Visser (2020): Kalamang
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Headword | IPA | Glosses | |
*al | ˈal | Classifier. ‘[classifier for strings or strips]’; ‘[penggolong untuk tali], tali (pakai dengan nomor)’ |
*al | ˈal | Noun. ‘string, vine, grass’; ‘tali, tumbuhan merambat, padi-padian’ |
*ar | *ar | Classifier. ‘[classifier for plants, trees, string, rope, houses and poles]’; ‘[penggolung untuk batang, pohon, rumah dan tiang], batang, pohon (pakai sama nomor)’ |
*ar | *ar | Noun. ‘stem (of a tree or plant), tree’; ‘batang, pohon’ |
*as | *as | Noun. ‘edge’; ‘cela’ |
*dun | ˈdun | Noun. ‘opposite-sex sibling’; ‘adik atau kakak’ |
*elak | *elak | Noun. ‘bottom, underside’; ‘bawa’ |
*ep | *ep | Classifier. ‘[classifier for a group of animals or people]’; ‘[penggolong untuk kawan, kelompok], kawan, kelompok (pakai sama nomor)’ |
*ep | ɛp | Noun. ‘backside, back’; ‘belakang’ |
*et | *et | Classifier. ‘[classifier for animals, including birds and fish]’; ‘[penggolok untuk semua binatang], ekor (pakai dengan nomor)’ |
*gor | *ɡor | Noun. ‘stalk’; ‘tangkai’ |
*kang | *kaŋ | Noun. ‘thorn’; ‘duri’ |
*kasir | *kasir | Noun. ‘joint (in body, or of a plant, e.g. bamboo)’; ‘pergelangan’ |
*keit | keit | Noun. ‘top, upper side’; ‘atas’ |
*kia | kia | Noun. ‘same-sex sibling, parallel cousin of the same sex’; ‘kakak atau adik, saudara kandung’ |
*kiar | *kiar | Noun. ‘wife’; ‘istri’ |
*kiel | *kiel | Noun. ‘root’; ‘akar’ |
*kies | kies | Classifier. ‘[classifier for long thin things, such as cigarettes, wooden poles or sticks, roots, etc.]’; ‘[penggolong untung barang panjang dan tipis, seperti rokok, tiang, akar], panggal (pakai sama nomor)’ |
*kies | kies | Verb. ‘block’; ‘peli’ |
*kol | *kol | Noun. ‘different, outside’; ‘lain, luar’ |
*kun | *kun | Noun. ‘inside of a tree’; ‘isi pohon’ |
*mir | *mir | Classifier. ‘[classifier for canoes]’; ‘[penggolong untuk perahu], perahu (pakai dengan nomor)’ |
*mul | *mul | Noun. ‘side’; ‘sebelah’ |
*nak | *nak | Classifier. ‘[classifier for fruits and vegetables such as lime, breadfruit, aubergine, tomato and carrot]’; ‘[penggolong untuk buah seperti lemon, sukun, terong, tomat, wortel], buah (pakai dengan nomor)’ |
*nam | nam | Noun. ‘husband’; ‘suami’ |
*nar | *nar | Classifier. ‘[classifier for small round or oval things, like eggs, candy, or seeds]’; ‘[apenggolong untuk barang bulat, seperti telur, gula-gula, biji], buah (pakai dengan nomor)’ |
*ner | nɛr | Noun. ‘inside’; ‘dalam’ |
*ol | *ol | Noun. ‘leaf’; ‘daun’ |
*pan | *pan | Noun. ‘heap’; ‘tumpuk’ |
*pel | *pel | Classifier. ‘[classifier for bunch of bananas]’; ‘sisir’ |
*poup | *poup | Classifier. ‘[classifier for bundles of e.g. long green beans]’; ‘[penggolong untuk ikat], ikat (pakai dengan nomor)’ |
*poup | poup | Noun. ‘bundle’; ‘bungkus’ |
*put | *put | Quantifier. ‘tens of’; ‘puluh’ |
*reit | *reit | Quantifier. ‘hundred’; ‘ratus’ |
*rur | *rur | Classifier. ‘[classifier for strung or skewered things, e.g. fish]’; ‘[penggolong untuk tali], tali, tusuk (pakai dengan nomor)’ |
*siep | siep | Noun. ‘edge’; ‘ujung’ |
*silep | *silep | Noun. ‘back, backside’; ‘belakang’ |
*tabak | tabak | Classifier. ‘half’; ‘setengah’ |
*tak | *tak | Classifier. ‘[classifier for leaves and thin flat things]’; ‘[penggolong untuk lembar], lembar (pakai sama nomor)’ |
*tak | tak | Noun. ‘leaf, page, thin, flat surface, e.g. of a board’; ‘daun, lembar’ |
*talep | taˈlɛp | Noun. ‘outside’; ‘luar’ |
*tang | ˈtaŋ | Classifier. ‘[classifier for nuts, seeds and some vegetables such as tomato, pili nut, nutmeg, tamarind, beans and peanuts and Tahitian chestnut]’; ‘[penggolong untuk biji, tomat, pili, kacang, pala, asam jawa], biji (pakai dengan nomor)’ |
*tang | ˈtaŋ | Noun. ‘seed’; ‘biji’ |
*tara | tara | Noun. ‘grandchild, grandparent’; ‘cucu, moyang, tete, nenek’ |
*taur | taur | Classifier. ‘[heap classifier]’; ‘[penggolong untuk tumpuk], tumpuk (pakai dengan nomor)’ |
*taur | taur | Noun. ‘heap’; ‘tumpuk’ |
*tebon | *tebon | Quantifier. ‘all’; ‘semua’ |
*teit | teit | Noun. ‘neighbour, clan, relatives’; ‘tetangga rumah, suku’ |
*tem | tɛm | Noun. ‘big, tree stem’; ‘besar, batang kayu’ |
*tep | *tep | Classifier. ‘[classifier for smaller fruit, such as nutmeg, banana, mango or rose-apple]’; ‘[penggolong untuk buah kecil], buah kecil (pakai dengan nomor)’ |
*tep | tɛp | Noun. ‘fruit’; ‘buah’ |
*tim | tim | Noun. ‘edge, tip’; ‘ujung’ |
*wan | wan | Noun. ‘time’; ‘kali’ |
=a | a | Grammatical marker. ‘[focus]’; ‘[fokus]’ |
