Usup (1986g): Ponosakan
Search entries
Headword | IPA | Glosses | |
ahom | ‘soak’; ‘rendam’ |
ahow | ‘call’; ‘panggil’ |
ai-ai | ‘younger brother’; ‘adik’ |
akut | ‘transport’; ‘angkut’ |
akuʔoy | ‘I’; ‘aku’ |
ala | ‘take’; ‘ambil’ |
aliwowa | ‘rainbow’; ‘pelangi, benang raja’ |
amaʔ | ‘father’; ‘ayah’ |
aŋor | ‘rope on a cow's nose’; ‘tali pada hidung sapi’ |
aŋow | ‘cave’; ‘gua’ |
anoy | ‘termite’; ‘anai-anai’ |
antog | ‘core, middle, e.g. on a wooden stick’; ‘inti, bagian tengah, mis. pada batang kayu’ |
anut | ‘invite, encourage’; ‘ajak, undang’ |
asin | ‘salt’; ‘garam’ |
ata | ‘slave’; ‘budak’ |
awak | ‘body, self’; ‘badan, diri’ |
awu | ‘ash’; ‘abu’ |
ayok | ‘kiss’; ‘cium’ |
ayoy | ‘chin’; ‘dagu’ |
bahaŋ | ‘molar’; ‘geraham’ |
bahaʔ | ‘swollen, swelling’; ‘bengkak, bengkakan’ |
bakir | ‘meeting, deliberation’; ‘pertemuan, permusyawaratan’ |
bakut | ‘wrap’; ‘bungkus’ |
balaŋon | ‘sea’; ‘laut’ |
baloa | ‘ko. anchovy’; ‘sej. ikan teri’ |
baloŋkaʔ | ‘ko. melon’; ‘sambiki’; ‘Lagenaria hispida’ |
baloy | ‘house’; ‘rumah’ |
baluy | ‘change’; ‘ganti’ |
banat | ‘lie down’; ‘berbaring’ |
baŋaŋ | ‘pant, find it hard to breathe’; ‘terengah-engah, sesak napas’ |
baŋke | ‘carcass’; ‘bangkai’ |
baŋon | ‘get up’; ‘bangun’ |
baŋoʔ | ‘coconut’; ‘kelapa’; ‘Cocos nucifera’ |
banor | ‘numb, tingling’; ‘mati rasa, sesemutan’ |
bantoŋ | ‘forest cow, anoa’; ‘sapi hutan, anoa’; ‘Bubalus depressicornis’ |
banut | ‘husk (in coconuts)’; ‘sabut (pada buah kelapa)’ |
barundak | ‘cook rice in bamboo’; ‘nasi buluh, lemang’ |
bataŋ | ‘stem (e.g. log)’; ‘batang (mis. batang kayu)’ |
bataŋan | ‘body, self’; ‘badan, diri’ |
batu | ‘rock’; ‘batu’ |
batun | ‘lift up’; ‘angkat’ |
bawa | ‘support’; ‘dukung’ |
bihaʔ | ‘ko. taro’; ‘sej. talas’; ‘Alocasia’ |
bilo | ‘squint’; ‘juling’ |
bintanag | ‘Indian laurel’; ‘pohon bintangar’; ‘Calophyllum inophyllum’ |
bior | ‘fish egg’; ‘telur ikan’ |
bisul | ‘boil’; ‘bisul’ |
biwi | ‘lips’; ‘bibir’ |
biwit | ‘tote’; ‘jinjing’ |
bogani | ‘war commander’; ‘panglima perang’ |
bohos | ‘tie, bind several similar objects together’; ‘ikat, mengikat beberapa benda yang sama menjadi satu’ |
bohoy | ‘give’; ‘beri, memberi’ |
bokol | ‘wave’; ‘ombak’ |
bolaŋas | ‘rambutan’; ‘rambutan’; ‘Nephelium lappaceum’ |
bolar | ‘mat’; ‘tikar’ |
bolay | ‘monkey’; ‘kera’ |
bolian | ‘witch doctor’; ‘dukun’ |
boliuŋ | ‘ax’; ‘kapak’ |
bolotu | ‘boat’; ‘perahu’ |
boŋkuru | ‘noni, tree whose bark is made into red paint to color batik cloth’; ‘mengkudu, bengkudu, pohon yang kulitnya dibuat cat merah untuk mewarnai kain batik’; ‘Morinda citrifolia’ |
boŋol | ‘deaf’; ‘tuli’ |
boniaʔ | ‘eagle’; ‘burung elang’; ‘Haliastur indus intermedius, Spilornis cheela’ |
bontow | ‘separated’; ‘putus’ |
boruis | ‘ko. marsh bird’; ‘burung weris, sej. burung rawa’ |
bosoy | ‘paddle’; ‘dayung’ |
botios | ‘calf’; ‘betis’ |
