |
afá | aˈɸa | ‘giant nettle, mango’ (eng) |
afä | aɸe | ‘not yet’ (eng) |
afan | aɸan | ‘tree grub’ (eng) |
afi | aɸi | ‘leaf of sago-palm’ (eng) |
afo | aɸo | ‘precise, at once’ (eng) |
air | air | ‘dove’ (eng) |
aj | aj | ‘yes, couple, two, water, river’ (eng) |
aj mómo | aj ˈmomo | ‘most distant (of two), outermost’ (eng) |
ajn | ajn | ‘drum’ (eng) |
ajó | aˈjo | ‘where?’ (eng) |
ajt | ajt | ‘he, him’ (eng) |
aju | aju | ‘sun’ (eng) |
ajuóch | ajuˈox | ‘cloud’ (eng) |
äk | ek | ‘hen of the yellow bird of paradise’ (eng) |
aká | aˈka | ‘wind-screen, consisting of sloping roof, house on a swidden’ (eng) |
aká remó | aˈka reˈmo | ‘house for mother and new-born child whose walls of remó-leaves are supposed to make the child "fat"’ (eng) |
akar | akar | ‘bark-cloth for women’ (eng) |
akiar | akiar | ‘banyan-tree, various Ficus species’ (eng) |
akin | akin | ‘tinder (of banana-leaves or sugar-palm)’ (eng) |
ako | ako | ‘hole, opening, cave’ (eng) |
akoch | akox | ‘crocodile, turtle’ (eng) |
akum | akum | ‘honey-bee’ (eng) |
aku(n) | aku(n) | ‘something growing, still small, “feast”’ (eng) |
am | am | ‘rain-hood’ (eng) |
äm | em | ‘tunnel (ceremonial language) (terminated 1 6 1967)’ (eng) |
am metús | am meˈtus | ‘embroidered "pocket-book" of pandanus-leaves for men’ (eng) |
amot | amot | ‘gift, present, “interest”’ (eng) |
ampar | ampar | ‘scaffolding, grating (to sleep on)’ (eng) |
amu | amu | ‘we, us’ (eng) |
amúr | aˈmur | ‘darkness’ (eng) |
an | an | ‘fat, fertile, hot, female force, narrow’ (eng) |
ana | ana | ‘fence, something intertwined’ (eng) |
ani | ani | ‘cord’ (eng) |
anja | anja | ‘each other’ (eng) |
ano | ano | ‘bitter, sharp, female’ (eng) |
anu | anu | ‘you (plural)’ (eng) |
aót | ˈaot | ‘spittle’ (eng) |
apách | aˈpax | ‘edible fungus’ (eng) |
apán | aˈpan | ‘snake’ (eng) |
apát | aˈpat | ‘cleared path or place’ (eng) |
api | api | ‘mother dema’ (eng) |
apit | apit | ‘banana’ (eng) |
apu | apu | ‘bush-knife’ (eng) |
apuk | apuk | ‘lizard’ (eng) |
apúo | aˈpuo | ‘fog’ (eng) |
ara | ara | ‘tree, curdle, little (out of diverse kinds)’ (eng) |
ara komik | ara komik | ‘(tobacco-) pipe’ (eng) |
ara mará | ara maˈra | ‘tree-trunk’ (eng) |
ara n'so | ara nso | ‘cleft stick’ (eng) |
ara täkóf | ara teˈkoɸ | ‘forked poles upon which floor of house rests’ (eng) |
ara tepis | ara tepis | ‘sticks used as basis for floor-weave’ (eng) |
aran | aran | ‘nuclear family, small work-group, only’ (eng) |
arin | arin | ‘far away, place outside speaker's own region’ (eng) |
arir | arir | ‘main post supporting the roof of a feast house’ (eng) |
arit | arit | ‘certain kingfisher, bird form of energy’ (eng) |
arnú | arˈnu | ‘post in a feast house’ (eng) |
aro | aro | ‘anything at all, little’ (eng) |
aru mon | aru mon | ‘black pigment’ (eng) |
arur | arur | ‘"the meeting place" (a pattern on textiles; bark cloth and on pandanus products)’ (eng) |
arus | arus | ‘tree, its edible leaves’ (eng); ‘Gnetum gnemon’ (lat) |
as | as | ‘humidity, sap’ (eng) |
