OUTOFPAPUA database: Lexicons of the West Papuan language area

Blust & Trussel (2019f): Proto-Oceanic

Original citation: Blust, Robert and Stephen Trussel. 2019. Austronesian Comparative Dictionary, web edition. URL: www.trussel2.com/ACD
Notes on this source: Edited by Allahverdi Verdizade

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Headword IPA Glosses

‘perfective marker’


‘3sg. object’


‘imperative suffix’




‘hesitation particle’




‘adjectival prefix’


‘hold, get, take’




‘pull up, root up’


‘sniff, kiss’


‘think, understand’


‘pick up with both hands’


‘anaphoric or relative particle: there, previously mentioned place’


‘interjection, exclamation of surprise, incredulity, etc.’


‘tree sp.’


‘point out, show, teach’


‘1sg nominative, I’




‘halibut, sole, flounder’


‘fetch, get, take’


‘fetch, get, take’


‘move, change place’


‘howl (of dogs)’


‘shade, shadow’






‘1pl. excl. nominative pronoun, we (exclusive)’


‘verbal suffix marking locative voice, nominal suffix marking location’


‘attributive suffix’


‘when? (past)’


‘plait (mats, baskets, etc.)’


‘insect of the order Isoptera: termite, white ant’


‘out of breath, gasping’






‘gust, draft, current of air’




‘turmeric’; ‘Curcuma longa’






‘spit, spittle’


‘thing whose name is unknown’


‘my unnamed thing: mine’


‘fruit-bearing plant’; ‘Pisonia umbellifera’


‘your unnamed thing: yours’


‘his/her unnamed thing: his/hers’


‘small island, islet’

*apa apa

‘something, anything, everything’




‘twins of the same sex’


‘high, lofty’


‘fishing line’

*apuŋ apuŋ



‘demonstrative: this (?)’




‘shore tree’; ‘Casuarina equisetifolia’


‘many, much’


‘kind of fern’




‘gills of’


‘sharpen, rub, grate’


transitive. ‘sharpen’




‘plant in holes in the ground’


‘fetch water, scoop up water’


‘1pl. incl. possessive pronoun: our’


‘high, tall’


‘its top’




‘negative marker’


‘away from speaker’






‘type of wind’


‘exclamation of surprise’




‘exclamation of annoyance, surprise, etc.’


‘father’s sister, father’s sister’s husband’


‘down, under’


‘or, because, but, perhaps’




‘break, chip off’


‘peel off bark’


‘strike, chip stone’


‘board, plank, side of canoe’


‘fish sp.’


‘hole, cavern’


‘side of the face, cheek, side planks of a canoe’


‘strike against’


‘conjunction: despite, nonetheless’


‘kind of banyan tree’; ‘Ficus sp.’




‘break off with the hand’


‘scab, crust’


‘fish: triggerfish sp.(?)’


‘fish sp.’


‘wild yam’; ‘Dioscorea sp.’


‘slant, lean over (as a tree)’


‘side, part’


‘fish sp.’


‘mid-rib of coconut leaf’


‘pale, albino’


‘answer, oppose, opposite side or part, partner, friend, enemy’


‘fish sp.’


‘repay, replace, take revenge’


‘cluster (c) == don mourning apparel, mourn for a deceased spouse’


‘dove sp.’




‘Indian tulip tree’; ‘Thespesia populnea’








‘new, recent, young, fresh’


‘fence, animal pen, fortification’


‘fence, animal pen, fortification’

*baRa baRa





‘marker of indefiniteness: if, perhaps, hopefully, or, any’


‘crosswise beam or shelf’


‘nibble at, gnaw at something hard’




‘anger, angry’


‘tree trunk, fallen tree, fallen log, stem of a plant, body, corpse, self, bridge of the nose, most important or preeminent thing, main course of a river, mushroom or bracket fungus that grows on tree trunks or decaying logs’


‘canine tooth (?)’






‘stony, gravel’






‘butterfly, butterfly fish’; ‘Chaetodon spp.’


‘split, crack open’






‘shrub sp., kind of shrub’


‘bend, curve’


‘disconcert, confuse’


‘coconut husk’


‘(gloss uncertain)’




‘sandy soil (?)’


‘limestone sediment (?)’


‘bivalve mollusk sp., lucine clam’


‘pinch, squeeze’


‘attached to’


‘bent, twisted’




‘exposed to the sun’


‘special talent’


‘large marine fish, jackfish or trevally’


‘bird, hornbill’


‘flash of light’


‘kind of shellfish’




‘type of shell, possibly nautilus’


‘semen, smegma, grease’




‘splash, spatter, splatter’


‘small, few’


‘foolish, fool’


‘bundle (of firewood, etc.)’






‘shut off’


‘call, summon’


‘divide, share, portion (as of food)’

*bolo bolo

‘small dark surgeonfish’; ‘possibly Ctenochaetus’


‘kind of seaweed used to paint canoes’


‘pigeon sp.’