a | a | Interjection. ‘[filler]’; ‘[kata pengisi]’ |
a | a | Interjection. ‘[interjection]’; ‘[kata seru]’ |
a'a | aʔa | Interjection. ‘[agreement interjection], yes’; ‘[kata seru persetujuan], iya’ |
adat | adat | Noun. ‘tradition’; ‘adat’ |
ade | ade | Interjection. ‘[interjection expressing contempt or dissatisfaction]’; ‘[aduh, adeh]’ |
adi | adi | Interjection. ‘[interjection expressing pain or discomfort]’; ‘adih’ |
adu | aˈdu | Interjection. ‘[interjection for sudden pain or surprise]’; ‘[kata seru], aduh’ |
afukat | afuˈkat | Noun. ‘avocado’; ‘alpukat’ |
ahat | aˈhat | Noun. ‘Sunday’; ‘hari minggu’ |
-ahutak | aˈhutak | Grammatical marker. ‘[quantifying pronoun suffix], alone’; ‘sendiri’ |
ajar | aɟar | Verb. ‘teach, continue’; ‘ajar’ |
ak | ak | Noun. ‘sea-side (when at sea, when the vessel follows the coastline)’; ‘sebelah laut’ |
akal | akal | Noun. ‘sense’; ‘akal’ |
aknar | akˈnar | Noun. ‘chest’; ‘dada’ |
aknar kangun | akˈnar ˌkaŋun | Noun. ‘collarbone, breastbone’; ‘tulang selangka, tulang dada’ |
akpis | akˈpis | Noun. ‘convex side’; ‘bagian keluar’ |
alangan | alaŋan | Verb. ‘unable to do’; ‘berhalangan’ |
alanganrep | alaŋanrep | Verb. ‘look for trouble’; ‘bikin halangan’ |
alar | ˈalar | Noun. ‘kind of small fish’; ‘ikan kepala batu’ |
alkon | alkon | Quantifier. ‘one string’; ‘satu tali’ |
Almahera | almaˈhera | Noun. ‘Halmahera’; ‘Halmahera’ |
am | am | Noun. ‘breast, breast milk’; ‘susu’ |
am belun | am ˈbelun | Noun. ‘nipple, teat’; ‘puting susu, ujung susu’ |
am perun | am ˈperun | Noun. ‘breast milk’; ‘air susu’ |
amdir | ˈamdir | Noun. ‘garden’; ‘kebun’ |
amdir komaruk | amˈdir koˈmaruk | Verb. ‘clear land’; ‘bakar kebun’ |
amkeit | amˈkeit | Verb. ‘give birth’; ‘melahirkan’ |
-an | an | Grammatical marker. ‘[first person singular possessive pronoun], my’; ‘saya punya’ |
an | an | Pronoun. ‘[first person singular pronoun], I’; ‘saya’ |
anahutak | anaˈhutak | Pronoun. ‘[first person quantified pronoun], I alone’; ‘saya sendiri’ |
andain | anˈdain | Pronoun. ‘[first person restrictive focus pronoun], I alone’; ‘saya sendiri’ |
Andan | ˈandan | Noun. ‘Banda Islands’; ‘Kepulauan Banda’ |
ang | aŋ | Noun. ‘turban shell’; ‘keong, ciput laga kecil.’ |
anggas | ˈaŋɡas | Noun. ‘door’; ‘pintu’ |
anggas padenun | aŋɡas padenun | Noun. ‘doorpost’; ‘tiang pintu’ |
anggon | aŋˈɡon | Pronoun. ‘[first person singular possessive], my’; ‘saya punya’ |
anka | anka | Noun. ‘number’; ‘anka’ |
anti | anti | Noun. ‘antidote, resistant’; ‘anti’ |
anting | ˈantiŋ | Noun. ‘earrings’; ‘anting’ |
ao | ao | Interjection. ‘[interjection]’; ‘[kata seru]’ |
ap | ap | Quantifier. ‘five’; ‘lima’ |
ar | ar | Verb. ‘dive’; ‘menyelam’ |
ar | ar | Verb. ‘expel an animal’; ‘usir hewan’ |
ar | ar | Verb. ‘make a sound (inanimate)’; ‘bunyi’ |
ar | ar | Noun. ‘sound’; ‘bunyi’ |
Arabir | arabir | Noun. ‘Arabir, place on Karas, also known as Baki Tanggiun’; ‘Arabir, tempat di Karas, same dengan Baki Tanggiun’ |
aragadi | arăˈɡadi | Noun. ‘saw’; ‘gergaji’ |
arat | arat | Noun. ‘seam of a boat’; ‘nat perahu’ |
arekmang | arɛkˈmaŋ | Intransitive verb. ‘startled by pain and utter a sound, mad or show utter contempt or dissatisfaction’; ‘kaget (kenal barang tajam), bicara marah’ |
aremun | aˈremun | Intransitive verb. ‘big (of a tree or house)’; ‘besar (kayu atau rumah)’ |
arep | aˈrɛp | Noun. ‘pond, enclosed bay, sometimes used to refer to Arepner, the bay in Mas’; ‘kolam, teluk’ |
arepner | arɛpˈnɛr | Noun. ‘name of the basin in Mas, lit. "in the pond"’; ‘kolam di kampung Mas’ |
arerara | arerara | Interjection. ‘[interjection expressing anger]’; ‘[kata seru kalo marah]’ |
ariemun | aˈriemun | Noun. ‘Friday’; ‘jumat’ |
arun | ˈarun | Noun. ‘stem’; ‘batang, pohon’ |
arwa | arwa | Noun. ‘spirit’; ‘arwah’ |
asal | asal | Conjunction. ‘as long as’; ‘asal’ |
asar | ˈasar | Noun. ‘time of the Asr prayer, the Islamic afternoon daily prayer, around 15:30’; ‘ashar’ |
asaskon | asaskon | Intransitive verb. ‘loose, not dense, with holes’; ‘jarang-jarang, longgar-longgar, tidak padat’ |
asokmang | aˈsokmaŋ | Verb. ‘short of breath’; ‘napas pendek, hosa, sesak napas’ |
asun | ˈasun | Noun. ‘edge’; ‘cela’ |
=at | at | Grammatical marker. ‘[object case marker]’; ‘[infleksi untuk objek dalam kalimat transitif]’ |
atau | atau | Conjunction. ‘or’; ‘atau’ |
ator | ˈator | Verb. ‘arrange’; ‘ator, atur’ |
au | au | Noun. ‘infant’; ‘anak kecil’ |
=ba | ba | Grammatical marker. ‘[focus marker on question words, proper names and pronouns]’; ‘[fokus]’ |