asám | aˈsam | ‘sugar-cane’ (eng) |
ase | ase | ‘big, what makes big’ (eng) |
aser | aser | ‘drying rack above fire-place’ (eng) |
asi | asi | ‘collection’ (eng) |
asia | asia | ‘ring of rolled lianas, (target for spear-throwers)’ (eng) |
aso | aso | ‘digging stick’ (eng) |
at | at | ‘food, creation’ (eng) |
atá | aˈta | ‘crayfish, tail (?), down the river, left side’ (eng) |
atáf | aˈtaɸ | ‘iron-wood, backbone’ (eng) |
ate | ate | ‘spear’ (eng) |
ati | ati | ‘planter, founder, chief, superior’ (eng) |
atiät | atiet | ‘body killed by spear ("dema food")’ (eng) |
atif | atiɸ | ‘species of kangaroo’ (eng) |
atin | atin | ‘ear-ring pendant’ (eng) |
ato | ato | ‘what attracts’ (eng) |
aton | aton | ‘cloud of breath’ (eng) |
atu | atu | ‘hill where the Tu-dema lives, fire-tongs, fork for eating sago’ (eng) |
áu | ˈau | ‘down in the earth, under’ (eng) |
aw | aw | ‘she, her, it’ (eng) |
awájt | aˈwajt | ‘mango-fruit’ (eng) |
awáw | aˈwaw | ‘blackened’ (eng) |
awé | aˈwe | ‘who?, slave’ (eng) |
awf | awɸ | ‘sago flour, sometimes used also for sago porridge, semen’ (eng) |
awi | awi | ‘(connected with) two’ (eng) |
awiak | awiak | ‘taro’ (eng) |
awiét | awiˈet | ‘pandanus-fruit, large fruit, white coocatoo’ (eng) |
awiét tach | awiˈet tax | ‘pandaus leaf’ (eng) |
awm | awm | ‘(bone-)dagger, sharp awl’ (eng) |
awo | awo | ‘which?’ (eng) |
awt | awt | ‘steep hill, mountain’ (eng) |
cf nana | cɸ nana | ‘head’ (eng) |
cha | xa | ‘male, cold force, active, cooling, taro-stalking, ghost, right’ (eng) |
chä | xe | ‘secret knowledge’ (eng) |
cha chapák | xa xaˈpak | ‘tern (bird)’ (eng) |
cha ferir | xa ɸerir | ‘tree with phosphorescent light (prob. fungi)’ (eng) |
cha ferúr | xa ɸeˈrur | ‘"red spirit" active at Uon-initiation’ (eng) |
cha joch | xa jox | ‘bush carrying raspberry-like fruit’ (eng) |
cha m'pa | xa mpa | ‘gong’ (eng) |
cha nána | xa ˈnana | ‘skull’ (eng) |
cha riéf | xa riˈeɸ | ‘aromatic oil’ (eng); ‘massoi, kulit lawang’ (ind) |
cha rif | xa riɸ | ‘aromatic oil’ (eng); ‘massoi, kulit lawang’ (ind) |
cha serä | xa sere | ‘hungry’ (eng) |
chach | xax | ‘help’ (eng) |
chafot | xaɸot | ‘wooden fork supporting home’ (eng) |
chafra | xaɸra | ‘spirit-stone, magic stone’ (eng) |
chaj | xaj | ‘corpse, funeral feast’ (eng) |
chajách | xaˈjax | ‘different, cough, ghost that enters sleeping people and talks through them’ (eng) |
chajáw | xaˈjaw | ‘ginger’ (eng) |
chaji | xaji | ‘whence?’ (eng) |
cham | xam | ‘ache’ (eng) |
chamit | xamit | ‘snake dema’ (eng) |
chamoch | xamox | ‘warm ashes’ (eng) |
chaniách | xaniˈax | ‘snore’ (eng) |
chapach ejok | xapax ejok | ‘seven’ (eng) |
chapach sow | xapax sow | ‘six’ (eng) |
chapach tiét | xapax tiˈet | ‘nine’ (eng) |
chapach tuf | xapax tuɸ | ‘eight’ (eng) |
chapan | xapan | ‘bead, necklace’ (eng) |
chapat | xapat | ‘swingle’ (eng) |
chapis | xapis | ‘cut to pieces’ (eng) |
chapit chari | xapit xari | ‘feast at which the navel of a new-born infant is anointed with massoi-juice’ (eng) |
chapu | xapu | ‘spirit in shape of animal (that warns with cry)’ (eng) |
