Visser (2020): Kalamang
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Headword | IPA | Glosses | |
*al | ˈal | Classifier. ‘[classifier for strings or strips]’; ‘[penggolong untuk tali], tali (pakai dengan nomor)’ |
*al | ˈal | Noun. ‘string, vine, grass’; ‘tali, tumbuhan merambat, padi-padian’ |
*ar | *ar | Classifier. ‘[classifier for plants, trees, string, rope, houses and poles]’; ‘[penggolung untuk batang, pohon, rumah dan tiang], batang, pohon (pakai sama nomor)’ |
*ar | *ar | Noun. ‘stem (of a tree or plant), tree’; ‘batang, pohon’ |
*as | *as | Noun. ‘edge’; ‘cela’ |
*dun | ˈdun | Noun. ‘opposite-sex sibling’; ‘adik atau kakak’ |
*elak | *elak | Noun. ‘bottom, underside’; ‘bawa’ |
*ep | *ep | Classifier. ‘[classifier for a group of animals or people]’; ‘[penggolong untuk kawan, kelompok], kawan, kelompok (pakai sama nomor)’ |
*ep | ep | Noun. ‘backside, back’; ‘belakang’ |
*et | *et | Classifier. ‘[classifier for animals, including birds and fish]’; ‘[penggolok untuk semua binatang], ekor (pakai dengan nomor)’ |
*gor | *ɡor | Noun. ‘stalk’; ‘tangkai’ |
*kang | *kaŋ | Noun. ‘thorn’; ‘duri’ |
*kasir | *kasir | Noun. ‘joint (in body, or of a plant, e.g. bamboo)’; ‘pergelangan’ |
*keit | keit | Noun. ‘top, upper side’; ‘atas’ |
*kia | kia | Noun. ‘same-sex sibling, parallel cousin of the same sex’; ‘kakak atau adik, saudara kandung’ |
*kiar | *kiar | Noun. ‘wife’; ‘istri’ |
*kiel | *kiel | Noun. ‘root’; ‘akar’ |
*kies | kies | Classifier. ‘[classifier for long thin things, such as cigarettes, wooden poles or sticks, roots, etc.]’; ‘[penggolong untung barang panjang dan tipis, seperti rokok, tiang, akar], panggal (pakai sama nomor)’ |
*kies | kies | Verb. ‘block’; ‘peli’ |
*kol | *kol | Noun. ‘different, outside’; ‘lain, luar’ |
*kun | *kun | Noun. ‘inside of a tree’; ‘isi pohon’ |
*mir | *mir | Classifier. ‘[classifier for canoes]’; ‘[penggolong untuk perahu], perahu (pakai dengan nomor)’ |
*mul | *mul | Noun. ‘side’; ‘sebelah’ |
*nak | *nak | Classifier. ‘[classifier for fruits and vegetables such as lime, breadfruit, aubergine, tomato and carrot]’; ‘[penggolong untuk buah seperti lemon, sukun, terong, tomat, wortel], buah (pakai dengan nomor)’ |
*nam | nam | Noun. ‘husband’; ‘suami’ |
*nar | *nar | Classifier. ‘[classifier for small round or oval things, like eggs, candy, or seeds]’; ‘[apenggolong untuk barang bulat, seperti telur, gula-gula, biji], buah (pakai dengan nomor)’ |
*ner | ner | Noun. ‘inside’; ‘dalam’ |
*ol | *ol | Noun. ‘leaf’; ‘daun’ |
*pan | *pan | Noun. ‘heap’; ‘tumpuk’ |
*pel | *pel | Classifier. ‘[classifier for bunch of bananas]’; ‘sisir’ |
*poup | *poup | Classifier. ‘[classifier for bundles of e.g. long green beans]’; ‘[penggolong untuk ikat], ikat (pakai dengan nomor)’ |
*poup | poup | Noun. ‘bundle’; ‘bungkus’ |
*put | *put | Quantifier. ‘tens of’; ‘puluh’ |
*reit | *reit | Quantifier. ‘hundred’; ‘ratus’ |
*rur | *rur | Classifier. ‘[classifier for strung or skewered things, e.g. fish]’; ‘[penggolong untuk tali], tali, tusuk (pakai dengan nomor)’ |
*siep | siep | Noun. ‘edge’; ‘ujung’ |
*silep | *silep | Noun. ‘back, backside’; ‘belakang’ |
*tabak | tabak | Classifier. ‘half’; ‘setengah’ |
*tak | *tak | Classifier. ‘[classifier for leaves and thin flat things]’; ‘[penggolong untuk lembar], lembar (pakai sama nomor)’ |
*tak | tak | Noun. ‘leaf, page, thin, flat surface, e.g. of a board’; ‘daun, lembar’ |
*talep | taˈlep | Noun. ‘outside’; ‘luar’ |
*tang | ˈtaŋ | Classifier. ‘[classifier for nuts, seeds and some vegetables such as tomato, pili nut, nutmeg, tamarind, beans and peanuts and Tahitian chestnut]’; ‘[penggolong untuk biji, tomat, pili, kacang, pala, asam jawa], biji (pakai dengan nomor)’ |
*tang | ˈtaŋ | Noun. ‘seed’; ‘biji’ |
*tara | tara | Noun. ‘grandchild, grandparent’; ‘cucu, moyang, tete, nenek’ |
*taur | taur | Classifier. ‘[heap classifier]’; ‘[penggolong untuk tumpuk], tumpuk (pakai dengan nomor)’ |
*taur | taur | Noun. ‘heap’; ‘tumpuk’ |
*tebon | *tebon | Quantifier. ‘all’; ‘semua’ |
*teit | teit | Noun. ‘neighbour, clan, relatives’; ‘tetangga rumah, suku’ |
*tem | tem | Noun. ‘big, tree stem’; ‘besar, batang kayu’ |
*tep | *tep | Classifier. ‘[classifier for smaller fruit, such as nutmeg, banana, mango or rose-apple]’; ‘[penggolong untuk buah kecil], buah kecil (pakai dengan nomor)’ |
*tep | tep | Noun. ‘fruit’; ‘buah’ |
*tim | tim | Noun. ‘edge, tip’; ‘ujung’ |
*wan | wan | Noun. ‘time’; ‘kali’ |
=a | a | Grammatical marker. ‘[focus]’; ‘[fokus]’ |
a | a | Interjection. ‘[filler]’; ‘[kata pengisi]’ |
a | a | Interjection. ‘[interjection]’; ‘[kata seru]’ |
a'a | aʔa | Interjection. ‘[agreement interjection], yes’; ‘[kata seru persetujuan], iya’ |
adat | adat | Noun. ‘tradition’; ‘adat’ |
ade | ade | Interjection. ‘[interjection expressing contempt or dissatisfaction]’; ‘[aduh, adeh]’ |
adi | adi | Interjection. ‘[interjection expressing pain or discomfort]’; ‘adih’ |
adu | aˈdu | Interjection. ‘[interjection for sudden pain or surprise]’; ‘[kata seru], aduh’ |
afukat | afuˈkat | Noun. ‘avocado’; ‘alpukat’ |
ahat | aˈhat | Noun. ‘Sunday’; ‘hari minggu’ |
-ahutak | aˈhutak | Grammatical marker. ‘[quantifying pronoun suffix], alone’; ‘sendiri’ |
ajar | aɟar | Verb. ‘teach, continue’; ‘ajar’ |
ak | ak | Noun. ‘sea-side (when at sea, when the vessel follows the coastline)’; ‘sebelah laut’ |
akal | akal | Noun. ‘sense’; ‘akal’ |
aknar | akˈnar | Noun. ‘chest’; ‘dada’ |
aknar kangun | akˈnar ˌkaŋun | Noun. ‘collarbone, breastbone’; ‘tulang selangka, tulang dada’ |
akpis | akˈpis | Noun. ‘convex side’; ‘bagian keluar’ |
alangan | alaŋan | Verb. ‘unable to do’; ‘berhalangan’ |
alanganrep | alaŋanrep | Verb. ‘look for trouble’; ‘bikin halangan’ |
alar | ˈalar | Noun. ‘kind of small fish’; ‘ikan kepala batu’ |
alkon | alkon | Quantifier. ‘one string’; ‘satu tali’ |
Almahera | almaˈhera | Noun. ‘Halmahera’; ‘Halmahera’ |
am | am | Noun. ‘breast, breast milk’; ‘susu’ |
am belun | am ˈbelun | Noun. ‘nipple, teat’; ‘puting susu, ujung susu’ |
am perun | am ˈperun | Noun. ‘breast milk’; ‘air susu’ |
amdir | ˈamdir | Noun. ‘garden’; ‘kebun’ |
amdir komaruk | amˈdir koˈmaruk | Verb. ‘clear land’; ‘bakar kebun’ |
amkeit | amˈkeit | Verb. ‘give birth’; ‘melahirkan’ |
-an | an | Grammatical marker. ‘[first person singular possessive pronoun], my’; ‘saya punya’ |
an | an | Pronoun. ‘[first person singular pronoun], I’; ‘saya’ |
anahutak | anaˈhutak | Pronoun. ‘[first person quantified pronoun], I alone’; ‘saya sendiri’ |
andain | anˈdain | Pronoun. ‘[first person restrictive focus pronoun], I alone’; ‘saya sendiri’ |
Andan | ˈandan | Noun. ‘Banda Islands’; ‘Kepulauan Banda’ |
ang | aŋ | Noun. ‘turban shell’; ‘keong, ciput laga kecil.’ |
anggas | ˈaŋɡas | Noun. ‘door’; ‘pintu’ |
anggas padenun | aŋɡas padenun | Noun. ‘doorpost’; ‘tiang pintu’ |
anggon | aŋˈɡon | Pronoun. ‘[first person singular possessive], my’; ‘saya punya’ |
anka | anka | Noun. ‘number’; ‘anka’ |
anti | anti | Noun. ‘antidote, resistant’; ‘anti’ |
anting | ˈantiŋ | Noun. ‘earrings’; ‘anting’ |
ao | ao | Interjection. ‘[interjection]’; ‘[kata seru]’ |
ap | ap | Quantifier. ‘five’; ‘lima’ |
ar | ar | Verb. ‘dive’; ‘menyelam’ |
ar | ar | Verb. ‘expel an animal’; ‘usir hewan’ |
ar | ar | Verb. ‘make a sound (inanimate)’; ‘bunyi’ |
ar | ar | Noun. ‘sound’; ‘bunyi’ |
Arabir | arabir | Noun. ‘Arabir, place on Karas, also known as Baki Tanggiun’; ‘Arabir, tempat di Karas, same dengan Baki Tanggiun’ |
aragadi | arăˈɡadi | Noun. ‘saw’; ‘gergaji’ |
arat | arat | Noun. ‘seam of a boat’; ‘nat perahu’ |
arekmang | arekˈmaŋ | Intransitive verb. ‘startled by pain and utter a sound, mad or show utter contempt or dissatisfaction’; ‘kaget (kenal barang tajam), bicara marah’ |
aremun | aˈremun | Intransitive verb. ‘big (of a tree or house)’; ‘besar (kayu atau rumah)’ |
arep | aˈrep | Noun. ‘pond, enclosed bay, sometimes used to refer to Arepner, the bay in Mas’; ‘kolam, teluk’ |
arepner | arepˈner | Noun. ‘name of the basin in Mas, lit. "in the pond"’; ‘kolam di kampung Mas’ |
arerara | arerara | Interjection. ‘[interjection expressing anger]’; ‘[kata seru kalo marah]’ |
ariemun | aˈriemun | Noun. ‘Friday’; ‘jumat’ |
arun | ˈarun | Noun. ‘stem’; ‘batang, pohon’ |
arwa | arwa | Noun. ‘spirit’; ‘arwah’ |
asal | asal | Conjunction. ‘as long as’; ‘asal’ |
asar | ˈasar | Noun. ‘time of the Asr prayer, the Islamic afternoon daily prayer, around 15:30’; ‘ashar’ |
asaskon | asaskon | Intransitive verb. ‘loose, not dense, with holes’; ‘jarang-jarang, longgar-longgar, tidak padat’ |
asokmang | aˈsokmaŋ | Verb. ‘short of breath’; ‘napas pendek, hosa, sesak napas’ |
asun | ˈasun | Noun. ‘edge’; ‘cela’ |
=at | at | Grammatical marker. ‘[object case marker]’; ‘[infleksi untuk objek dalam kalimat transitif]’ |
atau | atau | Conjunction. ‘or’; ‘atau’ |
ator | ˈator | Verb. ‘arrange’; ‘ator, atur’ |
au | au | Noun. ‘infant’; ‘anak kecil’ |
=ba | ba | Grammatical marker. ‘[focus marker on question words, proper names and pronouns]’; ‘[fokus]’ |
ba | ba | Conjunction. ‘[linker for tens and ones], but’; ‘[kata penghubung untuk nomor], tapi’ |
bak | bak | Noun. ‘container (typically for bathing water)’; ‘bak’ |
Baki Tanggiun | baki taŋɡiun | Noun. ‘Baki Tanggiun, place on biggest Karas island’; ‘Baki Tanggiun, nama tempat di Karas’ |
bal | bal | Noun. ‘dog’; ‘anjing’ |
balak | baˈlak | Noun. ‘ceiling joists and other beams in a roof construction’; ‘ring balok’ |
balama | balaˈma | Verb. ‘heat leaves in the fire (to put them on a sore spot later)’; ‘rau’ |
balaok | balaok | Verb. ‘show’; ‘tunjuk’ |
balikawuok | baˈlikaˌwuok | Noun. ‘green bean’; ‘kacang hijau’ |
Baliwawa Anggasun | baliwawa aŋɡasun | Noun. ‘Baliwawa Anggasun, place on biggest Karas island’; ‘Baliwawa Anggasun, nama tempat di Karas’ |
balkawuok | balˈkawuok | Noun. ‘plant with bean-like seeds’; ‘kacang anjing’ |
baluku | baˈluku | Noun. ‘freshwater eel’; ‘ikan belut tawar’ |
banku | ˈbaŋku | Noun. ‘bench’; ‘bangku’ |
bara | baˈra | Verb. ‘descend, move down’; ‘turun’ |
barahala | baraˈhala | Verb. ‘lazy’; ‘pamalas, pu malas, ganggur’ |
=barak | ˈbarak | Adverbial modifier. ‘too, any, event’; ‘juga, lagi, pun’ |
barala | baˈrala | Noun. ‘certain group of illnesses, possibly those that disappear by themselves, such as food poisoning. Excluded are illnesses inflicted upon us by others by means of a spell, as well as malaria.’; ‘penyakit badan’ |
barang | baˈraŋ | Noun. ‘turmeric’; ‘kunyit, kuning’ |
baranggap | baraŋˈɡap | Intransitive verb. ‘yellow’; ‘kuning’ |
barotma | baˈrotma | Transitive verb. ‘turn over, to turn around’; ‘putar, peru’ |
baru | baru | Conjunction. ‘then, so, only then, new’; ‘baru’ |
bataku | baˈtaku | Noun. ‘brick’; ‘batako’ |
bawang iriskapten | ˈbawaŋ iˈriskapten | Noun. ‘garlic’; ‘bawang putih’ |
bawang kerkapten | ˈbawaŋ kerkapˈten | Noun. ‘red onion’; ‘bawang merah’ |
bayam | baˈjam | Noun. ‘spinach’; ‘sayur bayam’ |
bayas | ˈbajas | Noun. ‘sand that is uncovered by low tide’; ‘pasir laut’ |
bebak | ˈbebak | Noun. ‘duck’; ‘bebek’ |
bekiem | ˈbekiem | Noun. ‘shoulder’; ‘bahu’ |
bekiemkang | beˈkiemkaŋ | Noun. ‘shoulderblade’; ‘tulang belikat’ |
