OUTOFPAPUA database: Lexicons of the West Papuan language area

Blust & Trussel (2019b): Proto-Malayo-Polynesian

Original citation: Blust, Robert and Stephen Trussel. 2019. Austronesian Comparative Dictionary, web edition. URL: www.trussel2.com/ACD

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Headword IPA Glosses

‘verbal infix marking actor voice for intransitive verbs, and of inchoatives’


‘3sg. object’




‘conjunction: and’


‘exclamation, interjection’


1. ‘ambush, block the way’

2. ‘obstacle, hindrance’


‘high, lofty’






‘pull up, root up’


‘plant: *Pipturus argenteus*’




‘that, there’


‘exclamation of pain, distress, etc.’


‘four (of humans)’


‘and, also’




‘cackling laughter’




‘cry of a monkey’


‘halibut, sole, flounder’


‘dark, night’


‘move, change place’


‘to howl, of dogs’


‘shade, shadow’


1. ‘burning brand’

2. ‘charred or smoldering wood’


‘father (voc.)’


‘father (voc.)’


‘father (voc.)’


‘stamp or smack against’


‘seize with the hands’


‘empty husk (of rice, etc.)’


‘grandparent/ grandchild (reciprocal)’


‘pardon, forgiveness’


‘long (of objects)’


1. ‘child, offspring’

2. ‘son, daughter’

3. ‘brother's child (man speaking), sister's child (woman speaking)’

4. ‘young animal or plant’

5. ‘young’

6. ‘small (for its kind)’

7. ‘dependent or component part of something larger’

8. ‘native, resident, inhabitant’

9. ‘interest on a loan’

*anak a ma-iRaq

‘neonate (lit. 'red child')’

*anak a qulu

‘first-born, eldest child (lit. 'head child')’

*anak apij


*anak bahi, anak babahi, anak binahi

‘wife-taking lineage’

*anak buaq

‘relative (?)’

*anak i banua

‘fellow villager, fellow community-member’

*anak i batu

‘small stones, gravel’

*anak i kahiw

‘young tree, sprout’

*anak i lesuŋ

‘rice pestle’

*anak i lima

‘little finger, pinkie’

*anak i manuk

‘chick, baby chicken’

*anak i mata

‘pupil of the eye’

*anak i panaq


*anak i qaRta

‘slave (?)’

*anak i sumpit

‘blowpipe dart’

*anak i tau

‘someone else's child’

*anak ma-Ruqanay, anak (la)laki

‘wife-giving lineage’

*anak nu mata

‘pupil of the eye (‘child of the eye’)’


‘plait (mats, baskets, etc.)’






‘plait, braid’


‘open the mouth wide’








1. ‘scoop up with both hands’

2. ‘double handful’




‘large snake sp.’


‘thing whose name is unknown, avoided, or cannot be remembered: what?’


‘my unnamed thing: mine’


‘fruit-bearing plant: *Pisonia umbellifera*’


‘your unnamed thing: yours’

*a-nu-ni a

‘his/her unnamed thing: his/hers’



*apa apa

1. ‘something’

2. ‘anything’

3. ‘everything’


‘what? which?’


1. ‘taste of unripe banana’

2. ‘slightly bitter or astringent taste’





*apuŋ apuŋ



‘tree fern’


1. ‘walk single-file’

2. ‘positioned one behind the other’


‘class="findlink" href="acd-ak n htm#nobility">nobility, member of the chiefly class’


‘kind of fern’


‘shore tree: *Casuarina equisetifolia*’


‘dry out, become dry’


‘fetch water, scoop up water’


‘smoke, soot’


‘incite, spur to action’






‘high, tall’




‘itch, itchy’


‘1p plural absolute possessive pronoun: ours (incl.)’


‘negative marker’


‘pinch together’


1. ‘away, outward, forward, onward’

2. ‘towards the hearer’


‘away from speaker’


‘question particle’


‘atmosphere, space between earth and sky’


‘beckon with the hand’


‘father’s sister, father’s sister’s husband’


‘swing, sway, rock’




1. ‘conjunction: or, if’

2. ‘perhaps’

3. ‘because’


‘interjection or exclamation’


‘preposition: at, on, in, to’


‘under, below’


1. ‘woman’

2. ‘female’


1. ‘carry a person pick-a-back’

2. ‘ride pick-a-back’




‘group, company, collection, swarm’


1. ‘lower surface, bottom’

2. ‘short, low’

3. ‘below, beneath, under’


‘to weed (a garden, etc.)’

*babuy banua

‘domesticated pig’

*babuy halas

‘wild pig’

*babuy lebu

‘domesticated pig’


‘grit, coarse sand, gravel’




‘overgrown, clumsy, sluggish’


‘molar tooth’


1. ‘flood’

2. ‘to overflow, be in flood’






1. ‘cold, of leftover food’

2. ‘leftovers from a meal’


‘hairy vine: *Pueraria hirsuta*’


1. ‘female, woman, wife’

2. ‘female of animals’


‘odor, stench’


1. ‘odor’

2. ‘stench’


1. ‘tell, inform’

2. ‘ask, inquire’


‘clap! smack!’