char | xar | ‘dema, pandanus-palm’ (eng) |
chará | xaˈra | ‘pound, crush’ (eng) |
charä nefit | xare neɸit | ‘ashamed, bashful’ (eng) |
chará watā | xaˈra watā | ‘butterfly’ (eng) |
charát | xaˈrat | ‘exchange gift present on occasion of decease, pay fines’ (eng) |
charé | xaˈre | ‘sit’ (eng) |
chareá | xareˈa | ‘wait’ (eng) |
charén | xaˈren | ‘tail, buttock, vagina, bottom’ (eng) |
charén atách | xaˈren aˈtax | ‘hams’ (eng) |
charen mes | xaren mes | ‘menstruation’ (eng) |
chari | xari | ‘pinch, stimulate, bark, bark-cloth, massoi-bark and -juice’ (eng) |
charios | xarios | ‘creeper (given to pregnant woman as medicine)’ (eng) |
charir | xarir | ‘scratch (oneself)’ (eng) |
charis | xaris | ‘viginal interior, regional tunnel’ (eng) |
charit | xarit | ‘house built in a tree’ (eng) |
charit ruian | xarit ruian | ‘square guard-house on poles, without bark walls’ (eng) |
charóf | xaˈroɸ | ‘skilful’ (eng) |
charók | xaˈrok | ‘bird’ (eng) |
charópit | xaˈropit | ‘navel’ (eng) |
charowo | xarowo | ‘tired’ (eng) |
chas | xas | ‘bundle (particularly of bast or bark-cloth)’ (eng) |
chasá | xaˈsa | ‘coastal people, language in Kokas’ (eng) |
chat | xat | ‘notice, know, tattooing’ (eng) |
chatä | xate | ‘lice’ (eng) |
chatám | xaˈtam | ‘mould for planting’ (eng) |
chatam ara | xatam ara | ‘cultivated plant’ (eng); ‘Saccharum edule’ (lat) |
chaúm | ˈxaum | ‘dagger of cassowary bone’ (eng) |
chaw | xaw | ‘bush with heart-shaped leaves, violet underneath (grown in swiddens for magic protection)’ (eng) |
chawe | xawe | ‘will’ (eng) |
chawe m'poch | xawe mpox | ‘lazy, slow’ (eng) |
chawerék | xaweˈrek | ‘bamboo mug for palm-wine’ (eng) |
chawés | xaˈwes | ‘certain birds, associated with stars’ (eng) |
che | xe | ‘sudden, surprise’ (eng) |
cheréch | xeˈrex | ‘thick’ (eng) |
cheróch | xeˈrox | ‘hole, gap’ (eng) |
cherók | xeˈrok | ‘repay, return’ (eng) |
chi | xi | ‘agathis resin ("copal")’ (eng) |
chian | xian | ‘capal torch’ (eng) |
china | xina | ‘kind of sweet potato, species of bamboo’ (eng) |
cho | xo | ‘obstacle, vigorous, mountainous country, area of river's source, superior, high, right (side), bride-giver’ (eng) |
cho fuok | xo ɸuok | ‘bird of prey (yellow-brown; large)’ (eng) |
cho wor | xo wor | ‘"the warm tunnel", certain pattern’ (eng) |
choch | xox | ‘breathe heavily’ (eng) |
choch | xox | ‘large species of crane (grey-brown)’ (eng) |
chocho | xoxo | ‘valley’ (eng) |
chom | xom | ‘ghost returning to Tu’ (eng) |
chos | xos | ‘species of crane (grey-brown on top; white belly; smaller)’ (eng) |
chowej | xowej | ‘steep’ (eng) |
chu | xu | ‘sojourn, dwell, possess’ (eng) |
chuwá | xuˈwa | ‘stay on, whisper’ (eng) |
chuwiak | xuwiak | ‘navel feast, birth feast’ (eng) |
chuwiat | xuwiat | ‘birht-gift’ (eng) |
-e | -e | ‘exhortation to act’ (eng) |
e | e | ‘and’ (eng) |
ej | ej | ‘a "pair", together’ (eng) |
ejók | eˈjok | ‘two’ (eng) |
fa | ɸa | ‘grass, turf, "bride-giver", hindrance, difficulty’ (eng) |
fä | ɸe | ‘not, or’ (eng) |
