Remijsen (2017): Matbat
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Headword | IPA | Glosses | |
-a | -a | particle. ‘particle marking the end of a phrase’ |
-ada³m | -adam˦ | v. ‘chew’ |
-ala³n | -alan˦ | v. ‘sing’ |
-alo²¹m | -alom˨˩ | v. ‘receive’ |
-alɔ²¹n | -alɔn˨˩ | v. tr., intr. ‘swallow’ |
-ama¹²m | -amam˩˨ | v. ‘eat betel, chew tobacco’ |
-amdɛ²¹met(o) | -amdɛ˨˩met(o) | v. ‘steer (re. dug-out canoe)’ |
-amla¹ | -amla˩ | v. ‘speak in one’s sleep’ |
-amlɛ¹² | -amlɛ˩˨ | v. refl. ‘wash one’s face’; ‘pasa muka’ |
-amɔ¹ntɔ³k | -amɔn˩tɔk˦ | v. intr. ‘wise, intelligent’ |
-amɔ¹²m | -amɔm˩˨ | v. tr. ‘suck (e.g. candy, areca chew)’ |
-amu¹²¹m | -amum˩˨˩ | v. ‘rinse one’s mouth out, take in water, swish around, spit out’ |
-ani¹²¹m | -anim˩˨˩ | v. ‘drink’ |
-anɔ²¹k | -anɔk˨˩ | 1. v. ‘smoke’ 2. v. ‘inhale’ |
-anɔ⁴¹k | -anɔk˥˩ | 1. v. ‘suck’ 2. v. ‘kiss’ |
-apu¹²¹y | -apuj˩˨˩ | v. ‘drink’ |
-a²¹ | -a˨˩ | v. ‘eat (when used in a general sense, usually in combination with pɔ³n)’ |
a²¹da³t | a˨˩dat˦ | attr. ‘customs’ |
-a²¹t | -at˨˩ | v. tr. ‘bite’ |
-a³l | -al˦ | v. tr. ‘take’ |
-a³p | -ap˦ | v. ‘row’ |
-a¹m | -am˩ | v. ‘pee’ |
-a¹n | -an˩ | v. ‘shoot (using bow and arrow)’ |
ba | ba | 1. prep. ‘with (non-animate accompaniment)’ 2. prep. ‘with (instrumental)’ 3. prep. ‘at (marker of time)’ 4. prep. ‘derives adverbial’ |
bafi³ | bafi˦ | v. ‘careful’ |
bahe³ | bahe˦ | pron. ‘all’ |
bala¹ya³r | bala˩jar˦ | v. intr. ‘learn (school context)’ |
balbu³li³ na⁴¹ | balbu˦li˦ na˥˩ | n. ‘full moon’ |
bale³y | balej˦ | adv. ‘landward’ |
bali¹w | baliw˩ | adv. ‘a great extent’ |
bali¹w | baliw˩ | attr. ‘big’ |
balo³w | balow˦ | adv. ‘seaward’ |
balu³s | balus˦ | n. ‘ring’ |
bapa³p | bapap˦ | adv. ‘clockwise orientation (absolute reference)’ |
bapla¹²y | baplaj˩˨ | v. ‘naked’ |
basa¹t | basat˩ | v. ‘speak’ |
basa¹²s | basas˩˨ | v. ‘dance’ |
bata³ (be) | bata˦ (be) | particle. ‘urge’ |
bata³n me¹²¹ | batan˦ me˩˨˩ | n. ‘Misol’ |
bata¹²n | batan˩˨ | n. ‘Misol’ |
batu³p | batup˦ | pron. ‘all’ |
bawi | bawi | v. tr. ‘steal’ |
bawo²¹ | bawo˨˩ | v. intr. ‘run’ |
bayas | bajas | v. ‘expert at’ |
baya¹y | bajaj˩ | 1. v. tr. ‘stroll’; ‘pasiar’ 2. v. tr. ‘hang out, play’ 3. n. ‘game, play’ |
baye³ | baje˦ | adv. ‘counterclockwise orientation’ |
bay¹ba³t | baj˩bat˦ | n. ‘Brown Dorcopsis’ |
ba²¹ | ba˨˩ | v. ‘flow (re. water)’ |
ba²¹m | bam˨˩ | n. ‘shoulder’ |
ba²¹n | ban˨˩ | n. ‘area of shadow, place offering protection from the sun’ |
ba²¹ta | ba˨˩ta | n. ‘door’ |
ba²¹w | baw˨˩ | n. ‘male bud (of banana tree)’ |
ba²¹y | baj˨˩ | n. ‘shaft’ |
ba³ | ba˦ | n. ‘great-grandfather, great-grandmother’ |
ba³k | bak˦ | n. ‘man-made water reservoir’ |
ba³l | bal˦ | n. ‘ball’ |
ba³m | bam˦ | v. ‘hit (with flat hand)’ |
ba³m | bam˦ | v. ‘wash (re. clothes, not dishes (ho¹w) or body (hi¹²p))’ |
ba³s | bas˦ | v. ‘lift up’ |
ba³t | bat˦ | 1. n. ‘earth’ |
ba¹ | ba˩ | 1. v. tr., intr. ‘leave behind’ 2. v. tr., intr. ‘remain’ 3. v. tr., intr. ‘left’ |
ba¹k | bak˩ | n. ‘tobacco’ |
ba¹m | bam˩ | n. ‘k.o. mangrove tree’; ‘pohon manggimanggi mera’ |
ba¹n | ban˩ | n. ‘oven to make sago biscuits (with about five rectangular holes (ga¹w); made of clay; is operated by heating over fire)’; ‘porno’ |