Beladar | bə̆ˈladar | Noun. ‘The Netherlands’; ‘Belanda’ |
belajar | beˈlaɟar | Verb. ‘learn, study’; ‘belajar’ |
belbel | ˈbelbel | Intransitive verb. ‘(of a tip) to be sharp’; ‘tajam’ |
belek | belek | Noun. ‘can (food container)’; ‘kaleng’ |
belen | bə̆ˈlen | Noun. ‘tongue’; ‘lidah’ |
-bes | -bes | Grammatical marker. ‘[quantity inflection on demonstratives], this/that much/many’; ‘[infleksi quantitatif di demonstrative], banyak begini/begitu’ |
bes | bes | Intransitive verb. ‘good’; ‘baik, bagus’ |
bet | bet | Noun. ‘goal (football)’; ‘gawang’ |
biar | biar | Conjunction. ‘even if’; ‘biar’ |
biasa | biasa | Verb. ‘normal, used to’; ‘biasa’ |
biawas | ˈbiawas | Noun. ‘medicinal plant whose leaf is used to treat stomach ache’; ‘pohon biawas’ |
bintang | binˈtaŋ | Noun. ‘washtub’; ‘parteng’ |
bintulak | binˈtulak | Noun. ‘tilefish’; ‘sejenis ikan kecil’ |
bir | bir | Noun. ‘beer’; ‘bir’ |
birbir | birˈbir | Noun. ‘small black-and-white striped or clear blue fish living in hard coral close to the shore, possibly including ring-tailed cardinalfish’; ‘ikan kawan’ |
bisa | ˈbisa | Verb. ‘can, possible’; ‘bisa’ |
bitko | bitˈko | Verb. ‘carry on the back or shoulder(s) (inanimate things)’; ‘pikul’ |
bo | bo | Verb. ‘go, until’; ‘pergi, sampai’ |
boda | ˈboda | Intransitive verb. ‘stupid’; ‘bodoh’ |
bol | bol | Noun. ‘mouth, rim’; ‘mulut, pinggir (perahu, ember)’ |
bola | ˈbola | Noun. ‘ball’; ‘bola’ |
bolkoyal | bolˈkojal | Verb. ‘eat’; ‘makan’ |
bolkul | bolˈkul | Noun. ‘lip’; ‘bibir’ |
bolodak | bolodak | Adverbial modifier. ‘just a little’; ‘sedikit saja’ |
bolon | bŏˈlon | Quantifier. ‘little’; ‘sedikit’ |
=bon | bon | Grammatical marker. ‘[comitative case marker], with, and’; ‘[kasus komitatif], sama, dengan’ |
bon | bon | Verb. ‘bring’; ‘bawa’ |
bonaras | bonaras | Verb. ‘angry (with child)’; ‘marah sama anak’ |
bonasau | bonasaˈu | Verb. ‘do a (repetitive, difficult, annoying) task, try’; ‘bikinbikin kerja, berusaha’ |
boncis | ˈboncis | Noun. ‘green beans’; ‘boncis’ |
bor | bor | Verb. ‘drill’; ‘bor’ |
bor | bor | Noun. ‘drill’; ‘bor’ |
borara | boˈrara | Verb. ‘go first, in the front’; ‘kamuka, di depan’ |
borma | ˈborma | Transitive verb. ‘open (of one's limbs)’; ‘buka tangan atau kaki’ |
borun | ˈborun | Noun. ‘road, way, route’; ‘(per)jalanan’ |
bot | bot | Noun. ‘journey’; ‘perjalanan’ |
botal | botal | Noun. ‘bottle’; ‘botol’ |
boubou | bouˈbou | Verb. ‘bathe a small child’; ‘mandi anak kecil’ |
boukbouk | boukˈbouk | Verb. ‘bark’; ‘gonggong’ |
bubir | bubir | Noun. ‘porridge’; ‘bubur’ |
bugar | ˈbuɡar | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘sejenis bubara’ |
buk | buk | Noun. ‘book’; ‘buku’ |
bula | bula | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘ikan nabula’ |
bunga | buŋa | Noun. ‘flower’; ‘bunga’ |
bunga arun | buŋɡa ˈarun | Noun. ‘blossom’; ‘bunga pohon’ |
bunga kupukupu | ˈbuŋa ˌkupuˈkupu | Noun. ‘bastard valerian’; ‘bunga kupukupu’ |
bunga rampi | ˈbuŋa ˈrampi | Noun. ‘pandanus leaf’; ‘daun pandan’ |
bungbung | ˈbuŋbuŋ | Intransitive verb. ‘in a big heap’; ‘tumpuk tinggi’ |
buok | buok | Noun. ‘betel palm, areca palm, betel nut, areca nut’; ‘pohon pinang, pinang’ |
buok teun | buok ˈteun | Noun. ‘betel nut, areca nut’; ‘buah pinang’ |
buokbuok | ˈbuokbuok | Verb. ‘chew betel’; ‘makan pinang’ |
buokce | buokce | Noun. ‘your (PL) betel’; ‘kamong pu pinang’ |
buokpe | buokpe | Noun. ‘our betel’; ‘kitong pu pinang’ |
buoksarun | buoksarun | Noun. ‘offering with betel’; ‘pamali pinang’ |
burbur | burˈbur | Verb. ‘hit, e.g. fish with a stick to get them into a net, or a bird that shakes fruit out of a tree by moving around’; ‘pukul-pukul’ |
Burewun | burewun | Noun. ‘Burewun, shoal in narr20’; ‘Burewun, nama sikaru di cerita Pulau Kasuari & Pulau Anjing’ |
busbus | ˈbusbus | Noun. ‘small parrots (e.g. fig parrot)’; ‘sejenis burung hijau kecil, bentuknya seperti burung nuri’ |
bustang | ˈbustaŋ | Noun. ‘nose’; ‘hidung’ |
bustang posun | bustaŋ ˈposun | Noun. ‘nostril’; ‘lubang hidung’ |
but | but | Noun. ‘stairs’; ‘tanggatangga’ |
-ca | ca | Grammatical marker. ‘[second person possessive], your’; ‘kamu punya’ |
-ca | ca | Grammatical marker. ‘man, suffixed to geographical names’; ‘lakilaki dari...’ |
-cam | cam | Grammatical marker. ‘man’; ‘laki-laki’ |
cam | cam | Noun. ‘kind of tree’; ‘kayu kema’ |
cam | cam | Verb. ‘take care of in a traditional medical way’; ‘dukun, bikin obat’ |
campur | campur | Verb. ‘mix’; ‘campur’ |
canam | ˈcanam | Noun. ‘man, male’; ‘seorang lakilaki, lakilaki’ |
cangkir | ˈcaŋkir | Noun. ‘cup’; ‘cangkir’ |
cat | cat | Verb. ‘paint’; ‘cat’ |
caun | caˈun | Noun. ‘small’; ‘kecil’ |
-ce | ce | Grammatical marker. ‘[second person plural possessive], your’; ‘kamorang punya’ |
cek | cek | Verb. ‘check’; ‘cek’ |
cengki | ˈceŋki | Noun. ‘clove tree’; ‘pohon cengkeh’ |
cerita | cerita | Noun. ‘story’; ‘cerita’ |
cerita | cerita | Verb. ‘tell, tell a story’; ‘cerita’ |
cicaun | cicaun | Noun. ‘small one’; ‘kecil’ |
cicaun | cicaˈun | Intransitive verb. ‘small’; ‘kecil’ |
cici | cici | Noun. ‘drop’; ‘titik’ |
cigi | ciɡi | Noun. ‘double or treble fish hook’; ‘mata kail cigi’ |
coba | coba | Verb. ‘try’; ‘coba’ |
cok | cok | Noun. ‘sugar palm, palm wine’; ‘pohon enau, tuak’ |
dadir | daˈdir | Noun. ‘kind of striped fish, possibly bluestripe snapper (Lutjanus kasmira) or oriental sweetlips (Plectorhinchus vittatus)’; ‘sejenis ikan mulut kuning, istrep hitam-putih, besar (50cm)’ |
dagim | ˈdaɡim | Noun. ‘meat, animal’; ‘daging, binatang’ |
dakdak | dakˈdak | Verb. ‘do a repetitive kind of cutting or chopping’; ‘cincang-cincang, potong-potong’ |
daladala | ˌdalaˈdala | Noun. ‘kind of shell’; ‘japing-japing’ |
dalang | daˈlaŋ | Verb. ‘jump’; ‘lompat’ |
dalangdalang | ˌdalaŋˈdalaŋ | Verb. ‘bounce’; ‘lompat-lompat’ |
daluang | daluaŋ | Noun. ‘kind of bamboo’; ‘sejenis bambu’ |
damar lelak | ˈdamar ˈlelak | Noun. ‘Callophyllum, tree used as eye medicine and to make oil for lamps’; ‘pohon bintangur’ |
Damartimtim | damartimtim | Noun. ‘Damartimtim, place in Karas district’; ‘Damartimtim, nama tempat di Karas’ |
dan | dan | Verb. ‘bury’; ‘kubur’ |
dandang | ˈdandaŋ | Noun. ‘kind of pan (boiler)’; ‘dandang’ |
dare | daˈre | Verb. ‘sink’; ‘tenggelam’ |
dareok | daˈreok | Verb. ‘swallow’; ‘menelan’ |
dari | ˈdari | Noun. ‘net, usually for fishing’; ‘jala’ |
daria | daria | Noun. ‘kind of shell’; ‘sejenis ciput kecil’ |
daru | daru | Noun. ‘west’; ‘barat’ |
darua | daˈrua | Verb. ‘pull out, to unplug’; ‘cabut’ |
daruon | daruon | Adverbial modifier. ‘around midday’; ‘siang’ |
dauk | dauk | Noun. ‘brother/sister-in-law’; ‘ipar’ |
daun salam | daun ˈsalam | Noun. ‘Indonesian bay-leaf’; ‘daun salam’ |
dedesi | deˈdesi | Noun. ‘noose’; ‘jerat’ |
deir | deir | Verb. ‘push, bring’; ‘dorong, antar’ |
dek | dek | Verb. ‘move (involuntarily), to dangle’; ‘bergerak, goyang’ |
delepdelep | deˌlepˈdelep | Verb. ‘blink, shimmer, shine’; ‘kilau-kilau, silau’ |
desil | ˈdesil | Verb. ‘plane wood (with a handheld hammer-like device)’; ‘desil’ |
desil | ˈdesil | Noun. ‘planing tool’; ‘alat desil’ |
di= | di | Grammatical marker. ‘[causative]’; ‘[causatif]’ |
didir | ˈdidir | Noun. ‘fireplace’; ‘tungku, tempat api’ |
didiras | diˈdiras | Noun. ‘kitchen’; ‘dapur’ |
diguar | ˈdiɡuar | Noun. ‘smoke’; ‘asap’ |
dikolko | diˈkolko | Verb. ‘move out, move to the side’; ‘pisa, kasih keluar, kasih pindah’ |
dilurpak | dilurpak | Noun. ‘month corresponding to the fourth Islamic month, Rabi al-Akhir’; ‘bulan maulud/maulid, bulan rabul akhir’ |
din | din | Noun. ‘fire’; ‘api’ |
din paras | din paˈras | Noun. ‘flames’; ‘kobaran api’ |
din songsong | din soŋˈsoŋ | Noun. ‘embers’; ‘bara’ |
dinan | diˈnan | Verb. ‘burn’; ‘terbakar’ |
Distrik | ˈdistrik | Noun. ‘district, a common name for the village Malakuli, the capital of Karas district, on the mainland opposite of Mas village’; ‘distrik, perusahan, Malakuli’ |
diwadiwal | ˌdiwaˈdiwal | Noun. ‘kind of pandanus with short leaves’; ‘sejenis daun tikar’ |
doa | doa | Noun. ‘prayer’; ‘do'a’ |
Dobu | ˈdobu | Noun. ‘Aru islands’; ‘Kepulauan Aru’ |
dodon | ˈdodon | Noun. ‘things, clothes’; ‘barang, pakaian’ |
-dok | -dok | Grammatical marker. ‘side’; ‘bagian’ |
doka | ˈdoka | Noun. ‘big herons, egrets’; ‘burung bangau’ |
doka | ˈdoka | Verb. ‘sit and do nothing’; ‘duduk saja’ |
dokadoka | doˈkadoˌka | Noun. ‘kind of shell’; ‘siput bangau’ |
Dolok | dolok | Noun. ‘Dolok, name of the dog in the narrative Cassowary and Dog (narr20)’; ‘Dolok, nama anjing di cerita pulau Kasuari dan pulau Anjing’ |
don | don | Noun. ‘thing’; ‘barang’ |
don iriskap | don iˈriskap | Noun. ‘sugar (used when speakers want to conceal that there is no sugar when there are guests in the house), lit. white cloth or white stuff, also used as such’; ‘gula (bahasa halus), kain putih, barang putih’ |
don konkon | don konkon | Noun. ‘anything’; ‘apa-apa’ |
don konkonin | don konˈkonin | Phrase. ‘it doesn't matter, it's okay’; ‘tidak apa-apa’ |
don penpen | don ˈpenpen | Noun. ‘sugar (polite form)’; ‘gula (bahasa halus)’ |
don pernanan | don perˈnanan | Noun. ‘glass, mug (polite)’; ‘gelas, mok (bahasa halus)’ |
don yuolyuol | don ˈjuoljuol | Noun. ‘lamp (polite)’; ‘lampu (bahasa halus)’ |
donenet | doˈnenet | Noun. ‘black ant’; ‘semut hitam’ |
dong | doŋ | Intransitive verb. ‘chewy, tense, stretched (of a rope or elastic band)’; ‘tarei (makanan), tarei (tali atau karet)’ |
dong | doŋ | Intransitive verb. ‘in a group (of living beings following each other, e.g. a flock of birds)’; ‘kawan’ |
donselet | donsəˈlet | Noun. ‘cloth, rag’; ‘barang sepanggal, baju sobek’ |
dorcie | ˈdorcie | Intransitive verb. ‘pulled out’; ‘tercabut’ |
dorma | ˈdorma | Transitive verb. ‘pull out’; ‘cabut’ |
dorom | dŏˈrom | Noun. ‘barrel’; ‘drem’ |
dowi | doˈwi | Noun. ‘seed’; ‘bibit’ |
Duan | duan | Noun. ‘Duan, name of a parrotfish in a story (narr21)’; ‘Duan, namanya ikan kakatua di satu cerita (narr21)’ |
dudan | dudan | Noun. ‘parallel cousin of the opposite sex’; ‘saudara kandung’ |
dudin | ˈdudin | Noun. ‘cockroach’; ‘kecoak’ |
duk | duk | Noun. ‘edge’; ‘ujung’ |
duk | duk | Verb. ‘hit something (by accident)’; ‘tatoki’ |
dumang | duˈmaŋ | Verb. ‘explode, make an explosive sound, e.g. a clap of hands, a balloon that explodes, or a pistolshot’; ‘bunyi, meledak’ |
duran | ˈduran | Noun. ‘durian’; ‘durian’ |
duran walanda | duran walanda | Noun. ‘soursop’; ‘sirsak’ |
durcie | ˈdurcie | Intransitive verb. ‘perforated, pierced, with a hole in it’; ‘berlubang’ |
durma | ˈdurma | Transitive verb. ‘perforate, pierce, make a hole’; ‘bikin lubang’ |
e | e | Interjection. ‘[interjection for a.o. resignment, intensifying]’; ‘[kata seru, "e"]’ |
e | e | Interjection. ‘[interjection used as a filler]’; ‘[kata pengisi]’ |
eba | ˈeba | Conjunction. ‘so that, then’; ‘supaya, kemudian, terus, baru’ |
eba metko | eba metko | Conjunction. ‘and then’; ‘baru’ |
ecua | ˈecua | Verb. ‘cry’; ‘menangis’ |
eh | eh | Interjection. ‘[interjection that introduces a quote]’; ‘[kata seru di awal kutipan]’ |
-ei | -ei | Grammatical marker. ‘[imperative suffix for movement verbs in -a]’; ‘[sufiks imperatif untuk verba dengan -a]’ |
eir | eir | Quantifier. ‘two’; ‘dua’ |