botok | ‘hard to breathe’; ‘sesak napas’ |
botutu | ‘cover for filling something (made of thick cloth)’; ‘sarung tempat mengisi sesuatu (terbuat dari kain tebal)’ |
bowa | ‘hit (hard, e.g. hit the reed until it crumbles)’; ‘pukul (dengan keras, mis. memukul batang buluh sampai remuk)’ |
bo-wai | ‘woman’; ‘perempuan’ |
bowoʔ | ‘mute’; ‘bisu’ |
bubuk | ‘powder, ko. wood-eating termites’; ‘bubuk, sej. rayap pemakan kayu’ |
buhotok | ‘little mosquito’; ‘nyamuk kecil’ |
buiŋ | ‘charcoal (from wood or shells)’; ‘arang (dari kayu atau tempurung)’ |
bukas | ‘open’; ‘buka’ |
buku | ‘section’; ‘ruas’ |
bulan | ‘month’; ‘bulan, ukuran waktu untuk bulan’ |
buli | ‘free, gone’; ‘lepas, hilang’ |
buli | ‘stretcher’; ‘usung’ |
buloy | ‘husband and wife, marry’; ‘suami/istri, kawin’ |
bulur | ‘mountain’; ‘gunung’ |
buluʔ | ‘bamboo’; ‘bambu, buluh’ |
buŋayon | ‘sand’; ‘pasir’ |
buni | ‘hide’; ‘sembunyi’ |
bunor | ‘congested’; ‘padat’ |
buok | ‘hair’; ‘rambut’ |
buoy | ‘mung beans’; ‘kacang hijau’ |
butaʔ | ‘land’; ‘tanah’ |
butul | ‘rope knot’; ‘simpul tali’ |
butuʔ | ‘testicles’; ‘buah pelir’ |
buwul | ‘goosebumps (on the human body), fur (on the animal's body)’; ‘bulu roma (pada tubuh manusia), bulu (pada badan binatang)’ |
buwuŋ | ‘roof connection’; ‘hubungan atap rumah’ |
buwut | ‘unplug it’; ‘cabut’ |
buwuʔ | ‘hole’; ‘lubang’ |
buyotok | ‘little mosquito’; ‘nyamuk kecil’ |
dagat | ‘sea water’; ‘air laut’ |
dait | ‘name’; ‘nama’ |
dalan | ‘road’; ‘jalan’ |
dalom | ‘in’; ‘dalam’ |
daso | ‘load’; ‘muat, muatan’ |
diaʔ | ‘not’; ‘tidak’ |
dihu | ‘ko. winnowing tray’; ‘nyiru’ |
dilaʔ | ‘tongue’; ‘lidah’ |
dimukur | ‘good spirits, spirit of a deceased person’; ‘roh yang baik, roh orang yang sudah meninggal’ |
dindiŋ | ‘wall’; ‘dinding’ |
dohua | ‘two’; ‘dua’ |
dolop | ‘dive’; ‘selam, menyelam’ |
domok | ‘catch, e.g. catch chickens’; ‘tangkap, menangkap mis. menangkap ayam’ |
dopiʔ | ‘board’; ‘papan’ |
do-rahum | ‘needle’; ‘jarum’ |
dorok | ‘mash, e.g. pounding rice’; ‘tumbuk, mis. menumbuk padi’ |
dorop | ‘early in the morning’; ‘pagi-pagi’ |
dorow | ‘chest’; ‘dada’ |
duhaŋ | ‘plus’; ‘tambah’ |
duhi | ‘thorns’; ‘duri’ |
duhuʔ | ‘blood’; ‘darah’ |
dulak | ‘bow (of a boat)’; ‘haluan (pada perahu)’ |
dulur | ‘shinbone’; ‘tulang kering’ |
duŋaʔ | ‘nod (of the head)’; ‘angguk (tentang kepala)’ |
duyaʔ | ‘saliva’; ‘ludah’ |
galum | ‘family’; ‘keluarga’ |
gantaŋ | ‘bushel’; ‘gantang’ |
gau | ‘cigarette’; ‘rokok’ |
gian | ‘jealous’; ‘cemburu’ |
gihur | ‘pull, tug’; ‘tarik, hela’ |
gina | ‘like, want to’; ‘suka, mau’ |
gioy | ‘stick’; ‘lidi’ |
go-hisiŋ | ‘hair that grows between the ears and temples’; ‘rambut yang tumbuh di antara telinga dan pelipis’ |
gohoyon | ‘hungry’; ‘lapar’ |
gorom | ‘brood’; ‘eram’ |
gowiʔi | ‘evening’; ‘malam’ |
guhaŋ | ‘old’; ‘tua’ |
guya-guyaŋ | ‘older brother’; ‘kakak’ |