ba | ba | Conjunction. ‘[linker for tens and ones], but’; ‘[kata penghubung untuk nomor], tapi’ |
bak | bak | Noun. ‘container (typically for bathing water)’; ‘bak’ |
Baki Tanggiun | baki taŋɡiun | Noun. ‘Baki Tanggiun, place on biggest Karas island’; ‘Baki Tanggiun, nama tempat di Karas’ |
bal | bal | Noun. ‘dog’; ‘anjing’ |
balak | baˈlak | Noun. ‘ceiling joists and other beams in a roof construction’; ‘ring balok’ |
balama | balaˈma | Verb. ‘heat leaves in the fire (to put them on a sore spot later)’; ‘rau’ |
balaok | balaok | Verb. ‘show’; ‘tunjuk’ |
balikawuok | baˈlikaˌwuok | Noun. ‘green bean’; ‘kacang hijau’ |
Baliwawa Anggasun | baliwawa aŋɡasun | Noun. ‘Baliwawa Anggasun, place on biggest Karas island’; ‘Baliwawa Anggasun, nama tempat di Karas’ |
balkawuok | balˈkawuok | Noun. ‘plant with bean-like seeds’; ‘kacang anjing’ |
baluku | baˈluku | Noun. ‘freshwater eel’; ‘ikan belut tawar’ |
banku | ˈbaŋku | Noun. ‘bench’; ‘bangku’ |
bara | baˈra | Verb. ‘descend, move down’; ‘turun’ |
barahala | baraˈhala | Verb. ‘lazy’; ‘pamalas, pu malas, ganggur’ |
=barak | ˈbarak | Adverbial modifier. ‘too, any, event’; ‘juga, lagi, pun’ |
barala | baˈrala | Noun. ‘certain group of illnesses, possibly those that disappear by themselves, such as food poisoning. Excluded are illnesses inflicted upon us by others by means of a spell, as well as malaria.’; ‘penyakit badan’ |
barang | baˈraŋ | Noun. ‘turmeric’; ‘kunyit, kuning’ |
baranggap | baraŋˈɡap | Intransitive verb. ‘yellow’; ‘kuning’ |
barotma | baˈrotma | Transitive verb. ‘turn over, to turn around’; ‘putar, peru’ |
baru | baru | Conjunction. ‘then, so, only then, new’; ‘baru’ |
bataku | baˈtaku | Noun. ‘brick’; ‘batako’ |
bawang iriskapten | ˈbawaŋ iˈriskaptɛn | Noun. ‘garlic’; ‘bawang putih’ |
bawang kerkapten | ˈbawaŋ kerkapˈtɛn | Noun. ‘red onion’; ‘bawang merah’ |
bayam | baˈjam | Noun. ‘spinach’; ‘sayur bayam’ |
bayas | ˈbajas | Noun. ‘sand that is uncovered by low tide’; ‘pasir laut’ |
bebak | ˈbebak | Noun. ‘duck’; ‘bebek’ |
bekiem | ˈbekiem | Noun. ‘shoulder’; ‘bahu’ |
bekiemkang | beˈkiemkaŋ | Noun. ‘shoulderblade’; ‘tulang belikat’ |
Beladar | bə̆ˈladar | Noun. ‘The Netherlands’; ‘Belanda’ |
belajar | beˈlaɟar | Verb. ‘learn, study’; ‘belajar’ |
belbel | ˈbɛlbɛl | Intransitive verb. ‘(of a tip) to be sharp’; ‘tajam’ |
belek | belek | Noun. ‘can (food container)’; ‘kaleng’ |
belen | bə̆ˈlɛn | Noun. ‘tongue’; ‘lidah’ |
-bes | -bes | Grammatical marker. ‘[quantity inflection on demonstratives], this/that much/many’; ‘[infleksi quantitatif di demonstrative], banyak begini/begitu’ |
bes | bɛs | Intransitive verb. ‘good’; ‘baik, bagus’ |
bet | bɛt | Noun. ‘goal (football)’; ‘gawang’ |
biar | biar | Conjunction. ‘even if’; ‘biar’ |
biasa | biasa | Verb. ‘normal, used to’; ‘biasa’ |
biawas | ˈbiawas | Noun. ‘medicinal plant whose leaf is used to treat stomach ache’; ‘pohon biawas’ |
bintang | binˈtaŋ | Noun. ‘washtub’; ‘parteng’ |
bintulak | binˈtulak | Noun. ‘tilefish’; ‘sejenis ikan kecil’ |
bir | bir | Noun. ‘beer’; ‘bir’ |
birbir | birˈbir | Noun. ‘small black-and-white striped or clear blue fish living in hard coral close to the shore, possibly including ring-tailed cardinalfish’; ‘ikan kawan’ |
bisa | ˈbisa | Verb. ‘can, possible’; ‘bisa’ |
bitko | bitˈko | Verb. ‘carry on the back or shoulder(s) (inanimate things)’; ‘pikul’ |
bo | bo | Verb. ‘go, until’; ‘pergi, sampai’ |
boda | ˈboda | Intransitive verb. ‘stupid’; ‘bodoh’ |
bol | bol | Noun. ‘mouth, rim’; ‘mulut, pinggir (perahu, ember)’ |
bola | ˈbola | Noun. ‘ball’; ‘bola’ |
bolkoyal | bolˈkojal | Verb. ‘eat’; ‘makan’ |
bolkul | bolˈkul | Noun. ‘lip’; ‘bibir’ |
bolodak | bolodak | Adverbial modifier. ‘just a little’; ‘sedikit saja’ |
bolon | bŏˈlon | Quantifier. ‘little’; ‘sedikit’ |
=bon | bon | Grammatical marker. ‘[comitative case marker], with, and’; ‘[kasus komitatif], sama, dengan’ |
bon | bon | Verb. ‘bring’; ‘bawa’ |
bonaras | bonaras | Verb. ‘angry (with child)’; ‘marah sama anak’ |
bonasau | bonasaˈu | Verb. ‘do a (repetitive, difficult, annoying) task, try’; ‘bikinbikin kerja, berusaha’ |
boncis | ˈboncis | Noun. ‘green beans’; ‘boncis’ |
bor | bor | Verb. ‘drill’; ‘bor’ |
bor | bor | Noun. ‘drill’; ‘bor’ |
borara | boˈrara | Verb. ‘go first, in the front’; ‘kamuka, di depan’ |
borma | ˈborma | Transitive verb. ‘open (of one's limbs)’; ‘buka tangan atau kaki’ |
borun | ˈborun | Noun. ‘road, way, route’; ‘(per)jalanan’ |