eiruk | ˈeiruk | Verb. ‘bend down, kneel’; ‘tunduk, berlutut’ |
eis | eis | Verb. ‘expel an animal’; ‘usir hewan’ |
eksuet | ˈeksuet | Verb. ‘steal’; ‘curi’ |
eksuet | ˈeksuet | Noun. ‘thief’; ‘tukang pencuri’ |
el | el | Noun. ‘kind of coarse woven mat’; ‘kobakoba, sejenis tikar lebar’ |
elam | elam | Noun. ‘firefly’; ‘kunang-kunang’ |
elao | eˈlao | Noun. ‘under, below, at the bottom’; ‘di bawah’ |
elaun | eˈlaun | Noun. ‘bottom, underside’; ‘bawa’ |
elkin | elkin | Noun. ‘ballsack’; ‘kolot’ |
elkin narun | elkin narun | Noun. ‘testicles’; ‘biji kolot’ |
Elkorom | elkorom | Noun. ‘Elkorom, place on biggest Karas island’; ‘Elkorom’ |
ema | ˈema | Interjection. ‘[interjection expressing surprise or contempt]’; ‘[kata seru, mama!]’ |
ema | ˈema | Noun. ‘mother, aunt, mother's sister, adult woman’; ‘mama, ibu, mama (ibu punya saudara perempuan), perempuan dewasa, mace’ |
ema caun | ˈema caˈun | Noun. ‘aunt, mother's younger sister’; ‘mama adik’ |
ema temun | ˈema ˈtemun | Noun. ‘aunt, mother's elder sister’; ‘mama tua’ |
emgokuk | emˈɡokuk | Noun. ‘bird that looks like the helmeted friarbird, lit. puke bird’; ‘burung muntah’ |
emguk | ˈemɡuk | Verb. ‘vomit’; ‘muntah’ |
emguk | ˈemɡuk | Noun. ‘vomit’; ‘muntah’ |
emnem | ˈemnem | Noun. ‘older or respected woman, grandmother’; ‘nenek, tata perempuan’ |
emsan | emˈsan | Intransitive verb. ‘half-dry (typically of sun-dried things, such as clothes, mace, fish)’; ‘setenga kering’ |
emumur | eˈmumur | Noun. ‘older or respected women’; ‘ibu-ibu’ |
emun | eˈmun | Noun. ‘big (in compounds, often if part of a pair where one is big and one is small), 3rd person singular inflection of mother’; ‘besar, dia pu mama’ |
emun | emun | Noun. ‘sap’; ‘air’ |
enem | ˈenem | Noun. ‘older or respected woman’; ‘ibu’ |
enemtumun | eˈnemtuˌmun | Noun. ‘female infant’; ‘anak kecil perempuan’ |
epkadok | epˈkadok | Noun. ‘backside, last in a row’; ‘di belakang’ |
epko | ˈepko | Noun. ‘behind, (in the) back’; ‘di belakang’ |
epkon | epkon | Quantifier. ‘one (group of living beings)’; ‘satu kawan’ |
era | ˈera | Verb. ‘move up diagonally, e.g. stairs or a hill’; ‘naik (di gunung atau tangga-tangga)’ |
eranun | eˈranun | Verb. ‘not be possible, cannot’; ‘tidak bisa’ |
eren | eˈren | Noun. ‘body’; ‘badan’ |
erteng | ˈerteŋ | Noun. ‘kind of small tree snake’; ‘sejenis ular kecil yang tinggal di dalam pohon’ |
eruap | eˈruap | Verb. ‘cry’; ‘menanggis’ |
es | es | Noun. ‘ice (frozen water)’; ‘es’ |
esa | ˈesa | Noun. ‘father, adult man, father's brother’; ‘ayah, lakilaki dewasa, bapak (bapak punya saudara lakilaki), pace’ |
esa caun | ˈesa caˈun | Noun. ‘uncle, father's younger brother’; ‘bapak adik, bapak kecil’ |
Esa Tanggiun | esa taŋɡiun | Noun. ‘Esa Tanggiun, place on biggest Karas island’; ‘Esa Tanggiun, nama tempat di Karas’ |
esa temun | ˈesa ˈtemun | Noun. ‘uncle, father's elder brother’; ‘bapak tua’ |
esie | ˈesie | Interjection. ‘yes’; ‘iyo’ |
eskop | ᵊˈskop | Noun. ‘shovel’; ‘skop, sekop’ |
esmumur | esˈmumur | Noun. ‘respected or older men’; ‘bapak-bapak’ |
esnem | ˈesnem | Noun. ‘grandfather, older or respected man’; ‘tete, tata lakilaki, lakilaki tua atau dihormati’ |
esnemtumun | esˈnemtuˌmun | Noun. ‘male infant’; ‘anak kecil lakilaki’ |
-et | et | Grammatical marker. ‘person, [agentive nominaliser, not productive]’; ‘orang’ |
=et | et | Grammatical marker. ‘[irrealis], also used as [conditional]’; ‘[irrealis], juga [kondisionalis]’ |
et | et | Noun. ‘canoe with or without outboard motor, small fibre boat with outboard motor’; ‘perahu’ |
etaman | etaman | Quantifier. ‘few (animates)’; ‘sedikit ekor’ |
etkon | etkon | Quantifier. ‘one (animate)’; ‘satu ekor’ |
eun | ˈeun | Noun. ‘nest, hive’; ‘sarang’ |
ewa | ˈewa | Verb. ‘speak’; ‘bicara’ |
ewarom | eˈwarom | Noun. ‘drool’; ‘gember, air liur’ |
Ewarong | ewaroŋ | Noun. ‘Ewarong, place on biggest Karas island’; ‘Ewarong, nama tempat di Karas’ |
ewawa | ewawa | Verb. ‘speak’; ‘bicara’ |
ewun | eˈwun | Noun. ‘(base of a) tree trunk or plant, base of a woven product’; ‘batang pohon, di bawa pohon, pohon anyaman (seperti karanjang)’ |
fakurat | fakuˈrat | Verb. ‘destroy’; ‘kasih rusak’ |
fakurat | fakurat | Verb. ‘much’; ‘banyak’ |
fam | fam | Noun. ‘family name’; ‘nama marga, fam’ |
farlak | farˈlak | Noun. ‘tarpaulin’; ‘tarapal’ |
fer | fer | Noun. ‘kind of fish trap’; ‘seru (pakai kayu dengan jala)’ |
fiber | fiber | Noun. ‘fibre boat’; ‘fiber’ |
fikfika | fikˈfika | Noun. ‘palm cockatoo’; ‘kakatua raja’ |
filoit | fiˈloit | Verb. ‘whistle’; ‘peluit, filuit’ |
foto | foto | Verb. ‘film, take a photograph’; ‘ambil gambar, foto’ |
gading | ˈɡadiŋ | Noun. ‘frame of a canoe, parts on the inside strengthening the canoe’; ‘gading’ |
gaim | (ŋ)ɡaim | Verb. ‘sew leaves, weave’; ‘jahit atap, tenun’ |
gain | (ŋ)ɡain | Noun. ‘mangosteen’; ‘buah manggi-manggi pendek yang bisa dimakan’ |
gala | ɡăˈla | Noun. ‘spear’; ‘tombak’ |
galip | ɡaˈlip | Noun. ‘bud’; ‘tukar daun’ |
gambar | ɡambar | Noun. ‘picture’; ‘gambar’ |
gampang | ˈɡampaŋ | Noun. ‘happy, satisfied’; ‘senang saja’ |
-gan | -ɡan | Grammatical marker. ‘all’; ‘semua’ |
gang | ɡaŋ | Verb. ‘hang’; ‘gantung’ |
ganggang | ˈ(ŋ)ɡaŋɡaŋ | Verb. ‘hang’; ‘gantung’ |
ganggie | ˈɡaŋɡie | Verb. ‘lift (and move)’; ‘angkat (pindah)’ |
gantor | ɡanˈtor | Noun. ‘office’; ‘kantor’ |
garawi | ɡaˈrawi | Noun. ‘kind of coconut tree’; ‘kelapa raja’ |
gare | (ŋ)ɡaˈre | Verb. ‘crawl (including the movement of babies, rats and turtles), slither (including the movement of snakes and lizards)’; ‘merayap, merangkap’ |
gareor | ɡaˈreor | Verb. ‘pour, dump, throw away, spill’; ‘saling, tumpah, buang’ |
garos | ɡaros | Intransitive verb. ‘low (of tide)’; ‘kering (meti)’ |
garumbang | ɡaˈrumbaŋ | Noun. ‘tent or cover on a canoe’; ‘tenda perahu’ |
garung | (ŋ)ɡaˈruŋ | Verb. ‘talk together’; ‘cerita’ |
gaus | ɡaus | Noun. ‘kind of bamboo’; ‘sejenis bambu (untuk bikin keranjang)’ |
gawar | ɡaˈwar | Noun. ‘lungs, kind of fish trap in the shape of lungs, also used for simpler fish containers’; ‘paru-paru, bubu, karantina ikan’ |
gawar | ɡaˈwar | Verb. ‘smell, fragrant, rotten’; ‘cium, bau’ |
gawar | (ŋ)ɡaˈwar | Noun. ‘smell, odour, fragrance’; ‘bau, harum, wangi’ |
gawawi | ɡaˈwawi | Noun. ‘chiton’; ‘kuku delapan’ |
gayam | ɡaˈjam | Noun. ‘Tahitian chestnut’; ‘gayang’ |
ge | (ŋ)ɡe | Adverbial modifier. ‘not, no’; ‘tidak’ |
ge mera | ɡe ˈmera | Phrase. ‘(I'm doing) nothing’; ‘tarada, tidak bikin apa saja’ |
gedung | ɡeduŋ | Noun. ‘village building’; ‘gedung kampung’ |
geigar | ɡeiɡar | Verb. ‘heave-ho (to indicate when force should be used when performing group activities)’; ‘hura-hura’ |
gelas | ɡelas | Verb. ‘clear’; ‘gelas’ |
gelas | ɡelas | Noun. ‘glass’; ‘gelas’ |
gelem | ɡə̆ˈlem | Verb. ‘yawn’; ‘menguap’ |
gelembung | ɡelemˈbuŋ | Noun. ‘bubble’; ‘gelembung’ |
gelemun | ɡeˈlemun | Noun. ‘tusk’; ‘gading, taring’ |
gen | (ŋ)ɡen | Interjection. ‘maybe’; ‘mungkin’ |
genggalong | ɡeŋˈɡaloŋ | Verb. ‘make noise’; ‘ribut’ |
genggueng | ɡeŋˈɡueŋ | Verb. ‘scream’; ‘teriak’ |
geries emun | ɡeˈries eˈmun | Noun. ‘scrubfowl’; ‘burung gosong’ |
gerket | ˈ(ŋ)ɡerket | Verb. ‘ask’; ‘tanya’ |
get | (ŋ)ɡet | Conjunction. ‘[conditional], (if) not’; ‘[kondisionalis], (kalo) tidak’ |
get me | ˈ(ŋ)ɡet me | Conjunction. ‘[conditional], if not’; ‘[kondisionalis], kalo tidak’ |
giar | ˈɡiar | Intransitive verb. ‘new’; ‘baru’ |
giarun | (ŋ)ɡiaˈrun | Adverbial modifier. ‘first’; ‘pertama’ |
gier | ɡier | Noun. ‘teeth’; ‘gigi’ |
gierkawer | ɡierˈkawer | Noun. ‘gums’; ‘gusi’ |
gigiwang | ɡiˈɡiwaŋ | Noun. ‘earrings’; ‘anting’ |
ginana | ɡiˈnana | Noun. ‘glass, diving mask’; ‘kaca, kaca mata mengelam’ |
ginggir | ˈɡiŋɡir | Noun. ‘late afternoon, early evening’; ‘sore’ |
girawar | ɡiˈrawar | Noun. ‘kind of tree, used as a blood medicine’; ‘pohon waru’ |
girgir | ˈɡirɡir | Verb. ‘run away with a woman, when her parents don't consent to the marriage’; ‘bawa lari perempuan’ |
giringgining | ɡiˈriŋɡiˌniŋ | Noun. ‘bee-eater’; ‘kirik-kirik’ |
go | ɡo | Noun. ‘(weather or environmental) condition, place’; ‘keadanan, tempat’ |
go dung | (ŋ)ɡoˈduŋ | Phrase. ‘early morning’; ‘pagi’ |
go ginggir | (ŋ)ɡoˈ(ŋ)ɡiŋɡir | Phrase. ‘late afternoon, early evening’; ‘sore’ |
go git | ɡo ɡit | Phrase. ‘it's cloudy’; ‘mendung’ |
go kerkap | ɡo kerˈkap | Phrase. ‘dusk’; ‘senja’ |
go saerak | ɡo saˈerak | Phrase. ‘empty place’; ‘tempat kosong’ |
go saun | ɡoˈsaun | Phrase. ‘(at) night’; ‘(di) malam’ |
go sir | ɡo sir | Phrase. ‘clear weather, cleared spot’; ‘terang’ |
go yuol | ɡoˈjuol | Phrase. ‘day’; ‘siang’ |
gobukbuk | ɡoˈbukbuk | Transitive verb. ‘bark at’; ‘menggonggong’ |
gocie | ˈɡocie | Verb. ‘live, stay’; ‘tinggal’ |
godarung | ɡodaˈruŋ | Noun. ‘thunder’; ‘guntur’ |
godelep | ɡodeˈlep | Noun. ‘lightning’; ‘kilat’ |
gogit | ˈɡoɡit | Noun. ‘medicinal plant used after giving birth and for the kidneys’; ‘daun silemut, daun mengkudu’ |
gokabara | ɡoˈkabara | Intransitive verb. ‘sweep’; ‘menyapu’ |
gol | ɡol | Noun. ‘ball’; ‘bola’ |
golip | ɡolip | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘sejenis ikan tefar’ |
golma | ˈɡolma | Transitive verb. ‘twist, wring’; ‘putar pata’ |
gonggin | ˈɡoŋɡin | Verb. ‘know’; ‘tahu’ |
gonggong | (ŋ)ɡoŋˈɡoŋ | Noun. ‘jew's harp’; ‘kecapi mulut’ |
gonggung | ˈɡoŋɡuŋ | Verb. ‘call someone (by their name), call out’; ‘panggil, teriak’ |
goni | ˈɡoni | Noun. ‘sack’; ‘karung’ |
goparar | ɡopaˈrar | Noun. ‘wall’; ‘dinding’ |
goraruo | ɡoˈraruo | Verb. ‘in the light’; ‘di terang’ |
goras | (ŋ)ɡoˈras | Noun. ‘crow-like birds, e.g. crow, coucal and raven’; ‘burung gaga’ |
goras | ɡoˈras | Noun. ‘periwinkle shell’; ‘ciput hitam’ |
Goras Panuan | ɡoras panuan | Noun. ‘Goras Panuan, place in Karas district’; ‘Goras Panuan, nama tempat di Karas’ |
gorip | ˈɡorip | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘tefar laut’ |
gorun | ˈɡorun | Noun. ‘stalk’; ‘tangkai’ |
gos | (ŋ)ɡos | Noun. ‘medicinal plant used for people who have fallen’; ‘gufasal pantai’ |
Gos Ketkein | ɡos ketkein | Noun. ‘Gos Ketkein, point on southern tip of biggest Karas island (mentioned in narr20)’; ‘Gos Ketkein, di bagian seletan di pulau Karas besar’ |
gosomin | ɡoˈsomin | Verb. ‘disappeared’; ‘hilang’ |
gous | ɡous | Noun. ‘kind of bamboo used for weaving’; ‘bambu untuk bikin keranjang’ |
Gowien | ˈɡowien | Noun. ‘Tana Besar’; ‘Tana Besar’ |
gowienkier | ɡoˈwienkier | Noun. ‘wasp nest, beehive’; ‘sarang tawon/tewan, sarang lebah’ |
goyas | ˈɡojas | Noun. ‘kind of small fish’; ‘sejenis ikan garis-garis’ |
guadang | ɡuadaŋ | Verb. ‘crawl’; ‘merayap’ |
gual | ɡual | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘ikan kulit minyak tanah garis-garis’ |
guanggarien | ɡuaŋɡaˈrien | Verb. ‘look around, search for’; ‘melihat sekeliling, cari-cari’ |
guap | ɡuap | Noun. ‘kind of sea cucumber’; ‘tripang kapuk’ |
guarten | ɡuˈarten | Noun. ‘white person, light-skinned person’; ‘buleh, orang kulit putih’ |
gulas | ˈɡulas | Noun. ‘kind of eel’; ‘sejenis ikan belut’ |
gulasi | ɡuˈlasi | Noun. ‘galangal root’; ‘langkuas, cendawan’ |
gunting | ˈɡuntiŋ | Noun. ‘roof rafter’; ‘gunting’ |
guru | ˈɡuru | Noun. ‘teacher’; ‘guru’ |
gusi | ɡuˈsi | Noun. ‘vase’; ‘buci, tempayang’ |