ba¹ŋ | baŋ˩ | attr. ‘blind’ |
ba¹ŋ | baŋ˩ | 1. n. ‘dust’ 2. n. ‘smoke’ |
ba¹p | bap˩ | v. tr. ‘carry on one’s back (e.g. a child or a baby) on one’s back (either holding the legs, or by means of a sarong)’ |
ba¹yla⁴¹m | baj˩lam˥˩ | n. ‘small bat’; ‘Pipistrellus papuanus, Aselliscus tricuspidatus’ |
ba¹²p | bap˩˨ | n. ‘father’ |
ba¹²y | baj˩˨ | n. ‘hit’ |
ba⁴¹ | ba˥˩ | v. ‘blow (re. wind)’ |
ba⁴¹ | ba˥˩ | 1. v. tr., middle. ‘hit the mark’ 2. interj. ‘Correctǃ’ |
ba⁴¹ŋ | baŋ˥˩ | 1. v. tr. ‘break’ 2. v. tr. ‘break off’ |
ba⁴¹ŋ hɛ³lte | baŋ˥˩ hɛl˦te | v. ‘travel by boat (following the waterside)’ |
ba⁴¹y | baj˥˩ | v. ‘pay’ |
beta²¹ | beta˨˩ | marker. ‘future tense marker’ |
be²¹ | be˨˩ | prep. ‘for’ |
be²¹ | be˨˩ | v. tr. ‘give’ |
be³l | bel˦ | v. intr. ‘flash’ |
bɛ³m | bɛm˦ | n. ‘plate’ |
be³¹ | be˦˩ | interrog. ‘why’ |
bɛ¹nsi³n | bɛn˩sin˦ | n. ‘gasoline’ |
bintu³ni³ | bintu˦ni˦ | nprop. ‘name of bay on the New Guinea mainland to the east of Misol’ |
bi³ga²¹ | bi˦ɡa˨˩ | nprop. ‘Biga’ |
bi³mbɔ¹²¹mpu | bim˦bɔm˩˨˩pu | n. ‘butterfly’ |
bi³n | bin˦ | v. intr. ‘jump (horizontally)’ |
bi¹²n | bin˩˨ | v. ‘pinch with the fingers and thumb’ |
bla²¹w | blaw˨˩ | attr. ‘sea’ |
bla²¹y | blaj˨˩ | v. ‘stir (e.g. sago porridge, using itepo)’ |
bla³ŋ | blaŋ˦ | attr. ‘soft (re. nuts)’ |
bla¹²w | blaw˩˨ | 1. attr. ‘blue’ 2. attr. ‘green’ |
bla⁴¹ | bla˥˩ | attr. ‘fast’ |
bli¹²¹ | bli˩˨˩ | n. ‘fishing rod’ |
blu¹²n | blun˩˨ | n. ‘head hair’ |
boma⁴¹m | bomam˥˩ | v. ‘defecate, poop’ |
bomi¹ | bomi˩ | v. ‘urinate, pee’ |
bo²¹ | bo˨˩ | v. ‘go (generic – with whatever means of transport or on foot)’ |
bo²¹m | bom˨˩ | 1. n. ‘bone’ 2. n. ‘central vein of leaf’ |
bɔ²¹t | bɔt˨˩ | v. tr. ‘meet’ |
bɔ³k | bɔk˦ | v. intr. ‘come up’ |
bɔ³n | bɔn˦ | n. ‘debt’ |
bo³t | bot˦ | n. ‘boat (in compound with wa³ŋ)’ |
bɔ³t | bɔt˦ | v. intr. ‘arrive at, reach’ |
bɔ¹ŋ | bɔŋ˩ | n. ‘bat (general term)’ |
bɔ¹²m | bɔm˩˨ | n. ‘k.o. arrow’ |
bɔ¹²s | bɔs˩˨ | v. intr. ‘short of breath’ |
bu³ | bu˦ | attr. ‘white, light-coloured’ |
bu³k | buk˦ | n. ‘book’ |
bu³y | buj˦ | n. ‘cloth, sarong’ |
bu³yha³y | buj˦haj˦ | n. ‘loincloth made of treebark’ |
bu¹lu³t | bu˩lut˦ | n. ‘plate’ |
bu¹t | but˩ | n. ‘k.o. breadfruit tree’; ‘sukun’; ‘k.o. Artocarpus’ |
bu¹ybu³y | buj˩buj˦ | n. ‘mist of early morning’ |
bu¹²¹ | bu˩˨˩ | v. tr. ‘embrace, take hold of (somebody)’ |
bu¹²¹ | bu˩˨˩ | n. ‘k.o. tree’; ‘kayu besi’ |
bya¹²y | bjaj˩˨ | attr. ‘stiff, cramped’ |
cɛ³t | cɛt˦ | n. ‘paint’ |
cɛ¹ŋke³ | cɛŋ˩ke˦ | n. ‘clovetree’; ‘Eugenia aromatica’ |
cɔ³kla³t | cɔ˦klat˦ | n. ‘cocoa tree’; ‘Theobroma cacao’ |
dadi³ | dadi˦ | v. tr. ‘hack, cut’ |
dayi³p | dajip˦ | v. ‘pouring down (re. rain)’ |
da²¹ | da˨˩ | v. ‘close’ |
da²¹m | dam˨˩ | v. ‘answer’ |
da²¹n | dan˨˩ | n. ‘leaf’ |
da²¹ŋ | daŋ˨˩ | v. tr. ‘search’ |
da³n | dan˦ | n. ‘garden (i e., place of agricultural cultivation)’ |
da¹ga³m | da˩ɡam˦ | n. ‘oil’ |
da¹mpa³t | dam˩pat˦ | attr. ‘nearby’ |
da¹ŋ | daŋ˩ | v. intr. ‘wait’ |
da¹pu³r | da˩pur˦ | n. ‘kitchen’ |
da¹y | daj˩ | v. ‘draw (water – e.g. from well or deep container)’; ‘timbang’ |
da¹²n | dan˩˨ | v. intr. ‘peck (at)’ |
da¹²¹ | da˩˨˩ | attr. ‘ripe (re. mango, banana)’ |