bot | bot | Noun. ‘journey’; ‘perjalanan’ |
botal | botal | Noun. ‘bottle’; ‘botol’ |
boubou | bouˈbou | Verb. ‘bathe a small child’; ‘mandi anak kecil’ |
boukbouk | boukˈbouk | Verb. ‘bark’; ‘gonggong’ |
bubir | bubir | Noun. ‘porridge’; ‘bubur’ |
bugar | ˈbuɡar | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘sejenis bubara’ |
buk | buk | Noun. ‘book’; ‘buku’ |
bula | bula | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘ikan nabula’ |
bunga | buŋa | Noun. ‘flower’; ‘bunga’ |
bunga arun | buŋɡa ˈarun | Noun. ‘blossom’; ‘bunga pohon’ |
bunga kupukupu | ˈbuŋa ˌkupuˈkupu | Noun. ‘bastard valerian’; ‘bunga kupukupu’ |
bunga rampi | ˈbuŋa ˈrampi | Noun. ‘pandanus leaf’; ‘daun pandan’ |
bungbung | ˈbuŋbuŋ | Intransitive verb. ‘in a big heap’; ‘tumpuk tinggi’ |
buok | buok | Noun. ‘betel palm, areca palm, betel nut, areca nut’; ‘pohon pinang, pinang’ |
buok teun | buok ˈteun | Noun. ‘betel nut, areca nut’; ‘buah pinang’ |
buokbuok | ˈbuokbuok | Verb. ‘chew betel’; ‘makan pinang’ |
buokce | buokce | Noun. ‘your (PL) betel’; ‘kamong pu pinang’ |
buokpe | buokpe | Noun. ‘our betel’; ‘kitong pu pinang’ |
buoksarun | buoksarun | Noun. ‘offering with betel’; ‘pamali pinang’ |
burbur | burˈbur | Verb. ‘hit, e.g. fish with a stick to get them into a net, or a bird that shakes fruit out of a tree by moving around’; ‘pukul-pukul’ |
Burewun | burewun | Noun. ‘Burewun, shoal in narr20’; ‘Burewun, nama sikaru di cerita Pulau Kasuari & Pulau Anjing’ |
busbus | ˈbusbus | Noun. ‘small parrots (e.g. fig parrot)’; ‘sejenis burung hijau kecil, bentuknya seperti burung nuri’ |
bustang | ˈbustaŋ | Noun. ‘nose’; ‘hidung’ |
bustang posun | bustaŋ ˈposun | Noun. ‘nostril’; ‘lubang hidung’ |
but | but | Noun. ‘stairs’; ‘tanggatangga’ |
-ca | ca | Grammatical marker. ‘[second person possessive], your’; ‘kamu punya’ |
-ca | ca | Grammatical marker. ‘man, suffixed to geographical names’; ‘lakilaki dari...’ |
-cam | cam | Grammatical marker. ‘man’; ‘laki-laki’ |
cam | cam | Noun. ‘kind of tree’; ‘kayu kema’ |
cam | cam | Verb. ‘take care of in a traditional medical way’; ‘dukun, bikin obat’ |
campur | campur | Verb. ‘mix’; ‘campur’ |
canam | ˈcanam | Noun. ‘man, male’; ‘seorang lakilaki, lakilaki’ |
cangkir | ˈcaŋkir | Noun. ‘cup’; ‘cangkir’ |
cat | cat | Verb. ‘paint’; ‘cat’ |
caun | caˈun | Noun. ‘small’; ‘kecil’ |
-ce | ce | Grammatical marker. ‘[second person plural possessive], your’; ‘kamorang punya’ |
cek | cek | Verb. ‘check’; ‘cek’ |
cengki | ˈceŋki | Noun. ‘clove tree’; ‘pohon cengkeh’ |
cerita | cerita | Noun. ‘story’; ‘cerita’ |
cerita | cerita | Verb. ‘tell, tell a story’; ‘cerita’ |
cicaun | cicaun | Noun. ‘small one’; ‘kecil’ |
cicaun | cicaˈun | Intransitive verb. ‘small’; ‘kecil’ |
cici | cici | Noun. ‘drop’; ‘titik’ |
cigi | ciɡi | Noun. ‘double or treble fish hook’; ‘mata kail cigi’ |
coba | coba | Verb. ‘try’; ‘coba’ |
cok | cok | Noun. ‘sugar palm, palm wine’; ‘pohon enau, tuak’ |
dadir | daˈdir | Noun. ‘kind of striped fish, possibly bluestripe snapper (Lutjanus kasmira) or oriental sweetlips (Plectorhinchus vittatus)’; ‘sejenis ikan mulut kuning, istrep hitam-putih, besar (50cm)’ |
dagim | ˈdaɡim | Noun. ‘meat, animal’; ‘daging, binatang’ |
dakdak | dakˈdak | Verb. ‘do a repetitive kind of cutting or chopping’; ‘cincang-cincang, potong-potong’ |
daladala | ˌdalaˈdala | Noun. ‘kind of shell’; ‘japing-japing’ |
dalang | daˈlaŋ | Verb. ‘jump’; ‘lompat’ |
dalangdalang | ˌdalaŋˈdalaŋ | Verb. ‘bounce’; ‘lompat-lompat’ |
daluang | daluaŋ | Noun. ‘kind of bamboo’; ‘sejenis bambu’ |
damar lelak | ˈdamar ˈlelak | Noun. ‘Callophyllum, tree used as eye medicine and to make oil for lamps’; ‘pohon bintangur’ |
Damartimtim | damartimtim | Noun. ‘Damartimtim, place in Karas district’; ‘Damartimtim, nama tempat di Karas’ |
dan | dan | Verb. ‘bury’; ‘kubur’ |
dandang | ˈdandaŋ | Noun. ‘kind of pan (boiler)’; ‘dandang’ |
dare | daˈre | Verb. ‘sink’; ‘tenggelam’ |
dareok | daˈreok | Verb. ‘swallow’; ‘menelan’ |
dari | ˈdari | Noun. ‘net, usually for fishing’; ‘jala’ |
daria | daria | Noun. ‘kind of shell’; ‘sejenis ciput kecil’ |
daru | daru | Noun. ‘west’; ‘barat’ |
darua | daˈrua | Verb. ‘pull out, to unplug’; ‘cabut’ |
daruon | daruon | Adverbial modifier. ‘around midday’; ‘siang’ |
dauk | dauk | Noun. ‘brother/sister-in-law’; ‘ipar’ |
daun salam | daun ˈsalam | Noun. ‘Indonesian bay-leaf’; ‘daun salam’ |
dedesi | deˈdesi | Noun. ‘noose’; ‘jerat’ |
deir | deir | Verb. ‘push, bring’; ‘dorong, antar’ |