ha | haː | Interjection. ‘[interjection of hesitation]’; ‘[kata seru keraguan]’ |
ha | ha | Interjection. ‘[interjection used when asking for clarification], what’; ‘[kata seru, "ha"], apa’ |
habis | habis | Conjunction. ‘because, after all’; ‘habis’ |
habis | habis | Verb. ‘finished’; ‘habis’ |
haidak | ˈhaidak | Adverbial modifier. ‘true’; ‘betul’ |
hajiwak | haɟiwak | Noun. ‘name of the 12th Islamic month, Dhu al-Hijjah’; ‘bulan haji, zul hijja’ |
halar | ˈhalar | Noun. ‘marriage’; ‘perkawinan’ |
halar | ˈhalar | Verb. ‘marry, get married’; ‘nika’ |
halus | halus | Verb. ‘soft, fine’; ‘halus’ |
handuk | handuk | Noun. ‘towel’; ‘handuk’ |
hanya | haɲa | Adverbial modifier. ‘only’; ‘hanya’ |
hari | hari | Noun. ‘day’; ‘hari’ |
hari minggu | hari miŋɡu | Noun. ‘Sunday’; ‘hari minggu’ |
harus | harus | Adverbial modifier. ‘must’; ‘harus’ |
hi | hi | Interjection. ‘[interjection of enjoyment]’; ‘[kata seru senang]’ |
hidup | ˈhidup | Noun. ‘life, way of living’; ‘hidup, kehidupan’ |
hidup | ˈhidup | Verb. ‘live, alive’; ‘hidup’ |
holang | ˈholaŋ | Noun. ‘dish made with dried and fried root vegetables’; ‘holang, makanan ubi kayu goreng’ |
hukat | ˈhukat | Noun. ‘rectangle-shaped fish net with floaters at the top and sinkers at the bottom’; ‘jaring’ |
hukat narun | ˈhukat naˈrun | Noun. ‘drivers on a fish net’; ‘pelompong jaring, pelampung jaring’ |
-i | i | Grammatical marker. ‘[quantifier object, marking quantifiers modifying a noun in object position]’; ‘[objek quantifier]’ |
=i | i | Grammatical marker. ‘[predicate linker, linking verbal elements in the predicate]’; ‘[predicate linker]’ |
i- | i- | Grammatical marker. ‘[demonstrative prefix]’; ‘[prefiks demonstratif]’ |
iar | ˈiar | Noun. ‘cave’; ‘gua’ |
iar | ˈiar | Verb. ‘hold’; ‘angkat’ |
iar | ˈiar | Verb. ‘transport, move a lot of things, e.g. cans of oil, sacks of sand or rice (but not limited to non-count)’; ‘orang angkat banyak barang bawa’ |
iban | ˈiban | Noun. ‘worm, white, about a finger's length’; ‘cacing putih’ |
iem | ˈiem | Noun. ‘gallbladder’; ‘kandung empedu’ |
-ier | ier | Grammatical marker. ‘[dual]’; ‘[dual]’ |
ih | ih | Interjection. ‘[confirmation-seeking tag]’; ‘[kata seru, "ih"]’ |
ikon | ˈikon | Quantifier. ‘some’; ‘bebepara, separuh, sebagian’ |
im | im | Noun. ‘banana’; ‘pisang’ |
im pawan | im paˈwan | Noun. ‘kind of banana’; ‘pisang papan/gabagaba, sejenis pisang’ |
im polun | im poˈlun | Noun. ‘banana sap’; ‘tewer-tewer pisang’ |
im sarawuar | im saraˈwuar | Noun. ‘kind of banana’; ‘pisang meja, sejenis pisang’ |
im selen | im seˈlen | Noun. ‘kind of banana’; ‘pisang seleng, sejenis pisang’ |
im sepatu | im sᵊˈpatu | Noun. ‘kind of banana’; ‘pisang sepatu, sejenis pisang’ |
im sontum | im ˈsontum | Noun. ‘kind of banana’; ‘pisang raja, sejenis pisang’ |
im yuol putkansuor | im juol putˈkansuor | Noun. ‘kind of banana’; ‘pisang empat puluh hari’ |
imanana | iˈmanana | Noun. ‘giant trevally’; ‘sejenis ikan bubara’ |
imbuang | ˈimbuaŋ | Intransitive verb. ‘many’; ‘banyak’ |
ime | ime | Demonstrative. ‘[distal demonstrative, long form], that’; ‘DIST’ |
imene | imeˈne | Demonstrative. ‘[distal demonstrative, long form], that’; ‘itu’ |
imol | ˈimol | Noun. ‘banana leaf’; ‘daun pisang’ |
=in | in | Grammatical marker. ‘[prohibitive]’; ‘[prohibitif], jangan’ |
in | in | Pronoun. ‘[first person plural exclusive], we (but not you)’; ‘kita, kami (bah. Indonesia)’ |
in | in | Noun. ‘name’; ‘nama’ |
inamurin | inamurin | Noun. ‘kind of illness that makes small children's bodies contract like prawns’; ‘istep’ |
inaninggan | ˌinaˈniŋɡan | Pronoun. ‘we all’; ‘kami semua’ |
indain | inˈdain | Pronoun. ‘we alone’; ‘kami sendiri’ |
ingatan | iŋatan | Noun. ‘memory’; ‘memory’ |
inggon | iŋˈɡon | Pronoun. ‘[first person plural exclusive possessive], our’; ‘kami punya’ |
Inggrismang | iŋˈɡrismaŋ | Noun. ‘English (language)’; ‘Bahasa Inggris’ |
inhutak | inˈhutak | Pronoun. ‘we alone’; ‘kami sendiri’ |
inier | inˈier | Pronoun. ‘[first person dual exclusive], we two’; ‘kami dua’ |
inye | iɲe | Interjection. ‘[interjection expressing contempt or dissatisfaction]’; ‘[kata seru, "inye"]’ |
irar | ˈirar | Noun. ‘finely woven mat with strips of about 1cm’; ‘tikar halus’ |
irausi | iˈrausi | Noun. ‘trevally species, possibly golden trevally’; ‘sejenis ikan bubara’ |
iren | ˈiren | Intransitive verb. ‘ripe, light-skinned (person)’; ‘masak, (orang) putih’ |
irie | iˈrie | Quantifier. ‘eight’; ‘delapan’ |
iriskap | iˈriskap | Intransitive verb. ‘white’; ‘putih’ |
iriskapkap | iriskapkap | Intransitive verb. ‘very white’; ‘putih sekali’ |
irong | iroŋ | Noun. ‘kind of lizard, green’; ‘soasoa’ |
isa | ˈisa | Noun. ‘time of the Isha prayer, the Islamic nighttime daily prayer, around 8 PM’; ‘isha’ |
isak | iˈsak | Noun. ‘eastern koel’; ‘burung belarotang’ |
isis | isˈis | Noun. ‘Kuhl's stingray’; ‘sejenis ikan pari’ |
iskap | iskap | Verb. ‘plane’; ‘iskap’ |
istirahat | istirahat | Verb. ‘rest’; ‘istirahat’ |
istop | istop | Verb. ‘stop’; ‘berhenti’ |
istrat | iˈstrat | Noun. ‘street’; ‘jalan, istrat’ |
istrep | iˈstrep | Noun. ‘stripe’; ‘garis, istrep’ |
istup | isˈtup | Noun. ‘terrace’; ‘teras’ |
iun | ˈiun | Noun. ‘seedling’; ‘bibit’ |
iwala | iˈwala | Noun. ‘tree fern’; ‘benalu’ |
iwang | iˈwaŋ | Verb. ‘move round something’; ‘muncul, balik dari belakang’ |
iwora | iwoˈra | Noun. ‘monitor lizard’; ‘biawak’ |
jabul | ˈɟabul | Intransitive verb. ‘lazy’; ‘pamalas’ |
jadi | ɟadi | Verb. ‘become’; ‘menjadi’ |
jadi | ɟadi | Conjunction. ‘so’; ‘jadi’ |
jaga | ˈɟaɡa | Verb. ‘keep watch’; ‘jaga’ |
jam | ɟam | Noun. ‘hour, o'clock’; ‘jam’ |
jangkut | ˈɟaŋkut | Noun. ‘beard’; ‘jenggot’ |
janji | ɟanɟi | Verb. ‘promise’; ‘janji’ |
jarutu | ɟaˈrutu | Verb. ‘fish with a light sinker such as feathers or coconut leaf with a stone, such that the hook "swims" through the water’; ‘pancing pakai bulu ayam dengan batu, atau daun kelapa dengan batu’ |
Jawa | ɟawa | Noun. ‘Java, Javanese’; ‘Pulau Jawa, dari Jawa’ |
jawab | ɟawab | Verb. ‘answer’; ‘jawab’ |
jendela | ɟenˈdela | Noun. ‘window’; ‘jendela’ |
jie | ɟie | Verb. ‘get, take, buy, catch’; ‘ambil, beli, tangkap’ |
jim | ɟim | Noun. ‘jinn, ghost’; ‘jinn’ |
jojon | ˈɟoɟon | Noun. ‘kind of tree’; ‘pohon salawaku’ |
jonsong | ˈɟonsoŋ | Noun. ‘boat driven by outboard motor’; ‘jonson’ |
=ka | ka | Grammatical marker. ‘[lative case], to, from’; ‘[kasus latif], ke (sini/sana), dari (sini/sana)’ |
ka | ka | Pronoun. ‘[second person singular pronoun], you’; ‘kamu’ |
kababa | kaˈbaba | Noun. ‘kind of small fish, certain size of holes in a fish net’; ‘ikan palala, palala (mata jaring)’ |
kababur | kaˈbabur | Noun. ‘fruit set (the beginning of a fruit growing on a tree, the stage after flowering)’; ‘buah kecil’ |
kabai | kaˈbai | Noun. ‘blouse’; ‘baju kabaya’ |
kabara | kabara | Transitive verb. ‘sweep’; ‘sapu’ |
kabarua | kabarua | Verb. ‘watch’; ‘nonton’ |
kabaruap | kapaˈruap | Noun. ‘general name for groupers’; ‘gurapu’ |
kabaruap kerkapkap | kabaˈruap kerˈkapkap | Noun. ‘grouper’; ‘gurapa merah’ |
kabaruap kotamtam | kabaˈruap koˈtamtam | Noun. ‘roving coral grouper’; ‘gurapu bintik bintik’ |
kabaruap kuskap | kabaˈruap kusˈkap | Noun. ‘kind of grouper’; ‘gurapu hitam’ |
kabas | kabas | Noun. ‘another’; ‘satu lain’ |
kabas | kaˈbas | Intransitive verb. ‘other’; ‘lain’ |
kabasar | kabaˈsar | Noun. ‘general name for pufferfish’; ‘ikan poro bibi’ |
kabiep | kaˈbiep | Noun. ‘club, stick’; ‘kayu pukulan’ |
kabor | kaˈbor | Verb. ‘full’; ‘kenyang’ |
kabor | kaˈbor | Noun. ‘stomach’; ‘perut’ |
kabor elaun | kaˈbor eˈlaun | Noun. ‘rough side of a leaf’; ‘sebelah kasar daun’ |
kabor lalang | kaˈbor ˈlalaŋ | Phrase. ‘hungry’; ‘lapar’ |
kaborko | kaborˈko | Intransitive verb. ‘pregnant’; ‘hamil’ |
kabornar | kaborˈnar | Noun. ‘stomach illness’; ‘biji perut’ |
Kabuep | kabuep | Noun. ‘Kabuep, coastal place on biggest Karas island’; ‘Kabuep, nama tempat di Karas’ |
kabun | kaˈbun | Noun. ‘intestines’; ‘usus, isi perut’ |
kabun | kabun | Noun. ‘kind of tree’; ‘kayu gufasal’ |
kaburun | kabuˈrun | Noun. ‘small unripe fruit’; ‘buah kecil dan mentah’ |
kacok | ˈkacok | Intransitive verb. ‘angry’; ‘marah’ |
kadam | kaˈdam | Noun. ‘striped eel catfish’; ‘ikan sembilan’ |
kademor | kademor | Verb. ‘angry (with)’; ‘marah’ |
kaden | kaˈden | Noun. ‘body’; ‘badan’ |
kaden kies | kaˈden kies | Noun. ‘vein’; ‘urat, pembuluh balik’ |
kaden kieskies | kaˈden ˈkieskies | Noun. ‘veins’; ‘urat-urat’ |
kaden lalang | kaˈden ˈlalaŋ | Intransitive verb. ‘sick, feverish, lit. "hot body"’; ‘sakit, badan panas’ |
kadenenen | kadeˈnenen | Noun. ‘body hair’; ‘bulu’ |
kadera | kaˈdera | Noun. ‘chair’; ‘kursi’ |
-kadok | ˈkadok | Grammatical marker. ‘side, part’; ‘sebelah’ |
kadok | kaˈdok | Noun. ‘sarong’; ‘kain, sarong’ |
kafan | kafan | Verb. ‘wrap in a shroud of bleached cotton (of dead people)’; ‘kapan (orang meninggal)’ |
kahahen | kaˈhahen | Intransitive verb. ‘very far, very tall’; ‘jauh sekali, panjang sekali’ |
kahalongkahalong | ˌkahaloŋˈkahaloŋ | Noun. ‘kind of plant’; ‘kai ular’ |
kahaman | kahaˈman | Noun. ‘bottom, buttocks’; ‘pantat’ |
kahamanpos | kahaˈmanpos | Noun. ‘anus’; ‘dubur’ |
kahaminpat | kahaminpat | Noun. ‘planks on the side of a house under the roof’; ‘papan angin’ |
kahen | kaˈhen | Intransitive verb. ‘far, a long way, tall, long’; ‘jauh, panjang’ |
kahetma | kaˈhetma | Transitive verb. ‘open, unwrap, take something off a wall, undress, take a caught fish from the fishhook’; ‘buka, buka bungkusan, buka (gambar), buka baju, buka ikan’ |
kahutak | kaˈhutak | Pronoun. ‘you alone’; ‘kamu sendiri’ |
kai | kai | Noun. ‘firewood (used for cooking and drying), medicine (traditional)’; ‘kayu bakar, obat’ |
kai kala | kai ˈkala | Noun. ‘medicinal plant for headache, backache, stomachache’; ‘kayu turi’ |
kai kawas | kai ˈkawas | Noun. ‘cotton’; ‘kapas’ |
kai manis | kai ˈmanis | Noun. ‘kind of leaf used as spice’; ‘kayu manis’ |
kai modar | kai ˈmodar | Noun. ‘marungga tree, used as medicine after giving birth and to treat headache’; ‘pohon marungga, kelor’ |
kai taul | kai taul | Noun. ‘cannonball tree’; ‘pohon sala atau pohon kanon, sejenis pohon dengan buah besar kaya kelapa’ |
kain | kain | Pronoun. ‘[second person singular possessive], your’; ‘kamu punya’ |
kainasu | kaiˈnasu | Noun. ‘pineapple’; ‘nenas’ |
kaipur | kaipur | Noun. ‘piece of firewood with a black end’; ‘kayu bakar dengan arang di ujung’ |
kaituki | kaiˈtuki | Noun. ‘shells like umbilical ovula, cowrie shells, egg shells and ovulids’; ‘nama umum untuk keong’ |
kajie | ˈkaɟie | Verb. ‘pick, to pick up, pick out a string when weaving’; ‘pilih, pilih batang kalau bikin karanjang’ |
kalabet | kalaˈbet | Noun. ‘earthworm, small and brown’; ‘cacing darat, cacing tanah, kecil, warna coklat’ |
Kalamang | kalaˈmaŋ | Noun. ‘inhabitants of the big Karas island, name of the biggest Karas island’; ‘orang Karas, pulau Karas, daerah Karas’ |
Kalamang lempuang | kalaˈmaŋ | Noun. ‘name of the biggest Karas island’; ‘Pulau Karas’ |
Kalamangmang | kalaˈmaŋmaŋ | Noun. ‘Kalamang language’; ‘Bahasa Kalamang, Bahasa Karas Laut’ |
Kalamangmang | kalaˈmaŋmaŋ | Verb. ‘speak Kalamang’; ‘bicara atau pakai bahasa Kalamang’ |