guʔor | ‘still young, not yet cooked e.g. fruit’; ‘masih muda, belum masak mis. buah-buhahan’ |
guʔos | ‘gum’; ‘gusi’ |
hanat | ‘spicy (of chili peppers)’; ‘pedas (tentang lombok)’ |
haŋkis | ‘cut, e.g. rope’; ‘potong, mis. tali’ |
hataʔ | ‘slaughter’; ‘sembelih’ |
hawut | ‘unplug, snatch’; ‘cabut, renggut’ |
haʔat | ‘wicked, bad’; ‘jahat, jelek’ |
hintok | ‘small’; ‘kecil’ |
hiwu | ‘thousand’; ‘ribu’ |
hiwut | ‘hurricane’; ‘angin topan’ |
hogi | ‘angry’; ‘marah’ |
hohaŋ | ‘thirsty, dry’; ‘haus, kering’ |
hondo | ‘slip, e.g. because the road is slippery’; ‘terpeleset, mis. karena jalan yang licin’ |
hopot | ‘strong (of power)’; ‘kuat (tentang tenaga)’ |
hugaʔ | ‘destroyed, very soft, e.g. because it was submerged for a long time’; ‘hancur, lembek sekali, mis. karena terendam lama’ |
huis | ‘pointed’; ‘runcing’ |
humboŋ | ‘deep and round, e.g. plate’; ‘dalam dan bulat, mis. piring’ |
hupis | ‘pinch’; ‘jepit’ |
ikow | ‘you’; ‘kau’ |
ilar | ‘drying’; ‘jemur’ |
ili | ‘downstream, drifting downstream through the river’; ‘menghilir, menghanyutkan diri ke hilir melalui sungai’ |
imbalu | ‘scold’; ‘tegur’ |
inambal | ‘ko. grilled dishes’; ‘sej. masakan panggang’ |
inaʔ | ‘mother’; ‘ibu’ |
inolus | ‘wrapped rice’; ‘nasi bungkus’ |
intaluʔ | ‘defecate’; ‘buang air besar’ |
intaron | ‘let, come on (word of invitation)’; ‘mari, ayo(kata ajakan)’ |
in-tau | ‘person’; ‘orang’ |
inum | ‘drink’; ‘minum’ |
iok | ‘armpit’; ‘ketiak’ |
ipaʔ | ‘brother-in-law’; ‘ipar’ |
ipil | ‘ironwood’; ‘kayu besi’; ‘Inocarpus’ |
ipus | ‘tail’; ‘ekor’ |
itaʔ | ‘do it between the groin and the genitals’; ‘lakukan di antara pangkal paha dan kemaluan’ |
iup | ‘blow’; ‘tiup’ |
iwo | ‘saliva’; ‘air liur’ |
iwuŋ | ‘salt’; ‘garam’ |
kabal | ‘invulnerable (of the body)’; ‘kebal (tentang badan)’ |
kahit | ‘scratched, get scratched, e.g. body skin by nails’; ‘tergores, kena goresan, mis. kulit badan oleh paku’ |
kahu | ‘shave, e.g. shave hair, grate (measuring coconut)’; ‘cukur, mis. mencukur rambut, kukur (mengukur kelapa)’ |
kait | ‘hook’; ‘kait’ |
kali | ‘dig’; ‘gali’ |
kaliwombaŋ | ‘butterfly’; ‘kupu-kupu’ |
kalow | ‘hornbill’; ‘burung taon’ |
kami | ‘we (excl)’; ‘kami’ |
kapin | ‘more (in total e.g. one hundred more)’; ‘lebih (di dalam jumlah mis. seratus lebih)’ |
kapos | ‘cotton thread (spun by yourself)’; ‘benang dari kapas (yang dipintal sendiri)’ |
kasow | ‘rafters (on a house)’; ‘kasau (pada rumah)’ |
kati | ‘outrigger, carrier (on a boat)’; ‘katir, penggandung (pada perahu)’ |
kawalaʔ | ‘container for betel vine and areca nut’; ‘cerana (tempat sirih dan pinang)’ |
kayu | ‘wood’; ‘kayu’ |
kaʔan | ‘eat’; ‘makan’ |
keab | ‘fan (body fan if the air is hot)’; ‘kipas (pengipas badan jika udara panas)’ |
kiap | ‘blink (of the eyes)’; ‘kedip (tentang mata)’ |
kikil | ‘bite’; ‘gigit’ |
kilat | ‘lightning’; ‘kilat’ |
kintir | ‘large veins on the heel’; ‘urat besar pada tumit’ |
