Earl (1848e): Wetan
Original citation: Earl, George Windsor. 1848. Speciments of the dialects of Timor and of the chain of islands extending thence to New Guinea. Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia II. 695-704.
Notes on this source: Earl describes this language as "Tenimber. (Baba.)". It appears to be a dialect of Wetan, though not all forms are explained.
Search entries
Total entries: 34
Headword | IPA | Glosses | |
ahia | ahia | ‘dog’ |
aida | aiʈa | ‘hundred’ |
aluli | aluli | ‘ten’ |
aluli-ita | aluli-ita | ‘eleven’ |
amenmeni | amenmeni | ‘man’ |
borè | bore | ‘two’ |
iera | iera | ‘water’ |
irinne | irinne | ‘nose’ |
ita | ita | ‘one’ |
iwir | iwir | ‘fowl’ |
leher | leher | ‘sun’ |
liman | liman | ‘hand’ |
logami | logami | ‘foot’ |
makne | makne | ‘eyes’ |
mani | mani | ‘bird’ |
murutne | murutne | ‘hair’ |
noha | noha | ‘earth’ |
norinne | norinne | ‘mouth’ |
otone | otone | ‘head’ |
riwen-ita | riwen-ita | ‘thousand’ |
telinné | telinne | ‘ears’ |
tiola | tiola | ‘star’ |
volle | βolle | ‘moon’ |
wa-am | wa-am | ‘eight’ |
wa-ité | wa-ite | ‘seven’ |
wa-lem | wa-lem | ‘six’ |
walima | walima | ‘five’ |
wa-siawa | wa-siawa | ‘nine’ |
wata | wata | ‘woman’ |
watel | watel | ‘three’ |
wawi | wawi | ‘hog’ |
we-lekeli | we-lekeli | ‘thirty’ |
we-rior | we-rior | ‘twenty’ |
winti | winti | ‘four’ |