kalaor | kalaˈor | Noun. ‘front of house (sometimes meaning the covered porch, where people like to sit)’; ‘di depan’ |
kalap | kaˈlap | Noun. ‘wild sugarcane’; ‘alang-alang’ |
kalar | kaˈlar | Intransitive verb. ‘[intensifier], truly, ready, clear’; ‘memang, betul, siap, terang’ |
kalau | kalau | Conjunction. ‘if’; ‘kalau’ |
kalawen | kalaˈwen | Intransitive verb. ‘soft’; ‘lembek’ |
kale | ˈkale | Noun. ‘kidneys, heart’; ‘paruparu, jantung’ |
kalifan | kaˈlifan | Noun. ‘finely woven mat with strips of about 1cm’; ‘tikar halus’ |
kaling | kaˈliŋ | Intransitive verb. ‘at an angle, leaning to one side, tilted’; ‘miring’ |
kaling | kaˈliŋ | Noun. ‘fishing hook’; ‘mata kail’ |
kaling | ˈkaliŋ | Noun. ‘frying pan’; ‘koali’ |
kalip | kaˈlip | Noun. ‘root vegetable (blue inside)’; ‘kumbili hutan (umbi-umbian)’ |
kalis | kaˈlis | Verb. ‘rain’; ‘hujan’ |
kalis | kaˈlis | Noun. ‘rain’; ‘hujan’ |
kalis sasarawe | kaˈlis sasaraˈwe | Phrase. ‘drizzle, light rain’; ‘hujan gerimis’ |
kalis tanggir | kaˈlis ˈtaŋɡir | Noun. ‘rainbow’; ‘pelangi’ |
kalkalet | kalˈkalet | Noun. ‘mosquito’; ‘nyamuk’ |
kalolang | kaˈlolaŋ | Noun. ‘plumb rule (a device for measuring whether something is level)’; ‘sipat’ |
kalolang | kaˈlolaŋ | Verb. ‘use a plumb rule’; ‘pakai sipat’ |
kalomlomun | kalomˈlomun | Intransitive verb. ‘very young, very unripe’; ‘mudah sekali, mentah sekali’ |
kalomun | kaˈlomun | Intransitive verb. ‘unripe’; ‘mudah, mentah’ |
kalot | kaˈlot | Noun. ‘room’; ‘kamar, ruang’ |
kaloum | kaˈloum | Intransitive verb. ‘weak as a result of not eating’; ‘badan lombo karena lapar’ |
kalour | kaˈlour | Noun. ‘custom, prohibition to take natural resources belonging to someone else’; ‘sasi’ |
kalsum | kalˈsum | Noun. ‘kind of shell’; ‘mata tujuh’ |
kalung | ˈkaluŋ | Noun. ‘necklace’; ‘ranting, kalung’ |
kama | ˈkama | Ditransitive verb. ‘send’; ‘kirim’ |
kaman | ˈkaman | Noun. ‘disease, described as "body dirt that prohibits us from eating", associated with mouth and tongue sores’; ‘penyakit songer, panas dalam’ |
kaman | kaˈman | Noun. ‘grass’; ‘alang-alang’ |
kamandi | kaˈmandi | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘ikan durian’ |
kamang | kamaŋ | Verb. ‘receive treatment from a medicine man’; ‘dukun’ |
kamanget | kaˈmaŋet | Noun. ‘medicine man, traditional healer’; ‘dukun’ |
kamaser | kamaˈser | Noun. ‘orchid’; ‘angrek’ |
Kambala | kamˈbala | Noun. ‘name of village in Sebakor Bay’; ‘nama kampung di Teluk Sebakor’ |
kambanau | kambaˈnau | Noun. ‘waspfish’; ‘sejenis ikan seperti buaya’ |
Kambera | kambera | Noun. ‘Kambera, place on biggest Karas island’; ‘Kambera, tempat di pulau Karas besar’ |
Kambur | kambur | Noun. ‘Kambur, beach on biggest Karas island’; ‘Kambur, nama pantai di Karas’ |
kamel | kaˈmel | Noun. ‘general name for stingray’; ‘ikan pari’ |
kamel kir | kaˈmel kir | Noun. ‘black-spotted stingray’; ‘ikan pari parut-parut’ |
kamel muradik | kaˈmel murˈadik | Noun. ‘(manta) ray’; ‘ikan pari burung’ |
kamen | kaˈmen | Intransitive verb. ‘wet’; ‘basah’ |
kamera | kamera | Verb. ‘record on film’; ‘kamera, rekam’ |
kamfor | kamˈfor | Noun. ‘stove’; ‘kompor’ |
kamis | ˈkamis | Noun. ‘Thursday’; ‘hari kamis’ |
kamual | kaˈmual | Noun. ‘kind of pandanus with broad, thick leaves, used for packing food’; ‘sejenis daun tikar’ |
kamuamual | kaˈmuamual | Noun. ‘needlefish’; ‘ikan serui’ |
kamun | kaˈmun | Noun. ‘widower’; ‘duda’ |
kamung | kaˈmuŋ | Noun. ‘iron’; ‘besi’ |
kan | kan | Interjection. ‘right, you know’; ‘kan’ |
kanai | kanai | Noun. ‘pili nut’; ‘kenari’ |
kanaisasen | kanaiˈsasen | Noun. ‘inside of pili nut’; ‘isi kenari’ |
kanaisasen | kanaiˈsasen | Noun. ‘kind of small striped fish’; ‘ikan garis-garis’ |
kanas | kanas | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘ikan bulana’ |
kanas kolkol | kaˈnas ˈkolkol | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘ikan kerongkerong’ |
Kanastangan | kanasˈtaŋan | Noun. ‘Kanastangan, beach close to Tonggarai cape’; ‘nama pasir di dekat tanjung Tonggarai’ |
Kandarer | kandarer | Noun. ‘Kandarer, place on the west side of biggest Karas island’; ‘Kandarer, nama tempat di sebelah barat di pulau Karas’ |
kang | kaŋ | Noun. ‘bone, thorn’; ‘tulang, duri’ |
kang | kaŋ | Verb. ‘fold’; ‘pata’ |
kang | kaŋ | Intransitive verb. ‘sharp’; ‘tajam’ |
kanggaran | kaŋɡaˈran | Noun. ‘bamboo floor’; ‘lantai bambu’ |
kanggarom | kaŋɡarom | Intransitive verb. ‘slimy’; ‘berlendir’ |
kanggei | kaŋˈɡei | Verb. ‘play’; ‘bermain’ |
kanggeirun | kaŋɡeiˈrun | Noun. ‘game, also used as a verb to play’; ‘permainan, bermain’ |
kanggeit | kaŋɡeit | Noun. ‘game, toy’; ‘permainan’ |
kanggin | kaŋɡin | Noun. ‘kind of vegetable’; ‘genemu, melinju’ |
kangginwele | kaŋˈɡinweˌle | Noun. ‘kind of vegetable’; ‘daun genemu, daun melinju’ |
kanggir | kaŋˈɡir | Noun. ‘eye’; ‘mata’ |
kanggir nenen | kaŋˈɡir ˈnenen | Noun. ‘eyelashes’; ‘bulu mata’ |
kanggir pop | kaŋˈɡir pop | Verb. ‘tired, sleepy’; ‘mengantuk’ |
kanggir pulun | kaŋˈɡir puˈlun | Noun. ‘eyelid’; ‘alis’ |
kanggir saun | kaŋˈɡir saun | Intransitive verb. ‘blind’; ‘buta’ |
kanggirar | kaŋɡiˈrar | Verb. ‘face’; ‘menghadap’ |
kanggirar | kaŋɡirar | Noun. ‘face’; ‘muka’ |
kanggirnar | kaŋɡirˈnar | Noun. ‘pupil (of eye), eyeball’; ‘anak mata, pupil, mata’ |
kanggisawuo | kaŋɡisawuo | Verb. ‘wash one's face’; ‘cuci muka’ |
kangguar | kaŋˈɡuar | Intransitive verb. ‘unripe, uncooked’; ‘mentah’ |
kanggur | kaŋˈɡur | Noun. ‘mouth’; ‘mulut’ |
kanggursau | kaŋˌɡursaˈu | Verb. ‘rinse one's mouth’; ‘komurkomur’ |
kanggurun | kaŋˈɡurun | Noun. ‘inside of a canoe’; ‘dalam perahu’ |
kanggus | kaŋˈɡus | Noun. ‘jaw, chin’; ‘rahang, dagu’ |
kangjie | ˈkaŋɟie | Verb. ‘make the rim of a basket’; ‘putar pata karanjang, jahit karanjang’ |
kangkanggarek | kaŋˈkaŋɡarek | Noun. ‘kind of vine’; ‘tali duriduri’ |
kangkangun | kaŋˈkaŋun | Noun. ‘thorns’; ‘duri-duri’ |
kangun | ˈkaŋun | Noun. ‘thorn’; ‘duri’ |
kangun nerunggo | ˈkaŋun neˈruŋɡo | Noun. ‘marrow, inside of bone’; ‘sumsum, labu’ |
kanie | kaˈnie | Verb. ‘tie’; ‘ikat’ |
-kaning | -kaniŋ | Grammatical marker. ‘[intensifier for verbs], very’; ‘[penguat], sekali’ |
kaninggonie | kaniŋɡoˈnie | Quantifier. ‘nine’; ‘sembilan’ |
kansuor | kanˈsuor | Quantifier. ‘four’; ‘empat’ |
kanung | kaˈnuŋ | Noun. ‘freshwater tortoise’; ‘tataruga air tawar, kura-kura’ |
kanus | kaˈnus | Noun. ‘great-grandparent, ancestor’; ‘moyang’ |
kanyuot | kanˈjuot | Noun. ‘general name for clams, especially giant clam’; ‘bia, kerang, ciput’ |
=kap | kap | Grammatical marker. ‘[similative case marker], like, as’; ‘seperti’ |
kap | kap | Intransitive verb. ‘rotten’; ‘busuk, lapuk’ |
kapal | ˈkapal | Noun. ‘ship’; ‘kapal’ |
kapapet | kapaˈpet | Noun. ‘glassy sweeper’; ‘ikan kecil’ |
kapas | ˈkapas | Noun. ‘cotton’; ‘kapas’ |
kapis | ˈkapis | Noun. ‘scabies or similar skin disease’; ‘garai’ |
kapuk | ˈkapuk | Noun. ‘kapok tree’; ‘pohon kapok’ |
kar | kar | Noun. ‘vagina’; ‘kemaluan perempuan’ |
Karabar Lempuang | karabar lempuaŋ | Noun. ‘Karabar Lempuang, island on south coast of Bomberai’; ‘Karabar Lempuang. nama tempat di Bomberai selatan, juga Pulau Semut’ |
karabubu | karabubu | Noun. ‘bubble’; ‘gelembung’ |
karain | kaˈrain | Pronoun. ‘you alone’; ‘kamu sendiri’ |
karajang | kărăˈɟaŋ | Verb. ‘work, work on’; ‘kerja’ |
karajang | kărăˈɟaŋ | Noun. ‘work’; ‘pekerjaan’ |
karam | karam | Noun. ‘cooking utensil (probably clamps)’; ‘gapi-gapi’ |
karamba | karamba | Noun. ‘fish cage’; ‘karamba’ |
karames | karaˈmes | Verb. ‘shy’; ‘malu’ |
karamun | kara'mun | Noun. ‘kind of tree’; ‘kunang-kunang, kayu perahu’ |
karan | kăˈran | Intransitive verb. ‘hard’; ‘keras’ |
karanjang | kaˈranɟaŋ | Noun. ‘basket’; ‘karanjang’ |
karaok | karaˈok | Intransitive verb. ‘crushed, or cooked until very soft’; ‘hancur’ |
karaonggis | karaˈoŋɡis | Intransitive verb. ‘blunt’; ‘tumpul’ |
karaonggis | karaˈoŋɡis | Intransitive verb. ‘skinny’; ‘kurus’ |
karap | kaˈrap | Verb. ‘wrap’; ‘lingkar’ |
kararak | karaˈrak | Intransitive verb. ‘dry’; ‘kering’ |
kararcie | kararcie | Intransitive verb. ‘broken’; ‘pecah’ |
karariem | karaˈriem | Noun. ‘general name for surgeonfish’; ‘nama umum untuk ikan hitam’ |
kararma | kaˈrarma | Transitive verb. ‘hit something so that it breaks (nutmeg, glass, rock)’; ‘pukul kasi pecah’ |
kararu | karaˈru | Verb. ‘flee in fear’; ‘lari takut’ |
karebar | kareˈbar | Noun. ‘red ant’; ‘semut merah’ |
karek | kaˈrek | Noun. ‘rope’; ‘tali’ |
karek ewun saerak | kaˈrek eˈwun saˈerak | Noun. ‘string-like medicinal plant used after giving birth’; ‘tali niawa’ |
karena | karena | Conjunction. ‘because’; ‘karena’ |
kareng | kaˈreŋ | Noun. ‘frog’; ‘katak, kodok’ |
karep | kaˈrep | Noun. ‘dry lake’; ‘danau kering’ |
karer | kaˈrer | Noun. ‘general name for small fish that live inside corals’; ‘nama umum ikan kecil yang tinggal di karang’ |
kariakibi | ˈkariaˌkibi | Noun. ‘kind of sea cucumber’; ‘tripang darah’ |
kariemun | kaˈriemun | Noun. ‘cape’; ‘tanjung’ |
Karing | kariŋ | Noun. ‘Karing, name of a tree in narr28’; ‘Karing, nama pohon di dongeng Suagibaba’ |
Karinggoris | kariŋɡoris | Noun. ‘Karinggoris, coastal place on biggest Karas island’; ‘Karinggoris, nama tempat di Karas’ |
karok | kaˈrok | Noun. ‘branch’; ‘cabang, ranting’ |
karok | kaˈrok | Verb. ‘cut branches off a (newly cut) tree or branch’; ‘potong-potong cabang’ |
karop | kaˈrop | Noun. ‘arrow’; ‘anakpanah’ |
karop | kaˈrop | Noun. ‘firefly’; ‘kunang-kunang’ |
karop | kaˈrop | Verb. ‘shoot with an arrow, skewer’; ‘panah’ |
karopkarop | kaˌropkaˈrop | Noun. ‘bee-eater’; ‘kirik-kirik’ |
karor | kaˈror | Noun. ‘hermit crab’; ‘kumang’ |
Karotkarot | karotkarot | Noun. ‘Karotkarot, coastal place on biggest Karas island’; ‘Karotkarot, nama tempat di Karas’ |
karuan | kaˈruan | Noun. ‘kind of big bamboo (used to store water)’; ‘sejenis bambu besar’ |
karuar | kaˈruar | Verb. ‘dry something in smoke (above a fire)’; ‘asar’ |
karuar | kaˈruar | Noun. ‘drying rack above a fireplace’; ‘asaran’ |
Karumar | karumar | Noun. ‘Karumar, coastal place on biggest Karas island’; ‘Karumar, nama tempat di Karas’ |
karuok | kaˈruok | Quantifier. ‘three’; ‘tiga’ |
karyak | karˈjak | Noun. ‘blood’; ‘darah’ |
kas | kas | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘ikan baf merah’ |
kasabiti | kasabiˈti | Noun. ‘squash’; ‘labu’ |
kasalong | kasaˈloŋ | Noun. ‘spear with two points’; ‘kalawai, tikamtikam’ |
Kasambil | kasambil | Noun. ‘Kasambil, coastal place on biggest Karas island’; ‘Kasambil, nama tempat di Karas’ |
kasamin | kasaˈmin | Noun. ‘bird’; ‘burung’ |
kasamin naun getgetkadok | kasamin naun ɡetˈɡetˌkadok | Noun. ‘pittas, warblers and possibly robins, birds that search for food on the ground’; ‘burung tanah’ |
kasar | kasar | Verb. ‘rough’; ‘kasar’ |
kasawari | kasaˈwari | Noun. ‘cassowary’; ‘kasuari’ |
kasawircie | kasaˈwircie | Intransitive verb. ‘opened, escape (of a caught animal, usually fish)’; ‘terbuka, terlepas (biasanya dari tali nika)’ |
kasawirma | kasaˈwirma | Transitive verb. ‘pull’; ‘cigi’ |
kasep | kaˈsep | Verb. ‘draw a line, mark’; ‘garis’ |
kasian | kasian | Interjection. ‘anyway, whatever, poor’; ‘kasian’ |
Kasiang | kasiaŋ | Noun. ‘Kasiang’; ‘Kasiang’ |