kita | ‘we (incl)’; ‘kita’ |
kohaŋ | ‘wounded skin that has hardened’; ‘kulit luka yang telah mengeras’ |
kohot | ‘hazy (versus clear, about water)’; ‘kabur (lawan jernih, tentang air)’ |
ko-kais | ‘cow, sweep’; ‘sapi, menyapu’ |
kokap | ‘touch, grope (in the dark)’; ‘raba, meraba (di dalam gelap)’ |
kokor | ‘hug, embrace’; ‘peluk, rangkul’ |
kokow | ‘chew’; ‘kunyah’ |
kolawa | ‘turmeric’; ‘kunyit’; ‘Curcuma’ |
kolikip | ‘wings (in birds)’; ‘sayap (pada unggas)’ |
koloanan | ‘right’; ‘kanan’ |
koloihi | ‘left’; ‘kiri’ |
koloŋ | ‘large chunks, e.g. logs’; ‘potongan besar, mis. batang kayu’ |
komali | ‘palace’; ‘istana’ |
kompit | ‘sticky’; ‘lekat, lengket’ |
kompoŋ | ‘stomach (food bag)’; ‘perut (kantong makanan)’ |
kon | ‘in, It is in, located in’; ‘di, ada di, berada di’ |
konuku | ‘nail’; ‘kuku’ |
kosili | ‘bullock fish’; ‘ikan bulit’ |
kosiŋ | ‘laugh’; ‘tertawa’ |
koyaŋkaʔ | ‘dry coconut leaves’; ‘daun kelapa yang kering’ |
koyoŋkam | ‘chicken lice (white)’; ‘kutu ayam (berwarna putih)’ |
koyow | ‘message’; ‘pesan’ |
kukur | ‘scratch’; ‘garuk’ |
kulau | ‘mix, mix up’; ‘campur, campur baur’ |
kulit | ‘skin’; ‘kulit’ |
kumonsi | ‘breadfruit’; ‘sukun’; ‘Artocarpus sp.’ |
kunsiʔ | ‘key’; ‘kunci’ |
kuon | ‘so and so, something’; ‘anu, sesuatu’ |
kusoy | ‘cuscus’; ‘kuskus’; ‘Phalangista ursina’ |
kutu | ‘flea’; ‘kutu’ |
kuyaŋa | ‘hibiscus’; ‘kembang sepatu’; ‘Hibiscus rosa-sinensis’ |
kuyon | ‘pot’; ‘belanga’ |
lahuy | ‘run, run away’; ‘lari, minggat’ |
lai | ‘bunch (of coconuts)’; ‘tandan (tentang buah kelapa)’ |
lai | ‘dangau’; ‘dangau’ |
lambuŋ | ‘dress’; ‘baju’ |
lamemet | ‘fast, deft’; ‘cepat, cekatan’ |
lana | ‘coconut oil’; ‘minyak kelapa’ |
laŋit | ‘sky’; ‘langit’ |
laŋkapan | ‘termite’; ‘ani-ani’ |
laŋow | ‘fly’; ‘lalat’ |
laŋuy | ‘swim’; ‘berenang’ |
lanit | ‘sharp’; ‘tajam’ |
lansik | ‘jump’; ‘lompat’ |
lantak | ‘float’; ‘terapung’ |
lantuŋ | ‘pet confinement’; ‘kurungan binatang peliharaan’ |
lapas | ‘finished’; ‘selesai, rampung’ |
lawuʔ | ‘fall’; ‘jatuh’ |
layu | ‘tall, fly’; ‘tinggi, melayang’ |
leag | ‘sail’; ‘layar’ |
leʔar | ‘straighten teeth’; ‘memepat atau meratakan gigi’ |
lihis | ‘crazy’; ‘gilas’ |
lika | ‘bedbug’; ‘kutu busuk’ |
lilir | ‘roll’; ‘guling’ |
lima | ‘five, hand’; ‘lima, tangan’ |
limas | ‘pyramid, sauk (of water)’; ‘limas, sauk (tentang air)’ |
limbuŋ | ‘round’; ‘bulat, bundar’ |
limor | ‘silent murder (in a quiet place)’; ‘pembunuhan secara diam-diam (di tempat yang sunyi)’ |
limpudoŋ | ‘imitate the round one’; ‘nyiru yang bundar’ |
limumu | ‘gargle’; ‘kumur’ |
liŋaŋas | ‘hot (of the body when sweating)’; ‘panas (tentang badan ketika berkeringat)’ |
liŋkis | ‘bracelet’; ‘gelang’ |
linow | ‘pool (deep part of the river)’; ‘lubuk (bagian sungai yang dalam)’ |
lintaʔ | ‘leech’; ‘lintah’ |
linuh-an | ‘earthquake’; ‘gempa bumi’ |
