OUTOFPAPUA database: Lexicons of the West Papuan language area

Blust & Trussel (2019g): Proto-Philippine

Original citation: Blust, Robert and Stephen Trussel. 2019. Austronesian Comparative Dictionary, web edition. URL: www.trussel2.com/ACD
Notes on this source: Edited by Allahverdi Verdizade

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Headword IPA Glosses

‘carry pick-a-back’


‘join forces, cooperate in working’


‘Manila hemp’; ‘Musa textilis’


‘beetle sp.’


‘bother, disturb, annoy or inconvenience someone’


‘extract from body (as sliver, or imagined cause of illness in shamanic practice)’


‘spirit that causes sickness’


‘side by side’




‘sling over the shoulder’


‘k.o. plant’; ‘Acalypha spp.’


‘assistance given to someone in need’


‘chase, drive away’


‘boil sugarcane to make sugarcane wine’




‘early, punctual’




‘associate with someone’


‘appropriate for oneself’


‘defend, protect one’s interests’


‘fence, wall’




‘doubt, hesitation’


‘hesitate, doubt’


‘hesitate, doubt’


‘k.o. shrub or tree’; ‘Melanolepis multiglandulosa’




‘care for someone, wait on’




‘careful, cautious’


‘type of wild vine used to blacken the teeth’


‘entertain guests, look after visitors’


‘accustomed to, skilled at, used to’


‘k.o. plant’; ‘Glochidion spp’


‘exclamation of pain, ouch!’


‘go or do something slowly, take one’s time’


‘beautyberry’; ‘Callicarpa spp’


‘in the line of sight, clearly visible’


‘complain, argue back’


‘large earthenware jar’


‘face, countenance’


‘fit, match, suitable’


‘ride together with someone else, ride tandem’


‘stay with, accompany’


‘open, spacious’


‘guess, suspect’


‘hear at a distance’


‘how? In what way?’


‘lie in wait, set an ambush in hunting game’


‘small tree’; ‘Morinda citrifolia Linn. (probably)’


‘lying flat (of something that is usually upright, or in some other position)’


‘touch someone lightly, rub the back’



*apu apu

‘forefathers, ancestors’


‘regard as a grandparent or grandchild (?)’


‘grandparent, ancestor, lord, master, owner (voc.)’


‘break out in boils’


‘k.o. large marine crab’


‘exclamation of pain’


‘expression (as of displeasure or surprise)’


‘flood tide’


‘sacrifice to the spirits’

*átaŋ átaŋ

‘poisonous arthropod’


‘face, confront’


‘separate people who are fighting’


‘quarrel, argue, fight’


‘depart, separate from’


‘agree with, in concord with’


‘arrange, make something neat or proper’


‘effeminate (of a man)’


‘pounded rice’




‘rice porridge’


‘arise from sleep’


‘recover, regain something lost’




‘take a woman as mistress’


‘bolo used in agricultural work’




‘thing, detail’


‘details, particulars’


‘destroy, ruin’


‘destroyed, broken apart’


‘pull out’


‘pull out’


‘fall to the ground (of something heavy)’


‘anklet, ribbon worn around leg’


‘pull out (as hair)’


‘pull out (as hair)’


‘vine, possibly arrowroot, famine food’




‘hard outer wood of a palm trunk (used in making bows)’


‘spear used in warfare, throw a spear at someone’


‘divert the attention of someone’


‘maybe, perhaps, possibly’




‘k.o. monkey’


‘tear with an upward motion’


‘old woman, female (of animals)’


‘piglet, suckling pig’

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