faís | ˈɸais | ‘stuff into, block’ (eng) |
faj | ɸaj | ‘woman (with honorific meaning), mother, wife’ (eng) |
faj awf | ɸaj awɸ | ‘yolk of egg’ (eng) |
fakan | ɸakan | ‘grindstone (small)’ (eng) |
faket | ɸaket | ‘to split (wood)’ (eng) |
faket | ɸaket | ‘torch, wood for making spears’ (eng) |
famu | ɸamu | ‘thigh’ (eng) |
fan | ɸan | ‘birth-gift’ (eng) |
fané | ɸaˈne | ‘pig’ (eng) |
fanés | ɸaˈnes | ‘heavy’ (eng) |
fapu | ɸapu | ‘"hidden poison" causing disease’ (eng) |
fapuk | ɸapuk | ‘grass used to close fish-traps’ (eng) |
far | ɸar | ‘behind very ancient’ (eng) |
farat | ɸarat | ‘hornbill bird’ (eng) |
fari | ɸari | ‘far away, staying behind’ (eng) |
farir | ɸarir | ‘tended tree, used for ceremonial house building, dema, underworld’ (eng) |
faris | ɸaris | ‘without end, still’ (eng) |
farók | ɸaˈrok | ‘bird-shaped scoop (for palm-wine)’ (eng) |
fat | ɸat | ‘open up, make a clearing, fell tree’ (eng) |
fatej | ɸatej | ‘tree (in which edible beetle-grub flourish)’ (eng) |
faw | ɸaw | ‘thrust something on someone, give generously’ (eng) |
fefif | ɸeɸiɸ | ‘cicada’ (eng) |
feják | ɸeˈjak | ‘"warm", initial gift of an exchange, claim’ (eng) |
feján | ɸeˈjan | ‘outr bark-cloth (of attire)’ (eng) |
fejit | ɸejit | ‘a dema tree (often Gnetum gnemon)’ (eng) |
fejn | ɸejn | ‘eager, unmarried young woman’ (eng) |
fejt | ɸejt | ‘a dema tree (often Gnetum gnemon)’ (eng) |
fejtát | ɸejˈtat | ‘sacrificial table to ghost of recently deceased person’ (eng) |
fen | ɸen | ‘perfect’ (eng) |
fenák | ɸeˈnak | ‘draw a blow’ (eng) |
feni | ɸeni | ‘use black wax in the hair (then one sees spirits)’ (eng) |
fenie | ɸenie | ‘woman’ (eng) |
fenié | ɸeniˈe | ‘woman’ (eng) |
fenin fejn | ɸenin ɸejn | ‘careless’ (eng) |
fenit | ɸenit | ‘standard of comparison myth’ (eng) |
fenjá | ɸenˈja | ‘woman’ (eng) |
fenja masis | ɸenja masis | ‘woman bears children’ (eng) |
fenjá mechár | ɸenˈja meˈxar | ‘female expert of initiation and pregnancy’ (eng) |
fenóm | ɸeˈnom | ‘to plane with bush-knife’ (eng) |
ferir | ɸerir | ‘dissolve’ (eng) |
ferú | ɸeˈru | ‘fly (of bird), blow out, spit out’ (eng) |
ferús | ɸeˈrus | ‘spit out as offering’ (eng) |
fesá | ɸeˈsa | ‘crocodile tooth’ (eng) |
fetách ewok | ɸeˈtax ewok | ‘two halves’ (eng) |
fetiách | ɸetiˈax | ‘day after to-morrow’ (eng) |
fi | ɸi | ‘scent (in hunting), pungent smell, cause’ (eng) |
fiáf | ɸiˈaɸ | ‘yellow’ (eng) |
fiam | ɸiam | ‘riverine sheath fish’ (eng); ‘ikan sembilan’ (ind) |
fiji | ɸiji | ‘in or by what way, how, whence’ (eng) |
finfién | ɸinɸiˈen | ‘thin’ (eng) |
fini | ɸini | ‘regional dema’ (eng) |
fini mikär | ɸini miker | ‘house for initiation of women’ (eng) |
fini mikär | ɸini miker | ‘initiation of girls’ (eng) |
fiok | ɸiok | ‘sneeze’ (eng) |
fit | ɸit | ‘biting burning (of taste and smell)’ (eng) |
fitó | ɸiˈto | ‘"hot" magic, to use "hot" magic’ (eng) |
fo | ɸo | ‘derris-root, plant-poison for catching fish, poison’ (eng) |
fo | ɸo | ‘green’ (eng) |
fo | ɸo | ‘here, now, will’ (eng) |
foch | ɸox | ‘spreading heat’ (eng) |