lior | ‘footstep’; ‘jejak’ |
lipuʔ | ‘country, village’; ‘negeri, kampung’ |
lisaʔ | ‘lice eggs’; ‘telur kutu’ |
lituʔ | ‘sit down’; ‘duduk’ |
liwohoʔ | ‘umbrella mushroom’; ‘cendawan payung’ |
liwor | ‘winding, circumference’; ‘lilit, lingkar’ |
liwuton | ‘island’; ‘pulau’ |
lohot | ‘bone’; ‘ketulangan’ |
lolaki | ‘man’; ‘laki-laki’ |
lomos | ‘drown to death’; ‘mati tenggelam’ |
lompias | ‘starfruit’; ‘belimbing’; ‘Averrhoa blimbi, Averrhoa carambola’ |
londis | ‘nine’; ‘sembilu’ |
losuŋ | ‘mortar’; ‘lesung’ |
losut | ‘hollow, holes (especially the bottom/butt)’; ‘bolong, berlubang (terutama bagian bawah/pantat)’ |
loto | ‘basket’; ‘bakul’ |
lowoŋ | ‘plant, bury’; ‘tanam, kubur’ |
luhus | ‘betel nut’; ‘pinang’; ‘Areca catecha’ |
lukar | ‘keep, guard’; ‘jaga, menjaga’ |
lumbuʔ | ‘throw away’; ‘buang’ |
lumpiŋ | ‘weak, sluggish’; ‘lemah, lesu’ |
lumut | ‘moss’; ‘lumut’; ‘Musci, Najas celebica’ |
lunow | ‘green’; ‘hijau’ |
luwir | ‘twisted (of rope)’; ‘pilin (tentang tali)’ |
mahiʔ | ‘let, here’; ‘mari, ke mari’ |
manuk | ‘chicken’; ‘ayam’ |
mata | ‘eye’; ‘mata’ |
matoy | ‘dead’; ‘mati’ |
minaŋa | ‘river’; ‘sungai’ |
mo-hatus | ‘one hundred’; ‘seratus’ |
mo-hibatuk | ‘run’; ‘lari’ |
mo-hiow | ‘noisy, commotion’; ‘ribut, keributan’ |
mokoroŋo | ‘hearing’; ‘dapat mendengar’ |
moŋoreaha | ‘girl, virgin’; ‘gadis, dara’ |
mopo-haŋa-haŋa | ‘branching, e.g. about deer antlers’; ‘bercabang, mis. tentang tanduk rusa’ |
mo-reha | ‘yellow’; ‘kuning, berwarna kuning’ |
mo-riu | ‘near’; ‘dekat’ |
mo-wahu | ‘new’; ‘baru’ |
mowali | ‘can’; ‘boleh’ |
mo-wasaʔ | ‘wet’; ‘basah’ |
mo-waʔan | ‘sneeze’; ‘bersin’ |
mo-wohat | ‘heavy’; ‘berat’ |
mo-wuat | ‘lift up’; ‘mengangkat’ |
mo-wuhuk | ‘rotten, bad’; ‘busuk, buruk’ |
mo-wui | ‘go home, return’; ‘pulang, kembali’ |
mo-wunor | ‘congested’; ‘padat’ |
mo-wuroʔ | ‘white’; ‘putih’ |
mula | ‘plant’; ‘tanam’ |
muna | ‘at first’; ‘mula-mula’ |
munsoŋ | ‘snot, dirt nose’; ‘ingus, kotoran hidung’ |
nanam | ‘taste of food’; ‘rasa makanan’ |
naŋga | ‘jackfruit’; ‘nangka’; ‘Artocarpus integrifolia’ |
natu | ‘egg’; ‘telur’ |
ŋaŋa | ‘open mouth’; ‘membuka mulut’ |
ŋantiŋantiŋ | ‘earrings’; ‘anting-anting’ |
ŋipon | ‘tooth’; ‘gigi’ |
ŋiuŋ | ‘nose’; ‘hidung’ |
nilu | ‘hurt’; ‘ngilu’ |
ninis | ‘rub’; ‘gosok’ |
no-humo | ‘broken’; ‘sudah pecah’ |
noŋko | ‘from, came from’; ‘dari, berasal dari’ |
noŋonu | ‘why’; ‘mengapa’ |
no-rais | ‘finished’; ‘habis’ |
no-wia | ‘life, maintain’; ‘hidup, pelihara’ |
no-wirit | ‘open’; ‘sudah terbuka’ |
no-wombaŋ | ‘disband, run’; ‘bubar, lari’ |
no-wondu | ‘fragrant’; ‘harum’ |
no-wosu | ‘full’; ‘kenyang’ |
no-wotak | ‘broken’; ‘pecah’ |
nunuk | ‘banyan tree’; ‘pohon beringin’; ‘Ficus benjamina’ |
obatog | ‘ko. white caterpillar the size of a thumb’; ‘sej. ulat berwarna putih sebesar ibu jari tangan’ |