da⁴¹ | da˥˩ | v. tr. ‘dig up, turn over, prepare/process (sago)’ |
da⁴¹ŋ | daŋ˥˩ | v. tr. ‘chase, go after’ |
dɛ²¹l- | dɛl˨˩- | particle. ‘also’ |
dɛ²¹lte | dɛl˨˩te | conj. ‘and’ |
dɛ²¹rɛm | dɛ˨˩rɛm | quant. ‘every’ |
de³ | de˦ | n. ‘house, nest’ |
dɛ³k | dɛk˦ | n. ‘landing stage’ |
dɛ³l | dɛl˦ | prep. ‘with’ |
dɛ³n | dɛn˦ | v. tr. ‘divide’ |
de¹²l | del˩˨ | n. ‘thread’ |
dɛ¹²l | dɛl˩˨ | n. ‘friend’ |
de¹²¹ | de˩˨˩ | v. intr. ‘in pain’ |
de⁴¹ | de˥˩ | v. tr. ‘throw (towards)’ |
de⁴¹ lɛ⁴¹n | de˥˩ lɛn˥˩ | v. ‘plant sago (involves digging a hole)’ |
de⁴¹lo | de˥˩lo | n. ‘top’ |
di²¹n | din˨˩ | v. tr. ‘ask for (something)’; ‘minta, mohon’ |
di²¹n wa⁴¹l | din˨˩ wal˥˩ | ‘promise’ |
di²¹nɛk | di˨˩nɛk | v. tr. ‘ask about (something)’; ‘tanya’ |
di³ŋ | diŋ˦ | v. tr. ‘make a ‘ding’-like sound’ |
di³ri³k | di˦rik˦ | n. ‘k.o. big mat’; ‘kalipan’ |
di³w | diw˦ | v. intr. ‘move (to change location of one’s home)’ |
di¹n | din˩ | v. tr. ‘call (somebody)’; ‘panggil’ |
di¹n se¹tɛ³n | din˩ se˩tɛn˦ | v. ‘conjure up a spirit / spirits’ |
di¹n yi³n | din˩ jin˦ | v. ‘conjure up a spirit / spirits’ |
di¹²m | dim˩˨ | v. ‘scrub, mop (e.g. floor, boat; ≠ hi¹²p)’ |
di¹²ŋ | diŋ˩˨ | v. tr. ‘sew (e.g. sansu³n, ta¹²f)’ |
di¹²¹ | di˩˨˩ | n. ‘build a separation (wall)’ |
di¹²¹m | dim˩˨˩ | n. ‘dark’; ‘gelap’ |
di¹²¹m ya¹ba³t | dim˩˨˩ ja˩bat˦ | attr. ‘pitch-dark’ |
di⁴¹ | di˥˩ | n. ‘sound (specifically of machines that have a motor), noise (specifically of machines that have a motor)’ |
di⁴¹ha | di˥˩ha | num. ‘one’ |
do²¹ | do˨˩ | 1. marker. ‘existential marker’ 2. marker. ‘possession marker’ 3. marker. ‘location marker, on, in, at’ 4. interrog. ‘where’ 5. interj. ‘expression of apology’ |
dɔ²¹k | dɔk˨˩ | v. tr. ‘pull (with force)’ |
dɔ³k | dɔk˦ | v. intr., refl., tr. ‘untie, undo, take off (re. clothes)’ |
dɔ³l | dɔl˦ | v. intr. ‘fall (re. rain)’ |
dɔ¹k | dɔk˩ | v. intr. ‘boil (only with respect to water)’ |
do¹y | doj˩ | v. intr. ‘cough’ |
dɔ¹²l | dɔl˩˨ | v. intr. ‘fall (not re. rain)’ |
dɔ¹²n | dɔn˩˨ | v. ‘take out of (refers to taking out something that is stuck)’ |
dɔ¹²¹l | dɔl˩˨˩ | v. ‘sink (re. non-human), go under water (re. non-human)’ |
do⁴¹no | do˥˩no | adv. ‘long ago’ |
drɔ³m | drɔm˦ | n. ‘large plastic barrel (e.g. for storage of water)’ |
du²¹k | duk˨˩ | v. intr. ‘frightened, to be scared, shocked’ |
du²¹ŋ | duŋ˨˩ | v. tr. ‘pour out’ |
du²¹p | dup˨˩ | v. tr. ‘spit out’ |
du³ | du˦ | 1. attr. ‘hard (antonym of soft)’ 2. attr. ‘physically straining’ 3. attr. ‘ripe (re. breadfruit, banana)’ 4. attr. ‘dark shade of (re. color term)’ |
du³ | du˦ | v. ‘push’ |
du³ku³ | du˦ku˦ | v. ‘mourn, sad due to the loss of a dear one’ |
du³m | dum˦ | v. tr. ‘follow, accompany, go along with’ |
du³m te | dum˦ te | conj. ‘and’ |
du³t | dut˦ | v. ‘hit (with fist)’ |
du¹ŋ | duŋ˩ | v. ‘wait’ |
du¹²t | dut˩˨ | n. ‘mother’ |
-ɛ³ŋ | -ɛŋ˦ | v. tr. ‘see’ |
-ɛ³ŋ/nɔ⁴¹ŋ -u²¹n | -ɛŋ˦/nɔŋ˥˩ -un˨˩ | v. tr. ‘recognize (visually / from the voice)’ |
-ɛ³¹ | -ɛ˦˩ | particle. ‘yes/no-question marking particle’ |
-ɛ¹n | -ɛn˩ | v. ‘carry on a band over the shoulder’; ‘gendong’ |
-e¹pɛ³n | -e˩pɛn˦ | v. tr. ‘earn, obtain’ |
-ɛ⁴¹l | -ɛl˥˩ | 1. v. ‘go down.’ 2. v. ‘go downstream (in a boat)’ |