fokó | ɸoˈko | ‘angry’ (eng) |
fon | ɸon | ‘thread of gnemon-bast, string, snare’ (eng) |
fos | ɸos | ‘wind, assault, shudder (subst.)’ (eng) |
fot | ɸot | ‘catch’ (eng) |
fotá | ɸoˈta | ‘poison’ (eng) |
fra | ɸra | ‘stone, gravel’ (eng) |
frä | ɸre | ‘sacred object (hard)’ (eng) |
fra semát | ɸra seˈmat | ‘steam-bath with heated stones’ (eng) |
fu | ɸu | ‘sacred cave’ (eng) |
fujá | ɸuˈja | ‘Coléus nettle for fertility magic’ (eng) |
fum am | ɸum am | ‘fill rain-hood (am) with taro’ (eng) |
fun | ɸun | ‘secondary funeral (bones deposited in a cave)’ (eng) |
futióch | ɸutiˈox | ‘bark-cloth from bast of gnemon-tree (also sewn on bags or used as carrying strap)’ (eng) |
-i | -i | ‘beside’ (eng) |
i | i | ‘ant's egg, fish roe’ (eng) |
iaf | iaɸ | ‘serious wound’ (eng) |
ifó | iˈɸo | ‘to-day, now’ (eng) |
ik | ik | ‘hen of the bird of paradise’ (eng) |
ikor | ikor | ‘patch (on cloth)’ (eng) |
in | in | ‘male form of dema, wind from the under-wood, monsoon wind’ (eng) |
ipon | ipon | ‘salt ash of leaves’ (eng) |
ir | ir | ‘trace, mark left’ (eng) |
is | is | ‘path, yesterday’ (eng) |
is rois | is rois | ‘day before yesterday’ (eng) |
isách | iˈsax | ‘line, stroke’ (eng) |
iserá | iseˈra | ‘cave’ (eng) |
isi | isi | ‘with, together with’ (eng) |
isia | isia | ‘hunt with dog’ (eng) |
isó | iˈso | ‘distance, long way’ (eng) |
itá | iˈta | ‘dry’ (eng) |
itú | iˈtu | ‘sharp’ (eng) |
iwiak | iwiak | ‘spider (edible)’ (eng) |
jak | jak | ‘open’ (eng) |
jam | jam | ‘untouched woods (on plain ground)’ (eng) |
jaroch | jarox | ‘light, free from clouds’ (eng) |
jaw | jaw | ‘lower, nether, western or northern’ (eng) |
je | je | ‘again, further’ (eng) |
ji | ji | ‘thither, whither’ (eng) |
jir | jir | ‘imprint’ (eng) |
jokom | jokom | ‘expert at initiation’ (eng) |
jow | jow | ‘lower, nether, western or northern’ (eng) |
jowen | jowen | ‘expert at initiation’ (eng) |
ju | ju | ‘string bag, bag, opossum-pouch, vagina, woman, belt’ (eng) |
juoch | juox | ‘grub colony, (unorganized?) group, batch’ (eng) |
kä | ke | ‘hollow’ (eng) |
kach | kax | ‘heap of leaves on swidden, clear for cultivation’ (eng) |
kain | kain | ‘pandamus-leaf’ (eng) |
kaják | kaˈjak | ‘pit, pitfall covered with branches’ (eng) |
kajér | kaˈjer | ‘bad’ (eng) |
kaji | kaji | ‘why’ (eng) |
kajiók | kajiˈok | ‘eat berries’ (eng) |
kajs | kajs | ‘thigh’ (eng) |
kajt | kajt | ‘to him’ (eng) |
kak | kak | ‘oppossum (collective), pig’ (eng) |
kakáj | kaˈkaj | ‘owl’ (eng) |
kake | kake | ‘composite fruit, bunch of jambos, fruit from rasp-berry cane’ (eng) |
kaket | kaket | ‘right, true’ (eng) |
kan | kan | ‘fire’ (eng) |
kana | kana | ‘to them’ (eng) |
kanak | kanak | ‘tjempedak-tree (variety of nanka)’ (eng) |
kanam | kanam | ‘cooled’ (eng) |
kanés | kaˈnes | ‘comb, elaborately carved’ (eng) |
kanif | kaniɸ | ‘bush with strong-smelling leaves’ (eng) |
kanit | kanit | ‘croak’ (eng) |
kapán | kaˈpan | ‘eel’ (eng) |
kapéjr | kaˈpejr | ‘certain area, lot’ (eng) |
kapejr sow | kapejr sow | ‘commonality of status’ (eng) |
