OUTOFPAPUA database: Lexicons of the West Papuan language area

Blust & Trussel (2019f): Proto-Oceanic

Original citation: Blust, Robert and Stephen Trussel. 2019. Austronesian Comparative Dictionary, web edition. URL: www.trussel2.com/ACD
Notes on this source: Edited by Allahverdi Verdizade

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Headword IPA Glosses

‘perfective marker’


‘3sg. object’


‘imperative suffix’




‘hesitation particle’




‘adjectival prefix’


‘hold, get, take’




‘pull up, root up’


‘sniff, kiss’


‘think, understand’


‘pick up with both hands’


‘anaphoric or relative particle: there, previously mentioned place’


‘interjection, exclamation of surprise, incredulity, etc.’


‘tree sp.’


‘point out, show, teach’


‘1sg nominative, I’




‘halibut, sole, flounder’


‘fetch, get, take’


‘fetch, get, take’


‘move, change place’


‘howl (of dogs)’


‘shade, shadow’






‘1pl. excl. nominative pronoun, we (exclusive)’


‘verbal suffix marking locative voice, nominal suffix marking location’


‘attributive suffix’


‘when? (past)’


‘plait (mats, baskets, etc.)’


‘insect of the order Isoptera: termite, white ant’


‘out of breath, gasping’






‘gust, draft, current of air’




‘turmeric’; ‘Curcuma longa’






‘spit, spittle’


‘thing whose name is unknown’


‘my unnamed thing: mine’


‘fruit-bearing plant’; ‘Pisonia umbellifera’


‘your unnamed thing: yours’


‘his/her unnamed thing: his/hers’


‘small island, islet’

*apa apa

‘something, anything, everything’




‘twins of the same sex’


‘high, lofty’


‘fishing line’

*apuŋ apuŋ



‘demonstrative: this (?)’




‘shore tree’; ‘Casuarina equisetifolia’


‘many, much’


‘kind of fern’




‘gills of’


‘sharpen, rub, grate’


transitive. ‘sharpen’




‘plant in holes in the ground’


‘fetch water, scoop up water’


‘1pl. incl. possessive pronoun: our’


‘high, tall’


‘its top’




‘negative marker’


‘away from speaker’






‘type of wind’


‘exclamation of surprise’




‘exclamation of annoyance, surprise, etc.’


‘father’s sister, father’s sister’s husband’


‘down, under’


‘or, because, but, perhaps’




‘break, chip off’


‘peel off bark’


‘strike, chip stone’


‘board, plank, side of canoe’


‘fish sp.’


‘hole, cavern’


‘side of the face, cheek, side planks of a canoe’


‘strike against’


‘conjunction: despite, nonetheless’


‘kind of banyan tree’; ‘Ficus sp.’




‘break off with the hand’


‘scab, crust’


‘fish: triggerfish sp.(?)’


‘fish sp.’


‘wild yam’; ‘Dioscorea sp.’


‘slant, lean over (as a tree)’


‘side, part’

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