‘negative marker’


‘conjunction: despite, nonetheless’


‘spread apart, split’


‘loosen, undo, untie’


‘swift, strong, energetic, fast’


1. ‘peel off, of skin’

2. ‘remove the bark of a tree’


‘belt, anything that encircles tightly’


‘scab, crust’


‘kind of pandanus’


‘pen, enclosure for domesticated animals’


‘whatever, whichever’


‘rat, mouse’


‘blurred, of vision’


‘bird, the woodpecker’


‘scratch or wale on the skin’




‘pale, unnaturally white’


‘scratch or wale on the skin’


‘public building, community house, guest house’


‘to complete, perfect something’


‘lie, deception’


‘reverse, turn around’


‘weaver's sword ( lath used to beat in and tighten the woof)’


‘kind of grass’


‘reverse, turn around’


‘fracture, break’


1. ‘change, exchange’

2. ‘repeat, return’

3. ‘again’


1. ‘cluster (b) == repay, return in kind’

2. ‘retaliate, take revenge (hence: to equalize a loss or debt)’


1. ‘dual division, moiety == cluster (a) answer, oppose, opposite side or part’

2. ‘partner, friend, enemy’




‘kind of grass’


‘plant yielding useful fibers: *Thespesia populnea*’


‘rice pestle’


‘some, some more’




‘dove: probably *Ducula* spp.’




‘to sell’


1. ‘bind, bundle, wrap in cloth’

2. ‘death shroud’

3. ‘cloth(ing)’


‘tree with edible fruit, and medicinal uses, probably *Buchanania arborescens*’


‘mourn the dead’






‘radiance, as of rising sun’


‘thorny vine: *Smilax* spp.’


‘Indian tulip tree: *Thespesia populnea*’


‘thorny vine: *Smilax* spp.’


‘wash the hands’


‘goat hair decoration on a spear or staff’


‘wide open’


1. ‘butterfly, moth’

2. ‘butterfly fish’


1. ‘cavity, pit, den’

2. ‘to excavate a pit’


‘fish sp.’




‘tusk, canine tooth’


‘rotten smell, stench (as of stagnant water)’


‘unpleasant smell’




‘cook over a fire’


‘tree: *Nauclea* sp.’






1. ‘wake someone, rouse someone from sleep’

2. ‘erect something, put something in an upright position’


‘fling down, dash against’


‘pull up, as out of a pit or out of water’


‘inhabited land, territory supporting the life of a community’


1. ‘share, inherit, inheritance’

2. ‘to allot, divide property’


‘split, break off’


‘split lengthwise’


1. ‘mouth, opening’

2. ‘speak, say’


1. ‘new, fresh’

2. ‘recent(ly)’

3. ‘youth, bachelor’

4. ‘beautiful, in one's prime’


‘trigger of a tension-set trap’


‘hand, arm’


‘pen, enclosure for domesticated animals’


‘pen, enclosure for domesticated animals’


‘support beams in a house’


‘support beams in a house’



*baRah hapuy

‘ember, glowing coal’


‘mollusk sp.’




1. ‘hero, war-leader’

2. ‘dare to do’




‘spread out, unfurl’


‘molar tooth’


‘striped, streaked’


‘beginning to spoil, tainted (of food left uneaten too long)’


‘small shore tree: *Hibiscus tiliaceus*’


1. ‘fungus that grows on the sugar palm’

2. ‘tinder’


1. ‘wet’

2. ‘wash clothes’


‘millet or sorghum sp. (unident.)’


1. ‘tree trunk, fallen tree, log’

2. ‘stem of a plant’

3. ‘body’

4. ‘corpse’

5. ‘self’

6. ‘bridge of the nose’

7. ‘most important or preeminent thing’

8. ‘main course of a river’

9. ‘mushroom or bracket fungus that grows on tree trunks or decaying logs’


‘mottled design, as of a tattoo’






1. ‘stone’

2. ‘testicle’

3. ‘kind of banana’

4. ‘numeral classifier for teeth (?)’

*batu hapuy

‘flint stone’


‘stony, gravel’






‘to plait, weave (as mats, baskets)’


‘trigger on spring trap’


‘upper surface, top, above’




‘tree: *Pterospermum* sp.’


‘slap, beat on’


‘spatter, fly out in all directions’


‘squeeze, squirt out’


‘wind around’


‘split, crack open’


‘split, crack open’


‘trace, track, mark, print (as footprint)’


1. ‘fine particles, powder which results from pounding grains, etc.’