kaskas | kasˈkas | Noun. ‘terns, noddies, gulls, jaegers, skuas, petrels and shearwaters (birds)’; ‘burung camar’ |
kasom | kaˈsom | Noun. ‘tusk shell’; ‘siput bambu’ |
kasor | kaˈsor | Noun. ‘ipil, Pacific teak, merbau’; ‘kayu besi pantai, kayu merbau’ |
kasorma | kaˈsorma | Transitive verb. ‘grab (of weapon or tool)’; ‘angkat’ |
kasotma | kaˈsotma | Transitive verb. ‘peel off, especially glued things’; ‘kupas pakai tangan’ |
kasuo | kasuo | Verb. ‘have intercourse, have sex’; ‘kawin’ |
kasuop | kasuop | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘ikan jengkot’ |
kasur | kaˈsur | Adverbial modifier. ‘tomorrow’; ‘besok’ |
kasut | kaˈsut | Noun. ‘kind of bamboo’; ‘bambu’ |
kat | kat | Noun. ‘river, lake’; ‘kali, danau’ |
kataperor | kataˈperor | Noun. ‘catapult’; ‘kayu katapel’ |
katawengga | kataweŋˈɡa | Noun. ‘wild/forest breadfruit’; ‘sukun hutan’ |
katem | kaˈtem | Intransitive verb. ‘blurry, fuzzy, like a mass’; ‘kabur, anteru’ |
katuk | ˈkatuk | Noun. ‘kind of plant, used as vegetable’; ‘buah katuk, sejenis sayur’ |
kaul | kaul | Noun. ‘kind of betel palm’; ‘pohon pinang hutan’ |
kawalawalan | kawaˌlawaˈlan | Noun. ‘medicinal plant used to treat headache’; ‘pohon bentol’ |
kawar | kawar | Verb. ‘break (often used for glass)’; ‘pata, pecah’ |
kawaram | kawaˈram | Noun. ‘general name for triggerfish’; ‘ikan kulit tebal besar’ |
kawaram boldinggap | kawaram boldiŋɡap | Noun. ‘kind of triggerfish with a red and black mouth, maybe redtoothed triggerfish’; ‘ikan kulit tebal mulut merah dengan hitam’ |
kawaramleit | kawaramleit | Noun. ‘clown triggerfish’; ‘ikan kulit tebal bintik-bintik, tidak besar’ |
kawarcie | kawarcie | Verb. ‘broken, snapped, bent, folded’; ‘pata’ |
kaware | kaware | Verb. ‘scratch, scrape, grate’; ‘garuk, kori’ |
kawaret | kawa'ret | Noun. ‘drum shaped like an hourglass with one hide, to be held under the arm’; ‘sejenis tifa panjang’ |
kawarma | kaˈwarma | Transitive verb. ‘break, fold’; ‘pata, pecah, lipat’ |
kawarsuop | kawarˈsuop | Noun. ‘eel’; ‘belut, lindung, ular muria’ |
kawaruan | kawaˈruan | Verb. ‘peel off bark or skin’; ‘kupas’ |
kawas | ˈkawas | Noun. ‘thread’; ‘benang’ |
kawat | ˈkawat | Noun. ‘branch, stem, stalk’; ‘cabang, batang, tangkai’ |
kawes | kaˈwes | Intransitive verb. ‘feel cold’; ‘rasa dingin’ |
kawetkawet | kaˌwetˈkawet | Verb. ‘fold’; ‘lipat’ |
kawiawi | kaˈwiaˌwi | Verb. ‘fan’; ‘kipas’ |
kawien | kawien | Noun. ‘mushroom’; ‘jamur’ |
kawier | kaˈwier | Noun. ‘cap, hat’; ‘topi’ |
kawir | 'kawir | Noun. ‘Christian’; ‘orang kristen’ |
kawotma | kaˈwotma | Verb. ‘peel’; ‘kupas’ |
kawuok | kaˈwuok | Noun. ‘peanut, bean’; ‘kacang’ |
kawuok kahahen | kaˈwuok kaˈhahen | Noun. ‘asparagus bean, long gren bean’; ‘kacang panjang’ |
kayakat | kaˈjakat | Noun. ‘woven bamboo wall’; ‘dinding bambu’ |
kayu nani | ˈkaiu ˈnani | Noun. ‘New Guinea Rosewood’; ‘kayu merah, kayu nani’ |
ke | ke | Noun. ‘slave’; ‘budak’ |
kecap | kecap | Noun. ‘ketjap’; ‘kecap’ |
kedederet | kedeˈderet | Noun. ‘small black bird with a red eye that eats fruit and chillies’; ‘burung mata merah’ |
kedua | keˈdua | Noun. ‘darter (bird)’; ‘sejenis burung bangau atau doka, lebih besar daripada tarakok, lebih kecil daripada kurua, warna hitam/coklat atau putih’ |
keibar | keibar | Noun. ‘part of the outrigger of a canoe’; ‘seman penahan’ |
kein | kein | Noun. ‘handle of a long tool or weapon, such as a spear’; ‘gagang, ulu’ |
keir | keir | Noun. ‘green lorikeet or parrot (male eclectus parrot)’; ‘burung beo merah dengan hijau’ |
keirkeir | keirˈkeir | Noun. ‘lorikeet’; ‘urip’ |
keirko | keirˈko | Adverbial modifier. ‘day after tomorrow’; ‘lusa’ |
keirun | keirun | Noun. ‘top, upper side’; ‘atas’ |
keit | keit | Noun. ‘land-side (when at sea)’; ‘sebelah darat (kalau di laut)’ |
keit | keit | Verb. ‘take care of, maintain’; ‘pelihara’ |
keitar | ˈkeitar | Adverbial modifier. ‘day before yesterday’; ‘kemarin dulu’ |
keitkeit | keitkeit | Verb. ‘adopted’; ‘anak angkat’ |
keitko | keitˈko | Noun. ‘above, on top (of)’; ‘di atas’ |
keitko | keitˈko | Noun. ‘top’; ‘atas’ |
keitpis | keitˈpis | Noun. ‘concave side, the "face" or "open" side of a thing’; ‘telantan, muka di atas’ |
kelelet | keˈlelet | Noun. ‘prayer related to the fasting period’; ‘doa puasa’ |
keleng | keˈleŋ | Noun. ‘armpit’; ‘ketiak’ |
Kelengkeleng | keleŋkeleŋ | Noun. ‘Kelengkeleng, name of a woman in a traditional narrative’; ‘Kelengkeleng, name seorang perempuan di satu cerita’ |
kelikeli | keˈlikeˌli | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘ikan bubara tipis’ |
kelkam | kelˈkam | Noun. ‘ear’; ‘telinga’ |
kelkam | kelˈkam | Noun. ‘naughty, stubborn (of a child)’; ‘nakal’ |
kelkam elaun | kelˈkam eˈlaun | Noun. ‘earlobe, lit. ear's bottom’; ‘cuping telinga’ |
kelkam taun | kelˈkam ˈtaun | Noun. ‘concha (outer ear)’; ‘daun telinga’ |
kelkam toktok | kelˈkam ˈtoktok | Intransitive verb. ‘deaf’; ‘tuli’ |
kelkampos | kelˈkampos | Noun. ‘ear opening’; ‘lubang telinga’ |
kelua | ˈkelua | Verb. ‘hear, listen’; ‘dengar’ |
keluar | keluar | Verb. ‘go out’; ‘keluar’ |
keluer | keˈluer | Noun. ‘crab’; ‘kepiting’ |
Kemana | kemaˈna | Noun. ‘Kaimana’; ‘Kaimana’ |
kemanur | keˈmanur | Noun. ‘west, wet season, west wind’; ‘barat, musim barat, angin barat’ |
kemanurep | keˈmanurˌep | Noun. ‘west’; ‘barat’ |
kemanurpak | kaˈmanurˌpak | Noun. ‘west-wind season’; ‘musim barat’ |
kememe | keˈmeme | Intransitive verb. ‘weak’; ‘lemah’ |
kene | keˈne | Noun. ‘kind of tree’; ‘kanawa’ |
keraira | keraira | Noun. ‘prohibition (to harvest)’; ‘sasi’ |
kerar | ˈkerar | Noun. ‘turtle’; ‘penyu’ |
kerkap | kerˈkap | Intransitive verb. ‘red, brown (e.g. the colour of tea or foreigner's hair or skin)’; ‘merah’ |
kerker | kerˈker | Noun. ‘kind of shell’; ‘sejenis siput kecil di pasir-pasir’ |
kerker | kerˈker | Noun. ‘medicinal plant used to cure a swollen stomach’; ‘pohon kobalet’ |
kerunggo | keˈruŋɡo | Noun. ‘on top of, above’; ‘di atas’ |
ketan | ˈketan | Noun. ‘parent-in-law, child-in-law’; ‘mantu, anak mantu’ |
keteles | keteˈles | Noun. ‘maize, corn’; ‘jagung’ |
ketemu | ketemu | Verb. ‘meet’; ‘ketemu’ |
kewa | ˈkewa | Noun. ‘small loincloth’; ‘cawat kecil’ |
kewe | keˈwe | Noun. ‘house’; ‘rumah’ |
kewe padenun | keˈwe padeˈnun | Noun. ‘house post that runs from the floor to a beam supporting the roof’; ‘tiang rumah’ |
=ki | ki | Grammatical marker. ‘[benefactive case], [instrumental case]’; ‘[casus benefaktif], buat, [kasus instrumental], pakai, naik’ |
ki | ki | Pronoun. ‘[second person plural], you’; ‘kamorang’ |
Kiaba | kiaba | Noun. ‘Kiaba, village on one of the smaller Karas islands’; ‘Kiaba, kampung di Karas Darat’ |
kian | ˈkian | Noun. ‘my wife’; ‘saya pu istri’ |
kiarca | ˈkiarca | Noun. ‘your wife’; ‘kamu pu istri’ |
kibi | ˈkibi | Noun. ‘tripang, sea cucumber’; ‘tripang, teripang’ |
kibi karek | kibi karek | Noun. ‘kind of sea cucumber’; ‘tripang telingkong’ |
kibibal | kiˈbibal | Noun. ‘weight watcher (a sea cucumber)’; ‘tripang gosok laut’ |
kibis | kiˈbis | Noun. ‘shore, land, inland’; ‘darat’ |
kidi | ˈkidi | Verb. ‘lie, joke’; ‘berbohong, marok, mop’ |
kiek | kiek | Noun. ‘shade’; ‘bayangan’ |
kiekter | ˈkiekter | Noun. ‘shadow’; ‘tanda bayangan’ |
kiel | kiel | Noun. ‘kind of prawn’; ‘udang pasir’ |
kiel kierun | kiel kierun | Noun. ‘particular kind of sand mound made by an animal on wet sand’; ‘?’ |
kielar | kie'lar | Noun. ‘kind of pandanus with long leaves’; ‘sejenis daun tikar’ |
kielun | ˈkielun | Noun. ‘root’; ‘akar’ |
kiem | kiem | Noun. ‘basket’; ‘keranjang’ |
kiem | kiem | Verb. ‘flee, run’; ‘lari’ |
kiempanait | kiemˈpanait | Ditransitive verb. ‘send’; ‘kirim’ |
kiemsunsun | kiemˈsunsun | Noun. ‘kind of sea cucumber’; ‘sejenis tripang’ |
kier | kier | Pronoun. ‘[second person dual], they two’; ‘kamorang dua’ |
kier | kier | Noun. ‘sail’; ‘layar’ |
kier | kier | Noun. ‘wasp-like insects’; ‘kumbang, tawon’ |
kierun | kierun | Noun. ‘cloud (in combination with name of a wind, like Kuawi)’; ‘awan’ |
kies | kies | Verb. ‘carve’; ‘cincang’ |
kies | kies | Noun. ‘wrap, package’; ‘bungkusan’ |
kies | kies | Verb. ‘wrap, package’; ‘bungkus’ |
kies koladok | kies koˈladok | Noun. ‘kind of Colocasia’; ‘keladi hutan’ |
kieskon | kieskon | Quantifier. ‘one (long, thin thing)’; ‘satu panggal’ |
kiet | kiet | Verb. ‘defecate’; ‘berak’ |
kiet | kiet | Noun. ‘faeces, excreted substance’; ‘tahi’ |
kietkiet | kietkiet | Verb. ‘defecate’; ‘berak’ |
kietpak | kietˈpak | Noun. ‘large intestine’; ‘usus besar’ |
kietpo | ˈkietpo | Noun. ‘fart’; ‘kentut’ |
kieun | ˈkieun | Noun. ‘his wife’; ‘dia pu istri’ |
kieun caun | ˈkieun ˈcaun | Noun. ‘second (third, fourth) wife’; ‘istri kedua (ketiga/keempat)’ |
kihutak | kiˈhutak | Pronoun. ‘you guys alone’; ‘kamong sendiri’ |
kilibobang | kiliˈbobaŋ | Noun. ‘butterflyfish species, Moorish idol’; ‘ikan hias’ |
=kin | kin | Grammatical marker. ‘[general possessive marker], part-whole relationship’; ‘[posesif], punya’ |
=kin | kin | Grammatical marker. ‘[volitional and inchoative]’; ‘[volitional dan inkoatif], mau’ |
kin | kin | Pronoun. ‘[second person plural possessive], their’; ‘kamorang punya’ |
kinaninggan | ˌkinaˈniŋɡan | Pronoun. ‘you all’; ‘kamong semua’ |
Kindius | kindius | Noun. ‘Kindius, hill/mountain top close to Kambera’; ‘Kindius, nama gunung di Kambera pu gunung’ |
kinggir | kiŋˈɡir | Verb. ‘sail’; ‘berlayar’ |
kinkin | kinˈkin | Verb. ‘hold, catch’; ‘pegang, tangkap’ |
kinkin | ˈkinkin | Intransitive verb. ‘small’; ‘kecil’ |
kinkinun | kinˈkinun | Noun. ‘small one(s)’; ‘yang kecil’ |
kinkinun | kinˈkinun | Intransitive verb. ‘small’; ‘kecil’ |
kion | kiˈon | Intransitive verb. ‘married (man)’; ‘kawin (ll)’ |
kion | kiˈon | Verb. ‘marry, married (of a man to a woman)’; ‘nika (laki-laki yang nika)’ |
kip | kip | Noun. ‘snake’; ‘ular’ |
kipkip | ˈkipkip | Noun. ‘larvae’; ‘ulat’ |
kir | kir | Verb. ‘grate’; ‘parut’ |
kir | kir | Intransitive verb. ‘greedy’; ‘sikakar, pelit’ |
kir | kir | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘ikan baf’ |
kir | kir | Noun. ‘side, kidneys’; ‘lambong, ginjal’ |
kirain | kiˈrain | Pronoun. ‘you guys alone’; ‘kamong sendiri’ |
kirarun | kiˈrarun | Noun. ‘side’; ‘pinggir’ |
kirawat | kiˈrawat | Noun. ‘short planks for the bow of a canoe’; ‘papan pendek di muka perahu’ |
kirkangkang | kirˈkaŋkaŋ | Noun. ‘ribs’; ‘tulang rusuk’ |
kirun | kiˈrun | Noun. ‘flank’; ‘rusuk’ |
kisileng | kisiˈleŋ | Noun. ‘sky’; ‘langit’ |
=ko | ko | Grammatical marker. ‘[locative case]’; ‘[kasus lokatif], di’ |
ko | ko | Noun. ‘shell’ |
ko= | ko | Grammatical marker. ‘[applicative]’; ‘[aplikatif]’ |
ko= | ko | Grammatical marker. ‘[approximative, diminutive], quite’; ‘[approximatif, diminutif], sedikit, cukup’ |
koalom | ˈkoalom | Verb. ‘spit at’; ‘ludah’ |
kobelen | ˈkobelen | Verb. ‘lick’; ‘jilat’ |
kobes | koˈbes | Verb. ‘reach’; ‘sampai’ |
kodaet | kodaˈet | Adverbial modifier. ‘again’; ‘lagi’ |
kodaet | kodaˈet | Quantifier. ‘one more’; ‘(tamba) satu lagi’ |
kodak | koˈdak | Quantifier. ‘only one’; ‘satu saja’ |
koder | koˈder | Verb. ‘add’; ‘tamba’ |
kodi | ˈkodi | Verb. ‘call, whistle, call by making noise’; ‘panggil, fluit, panggil pakai bunyi’ |
koecuan | koeˈcuan | Transitive verb. ‘cry for’; ‘menangis satu barang’ |