-ɛ⁴¹n | -ɛn˥˩ | v. ‘lie down’ |
faba²¹mak | faba˨˩mak | n. ‘liar’ |
fabe¹bɛ³l | fabe˩bɛl˦ | v. tr. ‘heal, treat somebody for an illness’ |
fadi¹²m | fadim˩˨ | n. ‘k.o. breadfruit tree’; ‘sukun’; ‘k.o. Artocarpus’ |
fafi³ | fafi˦ | v. intr. ‘well’ |
fago¹²l | faɡol˩˨ | v. ‘shave’ |
fakasu³n | fakasun˦ | v. intr. ‘give birth’ |
fake¹tɛ³p | fake˩tɛp˦ | n. ‘scissors’ |
fali¹²w | faliw˩˨ | v. intr. ‘win’ |
fama²¹t | famat˨˩ | v. intr. ‘do one’s best, make an effort’; ‘berusaha’ |
fama¹²y | famaj˩˨ | v. tr. ‘humiliate’ |
famɔ²¹l | famɔl˨˩ | v. ‘cause to be, make’ |
faŋɔ⁴¹t | faŋɔt˥˩ | attr. ‘thick’ |
fani¹w | faniw˩ | n. ‘k.o. tree’; ‘sc. k.o. Canarium’ |
fara²¹w | faraw˨˩ | adv. ‘fast’ |
fasa²¹l | fasal˨˩ | v. tr. ‘move’ |
fasa²¹y | fasaj˨˩ | pron. ‘other’ |
fase¹ndi³ | fasen˩di˦ | attr. ‘big’ |
fasɛ¹²k | fasɛk˩˨ | v. ‘change (re. money)’ |
fasɔ¹²y | fasɔj˩˨ | v. ‘rest’ |
fata²¹n | fatan˨˩ | v. tr. ‘smell’ |
fatɛ¹t | fatɛt˩ | n. ‘sieve’ |
fato²¹p | fatop˨˩ | v. ‘peek’ |
fato²¹y | fatoj˨˩ | n. ‘female genitals’ |
fato²¹y po²¹l | fatoj˨˩ pol˨˩ | n. ‘pubic hair’ |
fato²¹y wu²¹mpo | fatoj˨˩ wum˨˩po | n. ‘part of female genitals, labia majora’ |
fatu²¹ | fatu˨˩ | v. ‘dizzy’ |
faya¹n | fajan˩ | n. ‘mast’ |
faya¹w | fajaw˩ | v. ‘hunt (any animal, incl. fish, with whatever instrument)’ |
faya¹²y | fajaj˩˨ | v. tr. ‘taste’ |
fayɛ¹²t | fajɛt˩˨ | n. ‘fight’ |
fayo²¹l | fajol˨˩ | 1. v. ‘invite, bring together, come together’ 2. v. ‘collect’ |
fayu³ | faju˦ | n. ‘wife’ |
fa²¹ | fa˨˩ | n. ‘husband’ |
fa²¹ | fa˨˩ | 1. v. intr. ‘smell’ 2. n. ‘smell’ |
fa²¹n | fan˨˩ | v. tr., middle. ‘dry (e.g. on a metal board; e.g. ni¹², cɔ³kla³t)’ |
fa²¹w | faw˨˩ | n. ‘branches of palm tree (generic)’ |
fa³n | fan˦ | attr. ‘clean’ |
fa³s | fas˦ | n. ‘rice (in general)’ |
-fa³t | -fat˦ | num. ‘four’ |
fa¹ndu³n | fan˩dun˦ | v. tr. ‘need, want’ |
fa¹²m | fam˩˨ | n. ‘nuclear family or clan’ |
fa⁴¹ | fa˥˩ | n. ‘chalk (ingredient of chew tobacco mix)’ |
fa⁴¹ | fa˥˩ | n. ‘ray (kind of fish)’ |
fe³ | fe˦ | n. ‘k.o. mat (used to sleep on)’; ‘tikar kakoya’ |
fɛ³n | fɛn˦ | n. ‘sea turtle’ |
fe¹ | fe˩ | n. ‘hut’ |
fɛ¹n | fɛn˩ | v. tr. ‘breastfeed’ |
fɛ¹²t | fɛt˩˨ | 1. v. tr. ‘cut (into pieces; involves use of knife or machete; well-controlled movement)’ |
fe¹²¹ydi | fej˩˨˩di | 1. n. ‘bird’s wing’ 2. n. ‘eyelid (when preceded by a form of manɔ²¹n ‘eye’)’ |
fi³ | fi˦ | 1. attr. ‘good’ 2. attr. ‘helathy’ 3. attr. ‘beautiful’ 4. attr. ‘handsome’ 5. attr. ‘good-natured’ 6. marker. ‘modality marker (‘to feel like’)’ |
-fi³t | -fit˦ | num. ‘seven’ |
-fi¹²¹n | -fin˩˨˩ | 1. particle. ‘how many?’ 2. particle. ‘how much?’ |
fla¹w | flaw˩ | attr. ‘blind’ |
flɛ²¹m | flɛm˨˩ | v. ‘send’ |
flɛ³s | flɛs˦ | v. ‘weed’ |
flɛ¹f | flɛf˩ | v. ‘add (e.g. food on plate)’ |
flɛ¹²¹mpo | flɛm˩˨˩po | n. ‘hiding place used in hunting’ |
flu²¹ŋ | fluŋ˨˩ | attr. ‘unripe (re. mango)’ |
flu¹²ŋ | fluŋ˩˨ | attr. ‘yellow, orange’ |
flu¹²ŋ du³ | fluŋ˩˨ du˦ | attr. ‘orange (dark shade of yellow)’ |
fɔ²¹l | fɔl˨˩ | v. tr. ‘have as taboo’ |
fɔ²¹n | fɔn˨˩ | v. ‘whistle’ |
fo²¹wdɔ³m | fow˨˩dɔm˦ | n. ‘k.o. plant’ |
fɔ³n | fɔn˦ | attr. ‘full’ |
fɔ³n | fɔn˦ | v. ‘high-tide’ |
fɔ¹²n | fɔn˩˨ | v. intr. ‘blow’ |