kapes | kapes | ‘ghost’ (eng) |
kapum | kapum | ‘scar-tattooing’ (eng) |
kar | kar | ‘heart (ceremonial language)’ (eng) |
kär | ker | ‘attaching, engaging’ (eng) |
kär | ker | ‘attaching’ (eng) |
karát | kaˈrat | ‘tinder-box’ (eng) |
karef | kareɸ | ‘arrow’ (eng) |
karek | karek | ‘carry something hanging on a pole’ (eng) |
karok | karok | ‘bi-coloured bird, dema form’ (eng) |
karom | karom | ‘bamboo, spon’ (eng) |
karów | kaˈrow | ‘kind of ground-kangaroo’ (eng) |
karú | kaˈru | ‘stroke (person or object) so that force is transmitted’ (eng) |
karus | karus | ‘gnemon wood or tree’ (eng) |
kas | kas | ‘sucking’ (eng) |
kasir | kasir | ‘tree with needle-like leaves (Casuarina?)’ (eng) |
kat | kat | ‘dry (e.g. of leaves)’ (eng) |
katán | kaˈtan | ‘"circumcise", sever’ (eng) |
katán po kiá | kaˈtan po kiˈa | ‘sever body-cord of deceased person’ (eng) |
katar | katar | ‘carry something on pole, "springy tree", resilient pole under dancehouse, erection (of penis)’ (eng); ‘pikul’ (ind) |
katum | katum | ‘tassel or braid of bast, armlet’ (eng) |
kaw | kaw | ‘certain plant’ (eng) |
kaw | kaw | ‘to her’ (eng) |
kawék | kaˈwek | ‘smaller, little’ (eng) |
kawia | kawia | ‘bush turkey, bush hen’ (eng); ‘maleo’ (ind); ‘Megapodius’ (lat) |
kawiak | kawiak | ‘certain tree’ (eng) |
kawian | kawian | ‘flesh’ (eng) |
kawiat | kawiat | ‘grasp with the foot’ (eng) |
kawor | kawor | ‘slave’ (eng) |
kaws | kaws | ‘mouse, rat’ (eng) |
ke | ke | ‘fruit, result’ (eng) |
kejr | kejr | ‘poor, bad’ (eng) |
kejt | kejt | ‘cover, stop, hug, choke, finally’ (eng) |
kek | kek | ‘red, little child, certain poison’ (eng) |
kemik | kemik | ‘swollen form’ (eng) |
kemúk | keˈmuk | ‘use leaves, sponge with hot leaves’ (eng) |
kemúr | keˈmur | ‘used the hand as a rake’ (eng) |
kená | keˈna | ‘sacred story’ (eng) |
kenár | keˈnar | ‘separate’ (eng) |
kenenä | kenene | ‘beside, near but higher up’ (eng) |
keni aj | keni aj | ‘swim’ (eng) |
kení(o) | keˈni(o) | ‘to thee’ (eng) |
kenit | kenit | ‘guiding principle (expressed in myths)’ (eng) |
kenó | keˈno | ‘antidote for "red poison"’ (eng) |
kenó po makek | keˈno po makek | ‘name of an armlet in three colours’ (eng) |
kenú | keˈnu | ‘angry, aggressive’ (eng) |
kepaj | kepaj | ‘crab, sea-weed’ (eng) |
kepé | keˈpe | ‘consequence, advantage for, forced, emphasizes words immediately following’ (eng) |
kepék | keˈpek | ‘shoulder’ (eng) |
kepenáf | kepeˈnaɸ | ‘ceremonial gift of taro stalks’ (eng) |
kepét | keˈpet | ‘little’ (eng) |
kepór | keˈpor | ‘back of body’ (eng) |
kepúm | keˈpum | ‘small zig-zag lines (a pattern)’ (eng) |
ker | ker | ‘hanging (intrans), hovering’ (eng) |
kerä | kere | ‘spray (from bush; tree), house where mother and child stay after the birth’ (eng) |
kerás | keˈras | ‘beaten, hammered out’ (eng) |
kerén | keˈren | ‘finger’ (eng) |
kerit | kerit | ‘small part torn off’ (eng) |
kes | kes | ‘sound, word’ (eng) |
kesók | keˈsok | ‘will’ (eng) |
kespó | kesˈpo | ‘speak of something’ (eng) |
kiá | kiˈa | ‘small part, small fruit’ (eng) |