dek | dɛk | Verb. ‘move (involuntarily), to dangle’; ‘bergerak, goyang’ |
delepdelep | deˌlɛpˈdelɛp | Verb. ‘blink, shimmer, shine’; ‘kilau-kilau, silau’ |
desil | ˈdesil | Verb. ‘plane wood (with a handheld hammer-like device)’; ‘desil’ |
desil | ˈdesil | Noun. ‘planing tool’; ‘alat desil’ |
di= | di | Grammatical marker. ‘[causative]’; ‘[causatif]’ |
didir | ˈdidir | Noun. ‘fireplace’; ‘tungku, tempat api’ |
didiras | diˈdiras | Noun. ‘kitchen’; ‘dapur’ |
diguar | ˈdiɡuar | Noun. ‘smoke’; ‘asap’ |
dikolko | diˈkolko | Verb. ‘move out, move to the side’; ‘pisa, kasih keluar, kasih pindah’ |
dilurpak | dilurpak | Noun. ‘month corresponding to the fourth Islamic month, Rabi al-Akhir’; ‘bulan maulud/maulid, bulan rabul akhir’ |
din | din | Noun. ‘fire’; ‘api’ |
din paras | din paˈras | Noun. ‘flames’; ‘kobaran api’ |
din songsong | din soŋˈsoŋ | Noun. ‘embers’; ‘bara’ |
dinan | diˈnan | Verb. ‘burn’; ‘terbakar’ |
Distrik | ˈdistrik | Noun. ‘district, a common name for the village Malakuli, the capital of Karas district, on the mainland opposite of Mas village’; ‘distrik, perusahan, Malakuli’ |
diwadiwal | ˌdiwaˈdiwal | Noun. ‘kind of pandanus with short leaves’; ‘sejenis daun tikar’ |
doa | doa | Noun. ‘prayer’; ‘do'a’ |
Dobu | ˈdobu | Noun. ‘Aru islands’; ‘Kepulauan Aru’ |
dodon | ˈdodon | Noun. ‘things, clothes’; ‘barang, pakaian’ |
-dok | -dok | Grammatical marker. ‘side’; ‘bagian’ |
doka | ˈdoka | Noun. ‘big herons, egrets’; ‘burung bangau’ |
doka | ˈdoka | Verb. ‘sit and do nothing’; ‘duduk saja’ |
dokadoka | doˈkadoˌka | Noun. ‘kind of shell’; ‘siput bangau’ |
Dolok | dolok | Noun. ‘Dolok, name of the dog in the narrative Cassowary and Dog (narr20)’; ‘Dolok, nama anjing di cerita pulau Kasuari dan pulau Anjing’ |
don | don | Noun. ‘thing’; ‘barang’ |
don iriskap | don iˈriskap | Noun. ‘sugar (used when speakers want to conceal that there is no sugar when there are guests in the house), lit. white cloth or white stuff, also used as such’; ‘gula (bahasa halus), kain putih, barang putih’ |
don konkon | don konkon | Noun. ‘anything’; ‘apa-apa’ |
don konkonin | don konˈkonin | Phrase. ‘it doesn't matter, it's okay’; ‘tidak apa-apa’ |
don penpen | don ˈpɛnpɛn | Noun. ‘sugar (polite form)’; ‘gula (bahasa halus)’ |
don pernanan | don perˈnanan | Noun. ‘glass, mug (polite)’; ‘gelas, mok (bahasa halus)’ |
don yuolyuol | don ˈjuoljuol | Noun. ‘lamp (polite)’; ‘lampu (bahasa halus)’ |
donenet | doˈnenet | Noun. ‘black ant’; ‘semut hitam’ |
dong | doŋ | Intransitive verb. ‘chewy, tense, stretched (of a rope or elastic band)’; ‘tarei (makanan), tarei (tali atau karet)’ |
dong | doŋ | Intransitive verb. ‘in a group (of living beings following each other, e.g. a flock of birds)’; ‘kawan’ |
donselet | donsəˈlet | Noun. ‘cloth, rag’; ‘barang sepanggal, baju sobek’ |
dorcie | ˈdorcie | Intransitive verb. ‘pulled out’; ‘tercabut’ |
dorma | ˈdorma | Transitive verb. ‘pull out’; ‘cabut’ |
dorom | dŏˈrom | Noun. ‘barrel’; ‘drem’ |
dowi | doˈwi | Noun. ‘seed’; ‘bibit’ |
Duan | duan | Noun. ‘Duan, name of a parrotfish in a story (narr21)’; ‘Duan, namanya ikan kakatua di satu cerita (narr21)’ |
dudan | dudan | Noun. ‘parallel cousin of the opposite sex’; ‘saudara kandung’ |
dudin | ˈdudin | Noun. ‘cockroach’; ‘kecoak’ |
duk | duk | Noun. ‘edge’; ‘ujung’ |
duk | duk | Verb. ‘hit something (by accident)’; ‘tatoki’ |
dumang | duˈmaŋ | Verb. ‘explode, make an explosive sound, e.g. a clap of hands, a balloon that explodes, or a pistolshot’; ‘bunyi, meledak’ |
duran | ˈduran | Noun. ‘durian’; ‘durian’ |
duran walanda | duran walanda | Noun. ‘soursop’; ‘sirsak’ |
durcie | ˈdurcie | Intransitive verb. ‘perforated, pierced, with a hole in it’; ‘berlubang’ |
durma | ˈdurma | Transitive verb. ‘perforate, pierce, make a hole’; ‘bikin lubang’ |
e | e | Interjection. ‘[interjection for a.o. resignment, intensifying]’; ‘[kata seru, "e"]’ |
e | e | Interjection. ‘[interjection used as a filler]’; ‘[kata pengisi]’ |
eba | ˈeba | Conjunction. ‘so that, then’; ‘supaya, kemudian, terus, baru’ |
eba metko | eba metko | Conjunction. ‘and then’; ‘baru’ |
ecua | ˈecua | Verb. ‘cry’; ‘menangis’ |
eh | eh | Interjection. ‘[interjection that introduces a quote]’; ‘[kata seru di awal kutipan]’ |
-ei | -ei | Grammatical marker. ‘[imperative suffix for movement verbs in -a]’; ‘[sufiks imperatif untuk verba dengan -a]’ |
eir | eir | Quantifier. ‘two’; ‘dua’ |
eiruk | ˈeiruk | Verb. ‘bend down, kneel’; ‘tunduk, berlutut’ |
eis | eis | Verb. ‘expel an animal’; ‘usir hewan’ |