fɔ¹²ŋ | fɔŋ˩˨ | v. tr. ‘buy’ |
fo¹²¹l | fol˩˨˩ | v. tr. ‘stroke, caress, wipe (using hand)’ |
fo¹²¹w | fow˩˨˩ | v. ‘whistle’ |
fo⁴¹y | foj˥˩ | n. ‘bow (weapon)’ |
fu²¹ | fu˨˩ | v. intr. ‘say’ |
fu³n | fun˦ | n. ‘God’ |
fu¹²y | fuj˩˨ | v. tr. ‘sweep (with brush; e g room)’ |
gago³l | ɡaɡol˦ | 1. attr. ‘unripe (re. sapa¹y, nu¹)’ 2. attr. ‘non-prototypical realization of a color’ |
gala¹²s | ɡalas˩˨ | n. ‘glass’ |
galo¹yu³ | ɡalo˩ju˦ | v. intr. ‘greedy’ |
gaŋgɛ³ŋ | ɡaŋɡɛŋ˦ | n. ‘illness’ |
gari³n bata²¹yi³ | ɡarin˦ bata˨˩ji˦ | n. ‘soursop, prickly custard apple’; ‘sirsak’; ‘Annona muricata’ |
gari¹²n | ɡarin˩˨ | n. ‘durian’; ‘Durio zibethinus’ |
gata³ | ɡata˦ | n. ‘small bowl (e.g. from plastic)’ |
ga²¹ | ɡa˨˩ | conj. ‘then’ |
ga²¹l | ɡal˨˩ | 1. n. ‘jaw’ 2. n. ‘mouth’ |
ga²¹ŋ | ɡaŋ˨˩ | 1. n. ‘place’ 2. n. ‘moment’ |
ga²¹(pe) | ɡa˨˩(pe) | adv. ‘right now’ |
ga²¹ri³s | ɡa˨˩ris˦ | n. ‘match’ |
ga³mba³r | ɡam˦bar˦ | v. ‘paint (a picture, e.g. on paper)’ |
ga³ŋ | ɡaŋ˦ | n. ‘field’ |
ga¹w | ɡaw˩ | n. ‘hole, opening, cave’ |
ga⁴¹n | ɡan˥˩ | n. ‘bamboo’ |
ga⁴¹n sate²¹ | ɡan˥˩ sate˨˩ | 1. n. ‘section of bamboo’ 2. n. ‘any drinking instrument (e.g. glass)’ |
gɛ²¹l | ɡɛl˨˩ | n. ‘fruit’ |
gɛ³t | ɡɛt˦ | attr. ‘salty’ |
ge¹y | ɡej˩ | n. ‘earthworm (not eaten)’ |
ge¹² | ɡe˩˨ | v. ‘peel (e.g. hu⁴¹ to be used as rope)’ |
gɛ¹²ŋ | ɡɛŋ˩˨ | v. tr., intr. ‘ill’ |
gi²¹m | ɡim˨˩ | v. tr. ‘send’ |
gopi³ | ɡopi˦ | n. ‘bellybutton’ |
go¹l | ɡol˩ | n. ‘sugar’ |
go¹²l | ɡol˩˨ | v. refl. ‘shave’ |
gu³nti³ŋ | ɡun˦tiŋ˦ | n. ‘scissors’ |
gu¹n | ɡun˩ | n. ‘arrowhead made from iron’ |
haba¹²r | habar˩˨ | n. ‘news, message’ |
hado | hado | particle. ‘marker, expresses immediacy’ |
haku¹m | hakum˩ | n. ‘fern’ |
hala¹²ŋ | halaŋ˩˨ | v. ‘step over, tread’ |
hani³w | haniw˦ | adv. ‘directly, straight’ |
haro³w | harow˦ | prep. ‘until’ |
hate³l | hatel˦ | v. ‘at high up (re. sun)’ |
ha²¹ | ha˨˩ | 1. pron. ‘one’ 2. conj. ‘like, as’ 3. noun. ‘class marker’ |
ha²¹po | ha˨˩po | n. ‘penis’ |
ha²¹po po²¹l | ha˨˩po pol˨˩ | n. ‘pubic hair’ |
ha²¹po ya | ha˨˩po ja | n. ‘penis excl. glans’ |
ha³ | ha˦ | v. tr., intr. ‘go up’ |
ha³y | haj˦ | 1. n. ‘wood’ 2. n. ‘k.o. tree, category of plants (trees and shrubs) that have branches’ |
ha³y wa²¹ | haj˦ wa˨˩ | 1. n. ‘medicine (including modern medicine)’; ‘obat’ 2. n. ‘poison’ |
ha³ywa¹ | haj˦wa˩ | n. ‘poison, medicine, antidote’ |
ha¹n | han˩ | v. tr., middle. ‘cook (generic; directly on the fire – no water, no oil)’ |
ha¹nbu¹y | han˩buj˩ | v. ‘grill, roast’ |
ha¹si³k | ha˩sik˦ | attr. ‘lively, busy’; ‘ramai’ |
ha¹²w | haw˩˨ | v. intr. ‘married’ |
ha⁴¹l | hal˥˩ | v. tr. ‘dig out (e.g. canoe)’ |
ha⁴¹y | haj˥˩ | n. ‘comb (made of bamboo, unless specified otherwise)’ |
ha⁴¹y nu¹² | haj˥˩ nu˩˨ | n. ‘comb (made of plastic)’ |
he²¹w | hew˨˩ | v. ‘carry on the shoulder’; ‘pikul’ |
he³ | he˦ | 1. particle. ‘marker of completion, already’ 2. particle. ‘describing a future state’ |
he³l | hel˦ | v. intr. ‘crescent-shaped (re. moon)’ |
hɛ³l | hɛl˦ | n. ‘mountain’ |
hɛ³ldi²¹ | hɛl˦di˨˩ | n. ‘wall’ |
hɛ³lte¹ | hɛl˦te˩ | n. ‘coastline (re. river or sea), waterside (re. river or sea)’ |
hɛ³t | hɛt˦ | n. ‘anchor’ |
hi²¹p | hip˨˩ | v. tr. ‘rub (liquid/moist substance)’ |