2. ‘pulverize grains’


1. ‘spread out, unroll (mats, etc.), open out, unfold (as the hand)’

2. ‘wide’


‘curved, bent’


‘curved, bent’


‘curved, bent’




1. ‘to bend over, bend down (of a person)’

2. ‘hunchbacked’


‘crack, split open (as the stomach of a fish)’


‘bamboo sp.’


‘spotted, dappled’


‘division, partition, intervening space’


‘fish corral’


1. ‘dull, blunt’

2. ‘blocked, plugged’

3. ‘stupid’


‘hydropoesia, bodily swelling caused by water retention’


1. ‘value, price’

2. ‘marriage prestations, brideprice’

3. ‘purchase’


1. ‘no, not’

2. ‘vetative marker: don't!’


‘to lie, tell a lie’


‘twist around’


‘viscous, sticky’




1. ‘lower part of a river’

2. ‘tidal bore’


‘to sneeze’


‘swelling of the body’


‘true, righteous, honest’


‘open the mouth’


‘disconcert, confuse’


1. ‘gape, open the mouth wide’

2. ‘dazzled, amazed’


‘open, spacious’


‘surprised, amazed’


‘open the mouth’


1. ‘split, torn’

2. ‘opening or water passage between two capes of land’








‘fragrance, pleasant odor or smell’


‘angry, quarrelsome’


‘grin widely, showing the teeth’


‘cry out, as in pain or fear’


‘swell, increase in size’


‘spread apart, as the legs, or an unbent fishhook’


1. ‘to open, as a fist’

2. ‘to blossom, of flowers’

3. ‘split open, break up, dismantle, demolish’


‘untie, undo’


‘bent, curve, arch’


‘bend, curve’


‘humming sound’


‘hack a passage through vegetation, blaze a trail’


‘extended, stretched taut, put under tension’




1. ‘glutted, sated’

2. ‘swollen (of the belly)’


1. ‘glutted, sated’

2. ‘swollen (of the belly)’


‘fibrous husk of coconut’


‘pull out, extract’




‘onomatopoetic for sound of fluttering, flying’


‘width, extent across’


1. ‘rice between harvesting and cooking’

2. ‘husked rice’


1. ‘give, present gifts to’

2. ‘gift’


‘flutter, flap, sound of rapid wingbeats’


‘shiver, tremble’


‘deep grunt or groan’


1. ‘weight, heaviness, weightiness’

2. ‘difficult’

3. ‘pregnant’


1. ‘bundle (as of firewood)’

2. ‘package’



*beRŋi beRŋi



‘(gloss uncertain)’


1. ‘canoe paddle’

2. ‘paddle a canoe’


‘tear, rip open (as cloth or stitches), snap (as string)’


‘thorn, spur, barb’


‘wet, wash’


‘sound of whirring or whizzing’




‘split open, burst under pressure’


‘chop down’


‘split, cleave’


‘burst, split open’


‘sister (man speaking)’


‘beat, thrash’


‘spur or spine on an animal’


‘millet sp., probably foxtail millet: *Setaria italica*’


‘millet sp., probably foxtail millet: *Setaria italica*’




‘vulva, vagina’


‘appear, come into view’


‘callus, blister’


1. ‘explode’

2. ‘explosion (as of a volcano)’




‘burst open, as an overfilled sack’


‘step, tread, stamp on’


‘intestinal worm’


‘draw a bow to its full extent’’


‘bivalve mollusk sp., lucine clam’


‘lower lip’


‘splash, spatter, splatter’


‘open, of the eyes’


‘side, edge’


‘open forcibly, force apart (as the eyelids with the fingers)’




‘bend, curve’


‘hunched over’


‘calabash tree: *Crescentia* spp.’


‘spread out in the sun to dry’


‘shine, glitter’


‘open the eyes wide’




‘cataract of the eye’


‘value, price’




‘bend, curve’


‘turn, revolve’


‘intertwine (as strands in making rope)’


‘large marine fish, the jackfish or trevally’


1. ‘to wind, curve, turn to the side’

2. ‘to tack, sail into the wind’


‘mouth of a river, estuary’


‘flash of light’


‘seed set aside for the next planting (esp. rice)’


‘kind of volute shell’


‘bare the teeth’


‘lump or chunk of material’


‘undo, untie, spring a trap’


1. ‘coil, curve, bend, fold’

2. ‘to coil, to curve, to bend, to fold’


‘curved, bent’


1. ‘implement with curved blade: adze’

2. ‘hammerhead shark’


‘carry dangling from the fingertips’


‘to carry’


‘carry between two or more persons’


‘calf-kicking contest’




‘to split’


‘semen, smegma’


1. ‘wild taro, elephant's ear or itching taro, *Alocasia* spp.’