eksuet | ˈeksuet | Verb. ‘steal’; ‘curi’ |
eksuet | ˈeksuet | Noun. ‘thief’; ‘tukang pencuri’ |
el | ɛl | Noun. ‘kind of coarse woven mat’; ‘kobakoba, sejenis tikar lebar’ |
elam | elam | Noun. ‘firefly’; ‘kunang-kunang’ |
elao | eˈlao | Noun. ‘under, below, at the bottom’; ‘di bawah’ |
elaun | eˈlaun | Noun. ‘bottom, underside’; ‘bawa’ |
elkin | elkin | Noun. ‘ballsack’; ‘kolot’ |
elkin narun | elkin narun | Noun. ‘testicles’; ‘biji kolot’ |
Elkorom | elkorom | Noun. ‘Elkorom, place on biggest Karas island’; ‘Elkorom’ |
ema | ˈema | Interjection. ‘[interjection expressing surprise or contempt]’; ‘[kata seru, mama!]’ |
ema | ˈema | Noun. ‘mother, aunt, mother's sister, adult woman’; ‘mama, ibu, mama (ibu punya saudara perempuan), perempuan dewasa, mace’ |
ema caun | ˈema caˈun | Noun. ‘aunt, mother's younger sister’; ‘mama adik’ |
ema temun | ˈema ˈtemun | Noun. ‘aunt, mother's elder sister’; ‘mama tua’ |
emgokuk | ɛmˈɡokuk | Noun. ‘bird that looks like the helmeted friarbird, lit. puke bird’; ‘burung muntah’ |
emguk | ˈɛmɡuk | Noun. ‘vomit’; ‘muntah’ |
emguk | ˈɛmɡuk | Verb. ‘vomit’; ‘muntah’ |
emnem | ˈɛmnɛm | Noun. ‘older or respected woman, grandmother’; ‘nenek, tata perempuan’ |
emsan | emˈsan | Intransitive verb. ‘half-dry (typically of sun-dried things, such as clothes, mace, fish)’; ‘setenga kering’ |
emumur | eˈmumur | Noun. ‘older or respected women’; ‘ibu-ibu’ |
emun | eˈmun | Noun. ‘big (in compounds, often if part of a pair where one is big and one is small), 3rd person singular inflection of mother’; ‘besar, dia pu mama’ |
emun | emun | Noun. ‘sap’; ‘air’ |
enem | ˈenɛm | Noun. ‘older or respected woman’; ‘ibu’ |
enemtumun | eˈnɛmtuˌmun | Noun. ‘female infant’; ‘anak kecil perempuan’ |
epkadok | ɛpˈkadok | Noun. ‘backside, last in a row’; ‘di belakang’ |
epko | ˈɛpko | Noun. ‘behind, (in the) back’; ‘di belakang’ |
epkon | epkon | Quantifier. ‘one (group of living beings)’; ‘satu kawan’ |
era | ˈera | Verb. ‘move up diagonally, e.g. stairs or a hill’; ‘naik (di gunung atau tangga-tangga)’ |
eranun | eˈranun | Verb. ‘not be possible, cannot’; ‘tidak bisa’ |
eren | eˈren | Noun. ‘body’; ‘badan’ |
erteng | ˈɛrtɛŋ | Noun. ‘kind of small tree snake’; ‘sejenis ular kecil yang tinggal di dalam pohon’ |
eruap | eˈruap | Verb. ‘cry’; ‘menanggis’ |
es | ɛs | Noun. ‘ice (frozen water)’; ‘es’ |
esa | ˈesa | Noun. ‘father, adult man, father's brother’; ‘ayah, lakilaki dewasa, bapak (bapak punya saudara lakilaki), pace’ |
esa caun | ˈesa caˈun | Noun. ‘uncle, father's younger brother’; ‘bapak adik, bapak kecil’ |
Esa Tanggiun | esa taŋɡiun | Noun. ‘Esa Tanggiun, place on biggest Karas island’; ‘Esa Tanggiun, nama tempat di Karas’ |
esa temun | ˈesa ˈtemun | Noun. ‘uncle, father's elder brother’; ‘bapak tua’ |
esie | ˈesie | Interjection. ‘yes’; ‘iyo’ |
eskop | ᵊˈskop | Noun. ‘shovel’; ‘skop, sekop’ |
esmumur | ɛsˈmumur | Noun. ‘respected or older men’; ‘bapak-bapak’ |
esnem | ˈɛsnɛm | Noun. ‘grandfather, older or respected man’; ‘tete, tata lakilaki, lakilaki tua atau dihormati’ |
esnemtumun | ɛsˈnɛmtuˌmun | Noun. ‘male infant’; ‘anak kecil lakilaki’ |
-et | ɛt | Grammatical marker. ‘person, [agentive nominaliser, not productive]’; ‘orang’ |
=et | ɛt | Grammatical marker. ‘[irrealis], also used as [conditional]’; ‘[irrealis], juga [kondisionalis]’ |
et | ɛt | Noun. ‘canoe with or without outboard motor, small fibre boat with outboard motor’; ‘perahu’ |
etaman | etaman | Quantifier. ‘few (animates)’; ‘sedikit ekor’ |
etkon | etkon | Quantifier. ‘one (animate)’; ‘satu ekor’ |
eun | ˈeun | Noun. ‘nest, hive’; ‘sarang’ |
ewa | ˈewa | Verb. ‘speak’; ‘bicara’ |
ewarom | eˈwarom | Noun. ‘drool’; ‘gember, air liur’ |
Ewarong | ewaroŋ | Noun. ‘Ewarong, place on biggest Karas island’; ‘Ewarong, nama tempat di Karas’ |
ewawa | ewawa | Verb. ‘speak’; ‘bicara’ |
ewun | eˈwun | Noun. ‘(base of a) tree trunk or plant, base of a woven product’; ‘batang pohon, di bawa pohon, pohon anyaman (seperti karanjang)’ |
fakurat | fakuˈrat | Verb. ‘destroy’; ‘kasih rusak’ |
fakurat | fakurat | Verb. ‘much’; ‘banyak’ |
fam | fam | Noun. ‘family name’; ‘nama marga, fam’ |
farlak | farˈlak | Noun. ‘tarpaulin’; ‘tarapal’ |
fer | fer | Noun. ‘kind of fish trap’; ‘seru (pakai kayu dengan jala)’ |
fiber | fiber | Noun. ‘fibre boat’; ‘fiber’ |
fikfika | fikˈfika | Noun. ‘palm cockatoo’; ‘kakatua raja’ |
filoit | fiˈloit | Verb. ‘whistle’; ‘peluit, filuit’ |
foto | foto | Verb. ‘film, take a photograph’; ‘ambil gambar, foto’ |