hi³ | hi˦ | interj. ‘interjection of confirmation’ |
hi¹²p | hip˩˨ | v. intr., refl., tr. ‘bathe, wash one’s body’ |
hɔt | hɔt | n. ‘cloth used as headwear, sarong used as headwear’ |
ho²¹ | ho˨˩ | v. tr. ‘rub’ |
hɔ²¹ | hɔ˨˩ | particle. ‘politeness marker’ |
ho²¹bɔ³t | ho˨˩bɔt˦ | v. tr., middle. ‘boil’ |
ho²¹l | hol˨˩ | n. ‘pit, seed, bean’ |
ho²¹w | how˨˩ | n. ‘flower’ |
ho²¹y | hoj˨˩ | particle. ‘again’ |
ho³w | how˦ | n. ‘k.o. tree’; ‘pohon lawang’ |
ho³y | hoj˦ | v. ‘return’ |
hɔ¹ŋ | hɔŋ˩ | n. ‘mango’ |
ho¹w | how˩ | v. tr. ‘wash (re. dishes, not re. body (hi¹²p) or clothes (ba³m))’ |
hɔ¹²k | hɔk˩˨ | v. intr., tr. ‘break, pull, pull off (re. branch: by pulling downwards against its inclination)’ |
hɔ¹²l | hɔl˩˨ | v. ‘set up’ |
hɔ¹²¹l | hɔl˩˨˩ | v. intr. ‘sit, live, reside’ |
hɔ¹²¹l | hɔl˩˨˩ | v. intr. ‘sit, live’ |
hɔ⁴¹l | hɔl˥˩ | n. ‘k.o. snare’ |
hɔ⁴¹nlɔ³t | hɔn˥˩lɔt˦ | n. ‘Adam’s apple’ |
hɔ⁴¹npo | hɔn˥˩po | n. ‘waterfall’ |
ho⁴¹w | how˥˩ | v. intr. ‘flower, bloom’ |
hu²¹ŋ | huŋ˨˩ | v. tr. ‘cause to enter, put in’ |
hu²¹y | huj˨˩ | v. tr. ‘smoke-dry’ |
hu³ŋ | huŋ˦ | v. ‘enter, put on clothes’ |
hu¹²ŋ | huŋ˩˨ | v. ‘search’ |
hu⁴¹ | hu˥˩ | n. ‘bamboo bark’ |
i- | i- | marker. ‘noun class marker (class V. ‘Rest’)’ |
iba¹²¹ŋ | ibaŋ˩˨˩ | n. ‘Cuscus’; ‘Phalanger orientalis’ |
iba¹²¹ŋ ila¹²l | ibaŋ˩˨˩ ilal˩˨ | ‘Common Spotted Cuscus’; ‘Spilocuscus maculatus’ |
ibli¹²¹t | iblit˩˨˩ | n. ‘k.o. mollusc’; ‘bia bor’ |
ibo¹y | iboj˩ | n. ‘k.o. mollusc’; ‘bia bor’ |
ifu⁴¹ | ifu˥˩ | n. ‘Fruit Dove’; ‘genus Ptilinopus, various species, excl. Ptilinopus magnificus’ |
ifu⁴¹ taro¹t | ifu˥˩ tarot˩ | n. ‘red-crowned fruit dove, all Ptilinopus species doves that have red mark on the head’ |
ifu⁴¹ tarɔ¹t | ifu˥˩ tarɔt˩ | ‘red-crowned fruit dove’; ‘Ptilinopus’ |
iga³ŋ | iɡaŋ˦ | n. ‘swamp’ |
iga³t | iɡat˦ | n. ‘k.o. ant’ |
ige¹y | iɡej˩ | n. ‘earthworm’ |
igɔ¹²l | iɡɔl˩˨ | n. ‘common scrubfowl’; ‘burung maleo’; ‘Megapodius freycinet’ |
igɔ¹²l bɛ³ŋ | iɡɔl˩˨ bɛŋ˦ | ‘Moluccan scrubfowl’; ‘Megapodius Wallacei’ |
ihu⁴¹ | ihu˥˩ | n. ‘parasite worm in human intestine, not eaten’ |
ikebe¹y | ikebej˩ | n. ‘k.o. mollusc’ |
iko³ | iko˦ | n. ‘k.o. mollusc’; ‘bia darah’ |
ikɔ¹t | ikɔt˩ | n. ‘Eclectus Parrot’ |
ikɔ⁴¹w | ikɔw˥˩ | n. ‘lobster (generic term), shrimp (generic term)’ |
iku³m | ikum˦ | n. ‘Great-billed Heron’; ‘Ardea sumatrana’ |
ila¹po | ila˩po | n. ‘squash’ |
ila¹²y | ilaj˩˨ | n. ‘sister-in-law (after death of the linking male relative), female in-law (after death of the linking male relative)’ |
ili¹²¹ | ili˩˨˩ | n. ‘k.o. ant red’ |
ili⁴¹fin | ili˥˩fin | n. ‘k.o. low wickerwork basket’ |
ilɔ¹ŋ | ilɔŋ˩ | n. ‘hand-made comb’ |
ima²¹nsa¹w | iman˨˩saw˩ | n. ‘Banded sea krait (k.o. snake)’; ‘ks. of Laticauda’ |
ima³w | imaw˦ | n. ‘cat’ |
ima¹²y | imaj˩˨ | n. ‘sister-in-law, female in-law’ |
imo¹²yu³ | imo˩˨ju˦ | 1. n. ‘mother-in-law’ 2. n. ‘daughter-in-law’ |
impa¹²n | impan˩˨ | n. ‘Pinon Imperial Pigeon’; ‘Ducula pinon’ |
imu⁴¹n | imun˥˩ | n. ‘Purple-tailed Imperial Pigeon’; ‘Ducula rufigaster’ |
imya¹p | imjap˩ | n. ‘Crowned pigeon’; ‘Goura cristata’ |
ina | ina | particle. ‘marks end of clausal argument’ |