2. ‘sexual itch’


‘semen, smegma’






‘rim, edge, border’


‘dark hue, possibly dark red’


‘dark hue, possibly dark red’


‘side, edge’




‘to tear, rip’


‘fan palm: *Licuala Rumphii*’


‘sprinkle water on something’


1. ‘wet’

2. ‘wash the anus after defecating’


‘to split’


‘boil, abscess’


‘break, split’


‘shore tree: *Calophyllum inophyllum*’


‘tear, rip’


1. ‘pull at body part’

2. ‘hold something dangling from the fingers’


1. ‘lower leg (below the knee)’

2. ‘calf of the leg’


1. ‘snare, noose trap’

2. ‘spring up suddenly, jerk up (as a fishing line or noose trap)’


1. ‘hungry’

2. ‘starve’


1. ‘small’

2. ‘few’


1. ‘stomach’

2. ‘large intestine’


‘bamboo sp.’

*bituqen pitu

‘Pleiades (= 'seven stars')’




‘gush or bubble up, of spring water’


1. ‘fruit’

2. ‘areca palm and nut’

3. ‘grain’

4. ‘berry’

5. ‘seed’

6. ‘nut’

7. ‘endosperm of a sprouting coconut’

8. ‘kidney’

9. ‘heart’

10. ‘finger’

11. ‘calf of the leg’

12. ‘testicle’

13. ‘various insects’

14. ‘scar tissue’

15. ‘roe’

16. ‘bud’

17. ‘flower’

18. ‘blossom’

19. ‘bear fruit’

20. ‘words, speech, or songs’

21. ‘meaning, contents of discussion’

22. ‘numeral classifier for roundish objects’

23. ‘buttock’

24. ‘Adam's apple’

25. ‘nipple of the breast’

26. ‘button’

27. ‘marble’

28. ‘tattooing’

*buaq buaq

‘(gloss uncertain)’

*buaq na batu

‘round stone (?)’

*buaq ni bities

‘calf of the leg’

*buaq ni kahiw

‘fruit (of a tree)’

*buaq ni lima

‘finger (lit. ' fruit of the hand')’

*buaq ni qatay

1. ‘heart (figurative)’

2. ‘term of endearment’


‘harvest fruits’


‘like, similar to, resemble’


‘legumes, beans’




‘betel pepper: *Piper betle*’


1. ‘fontanelle’

2. ‘crown of the head’


1. ‘well, cistern’

2. ‘spring’


1. ‘ridge of the roof’

2. ‘ridge of a mountain, peak’

3. ‘deck of a boat’

4. ‘cover the ridgepole with thatch’


1. ‘well, cistern’

2. ‘spring’


1. ‘roof’

2. ‘ridge of the roof’


1. ‘roof’

2. ‘ridge of the roof’


‘increase, growth’


‘tall forest tree which emits an unpleasant odor: *Sterculia foetida*’


‘foam, bubbles, lather, scum, froth’


‘immerse, dip in water’


1. ‘unnaturally white’

2. ‘albino’


‘sprinkle seed, sow seed in dibble holes’


‘tip, extremity’


1. ‘do, make, create, perform’

2. ‘to work’

3. ‘to wager: deed’

4. ‘thing’

5. ‘creation’

6. ‘behavior, conduct, performance’

7. ‘work’

8. ‘bet’

9. ‘because, on account of, through the action of’

10. ‘need, use for something’

11. ‘necessary’

12. ‘for (benefactive)’


1. ‘to lift, stand up, arise, emerge, begin, depart, carry’

2. ‘cargo’

3. ‘take something’

4. ‘take a wife’




‘lifted, carried’


‘head hair’


‘drunkenness, intoxication’


1. ‘swing’

2. ‘to swing’

*bui bui

1. ‘swing’

2. ‘to swing’


‘pull back and forth’


1. ‘foam, bubbles, lather, scum, froth’

2. ‘to foam, to bubble’

3. ‘foam at the mouth’

4. ‘fond of talking’

5. ‘type of white bead’

*bujeq ni wahiR

‘foam on the surface of water’


‘sound of a dull thud’


‘to open, uncover, expose’


‘bubble up, as spring water’


‘bubbling, boiling’


‘hit, pound, beat’


1. ‘weevil that infests wood, bamboo, and rice’

2. ‘dust produced by the boring of this insect’

3. ‘tooth decay, dental caries’


‘attacked by wood worms’


‘thick, viscous’

*buku buku

‘joints, nodes’

*buku lali



‘have joints’


1. ‘node (as in bamboo or sugarcane)’

2. ‘joint’

3. ‘knuckle’

4. ‘knot in wood’

5. ‘knot in string or rope’




‘tree, the Chinese or Philippine mahogany: *Shorea albus* Foxw.’


1. ‘kind of shellfish’

2. ‘eye of cateye shell’


1. ‘moon, month’

2. ‘menstruation’

3. ‘shell disk collar piece’


‘unnaturally white, albino’

*bulan matay

‘new moon, eclipse (lit. 'dead moon')’


1. ‘each month, every month, monthly’

2. ‘for months’


‘white fish, the tarpon: *Megalops cyprinoides*’


‘unnaturally white, albino’


‘open the eyes wide, stare with round eyes’


1. ‘roundworm, ascaris, intestinal worm’

2. ‘also earthworm?’