koep | ˈkoep | Noun. ‘ashes’; ‘abu’ |
koewa | ˈkoewa | Verb. ‘angry at’; ‘marah, pakai bahasa (keras)’ |
kofir | ˈkofir | Noun. ‘coffee’; ‘kopi’ |
koi | koi | Adverbial modifier. ‘again’; ‘lagi’ |
koi | koi | Conjunction. ‘then, further’; ‘kemudian, baru, lalu, lagi’ |
kokada | koˈkada | Noun. ‘kind of shrimp’; ‘udang darat’ |
kokarap | koˈkarap | Verb. ‘circle’; ‘lingkar’ |
Kokas | kokas | Noun. ‘Kokas, village on north coast of Bomberai’; ‘Kokas, kota di Bomberai’ |
kokiem | ˈkokiem | Transitive verb. ‘run away from’; ‘lari dari’ |
kokies | ˈkokies | Transitive verb. ‘wrap (e.g. leaf medicine around limb)’; ‘bungkus’ |
kokir | ˈkokir | Intransitive verb. ‘near’; ‘dekat’ |
kokoak | ˈkokoak | Noun. ‘helmeted friarbird’; ‘burung madu’ |
kokok | koˈkok | Noun. ‘chicken’; ‘ayam’ |
kokok ladok | kokok ˈladok | Noun. ‘quail’; ‘puyuh’ |
kokok narun | koˈkok naˈrun | Noun. ‘chicken egg’; ‘telur ayam’ |
kokour | koˈkour | Verb. ‘not reach, not be enough’; ‘tidak sampai, belum cukup’ |
kolak | koˈlak | Noun. ‘forest, mountain, mainland’; ‘hutan, gunung, daratan’ |
kolambu | koˈlambu | Noun. ‘mosquito net’; ‘kolambu’ |
kolet | ˈkolet | Noun. ‘stranger, foreigner’; ‘orang dari luar’ |
kolga | ˈkolɡa | Noun. ‘from outside’; ‘dari luar’ |
koliep | ˈkoliep | Noun. ‘cheek’; ‘pipi’ |
kolkemkem | kolˈkemkem | Noun. ‘kind of shell’; ‘sejenis siput gerai, bintik-bintik’ |
kolkiem | ˈkolkiem | Noun. ‘thigh’; ‘paha’ |
kolkiet | ˈkolkiet | Noun. ‘earwax’; ‘tahi telinga’ |
kolko | ˈkolko | Noun. ‘outside’; ‘di luar’ |
kolkol | ˈkolkol | Intransitive verb. ‘entangled’; ‘talinkar’ |
kolkom | ˈkolkom | Noun. ‘footprint’; ‘tandas kaki’ |
kolo | ˈkolo | Verb. ‘pull out, unplug’; ‘cabut’ |
kolpanggat | kolˈpaŋɡat | Noun. ‘kind of deep-water fish’; ‘sejenis ikan kulit tebal’ |
kolpis | ˈkolpis | Noun. ‘another place, other side, outside’; ‘tempat lain’ |
koltengteng | kolˈteŋteŋ | Noun. ‘kind of small fish’; ‘sejenis ikan, bentuk seperti ikan mamin’ |
kolu welek | koˈlu weˌlek | Noun. ‘pitohui, whistler (bird species)’; ‘pitohui, kancilan?’ |
koluk | ˈkoluk | Verb. ‘find, meet, encounter’; ‘dapat, ketemu’ |
kom | kom | Noun. ‘cane’; ‘tebu’ |
komahal | komaˈhal | Verb. ‘not know’; ‘tidak tahu’ |
komain | komaˈin | Verb. ‘stab, throw, skewer, fit’; ‘tikam, lempar, tusuk, pas’ |
komamun | koˈmamun | Verb. ‘drop, slip’; ‘lepas’ |
komang | koˈmaŋ | Noun. ‘throat and neck’; ‘leher’ |
komanggangguop | komaŋɡaŋˈɡuop | Verb. ‘finish the roof of a house’; ‘tutup rumah’ |
komanggasir | komaŋˈɡasir | Noun. ‘neckbone (and horizontal area next to it)’; ‘tulang leher’ |
komaruk | komaˈruk | Verb. ‘burn’; ‘bakar’ |
komasabur | koˈmasabur | Verb. ‘cover (e.g. with cloth), close (e.g. lid), dress’; ‘tutup, kasih pakaian’ |
komasasuk | komaˈsasuk | Verb. ‘close or cover something with a lid or a cap, e.g. a bottle or a jar’; ‘tutup’ |
komayeki | komaˈjeki | Verb. ‘laugh at’; ‘tertawa orang’ |
kome | koˈme | Verb. ‘look (at)’; ‘lihat’ |
kome | koˈme | Transitive verb. ‘see’; ‘lihat’ |
komelek | koˈmelek | Verb. ‘burn (oil lamp)’; ‘bakar pelita’ |
komeri | koˈmeri | Noun. ‘candlenut’; ‘kemiri’ |
komisternin | koˈmisternin | Transitive verb. ‘have a good relationship with someone, not bother someone’; ‘tidak pusing dengan orang’ |
komurkomur | ˌkomurˈkomur | Noun. ‘cucumber’; ‘timun, kom(ur)komur’ |
komurkomur | ˌkomurˈkomur | Verb. ‘rinse’; ‘bilas’ |
-kon | -kon | Grammatical marker. ‘approximately’; ‘kirakira’ |
kon | kon | Quantifier. ‘one’; ‘satu’ |
kon tama | kon taˈma | Question word. ‘which one’; ‘yang mana’ |
kona | ˈkona | Verb. ‘see, look’; ‘lihat’ |
kona | ˈkona | Intransitive verb. ‘think’; ‘kira’ |
konamin | koˈnamin | Verb. ‘make a stabbing movement without touching when performing rituals’; ‘tikam tidak kenal (kalau bikin pamali)’ |
konasur | konasur | Verb. ‘face’; ‘menghadap’ |
konawaruo | koˈnawaˌruo | Verb. ‘forget’; ‘lupa’ |
konawol | koˈnawol | Verb. ‘stick onto’; ‘tempel’ |
kondisi | kondisi | Noun. ‘condition’; ‘kondisi’ |
konenen | koˈnenen | Noun. ‘facial hair’; ‘jenggot’ |
konenen | koˈnenen | Verb. ‘remember, miss’; ‘ingat’ |
=kongga | koŋɡa | Grammatical marker. ‘[animate lative case], from, to’; ‘[kasus latif animate], dari, ke’ |
-konggap | -koŋɡap | Grammatical marker. ‘approximately’; ‘kira-kira’ |
konggareor | koŋɡaˈreor | Verb. ‘pour onto’; ‘siram’ |
konggelem | koŋˈɡelem | Verb. ‘grab’; ‘sambar, tangkap’ |
=konggo | koŋɡo | Grammatical marker. ‘[animate locative case]’; ‘[kasus lokatif animate], di’ |
konyak | ˈkonjak | Noun. ‘kind of big squid’; ‘ikan sontun batu’ |
kopol | ˈkopol | Verb. ‘sticky, coupled, linked’; ‘melengket’ |
kor | kor | Noun. ‘leg’; ‘kaki’ |
kor kawar mat kalot | kor kaˈwar mat ˈkalot | Noun. ‘back of knee’; ‘lipatan kaki’ |
korabir | korabir | Verb. ‘jump over’; ‘langka’ |
koramtolma | koˈramtolma | Verb. ‘perform a ritual performed on pregnant women whereby a string of pandan leaf is bound around her waist and cut by her brother’; ‘bikin pamali hamil’ |
korap | koˈrap | Noun. ‘cross-cousin’; ‘sepupu’ |
koraruo | koˈraruo | Verb. ‘bite’; ‘gigit’ |
korek | ˈkorek | Intransitive verb. ‘many dead’; ‘banyak yang mati’ |
korel | koˈrel | Noun. ‘foot sole’; ‘telapak kaki’ |
korgi marmar | ˈkorɡi ˈmarmar | Verb. ‘walk’; ‘jalan kaki’ |
korkancing | korˈkanciŋ | Noun. ‘ankle bone’; ‘mata kaki’ |
korkasir | korˈkasir | Noun. ‘ankle’; ‘pergelangan kaki’ |
korkies | korˈkies | Noun. ‘Achilles heel’; ‘urat kaki’ |
korko | ˈkorko | Verb. ‘wear footwear’; ‘pakai di kaki’ |
korkor | ˈkorkor | Verb. ‘cut wood into bits (e.g. firewood)’; ‘potong-potong kayu, mot-mot’ |
korlaus | korˈlaus | Noun. ‘underside of foot’; ‘telapak kaki’ |
kormul | korˈmul | Noun. ‘calf of leg’; ‘betis’ |
kornambi | korˈnambi | Noun. ‘shearwater’; ‘bebek laut’ |
korot | ˈkorot | Verb. ‘slice without cutting through, make notches’; ‘iris kasih tanda’ |
korpak | ˈkorpak | Noun. ‘knee’; ‘lutut’ |
korparokparok | korˈparokˌparok | Noun. ‘toes’; ‘jari kaki’ |
kortanggalip | korˈtaŋɡaˌlip | Noun. ‘toenails’; ‘kuku kaki’ |
kortaptap | korˈtaptap | Verb. ‘cut out’; ‘konta-konta, potong kasih tinggal’ |
korus | koˈrus | Noun. ‘shin’; ‘tulang kering’ |
kos | kos | Verb. ‘grow’; ‘tumbu’ |
kosalir | kosaˈlir | Transitive verb. ‘to (ex)change’; ‘ganti, baku tukar’ |
kosansan | kosansan | Verb. ‘give someone food for under way’; ‘kirim makanan untuk di jalan’ |
kosara | koˈsara | Verb. ‘touch, hit, recognise’; ‘kenal, sentuh’ |
kosarun | koˈsarun | Noun. ‘aril (the outgrowth on a seed that covers it), used especially for mace’; ‘salut biji, bunga pala’ |
koser | ˈkoser | Verb. ‘harvest fruit from a tree with a hook’; ‘ambil buah, gait’ |
koser | koˈser | Noun. ‘key’; ‘kunci’ |
koser | koˈser | Verb. ‘lock’; ‘mengunci, kunci’ |
kosiaur | koˈsiaur | Verb. ‘hand, offer, put in, push’; ‘dorong kasih, menawari, kasih, kasih masuk’ |
kosilep | koˈsilep | Verb. ‘turn back to’; ‘balik belakang’ |
kosin | koˈsin | Noun. ‘window frame’; ‘kosin’ |
kosom | ˈkosom | Verb. ‘suck, smoke’; ‘isap (minuman), isap (rokok)’ |
kosun | ˈkosun | Noun. ‘growth’; ‘pertumbuhan’ |
Kota Laut | kota laut | Noun. ‘Kota Laut, coastal place on biggest Karas island’; ‘Kota Laut, nama tempat di Karas’ |
kotam | ˈkotam | Verb. ‘skewer’; ‘tusuk’ |
kotarakmang | koˈtarakˌmaŋ | Transitive verb. ‘startle’; ‘kaget’ |
kotipol | koˈtipol | Noun. ‘black butcherbird’; ‘jagal hitam’ |
kotipol | koˈtipol | Verb. ‘miss, cut or throw at a living being, without the weapon really entering the flesh’; ‘potong tidak makan, hela ikan tidak dapat’ |
kotur | ˈkotur | Noun. ‘dirt’; ‘koturan’ |
kotur | ˈkotur | Intransitive verb. ‘dirty’; ‘kotor’ |
kou | kou | Verb. ‘blow’; ‘tiup’ |
kou | kou | Intransitive verb. ‘narrow, close, dense, crowded’; ‘sempit, sesak’ |
koup | koup | Verb. ‘hug’; ‘peluk’ |
kouran | kouran | Intransitive verb. ‘angry’; ‘marah’ |
kous | kous | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘ikan lema’ |
kous | kous | Noun. ‘t-shirt’; ‘baju kous’ |
kout | kout | Transitive verb. ‘curse someone’; ‘sumpah’ |
koutpol | koutˈpol | Noun. ‘kind of fish with a finger-long needle on its head’; ‘ikan tanduk’ |
kowam | ˈkoam | Noun. ‘whale’; ‘ikan paus’ |
kowam | ˈkowam | Verb. ‘work your way up when weaving a basket after finishing the base’; ‘kasih naik karjanjang pu tali bambu’ |
kowar | ˈkowar | Noun. ‘woven palm leaf package with cooked rice’; ‘ketupat’ |
kowaram | koˈwaram | Verb. ‘clamp, pinch’; ‘menjepit’ |
kowaram | koˈwaram | Noun. ‘tongs, clamp’; ‘jepitan, tang’ |
kowarara | koˈwarara | Verb. ‘make a floor’; ‘alas lantai’ |
kowat | koˈwat | Verb. ‘change (in the sense of give back)’; ‘ganti’ |
kowewep | koˈwewep | Intransitive verb. ‘brown, grey’; ‘warna coklat, warna abu-abu’ |
koya | koˈja | Verb. ‘plant’; ‘tanam’ |
koyak | koˈjak | Verb. ‘hit with a weapon or tool, usually perpendicular and with force’; ‘potong pakai senjata’ |
koyal | ˈkojal | Verb. ‘disturb, mix, stir’; ‘ganggu, garu’ |
koyal | ˈkojal | Verb. ‘scrape (food), grate, feel itchy’; ‘garu-garu, kikis, gatal’ |
koyelcie | kojelcie | Intransitive verb. ‘flipped or turned over’; ‘terbalik’ |
koyen | koˈjen | Verb. ‘close, cover drink with a lid or food with a cloth or a cover’; ‘tutup (kata umum), tutup (pakai penutup atau kain)’ |
koyet | ˈkojet | Intransitive verb. ‘finished’; ‘habis’ |
koyos | ˈkojos | Verb. ‘climb’; ‘naik, panjat’ |
kualitek | kualitek | Noun. ‘quality’; ‘kualitas’ |
kuang | kuˈaŋ | Verb. ‘pass, go round (a cape, a house)’; ‘balik, lewat, putar’ |
kuar | kuar | Verb. ‘cook’; ‘masak’ |
kuat | ˈkuat | Intransitive verb. ‘strong’; ‘kuat’ |
kuawi | ˈkuawi | Noun. ‘north, north wind’; ‘utara, angin utara’ |
kubalbal | kuˈbalbal | Noun. ‘angelfish’; ‘sejenis ikan bubara panjang di meti-meti’ |
kubir | ˈkubir | Noun. ‘grave’; ‘kuburan (satu orang)’ |
kubirar | kuˈbirar | Noun. ‘graveyard, graves’; ‘kuburan’ |
kucai | kuˈcai | Noun. ‘kind of grass or possibly an allium’; ‘kucai’ |
kuda | kuda | Noun. ‘horse’; ‘kuda’ |
kudakuda | kudakuda | Noun. ‘flat back of a canoe, the part where one hangs the motor’; ‘kudakuda’ |
kue | kue | Noun. ‘pastry’; ‘kue’ |
Kueimang | ˈkueimaŋ | Noun. ‘Kilimala language’; ‘bahasa Kilimala’ |
Kuek | kuek | Noun. ‘Kuek, coastal place on biggest Karas island’; ‘Kuek, nama tempat di Karas’ |
kuek | ˈkuek | Noun. ‘fruit bat’; ‘kelelawar’ |
kuek | ˈkuek | Verb. ‘steal’; ‘mencuri’ |
kuet | ˈkuet | Verb. ‘bring’; ‘bawa’ |
Kui | kui | Noun. ‘name of a people in the area east of Kaimana’; ‘nama orang lewat Kaimana’ |
kuk | kuk | Noun. ‘fruit dove’; ‘walik’ |
kukis | kukis | Noun. ‘pastry’; ‘kue’ |
kul | kul | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘sejenis ikan samandar’ |
kul | kul | Noun. ‘weeping fig’; ‘pohon beringin’ |
kulikuli | ˌkuliˈkuli | Noun. ‘gong’; ‘gong’ |
kulkabok | kulˈkabok | Noun. ‘medicinal plant used to treat hemorrhoids’; ‘beringin pantai’ |
kulpanggat | kulˈpaŋɡat | Noun. ‘orange-lined triggerfish’; ‘ikan kulit tebal (kecil)’ |
kulun | ˈkulun | Noun. ‘skin’; ‘kulit’ |
kumbai | kumˈbai | Noun. ‘owl’; ‘burung hantung’ |
kumkum | kumˈkum | Intransitive verb. ‘male (of trees, e.g. nutmeg, coconut, papaya)’; ‘pohon lakilaki, yang tidak berbuah (seperti pala, kelapa, pepaya)’ |