o-ihi | ‘pillar, post supporting the house’; ‘pilar, tiang topang rumah’ |
olar | ‘split’; ‘terbelah’ |
olaʔ | ‘subside, stop, e.g. about heavy rain’; ‘reda, berhenti, mis. tentang hujan yang lebat’ |
olimaŋow | ‘big crab’; ‘kepiting besar’ |
oluʔ | ‘dew’; ‘embun’ |
ompu | ‘grandchild’; ‘cucu’ |
onom | ‘six’; ‘enam’ |
opat | ‘four’; ‘empat’ |
opoyu | ‘bile’; ‘empedu’ |
otut | ‘fart’; ‘kentut’ |
owaha | ‘shoulder’; ‘bahu’ |
owol | ‘smoke’; ‘asap’ |
owuʔ | ‘cough’; ‘batuk’ |
oyaʔ | ‘embarrassed’; ‘malu’ |
oyoŋ | ‘calm, subsided, e.g. about rain or storms’; ‘tenang, reda, mis. tentang hujan atau angin ribut’ |
oyor | ‘press’; ‘tekan’ |
pahi | ‘stingray’; ‘ikan pari’ |
pajanaŋan | ‘antique copper lamp’; ‘lampu antik dari tembaga’ |
pakiʔ | ‘top’; ‘gasing’ |
pakuʔ | ‘fern’; ‘sayur paku’; ‘Asplenium esculentum’ |
palar | ‘footprint (hand or foot)’; ‘tapak (tangan atau kaki)’ |
paliʔ | ‘wound’; ‘luka’ |
pampiŋ | ‘move’; ‘pindah’ |
panaʔ | ‘arrow’; ‘panah’ |
pandiŋ | ‘water jug’; ‘tempayan’ |
paŋempaʔ | ‘embankment (in rice fields)’; ‘pematang (di sawah)’ |
paŋkoy | ‘stalk, e.g. flower stalk’; ‘tangkai, mis. tangkai bunga’ |
paraŋ | ‘kunai grass’; ‘alang-alang’; ‘Imperata arundinacea’ |
pasok | ‘stake (fence post)’; ‘pancang (tiang pagar)’ |
pasuʔ | ‘hot’; ‘panas’ |
pataʔ | ‘sheet’; ‘lembar, helai’ |
patoy | ‘kill’; ‘bunuh’ |
payoy | ‘rice’; ‘padi’; ‘Oriza sativa’ |
paʔa | ‘thigh’; ‘paha’ |
peŋkol | ‘club (of the foot)’; ‘pengkor (tentang kaki)’ |
piha | ‘good’; ‘baik’ |
pihis | ‘beam on the floor of the house’; ‘balok pada lantai rumah’ |
piliʔ | ‘choose’; ‘pilih, memilih’ |
piŋi | ‘huddled together, e.g. about bananas’; ‘berdempet, mis. tentang buah pisang’ |
pinsur | ‘stumble, e.g. stone feet when walking’; ‘terantuk, mis. kaki batu ketika berjalan’ |
pintar | ‘beach’; ‘pantai’ |
pipis | ‘chick’; ‘anak ayam’ |
pisow | ‘knife’; ‘pisau’ |
pitu | ‘seven’; ‘tujuh’ |
piuŋ | ‘bun’; ‘sanggul’ |
pohuntuŋ | ‘dandruff, dirt on the scalp’; ‘ketombe, kotoran di kulit kepala’ |
pomponu | ‘turtle’; ‘kura-kura’ |
pondam | ‘feeling’; ‘perasaan’ |
poŋkoʔ | ‘devil whose job is to take people's hearts’; ‘iblis yang kerjanya mengambil jantung orang’ |
ponik | ‘go on’; ‘naik’ |
poniki | ‘bat’; ‘kelelawar’ |
pono | ‘down’; ‘turun’ |
popas | ‘wipe, delete, eliminate, e.g. writing’; ‘hapus, menghapus, menghilangkan, mis. tulisan’ |
popohiʔ | ‘sting, painful’; ‘perih, pedih’ |
popor | ‘tip (of an elongated object)’; ‘ujung (dari benda yang memanjang)’ |
porilas | ‘spleen’; ‘limpa’ |
posaʔan | ‘carry’; ‘pikul’ |
poyok | ‘smoke (from combustion)’; ‘asap (dari hasil pembakaran)’ |
puha | ‘red’; ‘merah’ |
puhus | ‘squeeze (by hand, e.g. squeezing coconut milk from coconuts to make oil)’; ‘peras (dengan tangan, mis. memeras santan dari kelapa kukur yang akan dibuat minyak)’ |
puliŋ | ‘full, e.g. water in the baking dish’; ‘penuh, mis. air di dalam loyang’ |
