OUTOFPAPUA database: Lexicons of the West Papuan language area

Blust & Trussel (2019c): Proto-Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian

Original citation: Blust, Robert and Stephen Trussel. 2019. Austronesian Comparative Dictionary, web edition. URL: www.trussel2.com/ACD

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Total entries: 180
Headword IPA Glosses

‘wound, to wound’




‘thing whose name is unknown’


‘one (of humans)’




‘woman, female’


‘but, if’






‘woman, female’


‘plant: *Falcataria Moluccana*’


‘do, make’


‘side, part’


‘dual division, moiety’


1. ‘bind, bundle’

2. ‘wrap in cloth’

3. ‘death shroud’

4. ‘cloth(ing)’


‘thorny vine: *Smilax* spp.’


‘beginning to spoil, tainted (of food left uneaten too long)’




1. ‘dull, blunt’

2. ‘blocked, plugged’

3. ‘stupid’


‘to swallow’


‘mute, unable to speak’


‘calf of the leg’


‘shellfish sp.’


‘to stone, throw a stone at’


‘to split’


‘to peel’






‘sword grass: *Imperata cylindrica*’


‘upper surface, top, above’


‘only, just’


1. ‘sing’

2. ‘song’


1. ‘foam, bubbles, lather, scum, froth’

2. ‘bubble up’




‘head hair’


1. ‘node (as in bamboo or sugarcane)’

2. ‘joint’

3. ‘knuckle’

4. ‘knot in wood’

5. ‘knot in string or rope’

6. ‘Mons veneris’

*buku ni lima

‘wrist bone’

*buku ni qaqay

‘ankle bone’


1. ‘body hair’

2. ‘fur’

3. ‘feather’

4. ‘down’

5. ‘antenna of insect or crustacean’

6. ‘spikes of sea urchin’

7. ‘floss on plant skins, color’

8. ‘type, kind’


‘constellation: the Pleiades’


1. ‘levered up’

2. ‘uprooted’


1. ‘crocodile’

2. ‘seahorse’


1. ‘pour water on’

2. ‘to douse (as a fire)’


‘envious, jealous’


1. ‘blind’

2. ‘blindness’


1. ‘wart’

2. ‘cyst’

3. ‘non-purulent skin eruption’


‘group, crowd, flock, school, bunch, cluster’


‘conch shell trumpet’


‘corner, edge, point’


‘to blow’




1. ‘forehead’

2. ‘face’


1. ‘leaf’

2. ‘head hair’

3. ‘classifier used in counting certain types of objects’


1. ‘two by two, two at a time’

2. ‘two each’




‘scratch, scrape’

*hadiRi bubuŋ-an

‘center post, main housepost’


‘numeral prefix’

*ijuŋ mata



‘kind of pandanus with leaves useful for plaiting’


‘2p. pl. pronoun: you’


1. ‘mother, mother's sister’

2. ‘female animal’

3. ‘largest member of a set’


1. ‘loud, of the voice’

2. ‘voice’


‘to peel, strip off’




‘rat, mouse’


1. ‘2pl. nominate and genitive’

2. ‘you all, your’


‘abdomen, belly’


‘cuscus, phalanger’


1. ‘wood’

2. ‘tree’




‘to dig up’


‘hawksbill turtle: *Chelonia imbricata*’


‘hawksbill turtle: *Chelonia imbricata*’


1. ‘keep to oneself’

2. ‘different’

3. ‘alone’


‘varied, different (?)’


‘corner of the eye’


1. ‘deep, of the sea’

2. ‘deep sea’


‘toward the sea’


‘to pour’




‘ripe, overripe’




1. ‘sweet’

2. ‘insipid, as fresh water’


‘do something twice (?)’


1. ‘paper mulberry tree: *Brousonnetia papyrifera*, used to make bark cloth’

2. ‘men’s loincloth made from this material’


‘laugh, smile’


‘soft, pliable’


‘to yawn’




‘bandicoot, marsupial ‘ rat’’


‘bandicoot, marsupial ' rat'’


‘salty, brackish’


‘raw, unripe, green (fruit), uncooked’

*ma-qitem, ma-qetem

1. ‘black’

2. ‘dirty’




1. ‘die’

2. ‘dead’


‘money, payment, medium of commercial exchange’


‘dry coconut’


‘to yawn, yawning’





*meRaq meRaq

‘red, reddish’


‘to dream’


1. ‘last, come after or behind’

2. ‘late, later’

3. ‘future’

4. ‘stern of a boat’

5. ‘youngest child’

6. ‘west’

7. ‘young’

8. ‘outside’


‘to vomit’


‘tasty, delicious’


‘mouth of a river, estuary’


‘breath, breath soul’


‘raucous sound’


‘inarticulate sound’


‘fragment, piece of something’


‘chew something tough, as sugarcane’


‘buzz, hum’


‘shake, tremble, rock’


‘tiny biting insect’


‘clear, of water’




‘to sip, suck on’


‘tree with white fruit and roots that yield a useful dye: *Morinda citrifolia*’

*oliq, uliq





‘to sail’


‘side, half’


1. ‘somewhat warm (?)’

2. ‘very warm (?)’


1. ‘bait’

2. ‘fodder’

3. ‘to feed animals’


‘to heat’




‘to tie, bind’


‘reciprocal prefix’




1. ‘drive in, as a stake’

2. ‘to plant (crops)’






‘rinse the mouth, gargle’




1. ‘stack up’

2. ‘in a row, lined up’

3. ‘to order, arrange’


‘exclamation of joy or sorrow’


‘to cough’


‘eat something raw’


‘lie down to sleep’




1. ‘head’

2. ‘top part’

3. ‘leader, chief’

4. ‘headwaters’

5. ‘handle of a bladed implement’

6. ‘prow of a boat’

7. ‘first, first-born’

8. ‘hair of the head’


‘scale of fish, turtle shell’


‘scale">scales of fish or snake’


‘fruit tree: *Spondias dulcis*’


‘wind from the northeast (?)’


‘to dry up, wither’




‘sticky, stick to’


‘sink, submerge’


‘seize in the mouth or beak’


‘crack, split’


‘go past, go beyond’


‘sound of breaking or crunching’


‘shrill sound’


‘to gape’




‘to flay, peel back or off, as bark or skin’


‘passage for a boat?’


‘preposition with locative and possessive functions’


‘forbidden, taboo’


‘smack the lips while eating’


1. ‘big, huge’

2. ‘superlative’


‘fishnet float’


1. ‘clothes louse’

2. ‘body louse’




‘draw, make marks or designs’




‘follow, come after’




‘to blow’


‘fresh water’

*waiR baaq

‘flood waters’

*waiR ni mata





1. ‘younger sibling of the same sex’

2. ‘younger parallel cousin of the same sex’


‘kind of root’




1. ‘sing’

2. ‘song’