ina¹² | ina˩˨ | particle. ‘utterance-final question-word question marker’ |
ina¹²¹m | inam˩˨˩ | n. ‘Singing Starling’; ‘Aplonis Cantaroides’ |
ina⁴¹ | ina˥˩ | n. ‘widow’ |
iŋa¹k | iŋak˩ | n. ‘Brush-turkey’; ‘ayam hutan’; ‘ks. of Talegalla’ |
iŋa¹²y | iŋaj˩˨ | n. ‘Misool rainbowfish’; ‘Melanotaenia misoolensis’ |
-(i)no | -(i)no | dem. ‘this’ |
-(i)nta²¹ | -(i)nta˨˩ | dem. ‘there (far)’ |
-(i)nyo | -(i)ɲo | dem. ‘there (not too far)’ |
ipo fu²¹n | ipo fun˨˩ | n. ‘Lesser Bird of Paradise’; ‘Paradisaea minor’ |
ipɔ³¹ | ipɔ˦˩ | particle. ‘utterance-final question-word question marker’ |
ipo¹²¹ | ipo˩˨˩ | n. ‘bird’ |
isa¹ŋ | isaŋ˩ | n. ‘Vulturine Parrot’; ‘Psittrichas fulgidus’ |
isɔ¹²k | isɔk˩˨ | n. ‘Echymipera, black ground-dwelling animal, adult head-body length 30 to 35 cms.’; ‘Echymipera kalubu, Echymipera rufescens’ |
isɔ¹²¹t | isɔt˩˨˩ | n. ‘k.o. root starch’; ‘keladi’; ‘Colocasia antiquorum / esculenta’ |
itɛ³m | itɛm˦ | attr. ‘same’ |
ite⁴¹po | ite˥˩po | n. ‘stirring stick. used in preparing sago porridge, approx. 35 cms.’ |
itisi²¹no | itisi˨˩no | n. ‘metal bars, immediately above fire to support pots and pans during cooking’ |
iti³k | itik˦ | n. ‘frog’ |
itɔ⁴¹k | itɔk˥˩ | n. ‘honey’ |
itɔ⁴¹k nɛ³n | itɔk˥˩ nɛn˦ | n. ‘bee’ |
iwa³nke¹w | iwan˦kew˩ | n. ‘Wompoo fruit dove’; ‘Ptilinopus magnificus’ |
iwa¹y | iwaj˩ | n. ‘Sulphur-crested cockatoo’; ‘kakatua putih’; ‘Cacatua galerita’ |
iwe³y | iwej˦ | n. ‘Western Black-capped Lory’; ‘burung luri’; ‘Lorius lory’ |
iwɛ¹²k | iwɛk˩˨ | n. ‘k.o. insect (dangerous)’ |
iwɔ⁴¹ | iwɔ˥˩ | n. ‘k.o. plant, the starchy root of which is eaten’; ‘ubi’ |
iya³m | ijam˦ | n. ‘bird of prey (generic term; includes kites and owls, among others)’ |
iya³m lɛ⁴¹n de²¹lo | ijam˦ lɛn˥˩ de˨˩lo | n. ‘brahminy kite’; ‘Haliastur indus’ |
iya³m tawi³ | ijam˦ tawi˦ | n. ‘smaller iya³m’ |
i³ | i˦ | interj. ‘OK (expression of confirmation)’ |
i³la³ŋ | i˦laŋ˦ | v. ‘have disappeared’ |
kabi¹²t | kabit˩˨ | attr. ‘black, dark-colored’ |
kabɔ¹ŋ | kabɔŋ˩ | n. ‘bat (generic term – various species occur, but they are not distinguished)’ |
kadu¹² | kadu˩˨ | n. ‘wave’ |
kahɔ¹²m | kahɔm˩˨ | n. ‘k.o. small black ant’ |
kala³n | kalan˦ | attr. ‘red, pink’ |
kala¹p | kalap˩ | n. ‘folded piece of bamboo used to handle burning wood’ |
kala¹p | kalap˩ | attr. ‘grey’ |
kala¹²ŋ | kalaŋ˩˨ | n. ‘fly’ |
kala⁴¹ŋ | kalaŋ˥˩ | n. ‘Eclectus Parrot’; ‘Eclectus roratus’ |
kale²¹w | kalew˨˩ | v. tr. ‘mix’ |
kalu³f | kaluf˦ | n. ‘mouse’ |
kama¹y | kamaj˩ | n. ‘k.o. small red ant’ |
kamlɛ¹² | kamlɛ˩˨ | v. ‘wash one’s face’ |
kamo³w | kamow˦ | attr. ‘deaf’ |
kamɔ¹²w | kamɔw˩˨ | 1. n. ‘star’ 2. n. ‘firefly’ |
kanka²¹n | kankan˨˩ | n. ‘shape, form’ |
kapi¹²¹ | kapi˩˨˩ | n. ‘k.o. ant’ |
kapna⁴¹ | kapna˥˩ | n. ‘k.o. ant’ |
kapu¹² | kapu˩˨ | n. ‘loincloth’; ‘cidako’ |
kare¹²¹ | kare˩˨˩ | attr. ‘frizzy (about hair)’ |
karɔ¹²n | karɔn˩˨ | n. ‘k.o. red ant, which make their camp on wood, smaller than ili¹²¹’ |
karɔ¹²n fu⁴¹l | karɔn˩˨ ful˥˩ | n. ‘k.o. red big ant’ |
karɔ¹²n katubo⁴¹ | karɔn˩˨ katubo˥˩ | n. ‘k.o. ant’ |
karɔ¹²s | karɔs˩˨ | attr. ‘impolite, rude’ |
karya¹²n | karjan˩˨ | v. ‘work (generic/abstract term)’ |
kasa¹²s | kasas˩˨ | n. ‘k.o. mollusc, bivalve, approx. 4 cms. shell is not grooved’ |
