OUTOFPAPUA database: Lexicons of the West Papuan language area

Blust & Trussel (2019h): Proto-Western Malayo-Polynesian

Original citation: Blust, Robert and Stephen Trussel. 2019. Austronesian Comparative Dictionary, web edition. URL: www.trussel2.com/ACD
Notes on this source: Edited by Allahverdi Verdizade

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Headword IPA Glosses

‘perfective marker’


‘verbal infix marking actor voice for intransitive verbs, and of inchoatives’


‘3sg. object’


‘imperative suffix’


‘subjunctive suffix’




‘conjunction: and’


‘exclamation, interjection’


‘hesitation particle’








‘exclamation: ah!, oh!, alas!’


‘ambush, block the way, obstacle, hindrance’






‘give a supporting hand’


‘high, lofty’



*abu abu

‘fish sp.’


‘long (of objects)’


‘collect, gather’










‘pull up, root up’


‘dove, pigeon’


‘long (of objects)’


‘k.o. plant’; ‘Pipturus argenteus’




‘that, there’


‘no, not’


‘compete, confront in a contest’


‘exclamation of pain, distress, etc.’


‘six (of humans)’


‘four (of humans)’


‘one (of humans)’


‘sieve, sift’


‘consider, think’


‘k.o. tree’; ‘Aporosa spp.’


‘hold, grip’




‘use, get use from’


‘and, also’




‘interjection, exclamation of surprise, incredulity, etc.’




‘exclamation of pain or surprise’


‘elder sibling’


‘cackling laughter’


‘elder sibling (vocative)’


‘take a long step, step over something’


‘elder sibling (vocative)’




‘1sg oblique’


‘preposition, on, upon, applicative marker’


‘cry of a monkey’


‘grandfather, ancestor’


‘1sg nominative, I’


‘acknowledge, receive, accept’


‘take, get, fetch, obtain, marry’




‘kind of large red tree ant with bad bite’


‘halibut, sole, flounder’


‘insufficient, half-heartedly’


‘fetch, get, take’


‘what is taken (?)’


‘fetch, get, take’




‘fetch, get, take’








‘dark, night’


‘quick, fast’


‘move, change place’


‘firebrand, unconsumed wood in a fire, charred wood’


‘put in or over a fire’


‘type of canoe’




‘howl (of dogs)’


‘shade, shadow’


‘burning brand, charred or smoldering wood’

*ama ama



‘(gloss uncertain)’




‘father (voc.)’




‘father (voc.)’

*amaŋ amaŋ

‘dare to do something’


‘father (voc.)’




‘eating place (?)’


‘tree sp.’


‘continuous, unceasing’




‘stamp or smack against’


‘wild mango’


‘wave back and forth’

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