kiés | kiˈes | ‘narrate (trans.?)’ (eng) |
kijám | kiˈjam | ‘have fever’ (eng) |
kiné | kiˈne | ‘little boy’ (eng) |
kinjá | kinˈja | ‘little girl’ (eng) |
kir | kir | ‘attaching, engaging’ (eng) |
kir-kir | kir-kir | ‘yellow flower of bush, (girls apply to brow and cheeks to attract attention)’ (eng) |
kit | kit | ‘bast, bark-cloth, protection’ (eng) |
ko | ko | ‘wood adapted by shape or quality for human use’ (eng) |
koch | kox | ‘magic means, certain tree the underworld’ (eng) |
kofa | koɸa | ‘wood for the bow, pinang wood’ (eng) |
kokók | koˈkok | ‘domesticated hen’ (eng) |
komo | komo | ‘hot, excited, angry’ (eng) |
komuk | komuk | ‘whip penis with warm leaves, bachelor’ (eng) |
kon | kon | ‘scrotum’ (eng) |
kopór | koˈpor | ‘trunk (of body)’ (eng) |
kor | kor | ‘patch, darn, mesh, fishing net, landing net’ (eng) |
koro | koro | ‘follow (after)’ (eng) |
koru | koru | ‘swing (subst.)’ (eng) |
kosi | kosi | ‘container, gourd, bottle’ (eng) |
kowe | kowe | ‘fern-tree (with sparse; straight leaves)’ (eng) |
krä | kre | ‘spray (from bush; tree), house where mother and child stay after the birth’ (eng) |
krä natach | kre natax | ‘buttocks’ (eng) |
kräk | krek | ‘arm-pit, hollow’ (eng) |
krät | kret | ‘morsel of food (used as poison against former owner)’ (eng) |
krek | krek | ‘carry something hanging on a pole’ (eng) |
krem | krem | ‘finger’ (eng) |
krikri | krikri | ‘constantly’ (eng) |
krok | krok | ‘bird’ (eng) |
krom | krom | ‘bamboo, spon’ (eng) |
krompi | krompi | ‘bambo cither’ (eng) |
ku | ku | ‘addition, sprout, small, child’ (eng) |
ku ano | ku ano | ‘female child’ (eng) |
ku atio | ku atio | ‘daughter (man speaking), son (woman speaking)’ (eng) |
ku awe | ku awe | ‘slave’ (eng) |
ku kek | ku kek | ‘small child (not yet initiated)’ (eng) |
ku mes | ku mes | ‘small baby’ (eng) |
ku semä | ku seme | ‘male child, male person’ (eng) |
kum | kum | ‘bee’ (eng) |
kupe | kupe | ‘father's sister's son (woman speaking)’ (eng) |
kur | kur | ‘keep sharp lock-out’ (eng) |
kur safa | kur saɸa | ‘round shell ornament with hole in middle, "warns against attack"’ (eng) |
kus | kus | ‘burning’ (eng) |
m'fä | mɸe | ‘not yet’ (eng) |
m'pa | mpa | ‘of opposite mioety’ (eng) |
m'pawá | mpaˈwa | ‘"all right" (we'll leave it at that)’ (eng) |
m'pejf | mpejɸ | ‘part’ (eng) |
m'pet | mpet | ‘after, afterwards’ (eng) |
m'pit | mpit | ‘navel, navel-string’ (eng) |
m'pit | mpit | ‘navel’ (eng) |
m'pun | mpun | ‘cassoway (as dema form)’ (eng) |
m'ruku | mruku | ‘thunder rumbles’ (eng) |
ma | ma | ‘not, and, to, until, along, at, she, woman’ (eng) |
mä | me | ‘elevated, mountain-dweller, bride-giver’ (eng) |
mach | max | ‘beginning, morning, opening present, something promised’ (eng) |
macháf | maˈxaɸ | ‘pregnant’ (eng) |
macháj | maˈxaj | ‘dead’ (eng) |
maf | maɸ | ‘slaughter’ (eng) |
maf | maɸ | ‘trunk (of body)’ (eng) |
mai sená | mai seˈna | ‘snare’ (eng) |
maif | maiɸ | ‘wing’ (eng) |
maja | maja | ‘fluid, (to) run (of water)’ (eng) |
