OUTOFPAPUA database: Lexicons of the West Papuan language area

Blust & Trussel (2019b): Proto-Malayo-Polynesian

Original citation: Blust, Robert and Stephen Trussel. 2019. Austronesian Comparative Dictionary, web edition. URL: www.trussel2.com/ACD

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Headword IPA Glosses

‘verbal infix marking actor voice for intransitive verbs, and of inchoatives’


‘3sg. object’




‘conjunction: and’


‘exclamation, interjection’


1. ‘ambush, block the way’

2. ‘obstacle, hindrance’


‘high, lofty’






‘pull up, root up’


‘plant: *Pipturus argenteus*’




‘that, there’


‘exclamation of pain, distress, etc.’


‘four (of humans)’


‘and, also’




‘cackling laughter’




‘cry of a monkey’


‘halibut, sole, flounder’


‘dark, night’


‘move, change place’


‘to howl, of dogs’


‘shade, shadow’


1. ‘burning brand’

2. ‘charred or smoldering wood’


‘father (voc.)’


‘father (voc.)’


‘father (voc.)’


‘stamp or smack against’


‘seize with the hands’


‘empty husk (of rice, etc.)’


‘grandparent/ grandchild (reciprocal)’


‘pardon, forgiveness’


‘long (of objects)’


1. ‘child, offspring’

2. ‘son, daughter’

3. ‘brother's child (man speaking), sister's child (woman speaking)’

4. ‘young animal or plant’

5. ‘young’

6. ‘small (for its kind)’

7. ‘dependent or component part of something larger’

8. ‘native, resident, inhabitant’

9. ‘interest on a loan’

*anak a ma-iRaq

‘neonate (lit. 'red child')’

*anak a qulu

‘first-born, eldest child (lit. 'head child')’

*anak apij


*anak bahi, anak babahi, anak binahi

‘wife-taking lineage’

*anak buaq

‘relative (?)’

*anak i banua

‘fellow villager, fellow community-member’

*anak i batu

‘small stones, gravel’

*anak i kahiw

‘young tree, sprout’

*anak i lesuŋ

‘rice pestle’

*anak i lima

‘little finger, pinkie’

*anak i manuk

‘chick, baby chicken’

*anak i mata

‘pupil of the eye’

*anak i panaq


*anak i qaRta

‘slave (?)’

*anak i sumpit

‘blowpipe dart’

*anak i tau

‘someone else's child’

*anak ma-Ruqanay, anak (la)laki

‘wife-giving lineage’

*anak nu mata

‘pupil of the eye (‘child of the eye’)’


‘plait (mats, baskets, etc.)’






‘plait, braid’


‘open the mouth wide’








1. ‘scoop up with both hands’

2. ‘double handful’




‘large snake sp.’


‘thing whose name is unknown, avoided, or cannot be remembered: what?’


‘my unnamed thing: mine’


‘fruit-bearing plant: *Pisonia umbellifera*’


‘your unnamed thing: yours’

*a-nu-ni a

‘his/her unnamed thing: his/hers’



*apa apa

1. ‘something’

2. ‘anything’

3. ‘everything’


‘what? which?’


1. ‘taste of unripe banana’

2. ‘slightly bitter or astringent taste’





*apuŋ apuŋ



‘tree fern’


1. ‘walk single-file’

2. ‘positioned one behind the other’


‘class="findlink" href="acd-ak n htm#nobility">nobility, member of the chiefly class’


‘kind of fern’


‘shore tree: *Casuarina equisetifolia*’


‘dry out, become dry’


‘fetch water, scoop up water’


‘smoke, soot’


‘incite, spur to action’






‘high, tall’




‘itch, itchy’


‘1p plural absolute possessive pronoun: ours (incl.)’


‘negative marker’


‘pinch together’


1. ‘away, outward, forward, onward’

2. ‘towards the hearer’


‘away from speaker’


‘question particle’


‘atmosphere, space between earth and sky’


‘beckon with the hand’


‘father’s sister, father’s sister’s husband’

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