puliŋ | ‘sty, foreign object in the eye’; ‘lilip, benda asing di mata’ |
pulor | ‘pieces of wood that still have fire on them’; ‘potongan kayu yang masih ada apinya’ |
pulu | ‘handle’; ‘gagang, mis. gagang garang’ |
puluʔ | ‘tens’; ‘puluh’ |
punsianaʔ | ‘ko. ghost’; ‘kuntilanak’ |
pupu | ‘scabies’; ‘kudis’ |
pusoŋi | ‘cheek’; ‘pipi’ |
pusor | ‘navel, central (in the middle of the stomach)’; ‘pusar, pusat (pada tengah perut)’ |
pusuʔ | ‘heart’; ‘jantung’ |
putiʔ | ‘white’; ‘putih’ |
puyut | ‘pick up’; ‘pungut’ |
raŋkom | ‘handheld’; ‘genggam’ |
rante | ‘chain’; ‘rantai’ |
roman | ‘also, as well’; ‘juga, demikian juga’ |
rurus | ‘fall, luruh (of fruit or duan)’; ‘gugur, luruh (tentang buah atau duan)’ |
sahin | ‘banana’; ‘pisang’ |
sakit | ‘sick’; ‘sakit’ |
sakoy | ‘go on, drive’; ‘naik, mengendarai’ |
sakul | ‘spear, e.g. towards animals’; ‘menombak, mis. terhadap binatang’ |
salaʔ | ‘wrong’; ‘salah’ |
salempaŋ | ‘(cloth) sash’; ‘(kain) selempang’ |
salo | ‘house floor’; ‘lantai rumah’ |
saluy | ‘buy’; ‘beli’ |
sampaŋ | ‘straddle (of the legs)’; ‘kangkang (tentang kaki)’ |
sandip | ‘insert, skid’; ‘sisip, selip’ |
saŋa | ‘branch’; ‘cabang’ |
sanow | ‘remember, recalled’; ‘ingat, kenang’ |
sapat | ‘put, e.g. something on the table’; ‘meletakkan, mis. sesuatu benda di atas meja’ |
saput | ‘shroud, wrap’; ‘kafan, bungkus’ |
sapuʔ | ‘meat’; ‘daging’ |
saraŋ | ‘hooked, e.g. clothes on nails on the wall’; ‘sangkut, mis. baju pada paku di dinding’ |
sarik | ‘gore’; ‘menanduk’ |
sasaʔ | ‘sago or palm leaves (as roofing material for houses)’; ‘daun sagu atau nipah (sebagai bahan atap rumah)’ |
sawaʔ | ‘tell me’; ‘suruh’ |
sawur | ‘sprinkle, scattered’; ‘tabur, hambur’ |
sayar | ‘divide, slice’; ‘iris, bagi’ |
sayowon | ‘advance, front, (face to face), eg the location of the house’; ‘muka, depan, (ber)hadapan, mis letak rumah’ |
sayuk | ‘scoop, dip, e.g. water from the pool’; ‘sauk, ciduk, mis. air dari kolam’ |
seaʔ | ‘fish’; ‘ikan’ |
sendoisik | ‘little finger’; ‘(jari) kelingking’ |
sia | ‘he, she, it’; ‘ia’ |
sian | ‘stomach’; ‘perut’ |
siku | ‘elbow’; ‘siku’ |
silar | ‘talipot palm’; ‘pohon silar’; ‘Corypha umbraculifera’ |
siŋkor | ‘heel’; ‘tumit’ |
sinit | ‘cow lice’; ‘kutu sapi’ |
siow | ‘nine’; ‘sembilan’ |
sipit | ‘pinch, e.g. clamp down on embers or fire’; ‘jeppit, mis. menjepit bara atau api’ |
sisi | ‘winnow (rice)’; ‘menampi (beras)’ |
siup | ‘in the below section’; ‘di (bagian) bawah’ |
sogot | ‘strong (because of a bond)’; ‘kuat (karena ikatan)’ |
sohaʔ | ‘light’; ‘lampu’ |
sohisi | ‘ko. rattan’; ‘sej. rotan’; ‘Calamus’ |
sohom | ‘ant’; ‘semut’ |
sola | ‘big’; ‘besar’ |
solog | ‘current’; ‘arus’ |
sombuŋaʔ | ‘pimple’; ‘jerawat’ |
somot | ‘pin’; ‘peniti’ |
soŋa | ‘blow your nose, while narrowing your nostrils with your fingers’; ‘mengeluarkan ingus, sambil mengecilkan lubang hidung dengan jari’ |