kunun | ˈkunun | Noun. ‘inside of a tree’; ‘isi pohon’ |
kuotpol | kuotˈpol | Noun. ‘kind of parrotfish’; ‘sejenis ikan kakatua’ |
kupkup | ˈkupkup | Noun. ‘hulls, husks, sawdust’; ‘hampas-hampas, kulit biji-bijian, serbuk’ |
kurang | kuraŋ | Quantifier. ‘less’; ‘kurang’ |
kurap | ˈkurap | Noun. ‘dolphin’; ‘lumba-lumba’ |
kurera | kuˈrera | Noun. ‘kind of grasshopper’; ‘jangkrik’ |
kurera | kuˈrera | Noun. ‘octopus’; ‘gurita’ |
kurera | kuˈrera | Verb. ‘sieve’; ‘ayakan, goyang, saringan’ |
kurera | kurera | Noun. ‘woven basket, sieve used for e.g. rice, flour or grated cassava’; ‘ayakan, goyang, saringan’ |
kuru | ˈkuru | Verb. ‘bring’; ‘bawa’ |
kurua | kuˈrua | Noun. ‘ibis’; ‘bangau besar (lebih besar daripada kedua), warna coklat’ |
kus | kus | Noun. ‘charcoal’; ‘arang’ |
kuskap | kusˈkap | Intransitive verb. ‘black’; ‘hitam’ |
kusukusu | ˌkusuˈkusu | Noun. ‘wild sugarcane-like plant, not sweet’; ‘alang-alang’ |
labis | ˈlabis | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘ikan kapas-kapas’ |
labor | laˈbor | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘sejenis ikan kaya ikan tefar’ |
labu siam | ˈlabu ˈsiam | Noun. ‘chayote fruit’; ‘labu siam’ |
ladan | ˈladan | Noun. ‘blouse, shirt’; ‘baju’ |
lajarang | laˈɟaraŋ | Noun. ‘horse’; ‘kuda’ |
laksasa | laksasa | Noun. ‘giant’; ‘raksasa’ |
lalang | ˈlalaŋ | Intransitive verb. ‘hot’; ‘panas’ |
lalat | laˈlat | Verb. ‘die’; ‘meninggal, mati’ |
laluon | laluon | Verb. ‘grub (what a pig does when searching for food)’; ‘babi yang gali dengan hidungnya’ |
lam | lam | Noun. ‘soft coral’; ‘karang lombo’ |
lameli | laˈmeli | Noun. ‘kind of grouper’; ‘sejenis gurapu’ |
lamora kasamin | lamoˈra ˈkasamin | Noun. ‘general name for big sea birds such as cormorants, tropicbirds and boobies (big sea birds)’; ‘sejenis bebek laut, hitam-putih atau hitam-polos’ |
lampur | ˈlampur | Noun. ‘lamp’; ‘lampu’ |
lamut | laˈmut | Noun. ‘algae’; ‘lumut’ |
lamut | laˈmut | Noun. ‘skin dirt’; ‘daki’ |
langgan | laŋˈɡan | Noun. ‘pieces of wood to help pull a boat on land (instead of rail)’; ‘kayu palanga’ |
langgar | ˈlaŋɡar | Noun. ‘kind of tree’; ‘kayu susu’ |
langgour | laŋˈɡour | Intransitive verb. ‘too tight, in a state where a thing can enter but not exit’; ‘sesak’ |
langgulanggur | laŋɡulaŋɡur | Noun. ‘kind of illness’; ‘sakit menikam’ |
langjut | ˈlaŋɟut | Verb. ‘continue’; ‘melanjutkan’ |
langka | ˈlaŋka | Verb. ‘fight (Southeast Asian martial arts style)’; ‘main silat, langka silat’ |
langsa | ˈlaŋsa | Noun. ‘kind of plant or tree’; ‘langsa’ |
langsung | laŋsuŋ | Adverbial modifier. ‘directly’; ‘langsung’ |
Lapangan | lapaŋan | Noun. ‘Lapangan, coastal place on biggest Karas island’; ‘Lapangan, nama tempat di Karas’ |
lapas | lapas | Verb. ‘drop’; ‘terlepas’ |
lapor | lapor | Verb. ‘report’; ‘lapor’ |
lasiambar | laˈsiambar | Noun. ‘leopard shark’; ‘ikan hiu harimau’ |
lat | lat | Noun. ‘plank’; ‘lat’ |
lauk | laˈuk | Verb. ‘appear, turn up, exit, protrude’; ‘muncul, keluar’ |
lauk | laˈuk | Verb. ‘smell’; ‘bau’ |
laur | laˈur | Intransitive verb. ‘boil, (of fish) to play under the surface of water, so that the water looks as if it's boiling’; ‘mendidih, kalau laut bergerak karena ikan bermain, kaya komo’ |
laur | laˈur | Verb. ‘noisy (of people)’; ‘orang beribut’ |
laur | laur | Intransitive verb. ‘rising (of tide)’; ‘naik (meti)’ |
laus | laus | Intransitive verb. ‘wide’; ‘lebar’ |
laut | laut | Noun. ‘sea’; ‘laut’ |
lawalawat | ˌlawaˈlawat | Noun. ‘pouch’; ‘kantong di depan baju’ |
lawalawat | ˌlawaˈlawat | Verb. ‘put in a pouch’; ‘taruh di dalam baju’ |
lawan | laˈwan | Noun. ‘grouper’; ‘ikan merah, baf’ |
lawan | laˈwan | Noun. ‘kind of small bamboo’; ‘sejenis bambu kecil sekali’ |
lawarun | laˈwarun | Noun. ‘womb’; ‘kandungan, rahim, peranakan’ |
lawat | ˈlawat | Verb. ‘put away in clothing (in a pocket, pouch or fold)’; ‘kasih masuk di baju’ |
lawilawi | laˌwilaˈwi | Noun. ‘kind of wild onion, not used for eating’; ‘bawang hutan’ |
lawuak | laˈwuak | Noun. ‘fish scales’; ‘sisik’ |
lawuak | laˈwuak | Verb. ‘scale a fish’; ‘kikis ikan’ |
layier | laˈjier | Intransitive verb. ‘itchy’; ‘rasa gatal’ |
leba | ˈleba | Noun. ‘imam’; ‘imam’ |
lebai | lebai | Adverbial modifier. ‘better, rather’; ‘lebih baik’ |
lebaleba | ˌlebaˈleba | Verb. ‘carry on the shoulders with help of a stick’; ‘pikul’ |
lebe | leˈbe | Verb. ‘more, go past, exceed’; ‘lebih, lewat, lebih tinggi, lebih banyak’ |
leis | leis | Noun. ‘stripe’; ‘garis’ |
leit | leit | Noun. ‘king’; ‘raja’ |
leit pas | leit pas | Noun. ‘queen’; ‘ratu’ |
lek | lek | Noun. ‘goat’; ‘kambing’ |
lek nabonabon | ˈlek ˌnaboˈnabon | Noun. ‘lemongrass’; ‘sereh’ |
leki | ˈleki | Noun. ‘monkey’; ‘monyet’ |
lele | leˈle | Verb. ‘fly off, blown away’; ‘terbang’ |
lem | lem | Noun. ‘axe with a big blade, old model’; ‘kampak ulu panjang’ |
lem | lem | Verb. ‘beckon, order’; ‘gami’ |
lemat | ˈlemat | Noun. ‘bamboo string’; ‘tali/benang bambu’ |
lembaga | lembaɡa | Noun. ‘prison’; ‘lembaga’ |
Lempang | lempaŋ | Noun. ‘Kei, island in eastern Indonesia’; ‘Pulau Kei’ |
lempuang | ˈlempuaŋ | Noun. ‘island’; ‘pulau’ |
Lempuangemun | lemˈpuaŋˌemun | Noun. ‘Cassowary Island, island off the south coast of Karas’; ‘Pulau Kasowari’ |
Lempuangtumun | lemˈpuaŋˌtumun | Noun. ‘Dog Island, island off the south coast of Karas’; ‘Pulau Anjing’ |
lemyar | ˈlemjar | Noun. ‘stone axe’; ‘kapak batu’ |
leng | leŋ | Noun. ‘village, beach with settlement, sometimes used more generally for place’; ‘kampung, tempat’ |
leng dek | leŋ dek | Phrase. ‘earthquake’; ‘tanah goyang, gempa bumi’ |
lenggalengga | leŋˌɡaleŋˈɡa | Noun. ‘chilli, sambal’; ‘rica, sambal’ |
Lenggon | leŋˈɡon | Noun. ‘Karas Darat, the two smaller Karas Islands’; ‘Karas Darat’ |
Lengleng | ˈleŋleŋ | Noun. ‘general name for the capes in Tanah Besar (southern tip of Bomberai Peninsula)’; ‘tanjung-tanjung di Tanah Besar’ |
lepalepa | ˌlepaˈlepa | Noun. ‘wooden canoe’; ‘perahu kayu, lepa-lepa, koli-koli’ |
lepir | ˈlepir | Noun. ‘rafter (of a roof)’; ‘rep, tiang kuda-kuda atap’ |
lerang | ˈleraŋ | Noun. ‘white gum, khaki gum’; ‘kayu putih’ |
les | les | Noun. ‘stem, part of the bow of a boat, part of house’; ‘les perahu, les rumah’ |
letma | letma | Transitive verb. ‘cut off a branch in one movement’; ‘potong jaga-jaga (kayu hidup)’ |
lewat | ˈlewat | Verb. ‘pass, go on’; ‘lewat’ |
licing | ˈliciŋ | Intransitive verb. ‘slippery, smooth’; ‘licin’ |
lidan | ˈlidan | Noun. ‘friend’; ‘teman’ |
lim | lim | Noun. ‘navel, belly button’; ‘pusar’ |
linggis | ˈliŋɡis | Noun. ‘dibble stick, tool for carving wood’; ‘linggis (alat untuk bikin lobang di dalam tanah), linggis (alat untuk potong kayu)’ |
liti | liˈti | Noun. ‘bracelet’; ‘gelang’ |
lo | lo | Verb. ‘consent, like’; ‘mau, setuju, suka’ |
Loflof | loflof | Noun. ‘Loflof, place on the water off biggest Karas island’; ‘Loflof, nama tempat air di Karas’ |
lohar | ˈlohar | Noun. ‘time of the Zuhr prayer, the Islamic midday daily prayer, when the sun is at its highest point’; ‘zuhor’ |
loi | loi | Adverbial modifier. ‘fast, quick’; ‘cepat’ |
Lokpon | lokpon | Noun. ‘Lokpon, place in Sebakor Bay’; ‘Lokpon, nama tempat di Teluk Sebakor’ |
loku | ˈloku | Verb. ‘catch (from above)’; ‘tangkap (dari atas)’ |
lokul | ˈlokul | Noun. ‘bark’; ‘kulit kayu’ |
lolok | ˈlolok | Noun. ‘leaf’; ‘daun’ |
lolok | ˈlolok | Noun. ‘money’; ‘uang’ |
lolouk | loˈlouk | Noun. ‘hole (in the ground)’; ‘lubang di tanah’ |
loncing | ˈlonciŋ | Noun. ‘watch’; ‘longcing, jam tangan’ |
lopalopa | ˌlopaˈlopa | Noun. ‘envelope made of woven tikal leaves’; ‘lopalopa, tempat daun tikar’ |
lopteng | lopˈteŋ | Noun. ‘bull/reef sharks’; ‘sejenis ikan hiu’ |
lorap | ˈlorap | Noun. ‘foundation (of a building)’; ‘fundasi’ |
los | los | Noun. ‘harbour, bridge, dock’; ‘pelabuhan, jembatan’ |
losing | ˈlosiŋ | Noun. ‘dozen’; ‘lusin’ |
lot | lot | Noun. ‘sinker, fishing lead, notch’; ‘lot, timah’ |
loup | loup | Noun. ‘butcherbirds, cockooshrikes, trillers, cicadabirds’; ‘jagal papua’ |
loup | loup | Noun. ‘kind of fruit (tree)’; ‘buah raus, warna kuning, 2cm, langsung makan, biji satu.’ |
lu | lu | Intransitive verb. ‘cold’; ‘dingin’ |
luam | luam | Verb. ‘murky (of seawater)’; ‘kabur laut’ |
luam | ˈluam | Verb. ‘sick to the stomach’; ‘mual, poro bagaruk’ |
luk | luk | Verb. ‘come’; ‘datang’ |
lusi | luˈsi | Noun. ‘eagle’; ‘burung rajawali’ |
lusi muaun | luˈsi muaˈun | Noun. ‘kind of tree’; ‘kayu elang’ |
lusi pep jiejie | luˈsi pep ˈjiejie | Noun. ‘kind of eagle that lives in the forest, brown-black, eats meat’; ‘sejenis burung rajawali, warna coklat-hitam’ |
m'm | mʔm | Interjection. ‘[agreement interjection], yes’; ‘iya’ |
ma | ma | Pronoun. ‘[third person singular], he, she, it’; ‘dia’ |
ma= | ma | Grammatical marker. ‘[causative]’; ‘[kausatif], kasih’ |
ma cicaun | ma cicaˈun | Noun. ‘lastborn’; ‘bungsu’ |
ma he me | ma he me | Phrase. ‘that's it, enough already’; ‘itu sudah’ |
ma temun | ma ˈtemun | Noun. ‘firstborn’; ‘sulung’ |
mabuk | mabuk | Verb. ‘drunk’; ‘mabuk’ |
madong | maˈdoŋ | Verb. ‘stretch, stretch out (body or body parts), untangle (fishing line)’; ‘lunjur, kasih lurus (kaki, badan, tali nika)’ |
magarip | maɡaˈrip | Noun. ‘time of the Maghrib prayer, the Islamic sunset daily prayer, around 6:30 PM’; ‘magrib’ |
-mahap | mahap | Grammatical marker. ‘all’; ‘semua’ |
Mahem | maˈhem | Noun. ‘Fakfak people, Iha/Kapaur speakers’; ‘orang Fakfak’ |
mahutak | maˈhutak | Pronoun. ‘he/she/it alone’; ‘dia sendiri’ |
main | main | Pronoun. ‘[third person singular possessive pronoun], his, hers, its’; ‘dia punya’ |
mais | maˈis | Verb. ‘not be good anymore (of food), spoiled’; ‘melek’ |
mal | mal | Noun. ‘big loincloth’; ‘cawat besar’ |
mal | mal | Noun. ‘general name for rabbitfish’; ‘ikan samandar rumput’ |
Malai | malai | Noun. ‘Malay, Indonesian (used mainly for language)’; ‘Melayu, Bahasa Indonesia’ |
malaikat | malaikat | Noun. ‘angel, sometimes used as (part of a) curse’; ‘malaikat’ |
Malaimang | maˈlaimaŋ | Noun. ‘Indonesian (language), Malay’; ‘Bahasa Indonesia’ |
malam | ˈmalam | Noun. ‘read prayers for the dead on Thursday at 4 or 5 PM’; ‘bikin malam, baca do'a roh’ |
malaouk | malaˈouk | Verb. ‘turn over’; ‘kasih terbalik’ |
malawan | malawan | Verb. ‘quarrel’; ‘melawan’ |
malelin | maˈlelin | Transitive verb. ‘keep something still’; ‘tahan dia tetap’ |
maliap | maˈliap | Noun. ‘golden rabbitfish’; ‘ikan samandar papan’ |
maling | maliŋ | Verb. ‘move something onto its side, tilt’; ‘kasih miring’ |
malkesi | malˈkesi | Noun. ‘kind of rabbitfish, two-barred rabbitfish’; ‘ikan samandar papan, ikan baronang, ikan samandar karang’ |
malor | malor | Noun. ‘loincloth’; ‘cawat’ |
malu | malu | Verb. ‘swear’; ‘maki’ |
mam | mam | Noun. ‘generic word for small insects, such as those found in flour or rice, or stink bugs, heteroptera, true bug’; ‘maimai di tepong atau beras, kutu busuk, kumbang busuk’ |
mama | ˈmama | Noun. ‘mama, mother’; ‘mama’ |
mama | ˈmama | Noun. ‘uncle, mother's brother’; ‘om, paman’ |
mama caun | ˈmama caˈun | Noun. ‘uncle, mother's younger brother’; ‘om kecil’ |
mama temun | ˈmama ˈtemun | Noun. ‘uncle, mother's older brother’; ