OUTOFPAPUA database: Lexicons of the West Papuan language area

Blust & Trussel (2019a): Proto-Austronesian

Original citation: Blust, Robert and Stephen Trussel. 2019. Austronesian Comparative Dictionary, web edition. URL: www.trussel2.com/ACD

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Headword IPA Glosses

‘perfective marker’


‘verbal infix marking actor voice’


‘imperative suffix’


‘subjunctive suffix’


‘hesitation particle’








‘high, tall’




‘bring, take along’


‘no, not’


‘six (of humans)’


‘one (of humans)’




‘interjection, exclamation of surprise, incredulity, etc.’


1. ‘heart’

2. ‘mind’


‘1sg oblique’


‘grandfather, ancestor’


1. ‘1sg nominative’

2. ‘I’


1. ‘take, get, fetch, obtain’

2. ‘marry’




‘fetch, get, take’


‘fetch, get, take’




‘quick, fast’




‘pancreas, spleen’


‘to paddle’


‘ant sp.’




‘1pl ex oblique’


‘1pl. excl. nominative pronoun, we ( exclusive)’


1. ‘all’

2. ‘finished’


‘2pl. nominative pronoun’


1. ‘verbal suffix marking locative voice’

2. ‘nominal suffix marking location’


1. ‘child, offspring’

2. ‘son, daughter’

3. ‘interest on a loan’




‘insect of the order *Isoptera*: termite, white ant’


‘departure (?)’


‘carry on the back’


‘grandparent/ grandchild (reciprocal)’


‘betel chew’


1. ‘come’

2. ‘toward the speaker’

3. ‘let’s go!’






‘to sweep, remove trash’




‘1pl. incl. possessive pronoun: our’


‘stone wall’




‘(gloss uncertain)’


‘exclamation of annoyance, surprise, etc.’




‘woman, wife’




‘to have been split, cloven in two’


‘to have become rotten’




‘to wash’


1. ‘carry a person pick-a-back’

2. ‘ride pick-a-back’


‘woman, female’


1. ‘upper surface, top’

2. ‘highlands’

3. ‘on, upon, over, above’






‘broomcorn millet: *Panicum miliaceum*’




1. ‘know, understand’

2. ‘ask, inquire’


‘edible mushroom sp.’




‘kind of basket’




1. ‘belt’

2. ‘tie around the waist’




‘lily-like plant: *Crinum asiaticum* L.’


‘bird: the woodpecker’


‘shallow earthenware cooking pot or pan’


1. ‘beating stick’

2. ‘to beat, beat (esp. clothes in washing them)’


‘preserve meat in salt or brine’


1. ‘to answer, retaliate’

2. ‘reciprocate good or evil’




‘buy, sell’




‘bind, bundle’


‘thorny vine: *Smilax* spp.’


‘male (of animals)’


‘thorny vine: *Smilax* spp.’




‘wash the body’


‘tree: *Melia azedarach*’


‘paddy bug, foul-smelling insect that preys on rice in the field’


‘butterfly, moth’


‘resound resounding sound’


1. ‘tusk’

2. ‘canine tooth’


‘rotten smell, stench’






‘wake up, get out of bed’


‘Japanese cypress: *Chamaecyparis obtusa*’


‘to skin, flay’

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