soŋit | ‘sharp odor, e.g. underarm odor’; ‘bau yang tajam, mis. bau ketiak’ |
soŋkow | ‘fell’; ‘terjerambab’ |
soŋonu | ‘how many’; ‘berapa’ |
sonsol | ‘regret’; ‘sesal, menyesal’ |
sopiʔ | ‘banana comb’; ‘sisiran buah pisang’ |
sopoyor | ‘sticky (of the taste of unripe fruit)’; ‘pekat (tentang rasa buah-buahan yang belum masak)’ |
sopuot | ‘fog (after rain)’; ‘kabut (sesudah hujan)’ |
soruʔ | ‘sedak, burp’; ‘sedak, serdawa’ |
so-sair | ‘comb’; ‘sisir’ |
sosop | ‘suction, suck’; ‘isap, mengisap’ |
soyop | ‘enter, set (of the sun or moon)’; ‘masuk, terbenam (tentang matahri atau bulan)’ |
soyopan | ‘(to the) west (where the sun or moon sets)’; ‘(sebelah) barat (tempat terbenamnya matahri atau bulan)’ |
soʔolus | ‘slick, good, e.g. about the results of work or how to organize something’; ‘apik, bagus, mis. tentang hasil pekerjaan atau cara mengatur sesuatu’ |
suaŋ | ‘fill’; ‘isi’ |
suhat | ‘enough, on (adequate)’; ‘cukup, pada (memadai)’ |
suhatan | ‘hit’; ‘kena’ |
sulapir | ‘braid (of hair), chicken (of mat)’; ‘jalin (tentang rambut), ayam (tentang tikar)’ |
suliʔ | ‘reply’; ‘balas’ |
suluʔ | ‘fire’; ‘api’ |
sumpaŋ | ‘sago’; ‘sagu’; ‘Metroxylon sagu’ |
suŋkur | ‘stick’; ‘tongkat’ |
suŋoy | ‘horn’; ‘tanduk’ |
suot | ‘enter’; ‘masuk, kamar’ |
supaʔ | ‘cupak’; ‘cupak’ |
susu | ‘breasts’; ‘buah dada’ |
takin | ‘friend’; ‘teman’ |
takor | ‘climb (of mountains)’; ‘mendaki (tentang gunung)’ |
takow | ‘steal’; ‘curi’ |
tali | ‘rope’; ‘tali’ |
taliw | ‘pass, e.g. in front of the house’; ‘lewat, mis. di depan rumah’ |
talow | ‘coward’; ‘penakut, pengecut’ |
tami | ‘sweet’; ‘manis’ |
tanow | ‘look from a (somewhat) high place, e.g. from the top of a mountain or the ridge of a house’; ‘melihat dari tempat yang (agak) tinggi, mis. dari atas puncak gunung atau bubungan rumah’ |
tantuaŋ | ‘ko. shell which can be blown (like a trumpet)’; ‘sej. bia (yang dapat ditiup)’ |
tawa | ‘fat, salary’; ‘lemak, gajih’ |
tawaŋ | ‘tastes bland (of the taste of food)’; ‘berasa tawar (tentang rasa makanan)’ |
tawi | ‘darling’; ‘sayang’ |
taʔau | ‘know’; ‘tahu’ |
teŋkel | ‘box’; ‘bertinju’ |
tilai | ‘for, share’; ‘bagi, membagi’ |
tili | ‘down (of a mountain)’; ‘menuruni (tentang gunung)’ |
tilon | ‘lime (which is usually eaten with betel or areca nut)’; ‘kapur (yang biasa dimakan dengan sirih atau pinang)’ |
tindar | ‘light, ray’; ‘cahaya, sinar’ |
tiol | ‘foot’; ‘kaki’ |
tipuʔ | ‘pick’; ‘petik’ |
tiu | ‘sleep’; ‘tidur’ |
tohoʔindop | ‘dream’; ‘mimpi’ |
toiʔ | ‘pee’; ‘kencing’ |
tokap | ‘slap’; ‘tampar’ |
tolu | ‘three’; ‘tiga’ |
tombohokiki | ‘scissor bird’; ‘burung serigunting’ |
tonaŋow | ‘crop-eating bug, rice pest’; ‘pianggang, walangsangit’ |
tondok | ‘fence’; ‘pagar’ |
toŋkor | ‘stop, e.g. blood is flowing’; ‘berhenti, mis. darah yang sedang mengalir’ |
tontolawaʔ | ‘spider’; ‘labah-labah’ |