‘cowrie shell: *Cypraea mauritiana*’


‘rectum, anus, buttocks’


1. ‘(entire) stalk of bananas’

2. ‘ear of grain’


‘caulk, fill up a hole or crack with viscous material’


1. ‘body hair’

2. ‘fur’

3. ‘feather’

4. ‘down’

5. ‘floss on plant stems’

6. ‘color’

7. ‘type, kind’


‘wash the hands’

*bulu bulu


*bulu ni babuy

1. ‘pig bristles’

2. ‘type of sea urchin with thin black spines’

*bulu ni manuk

‘chicken feathers’

*bulu ni mata





‘hair of, fur of’




‘dark bluish-, bluish- black’


‘medicinal herbs’


‘constellation: the Pleiades’


‘hairy filaments of certain plants, husk’


‘bat fish: *Platax* spp.’


‘batfish: *Platax* spp.’


‘plant used to stun fish: *Derris elliptica*’


1. ‘fill a hole with earth’

2. ‘cover something with a heap of earth’


‘elevated ground’


‘deep resounding sound’


1. ‘flower, blossom’

2. ‘to flower, bear flowers’

3. ‘yield a benefit (as interest on a loan)’

4. ‘first-born child’

5. ‘cotton’

6. ‘vulva (refined or evasive), skin rash, prickly heat’

7. ‘speckled (of fish)’

8. ‘kidneys’

*buŋa na batu

‘coral sponge’

*buŋa na kahiw

‘blossom of a fruit tree’

*buŋa ni hapuy

‘sparks from a fire’


‘flower, blossom’


1. ‘first of anything’

2. ‘first fruits’

3. ‘prime, new, untainted, virgin’


‘swell up’


1. ‘take apart, dismantle’

2. ‘break open’


‘to open, uncover’


‘bent, crooked’


1. ‘swelling’

2. ‘lump or bump under the skin’

3. ‘wad of something’


‘bend, bent, bowed’


‘hide, conceal’


‘noise, sound’




‘puffer fish sp.’


‘break through, of water’




‘distended, inflated (of the belly)’


‘small hill, knoll’

*buntu buntu

‘small hill, knoll’


‘small hill, knoll’


‘small hill, knoll’

*buntul buntul

‘small hill, knoll’


‘rear end of a chicken’


‘bloated, swollen (of the belly)’


‘rice seedling’


1. ‘throw at, hit, strike with a sharp object’

2. ‘kill’

3. ‘extinguish (a fire)’


‘coconut husk, coir’


1. ‘discard, throw away’

2. ‘banish’


‘kind of tree the leaves of which are used as poultices for boils’


‘to sway, swing (as a cradle)’


1. ‘crocodile’

2. ‘greedy’


‘pour, pour out, as water or grain from a container’


‘ringworm: *Tinea imbricata*’


‘froth, foam’


1. ‘spray water from the mouth’

2. ‘spray a mixture of saliva and masticated medicinal herbs on an ailing body part in curing’




‘rice porridge, rice gruel’


‘wood worm’




‘envious, jealous’


‘palm sp: *Corypha elata*’


‘wash, as the hands’


1. ‘hind part, rear, back’

2. ‘base, bottom’


‘hind part, rear, back’


‘line, stripe’


‘drive or force into’


‘earth, soil, mud’


‘inferior type of betel nut’


‘foam, suds’




‘drive animals away’


‘leak, spill through, stream out from a hole in a container’


‘foam, bubbles’


1. ‘decayed, rotten, putrid’

2. ‘stinking’


1. ‘hunting bow’

2. ‘bow-like instrument used to card kapok fiber’


1. ‘mote in the eye’

2. ‘blind’

3. ‘blindness’

*buta-en mata

‘get a mote in the eye’


‘tree with poisonous sap’


‘pull up (as weeds), pluck (as feathers)’


‘pull out, uproot, pluck’


1. ‘wart’

2. ‘cyst’

3. ‘non-purulent skin eruption’




1. ‘hard seed’

2. ‘burl, knot in wood’


1. ‘callus, corn’

2. ‘blister’


‘knock, pound, beat’


‘shore tree: *Barringtonia* spp.’


1. ‘testicles of animals’

2. ‘castrate animals’


‘snap, break, as a rope under tension’


‘coconut husk’


‘pull out with force’


‘sticky, stick to’


‘quick, swift’


‘choke, strangle’


‘seize, grasp’


‘sink, submerge’


‘seize in the mouth or beak’


1. ‘crack, split, break’

2. ‘sound of cracking, splitting, breaking’


‘dull sound’


‘shrill, of the voice’


‘catch with the hands’


‘to shine, of heavenly bodies’


‘gape, open the mouth’








‘sip, suck’


‘to lick (?)’