‘smell, odor, scent’


‘speak sharply or in anger’


‘overcome by night, benighted’


‘mute, unable to speak’


‘stopped up, plugged’


‘true, correct, upright’


‘closed, dammed up’


‘hidden from view’




‘satisfied from having eaten enough, satiated’






‘smell, odor’

*bou roŋoR



‘dried out’




‘fish sp.’


‘tree sp.’


‘plant used as fish poison’


‘flower, blossom’

*bua bua

‘species of climber used for decorative purposes’

*bual bual

‘species of palm used for making spears and bows, palm-wood spear or bow’


‘areca nut and palm, heart’

*buaq na batu

‘round stone (?)’

*buaq ni bities

‘calf of the leg’


‘make, create, invent’


‘made, created’


‘constellation: The Southern Cross’


‘grandparent/grandchild (reciprocal term of address)’


‘plant used for perfuming the body’


‘rub on’


‘trigger fish’; ‘Balistes sp.’


‘smear, paint over’


‘drive pigs into a net’


‘grass, grow densely (as grass)’


‘sing, song’


‘bubble up (as spring water)’


‘attacked by wood worms’


‘node (as in bamboo or sugarcane), joint, knuckle, knot in wood, knot in string or rope’; ‘Mons veneris’

*buku ni lima

‘wrist bone’

*buku ni waqay

‘ankle bone’


‘have joints, have protuberances’


‘node, joint, knuckle, swelling under the skin’


‘kindle, light a fire, set ablaze’


‘open the eyes wide, stare with round eyes’

*buli buli

‘fish sp.’


‘turn over, roll over, transform, upside down’


‘cowrie shell’; ‘Cypraea mauritiana’


‘caulk, fill up a hole or crack with viscous material’


‘turn around, turn back’


‘roll on the ground, wallow’

*bulu ni babuy

‘pig bristles, type of sea urchin with thin black spines’


‘dark green, dark blue’


‘type of slender bamboo’; ‘Schizostachyum spp.’




‘hairy filaments of certain plants, husk’


‘fish sp.’


‘batfish’; ‘Platax spp.’


‘fruit dove’; ‘probably Treron spp.’

*bune bune

‘greenish fruit dove’


‘kind of porous, white, round and flat coral growth’


‘night, darkness’

*buntu buntu

‘small hill, knoll’


‘rear end of an animal’


‘coconut husk, coir’


‘pour water on, douse (as a fire)’


‘discharge of pus’


‘foam, bubbles, bubble up’


‘tree with sweet-smelling flowers’; ‘Fagraea berteroana’


‘wash (as the hands)’


‘hind part, rear, back’




‘blunt, dull’


‘container for solid objects, package’


‘foam, suds’


‘affliction of the eyes’


‘hole, opening, vagina’


‘earth, soil’




‘break, cut’


‘conch shell trumpet’






‘shell, peeling, skin’


‘fruit bat, flying fox’


‘finger (?)’




‘sip, suck’


‘1pl. incl. nominative and hortative pronoun’


‘1pl. incl. possessive suffix’


‘1pl. incl. subject prefix and possessive suffix, we (incl.), our (incl.)’


‘pound, beat’




‘warm oneself or something near a fire, heat or dry near a fire’


‘branch, twig’


‘soil, probably clay’


‘fish’; ‘Scomberoides sp.’


‘lineage priest (?)’


‘frigate bird’






‘lime spatula’








‘with, in conjunction with, companion’


‘slip or slide’



*e boŋi

‘it is getting dark, night is coming on’


‘gasp for breath’


‘morning star?’


‘how much?, how many?’




‘hold in the fist’


‘sound of scraping or scratching’


‘squeeze, hold tight, clutch’


‘hold liquid in the mouth, gargle’


‘1sg possessive pronoun, my’


‘tree with roots that furnish a red dye’; ‘Morinda citrifolia’


‘noise, tumult’


‘deep rumbling sound, thunder’


‘do or go first’


‘southwest monsoon’


‘waist, back of the waist’


‘group, pile’


‘stop, cease (of rain)’


‘out of breath’


‘flesh, meat’


‘originate from, come from’


‘local transitive suffix’


‘exclamation of wonder, disgust, etc.’


‘generic marker of location in space or time’


‘numeral prefix’


‘personal article’


‘verbal prefix marking instrumental or benefactive voice’

*i papo

‘above, on the top’

*i rarom

‘below, beneath, inside’


‘transitive and imperative suffix’


‘3sg. personal pronoun: he, she, him, her, it’


‘this, here, that, there’


‘1sg., I, me’


‘this, here’


‘demonstrative marker of uncertain meaning’


‘particle of doubt or interrogation’

*iba iba

‘remainder, surplus’




‘edible sea worm’; ‘Sipunculus spp.’


‘container for liquids’




‘exclamation of surprise, etc.’