kasɛ³t sadi³ | kasɛt˦ sadi˦ | n. ‘VCD’ |
kata³ | kata˦ | n. ‘catapult’ |
kata¹ | kata˩ | n. ‘spoon’ |
kate¹tɛ³l | kate˩tɛl˦ | n. ‘slice, ‘finger’’ |
kati¹²p | katip˩˨ | n. ‘drinking instrument (general term)’ |
katmɛ¹t | katmɛt˩ | v. intr. ‘stingy’ |
kawɛ¹² | kawɛ˩˨ | n. ‘k.o. leech’ |
kawu³t | kawut˦ | n. ‘village head’ |
kayɔ¹²w | kajɔw˩˨ | n. ‘k.o. leech’ |
ka³ca³ŋ | ka˦caŋ˦ | n. ‘plant with seedy fruit contained in a pod’ |
ka³k | kak˦ | n. ‘aunt’ |
ka³k li¹w | kak˦ liw˩ | n. ‘mother’s brother (older than mother)’ |
ka³k wa¹y | kak˦ waj˩ | n. ‘mother’s brother (younger than mother)’ |
ka³m | kam˦ | n. ‘rocky hill, rocky mountain’ |
ka³s | kas˦ | n. ‘cupboard’ |
ka¹f | kaf˩ | n. ‘crab’ |
ka¹m | kam˩ | 1. n. ‘evening (period from nightfall to daybreak), night (period from nightfall to daybreak)’ 2. interj. ‘± good night (greeting used when meeting during above-mentioned period)’ |
ka¹n | kan˩ | n. ‘k.o. rotan’ |
ka¹pa³l | ka˩pal˦ | n. ‘ship (no sail, propelled by a motor)’ |
ka⁴¹pas | ka˥˩pas | n. ‘thread, bought in shop only, not homemade’ |
ke¹s | kes˩ | n. ‘resin’; ‘damar’ |
kɛ¹²s | kɛs˩˨ | v. ‘write’ |
kɛ¹²s bu³ŋa³ | kɛs˩˨ bu˦ŋa˦ | v. ‘paint (a picture)’ |
kɔ²¹p | kɔp˨˩ | attr. ‘dark, nighttime’ |
kɔ³k | kɔk˦ | n. ‘snake (generic term)’ |
kɔ³k bu³ | kɔk˦ bu˦ | ‘k.o. snake’ |
ko³la³k | ko˦lak˦ | n. ‘stew (e.g. of sweet potatoes sweentened with sugar and with added water thinning the consistency to that of porridge), mash’ |
kɔ³s | kɔs˦ | n. ‘t-shirt’ |
kɔ¹²k | kɔk˩˨ | n. ‘throat’ |
ko¹²¹l | kol˩˨˩ | v. intr. ‘funny’ |
ko¹²¹m | kom˩˨˩ | attr. ‘lame, rigid’ |
ko⁴¹l | kol˥˩ | v. intr. ‘jump (horizontally)’ |
kut | kut | n. ‘charcoal’ |
ku²¹m | kum˨˩ | v. ‘clench fist’ |
ku³pu³n | ku˦pun˦ | n. ‘livelihood, income’ |
ku³rsi³ | kur˦si˦ | n. ‘chair’ |
ku³y | kuj˦ | n. ‘biscuit’ |
lalɛ¹l | lalɛl˩ | n. ‘sea straits’ |
lamo³l | lamol˦ | postp. ‘interior’ |
landar | landar | n. ‘fishing net’ |
laŋa¹n | laŋan˩ | n. ‘Papuan olive python’; ‘Apodora papuana’ |
lanta²¹ | lanta˨˩ | adv. ‘forward’ |
lawa⁴¹n | lawan˥˩ | n. ‘Green tree python’; ‘Morelia viridis’ |
lawi¹²n | lawin˩˨ | n. ‘sail’ |
la²¹ | la˨˩ | adv. ‘question-marking particle where to’ |
la²¹ŋ | laŋ˨˩ | v. tr., middle. ‘barbecue (i e., to roast/grill food over a fire, using a metal grid to keep the food from the source of heat)’ |
la²¹p | lap˨˩ | n. ‘side’ |
la²¹wa | la˨˩wa | adv. ‘short while, briefly’ |
la³n | lan˦ | n. ‘raja’ |
la³n | lan˦ | n. ‘song’ |
la³ŋ | laŋ˦ | n. ‘k.o. surface, approx. 1 5 meter above fire, for drying sagocake, fish, etc.’ |
la³s | las˦ | v. intr. ‘swim’ |
la³w | law˦ | 1. adv. ‘long time’ 2. adv. ‘rarely, seldom’ 3. adv. ‘slow’ |
la³y | laj˦ | 1. n. ‘error, wrong’ 2. v. ‘wrong’ |
la¹f | laf˩ | v. tr. ‘spread out’ |
la¹m | lam˩ | n. ‘needle’ |
la¹mpu³ | lam˩pu˦ | n. ‘lamp’ |
la¹y | laj˩ | n. ‘k.o. palm tree, the leaves are used to make di³ri³k mats’ |
la¹²y | laj˩˨ | n. ‘brother-in-law (after death of the linking female relative), male in-law (after death of the linking female relative)’ |
la¹²¹ | la˩˨˩ | 1. n. ‘sun’ 2. n. ‘day’ |
la¹²¹ de⁴¹ | la˩˨˩ de˥˩ | v. ‘sun shines’ |
la¹²¹l | lal˩˨˩ | v. intr. ‘move’ |