‘pound, beat’


1. ‘old, of things’

2. ‘ancient times’


‘two, of people’


1. ‘leaf’

2. ‘blade of paddle or oar’

3. ‘‘ table’ for eating’

*dahun nu taliŋa

‘auricle or shell of the ear’


‘foliage, leaves’


1. ‘dirt on skin’

2. ‘dandruff’

3. ‘tartar on teeth’


1. ‘join along the length’

2. ‘raft’


1. ‘ins, area within, inner part of something’

2. ‘between’

3. ‘below, under’

4. ‘deep’

5. ‘mind, feelings, liver (fig.)’

*dalem qatay

‘hold with in (of emotions, thoughts)?’


‘buttress root’


‘trivet, arrangement of three stones on which the cooking pot is placed’


‘glue, paste, plaster, caulk’


‘smooth, slippery’


‘flying white ant or termite’


‘flat, level’


1. ‘warm oneself or something near a fire’

2. ‘heat or dry near a fire’




‘branch, twig’


‘stick, adhere to’


‘fresh water’


‘sole of the foot’


‘flat, level, even’


‘tree with dense clusters of red flowers, the Indian coral tree, *Erythrina indica*’


‘to place in contact with one another, come in contact, space closely’




‘branch, bough’


1. ‘old, ancient’

2. ‘formerly’

*daqan kahiw

‘branch of a tree’




1. ‘forehead’

2. ‘face’


‘tree: *Dracontomelum edule*’


‘maiden, virgin, unmarried girl’




‘littoral sea, sea near the shore’


‘fish: *Scomberoides* sp.’


‘to arrive, reach a place’


‘lineage priest (?)’


‘locative case marker for plural personal names’


‘smack against’


‘tree: *Erythrina* spp.’


‘pulverize, crush by pounding’


‘paste, adhesive (probably made of overcooked rice)’


‘bent, curved’


‘bow, bend downward’


‘to bend over’


‘dark of the moon, moonless night’


‘submerge, sink’


‘dull, blunt’


1. ‘with, in conjunction with’

2. ‘companion’


1. ‘to hear, listen’

2. ‘obey’

3. ‘hear about’

4. ‘news’

5. ‘fame, famous’

6. ‘to feel, perceive through any sense other than sight’


‘deep throaty sound’




‘tree with dense clusters of red flowers, the Indian coral tree, *Erythrina indica*’




‘snap, crack’




‘roar of groaning, moaning, roaring, etc.’




‘tree: *Trema orientalis*’


‘thrust into, pierce with’


‘3p deixis and spatial reference: that, there (distant?)’

*di qulu

1. ‘upstream’

2. ‘before’


‘no, not’


‘sticky, adhesive’




‘sparkle, shine’


1. ‘tongue’

2. ‘tongue of tongue-and-groove joint in carpentry’


‘flash, sparkle, shine’


‘to hear, listen’




1. ‘wall of a house’

2. ‘partition off’








1. ‘to bubble, as liquid that is starting to boil’

2. ‘to boil, of water’


‘tree: *Alstonia scholaris*’


‘(gloss uncertain)’



*duha duha

1. ‘doubt, hesitation, uncertainty’

2. ‘to doubt, hesitate, be of two minds’

*duha duha

1. ‘two by two, two at a time’

2. ‘two each’

3. ‘both’


‘divided into two’


‘bend over, stoop’




1. ‘saliva’

2. ‘to spit’


‘to slip or slide’


‘dull, blunt’






‘thorn, splinter, fish bone’


‘enter, penetrate’


‘pluck, pull out’




‘dust, powder’


1. ‘heap, pile, swarm, flock’

2. ‘to swarm, assemble, gather’


‘sow, strew, scatter’


1. ‘vetative’

2. ‘don't’


‘high-pitched throaty sound’


‘gasp for air’




‘brood, sit on eggs’


‘squeak, shriek’




‘separate two things’


‘shade, darkness’


‘borrow, be in debt’


‘high-pitched sound’


‘bend, curve’


‘father's sister, possibly address term’


‘father's sister, possibly address term’


1. ‘dam’

2. ‘to dam a stream’


‘sweet taste’


1. ‘small in quantity, few’

2. ‘trifling amount’


‘block, obstruct, dam a stream’


1. ‘grandparent/ grandchild (recipr.)’

2. ‘ancestor’

3. ‘lord, master, owner’


‘grandfather, grandmother, ancestor (vocative)’


‘hold in the mouth’


1. ‘catch or get caught in a trap’

2. ‘hit mark with spear, etc.’