majn | majn | ‘certain stones of origin’ (eng) |
majr | majr | ‘root, main part, origin, host, land-owner’ (eng) |
majun | majun | ‘dew’ (eng) |
mak | mak | ‘morning, morning rain’ (eng) |
maká | maˈka | ‘eye-lid’ (eng) |
makär | maker | ‘meagre, thin’ (eng) |
maké | maˈke | ‘fruit’ (eng) |
makéjr | maˈkejr | ‘bad’ (eng) |
makin | makin | ‘many’ (eng) |
makit | makit | ‘little, protégé’ (eng) |
mako | mako | ‘vagina’ (eng) |
mako mes | mako mes | ‘menstruation’ (eng) |
makor | makor | ‘notch, notched ladder, system of meshes, net, catcher’ (eng) |
maku | maku | ‘small’ (eng) |
mam | mam | ‘living, warm’ (eng) |
mamos | mamos | ‘stirring, alive, belonging to Mos (male dema form)’ (eng) |
mamuk | mamuk | ‘end of a bow, staff etc’ (eng) |
man | man | ‘sharp (of tool)’ (eng) |
män | men | ‘later on, to-morrow, beautiful, good’ (eng) |
mana | mana | ‘source, fruit (when grown from a planted seed)’ (eng) |
manä | mane | ‘peripheral part of region’ (eng) |
manét | maˈnet | ‘slippery, uncertain’ (eng) |
manis | manis | ‘old’ (eng) |
manja | manja | ‘friends and affinals’ (eng) |
mankit | mankit | ‘wrist-protection of wood’ (eng) |
mano | mano | ‘bitter, sour, uneatable’ (eng) |
mänoch | menox | ‘"all good wishes"’ (eng) |
manse | manse | ‘enormous’ (eng) |
mäntióch | mentiˈox | ‘(words of) farewell "future trade meeting"’ (eng) |
manu | manu | ‘banana shoot’ (eng) |
mapan | mapan | ‘foot, sole’ (eng) |
mapi | mapi | ‘exxperienced, adult’ (eng) |
mapo | mapo | ‘piece’ (eng) |
mapof | mapoɸ | ‘short, little, narrow’ (eng) |
mapos | mapos | ‘rotten’ (eng) |
mapu | mapu | ‘outermost, top’ (eng) |
mapuf | mapuɸ | ‘consanguineal family, small but complete (form or group)’ (eng) |
mapuoch | mapuox | ‘wild, raw, unpolished, hostile’ (eng) |
mará | maˈra | ‘stem’ (eng) |
marák | maˈrak | ‘absent, finished ready, bark, skin, shell’ (eng) |
marim | marim | ‘tail-fin’ (eng) |
marit on | marit on | ‘inter-regional exchange-meeting’ (eng) |
maru | maru | ‘lake’ (eng) |
masá | maˈsa | ‘opening, towards the river's mouth, coastal’ (eng) |
mase(j) | mase(j) | ‘big, thick, broad’ (eng) |
masi | masi | ‘collection, bundle, trace’ (eng) |
masik | masik | ‘side (of object)’ (eng) |
masim | masim | ‘colour’ (eng) |
masis | masis | ‘breast, something swollen’ (eng) |
masis maku | masis maku | ‘nipple’ (eng) |
masom | masom | ‘name, wooded region’ (eng) |
masu | masu | ‘innermost, inside, sweet taste’ (eng) |
masúsur | maˈsusur | ‘pointed bamboo concealed on swidden to injure thieves’ (eng) |
matá | maˈta | ‘blade, leaf’ (eng) |
mataj | mataj | ‘bone (in the body)’ (eng) |
maták | maˈtak | ‘strong, hard, strength’ (eng) |
matem | matem | ‘spadix of the sugar-palm’ (eng) |
matiach | matiax | ‘coitus’ (eng) |
matiáf | matiˈaɸ | ‘yellow bird-of-paradise’ (eng) |
matioch | matiox | ‘wall’ (eng) |
mató | maˈto | ‘broad, wide, thorax, door-opening’ (eng) |
matót | maˈtot | ‘filled’ (eng) |
maw | maw | ‘butt, hindleg, aft (of canoe)’ (eng) |
mawat | mawat | ‘very, much, most’ (eng) |
mawe | mawe | ‘oracle’ (eng) |