gading | ˈɡadiŋ | Noun. ‘frame of a canoe, parts on the inside strengthening the canoe’; ‘gading’ |
gaim | (ŋ)ɡaim | Verb. ‘sew leaves, weave’; ‘jahit atap, tenun’ |
gain | (ŋ)ɡain | Noun. ‘mangosteen’; ‘buah manggi-manggi pendek yang bisa dimakan’ |
gala | ɡăˈla | Noun. ‘spear’; ‘tombak’ |
galip | ɡaˈlip | Noun. ‘bud’; ‘tukar daun’ |
gambar | ɡambar | Noun. ‘picture’; ‘gambar’ |
gampang | ˈɡampaŋ | Noun. ‘happy, satisfied’; ‘senang saja’ |
-gan | -ɡan | Grammatical marker. ‘all’; ‘semua’ |
gang | ɡaŋ | Verb. ‘hang’; ‘gantung’ |
ganggang | ˈ(ŋ)ɡaŋɡaŋ | Verb. ‘hang’; ‘gantung’ |
ganggie | ˈɡaŋɡie | Verb. ‘lift (and move)’; ‘angkat (pindah)’ |
gantor | ɡanˈtor | Noun. ‘office’; ‘kantor’ |
garawi | ɡaˈrawi | Noun. ‘kind of coconut tree’; ‘kelapa raja’ |
gare | (ŋ)ɡaˈre | Verb. ‘crawl (including the movement of babies, rats and turtles), slither (including the movement of snakes and lizards)’; ‘merayap, merangkap’ |
gareor | ɡaˈreor | Verb. ‘pour, dump, throw away, spill’; ‘saling, tumpah, buang’ |
garos | ɡaros | Intransitive verb. ‘low (of tide)’; ‘kering (meti)’ |
garumbang | ɡaˈrumbaŋ | Noun. ‘tent or cover on a canoe’; ‘tenda perahu’ |
garung | (ŋ)ɡaˈruŋ | Verb. ‘talk together’; ‘cerita’ |
gaus | ɡaus | Noun. ‘kind of bamboo’; ‘sejenis bambu (untuk bikin keranjang)’ |
gawar | ɡaˈwar | Noun. ‘lungs, kind of fish trap in the shape of lungs, also used for simpler fish containers’; ‘paru-paru, bubu, karantina ikan’ |
gawar | ɡaˈwar | Verb. ‘smell, fragrant, rotten’; ‘cium, bau’ |
gawar | (ŋ)ɡaˈwar | Noun. ‘smell, odour, fragrance’; ‘bau, harum, wangi’ |
gawawi | ɡaˈwawi | Noun. ‘chiton’; ‘kuku delapan’ |
gayam | ɡaˈjam | Noun. ‘Tahitian chestnut’; ‘gayang’ |
ge | (ŋ)ɡe | Adverbial modifier. ‘not, no’; ‘tidak’ |
ge mera | ɡe ˈmera | Phrase. ‘(I'm doing) nothing’; ‘tarada, tidak bikin apa saja’ |
gedung | ɡeduŋ | Noun. ‘village building’; ‘gedung kampung’ |
geigar | ɡeiɡar | Verb. ‘heave-ho (to indicate when force should be used when performing group activities)’; ‘hura-hura’ |
gelas | ɡelas | Verb. ‘clear’; ‘gelas’ |
gelas | ɡelas | Noun. ‘glass’; ‘gelas’ |
gelem | ɡə̆ˈlɛm | Verb. ‘yawn’; ‘menguap’ |
gelembung | ɡelɛmˈbuŋ | Noun. ‘bubble’; ‘gelembung’ |
gelemun | ɡeˈlemun | Noun. ‘tusk’; ‘gading, taring’ |
gen | (ŋ)ɡɛn | Interjection. ‘maybe’; ‘mungkin’ |
genggalong | ɡɛŋˈɡaloŋ | Verb. ‘make noise’; ‘ribut’ |
genggueng | ɡɛŋˈɡueŋ | Verb. ‘scream’; ‘teriak’ |
geries emun | ɡeˈries eˈmun | Noun. ‘scrubfowl’; ‘burung gosong’ |
gerket | ˈ(ŋ)ɡɛrkɛt | Verb. ‘ask’; ‘tanya’ |
get | (ŋ)ɡɛt | Conjunction. ‘[conditional], (if) not’; ‘[kondisionalis], (kalo) tidak’ |
get me | ˈ(ŋ)ɡɛt me | Conjunction. ‘[conditional], if not’; ‘[kondisionalis], kalo tidak’ |
giar | ˈɡiar | Intransitive verb. ‘new’; ‘baru’ |
giarun | (ŋ)ɡiaˈrun | Adverbial modifier. ‘first’; ‘pertama’ |
gier | ɡier | Noun. ‘teeth’; ‘gigi’ |
gierkawer | ɡierˈkawer | Noun. ‘gums’; ‘gusi’ |
gigiwang | ɡiˈɡiwaŋ | Noun. ‘earrings’; ‘anting’ |
ginana | ɡiˈnana | Noun. ‘glass, diving mask’; ‘kaca, kaca mata mengelam’ |
ginggir | ˈɡiŋɡir | Noun. ‘late afternoon, early evening’; ‘sore’ |
girawar | ɡiˈrawar | Noun. ‘kind of tree, used as a blood medicine’; ‘pohon waru’ |
girgir | ˈɡirɡir | Verb. ‘run away with a woman, when her parents don't consent to the marriage’; ‘bawa lari perempuan’ |
giringgining | ɡiˈriŋɡiˌniŋ | Noun. ‘bee-eater’; ‘kirik-kirik’ |
go | ɡo | Noun. ‘(weather or environmental) condition, place’; ‘keadanan, tempat’ |
go dung | (ŋ)ɡoˈduŋ | Phrase. ‘early morning’; ‘pagi’ |
go ginggir | (ŋ)ɡoˈ(ŋ)ɡiŋɡir | Phrase. ‘late afternoon, early evening’; ‘sore’ |
go git | ɡo ɡit | Phrase. ‘it's cloudy’; ‘mendung’ |
go kerkap | ɡo kɛrˈkap | Phrase. ‘dusk’; ‘senja’ |
go saerak | ɡo saˈerak | Phrase. ‘empty place’; ‘tempat kosong’ |
go saun | ɡoˈsaun | Phrase. ‘(at) night’; ‘(di) malam’ |
go sir | ɡo sir | Phrase. ‘clear weather, cleared spot’; ‘terang’ |
go yuol | ɡoˈjuol | Phrase. ‘day’; ‘siang’ |
gobukbuk | ɡoˈbukbuk | Transitive verb. ‘bark at’; ‘menggonggong’ |
gocie | ˈɡocie | Verb. ‘live, stay’; ‘tinggal’ |
godarung | ɡodaˈruŋ | Noun. ‘thunder’; ‘guntur’ |
godelep | ɡodeˈlɛp | Noun. ‘lightning’; ‘kilat’ |
gogit | ˈɡoɡit | Noun. ‘medicinal plant used after giving birth and for the kidneys’; ‘daun silemut, daun mengkudu’ |
gokabara | ɡoˈkabara | Intransitive verb. ‘sweep’; ‘menyapu’ |
gol | ɡol | Noun. ‘ball’; ‘bola’ |
golip | ɡolip | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘sejenis ikan tefar’ |