‘scale of a fish’



*enem enem

‘six by six, six at a time’

*enem ŋa puluq



‘sunken, submerged’


‘gasp for breath’


‘to growl, snarl’


‘hold something inside the mouth’


‘make a gurgling sound’


‘choke, gasp, struggle for breath’


‘cover, to cover’


1. ‘subdued laughter’

2. ‘sobbing’


‘bent, stooped’


‘moan, hum, howl’


‘shrill cry’


‘guttural sound’


‘complain loudly’


‘stare, look fixedly at’


1. ‘notch’

2. ‘notched’



*epat epat

‘four at a time’


‘make a dull sound in the ears’


‘burnt food which adheres to the pot’


‘burnt food which adheres to the pot’




1. ‘stump, stub’

2. ‘finish, complete’


‘shrink (of living things)’


‘sword grass: *Imperata cylindrica*’

*esa esa

‘one by one’


‘cooked, ripe’




‘drive in stakes or posts’


‘blow the nose by pinching off one nostril’


‘rice mortar’


1. ‘constipation’

2. ‘packed hard and firm’


‘shake, vibrate, tremble’


‘chop, hack, cut off’


‘knock, pound, thud’


‘notched log ladder’


‘to rub against, scrape, scratch’


‘brave, plucky’


‘stir, mix’


‘raw energy, animal appetite’


‘knock against, of body parts’




‘uneven, of edges, jagged, rough’


‘uneven, of edges, jagged, rough’


1. ‘to brush past, rub or scrape against’

2. ‘draw a line’


‘scratch up, scrape up’




‘rub against, scrape, scratch’


‘rub, abrade’


1. ‘itch, feel itchy’

2. ‘sexually stimulated’


1. ‘to bite something off, to chew something up’

2. ‘to mince’


‘tentacles of octopus, squid, jellyfish, etc.’


‘tree: *Inocarpus* spp., possibly the Tahitian chestnut: *Inocarpus edulis*’


‘sound of sob’


‘animal sound’


‘lightning that strikes something’


‘hold in the fist’


1. ‘suckerfish, remora: *Echineis naucrates*’

2. ‘hold on by biting’’


‘dull resounding sound’


‘smack of light smacking’


‘pinch, squeeze between’


‘sound of a grunt, etc.’


‘notch, groove’


‘sound of scraping or scratching’




‘to pinch’


‘to snap, break off, as a twig’


‘spotted, striped’


‘to tickle’


‘shiver, tremble’


‘titter, giggle’


1. ‘wild’

2. ‘skittish’

3. ‘insane’


1. ‘wild’

2. ‘insane’


‘shine, glitter’




‘to grind, as by rolling over’


‘tap or beat lightly on’




‘narrow, tight, confined’


‘to tickle’


‘fungal disease of the oral tract: thrush’


‘moustache, beard’


‘dark, darkened’




1. ‘to scratch’

2. ‘sound of scratching’


‘noise, tumult’


‘sword grass, *Imperata cylindrica*’


‘noise, tumult’


1. ‘front teeth, incisors’

2. ‘gnaw, to bite or tear off with the incisors’


‘pluck, pull out’


‘to scratch, as an itch’


‘what is carried on the back’


1. ‘dream’

2. ‘was dreamt by’


‘(gloss uncertain)’


‘accompany, escort’


‘tighten, fasten firmly’


‘to blow’


‘to dream’


‘to do or go first’


‘to chirp, to crow, to sound off (birds)’




‘locative particle’


‘marker of a tag question’


‘adjectival prefix for adjectives of measure’


‘marker of instrumental nouns’


‘stative prefix’


‘cloth used to carry a child on the back’




‘twins of the same sex’


‘long cloth wrapped around body and used for carrying’






‘much, many, plenty’


‘smell, sniff, kiss’


1. ‘transport piecemeal’

2. ‘transport through repeated trips’


‘forest, wilderness, woods, jungle’

*halas + "dark"

‘primary forest, primeval jungle’


‘night, dark’


‘move, transfer’


‘plant: *Solanum nigrum*’


‘unroll a mat, spread out a mat’


‘go together’


‘attack, run amuck’


‘think, understand’




1. ‘gust, draft, current of air’

2. ‘rumor’




‘odor of burnt food’


‘tree: *Cordia dichotoma*’








‘fishing line’


‘feel, grope’


1. ‘liner, layer, insulation, padding’

2. ‘sleeping mat’


‘flattened, as plants to the ground’


1. ‘press together, press between two surfaces’

2. ‘part of the loom’


‘feel, grope’






‘kind of marine eel’


‘notched log ladder’

*haRezan na batu

‘stone stairs’


‘snore, groan, etc.’


