Ray (2003e): Kala Lagaw Ya Muralag
Search entries
Headword | IPA | Glosses | |
aona | ‘sting-ray’ |
ararapa | ‘bat’ |
bagamulei | ‘pale green’ |
ba-gamuli | ‘pale green’ |
balbaigi-asiri | ‘have a fair wind, in sailing’ |
bari | ‘grass’ |
barit | ‘cuscus’ |
bete | ‘driftwood’ |
biia | ‘goatsucker’ |
brabat | ‘man's sister, woman's brother’ |
buama | ‘white cowry shell’; ‘Ovulum ovum’ |
buradunga | ‘pale green, violet, "close up white"’ |
da | ‘bosom’ |
daga-sam | ‘young cassowary’ |
danga-mari | ‘crescent-shaped ornament of pearl shell’ |
danga-mari | ‘crescentic ornament of nacre’ |
dan-goigoi | ‘roll the eyes, pray’ |
dob-utiz | ‘flee’ |
dura | ‘bosom’ |
enti | ‘spider’ |
gabugabu | ‘cold, cool’ |
gagi | ‘turtle-shell fish-hook ornament worn by girls during betrothal’ |
gaima | ‘abscess, boil’ |
gariga | ‘sun, sunlight, day’ |
gaulonga | ‘green coconut, used for drink’ |
gizugi | ‘blunt’ |
goraigor | ‘goiga’ |
grus | ‘sea anemone’; ‘Discosoma sp.’ |
grusad | ‘purple’ |
guapi | ‘shaft of klak’ |
guel | ‘bald’ |
ibaeba | ‘sandstone’ |
ietu | ‘barnacle, on turtle’ |
inguidonga | ‘blue’ |
ipatu | ‘grave’ |
kadaipa | ‘Saibai’ |
kaiet | ‘(?)’ |
kaiet-gamuli | ‘brown’ |
kaise | ‘perhaps’ |
kamad | ‘belt worn obliquely across the chest’ |
karaba | ‘paddle, oar’ |
karalaig | ‘native of Muralag’ |
karum(a) | ‘monitor lizard’; ‘Varanus’ |
kaura | ‘island’ |
kauralaig | ‘native of Muralag’ |
kaura-tarte | ‘hole in the lobe of the ear’ |
kazi gubar epiz | ‘adopt’ |
kazi-toridi | ‘adopt’ |
kisuri | ‘moon, month’ |
kogwoi | ‘throwing-stick’ |
krem | ‘white heron’ |
kubar | ‘shell of coconut’ |
kuik-get | ‘index finger’ |
kuikuia-trapot | ‘dorsal fin’ |
kuiku-tidari | ‘behead’ |
kukunu-nanamari | ‘to kick’ |
kupal | ‘tail of bird’ |
kupal-baba | ‘tail feather’ |
kurseg | ‘self’ |
maiwa | ‘species of turtle’ |
marapi | ‘bamboo, bamboo water vessel’ |
mari | ‘pearl shell’ |
muga-gud | ‘basket’ |
muia-trapot | ‘pelvic fin’ |
murug | ‘sweat’ |
nabi-get | ‘five’ |
naguli | ‘gardens probably yam gardens’ |
nar | ‘mud’ |
narlai | ‘dirty, muddy’ |
ngaranga | ‘leaf which causes a blister’ |
ngi | ‘thou’ |
ngita | ‘you (plural)’ |
nipa | ‘(suffix)’ |
oripara | ‘rainbow’ |
pa | ‘(suffix)’ |
penai | ‘dive?’ |
pidai | ‘dig?’ |
piro | ‘stealing, theft’ |
poniponi | ‘lightning’ |
potur | ‘digging-stick’ |
prui | ‘tree’ |
puri | ‘a, tree, wood, stick, flapper of a turtle’ |
purul-kazi | ‘thief’ |
purur | ‘bark of a tree’ |
pusakar-adai | ‘fill up’ |
puti | ‘armlet’ |
puti | ‘fall [drop down], undress, come out, of feather’ |
rugaig puri | ‘love charm’ |
rumbadi | ‘kind of water-lily’ |
sabi | ‘tabu, prohibition, instructions to kernge in the kwod’ |
sarima | ‘outrigger float of a canoe’ |
sarza | ‘tree, leaves used in initiation ceremony, stars in the tail of the constellation Baidam, fig tree’ |
sek | ‘hole’ |
sib-palga-paliz | ‘frightened, startled, "jump inside"’ |
sirasira | ‘tree, bark used for making fishing lines’ |
sisuri | ‘rainbow’ |
sowar | ‘food plant, species of yam, eaten during Waur’ |
sup-adai | ‘bask’ |
susuli-puri | ‘plant with milky juice’ |
tabai gabu-tari | ‘carry on shoulder’ |
taban | ‘petticoat’ |
tagur | ‘name of a plant, species of flag Probably same as togar’; ‘Philydrum’ |
tataimili | ‘scales of a fish’ |
tepan | ‘pandanus fruit’ |
tirap | ‘wrist’ |
tirap-uru | ‘bracelet of plaited string’ |
tituri | ‘star’ |
turab | ‘side of beach’ |
turkekai | ‘male’ |
turo | ‘easy, light’ |
ukosa | ‘two’ |
urapun | ‘one’ |
urapuni | ‘one’ |
urato | ‘season, year’ |
urgil-palai | ‘cover up’ |
utua | ‘sleep’ |
utu-lag | ‘house sleeping place’ |
waigar | ‘yea!, yes indeed!’ |
waiwi | ‘kernel of coconut’ |
wakai kamani-mizi | ‘sorry’ |
wakai-kamani-mizi | ‘sorry’ |
wakai-kuam | ‘sorry’ |
wakai-kumani | ‘sorry’ |
wakai-kumani-mizi | ‘sorry’ |
walkadun | ‘wallaby’ |
walsi | ‘name of a plant, basket’; ‘Xerotes banksii’ |
waranis | ‘green pigeon’ |
wati zazi | ‘menses’ |
watigam | ‘menses’ |
wati-zazi | ‘menses’ |
wera | ‘stomach’ |
wier | ‘palm of hand’ |
zabai | ‘pectoral fin’ |