‘fifth (ordinal numeral)’












‘eighth (ordinal)’


‘mallet for beating bark into bark cloth’



*ikuR ikuR

‘trailing behind’


‘flicker (of flames)’


‘(gloss uncertain)’


‘thwarts of a canoe’






‘inside, interior, thoughts, emotions, memories’


‘look at’


‘kind of pandanus with leaves useful for plaiting’


‘2p. pl. pronoun: you’


‘that, there’


‘mother, mother's sister, female animal, largest member of a set’

*ina ama



‘sneer, laugh in derision’


‘loud (of the voice), voice’


‘this, here’


‘act of drinking’


‘drink it! (imper.)’


‘drink (repetitive, frequentative, etc.)’


‘make war on’


‘sibling-in-law of the same sex’




‘the ‘Tahitian chestnut’’; ‘Inocarpus fagiferus or I. edulis’


‘saliva in the mouth, drool, desire, crave, lust for’




‘hair, feather’


‘cover with earth’


‘pull out, uproot’


‘exclamation of surprise, pain, etc.’


‘that, there’


‘tree’; ‘probably Octomeles spp.’


‘follow, accompany’



*iro iro

‘reflect, shine’


‘sip (as soup)’










‘peel, strip off’


‘scrape (as coconut meat from a shell), grate (as coconut meat)’


‘suck, inhale’


‘budge, shift, move’


‘clean oneself by scrubbing’


‘we (incl.)’


‘there, that’






‘path, road, way’


‘mate, companion, like, similar to’


‘spear, harpoon’


‘choral singing, blend voices in song’


‘yardarm, sheet of a sail, sticks used to turn the sail’




‘gap, open space’


‘cork, stopper, plug’


‘cornered, unable to escape’


‘measure vertically’


‘food, meat’


‘2sg. subject pronoun’


conjunctive particle. ‘and’


‘conditional, if’


‘past participle/achieved state’


‘prefix for ordinal numerals’


‘beat, flap the wings’


‘flap the wings repeatedly’


‘canoes joined together lengthwise (?)’


‘jointed creeper which yields fiber used to make cordage and fishnets’




‘catch (as in a trap)’


‘adhere, stick to’




‘stomach of an animal’


‘stalk or cluster of fruit’


‘rain cloud’


‘large black ant with painful sting, probably bulldog ant’


‘cuscus, phalanger’




‘scratch an itch’






‘(human) member of a category’




‘sound of a cackle, loud laugh, etc.’


‘elder sibling of the same sex’


‘fibrous integument at the base of coconut fronds’


‘flaky skin disease’




‘stammer, stutter’




‘scratch up the earth (as a fowl)’


‘scrape, scratch’




‘scrape, abrade’


‘chew or bite off’


‘goby, blenny’


‘rat, mouse’


‘shrub’; ‘Acalypha sp.’

*kali ~ keli



‘large fish, probably grouper’


‘wooden headrest’


‘rock cod, grouper’




‘stir, mix’


‘bachelor’s house, men’s house’


‘1p. excl., we’


‘fish, rainbow runner’; ‘Elagatis bipinnulata’


‘double-headed parrotfish’




‘sprinkle, scatter (seed, etc.)’


‘1pl. excl. nominative pronoun, we (exclusive)’


‘spittle, spit’




‘plugged, stopped, blocked’


‘2pl. nominative, you all’


‘sheath of a coconut?’


‘Ficus sp.’




‘classifier for edible possession’


‘think, ponder’


‘sing, song’




‘creep, crawl’


‘tree with edible nut, Canarium almond’; ‘Canarium commune’


‘tree sp.’


‘fish, mullet’


‘tree’; ‘Cordia spp.’


‘kind of white sea bird, probably gull sp.’


‘animal sound’


‘open (as the mouth)’


‘tree with edible nut, Canarium almond’; ‘Canarium commune’


‘resounding sound’



*kani kani

‘eat, keep on eating’


‘eat it’


‘scruffiness of the skin, dirt, dregs’


‘spit at (as an insult?)’


‘flesh, kernel’


‘flesh, meat, coconut flesh’

*kanoŋ qi mata



‘shake (as a house in an earthquake)’


‘shake (as the earth in an earthquake)’


‘shake repeatedly’


‘spittle, spit’


‘heron’; ‘probably Egretta sp.’


‘crab taxon, probably a rock crab’; ‘Grapsidae’


‘flutter the wings’


‘Malay apple’; ‘Syzygium malaccense’


‘pinch, press between, fasten thatch together with slats in roofing a house’


‘seven times’


‘ladle, dipper, scoop, cup’




‘fog, haze, mist’


‘tie or clasp together, button’




‘brace, splint’


‘hold or pull with a hook’


‘male Eclectus Parrot’; ‘Eclectus roratus’


‘evening (?)’


‘seaweed, seagrass’




‘strong southeast trade wind’




‘crab sp.’








‘scrape off, peel off’


‘small stinging plant’; ‘perhaps Laportea interrupta’






‘bivalve species used as a scraper’

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