golma | ˈɡolma | Transitive verb. ‘twist, wring’; ‘putar pata’ |
gonggin | ˈɡoŋɡin | Verb. ‘know’; ‘tahu’ |
gonggong | (ŋ)ɡoŋˈɡoŋ | Noun. ‘jew's harp’; ‘kecapi mulut’ |
gonggung | ˈɡoŋɡuŋ | Verb. ‘call someone (by their name), call out’; ‘panggil, teriak’ |
goni | ˈɡoni | Noun. ‘sack’; ‘karung’ |
goparar | ɡopaˈrar | Noun. ‘wall’; ‘dinding’ |
goraruo | ɡoˈraruo | Verb. ‘in the light’; ‘di terang’ |
goras | (ŋ)ɡoˈras | Noun. ‘crow-like birds, e.g. crow, coucal and raven’; ‘burung gaga’ |
goras | ɡoˈras | Noun. ‘periwinkle shell’; ‘ciput hitam’ |
Goras Panuan | ɡoras panuan | Noun. ‘Goras Panuan, place in Karas district’; ‘Goras Panuan, nama tempat di Karas’ |
gorip | ˈɡorip | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘tefar laut’ |
gorun | ˈɡorun | Noun. ‘stalk’; ‘tangkai’ |
gos | (ŋ)ɡos | Noun. ‘medicinal plant used for people who have fallen’; ‘gufasal pantai’ |
Gos Ketkein | ɡos ketkein | Noun. ‘Gos Ketkein, point on southern tip of biggest Karas island (mentioned in narr20)’; ‘Gos Ketkein, di bagian seletan di pulau Karas besar’ |
gosomin | ɡoˈsomin | Verb. ‘disappeared’; ‘hilang’ |
gous | ɡous | Noun. ‘kind of bamboo used for weaving’; ‘bambu untuk bikin keranjang’ |
Gowien | ˈɡowien | Noun. ‘Tana Besar’; ‘Tana Besar’ |
gowienkier | ɡoˈwienkier | Noun. ‘wasp nest, beehive’; ‘sarang tawon/tewan, sarang lebah’ |
goyas | ˈɡojas | Noun. ‘kind of small fish’; ‘sejenis ikan garis-garis’ |
guadang | ɡuadaŋ | Verb. ‘crawl’; ‘merayap’ |
gual | ɡual | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘ikan kulit minyak tanah garis-garis’ |
guanggarien | ɡuaŋɡaˈrien | Verb. ‘look around, search for’; ‘melihat sekeliling, cari-cari’ |
guap | ɡuap | Noun. ‘kind of sea cucumber’; ‘tripang kapuk’ |
guarten | ɡuˈartɛn | Noun. ‘white person, light-skinned person’; ‘buleh, orang kulit putih’ |
gulas | ˈɡulas | Noun. ‘kind of eel’; ‘sejenis ikan belut’ |
gulasi | ɡuˈlasi | Noun. ‘galangal root’; ‘langkuas, cendawan’ |
gunting | ˈɡuntiŋ | Noun. ‘roof rafter’; ‘gunting’ |
guru | ˈɡuru | Noun. ‘teacher’; ‘guru’ |
gusi | ɡuˈsi | Noun. ‘vase’; ‘buci, tempayang’ |
ha | haː | Interjection. ‘[interjection of hesitation]’; ‘[kata seru keraguan]’ |
ha | ha | Interjection. ‘[interjection used when asking for clarification], what’; ‘[kata seru, "ha"], apa’ |
habis | habis | Conjunction. ‘because, after all’; ‘habis’ |
habis | habis | Verb. ‘finished’; ‘habis’ |
haidak | ˈhaidak | Adverbial modifier. ‘true’; ‘betul’ |
hajiwak | haɟiwak | Noun. ‘name of the 12th Islamic month, Dhu al-Hijjah’; ‘bulan haji, zul hijja’ |
halar | ˈhalar | Noun. ‘marriage’; ‘perkawinan’ |
halar | ˈhalar | Verb. ‘marry, get married’; ‘nika’ |
halus | halus | Verb. ‘soft, fine’; ‘halus’ |
handuk | handuk | Noun. ‘towel’; ‘handuk’ |
hanya | haɲa | Adverbial modifier. ‘only’; ‘hanya’ |
hari | hari | Noun. ‘day’; ‘hari’ |
hari minggu | hari miŋɡu | Noun. ‘Sunday’; ‘hari minggu’ |
harus | harus | Adverbial modifier. ‘must’; ‘harus’ |
hi | hi | Interjection. ‘[interjection of enjoyment]’; ‘[kata seru senang]’ |
hidup | ˈhidup | Noun. ‘life, way of living’; ‘hidup, kehidupan’ |
hidup | ˈhidup | Verb. ‘live, alive’; ‘hidup’ |
holang | ˈholaŋ | Noun. ‘dish made with dried and fried root vegetables’; ‘holang, makanan ubi kayu goreng’ |
hukat | ˈhukat | Noun. ‘rectangle-shaped fish net with floaters at the top and sinkers at the bottom’; ‘jaring’ |
hukat narun | ˈhukat naˈrun | Noun. ‘drivers on a fish net’; ‘pelompong jaring, pelampung jaring’ |
-i | i | Grammatical marker. ‘[quantifier object, marking quantifiers modifying a noun in object position]’; ‘[objek quantifier]’ |
=i | i | Grammatical marker. ‘[predicate linker, linking verbal elements in the predicate]’; ‘[predicate linker]’ |
i- | i- | Grammatical marker. ‘[demonstrative prefix]’; ‘[prefiks demonstratif]’ |
iar | ˈiar | Noun. ‘cave’; ‘gua’ |
iar | ˈiar | Verb. ‘hold’; ‘angkat’ |
iar | ˈiar | Verb. ‘transport, move a lot of things, e.g. cans of oil, sacks of sand or rice (but not limited to non-count)’; ‘orang angkat banyak barang bawa’ |
iban | ˈiban | Noun. ‘worm, white, about a finger's length’; ‘cacing putih’ |
iem | ˈiem | Noun. ‘gallbladder’; ‘kandung empedu’ |
-ier | ier | Grammatical marker. ‘[dual]’; ‘[dual]’ |
ih | ih | Interjection. ‘[confirmation-seeking tag]’; ‘[kata seru, "ih"]’ |
ikon | ˈikon | Quantifier. ‘some’; ‘bebepara, separuh, sebagian’ |
im | im | Noun. ‘banana’; ‘pisang’ |
im pawan | im paˈwan | Noun. ‘kind of banana’; ‘pisang papan/gabagaba, sejenis pisang’ |