1. ‘ripe’

2. ‘cooked’




‘whet, sharpen’


‘whetstone, grindstone’


‘dibble, plant seeds with a dibble stick’


‘press in, cram, crowd’


1. ‘accompany, escort, conduct, convey’

2. ‘send’

3. ‘return’

4. ‘escort the bride to her husband’

5. ‘gift of food at a wedding’

6. ‘send bridewealth payments’


‘escort, accompany (imperative)’


‘waist, back of the waist’


‘wash, rinse’


‘carry a child with a carrying cloth’


‘group, pile’


‘pluck, pull up (as weeds)’


‘stop, cease, of rain’


‘to crow, to caw’


‘hunched over, stoop-shouldered’


‘dark, dim’




‘cooked rice’


‘sweet taste’


‘smother, suffocate’


‘to wash’


‘out of breath’


‘exude or escape, of air, gases or similar substances (?)’




1. ‘yes’

2. ‘expression of agreement’


‘deep guttural sound’


‘groan, moan, roar, growl’


1. ‘to bind tightly’

2. ‘belt’


‘flesh, meat’


‘cut, sever, chop’


1. ‘shyness, embarrassment’

2. ‘shame’






‘borrow, lend’




‘cover with earth’








‘tie, bind, attach to by tying’


‘wide open, of the eyes’


‘village, town’


‘grease, oil, fat’


‘verb prefix’


‘wash hands, feet or face’




‘sniff, sniffle (as with a runny nose)’


‘beads, necklace’


‘opposite side (esp. of a river)’




‘lie in wait for, ambush’




‘tiny sea fish that ascends rivers in huge numbers to spawn’


‘cut off’


‘sip, as soup or rice wine from a bowl’


‘scrub oneself by scrubbing’










1. ‘younger sibling of the same sex’

2. ‘younger parallel cousin of the same sex’


1. ‘younger sibling of the same sex (vocative)’

2. ‘younger parallel cousin of the same sex (vocative)’


‘vine: *Flagellaria indica*’




‘heap, pile, collection’


‘drip or drain out’






‘lie or sleep next to’


1. ‘lower or let down, as on a rope’

2. ‘pay out fishline’

3. ‘launch a boat’


‘first, before, anterior in time’


‘chirp, tweet, crow, produce sound (of birds)’


‘withdraw, pull out, extract’


‘to molt, shed the skin’


‘flower spathe of areca palm’


‘drip or drain out’


‘wash body parts, cooking or eating utensils (but not clothes)’


‘to wait, be patient’


1. ‘draw string’

2. ‘to thread a drawstring’


1. ‘roar of a current, crashing waves, etc.’

2. ‘moan, groan (as in pain or when near death)’


1. ‘brain’

2. ‘marrow’


‘exclamation to express surprise, call to a friend, respond to a distant call, etc.’


‘to yawn’


‘shake, sway, as the ground in an earthquake’


‘2sg. subject pronoun’


‘local transitive suffix’


‘verbal prefix marking instrumental or benefactive voice’’

*i dalem

1. ‘below, beneath’

2. ‘in’


1. ‘demonstrative pronoun and adverb: this, here’

2. ‘that, there’


‘cry out, shout’


‘cry out, shout’


‘demonstrative marker of uncertain meaning’


‘particle of doubt or interrogation’


‘above, on top’

*iba iba

‘remainder, surplus’


‘companion, close relative, other one’


‘companion, close relative, other one’


‘break or split off’


1. ‘saliva in the mouth’

2. ‘drool’

3. ‘desire, crave, lust for’


‘touch, grasp’


‘dull, muffled sound’


‘pull out, uproot’


‘budge, shift, move aside’


‘they, them (cf *)’


‘that, there’


‘then, at that time’


‘nasal mucus, snot’




‘count, calculate’


‘exclamation of surprise, etc.’


1. ‘urine’

2. ‘urinate’




‘prefix for ordinal numerals’






‘2sg., you’


‘fifth (ordinal numeral)’












‘mallet for beating bark into bark cloth’



*ikuR ikuR

‘trailing behind’

*ikuR ikuR ni asu

‘plant with flowers the shape of a dog's tail, used to treat abscesses’

*ikuR ni mata

‘outer corner of the eye’


‘to follow, join with’


‘wild, timorous, shy’


‘(gloss uncertain)’


‘flicker, of flames’


1. ‘silhouette, shadow’

2. ‘glimpse of something’


‘reflect at (a reflection, etc.)’


‘turn, rotate’




‘spittle, saliva’




‘weigh, balance, compare’


‘stench, strong unpleasant odor’


‘nature spirit’


‘deflate, deflated, shrunken’


‘collect, heap up’




‘2p pronoun: you’


‘that, there’


1. ‘mother, mother's sister’

2. ‘female animal’

*ina ama


*ina ni lima



‘mother, mother's sister (address, vocative)’


‘mother, mother's sister (address, vocative)’




‘exclamation of wonder, pain, etc.’


‘loud, unpleasant noise’


1. ‘to note, remember’

2. ‘care, attention, caution’


‘bound firmly’


‘to sit’


‘moan or groan’




‘various drinks’


‘step on, tread on, trample’


‘to name, give a name to’








‘exclamation of surprise, pain, etc.’

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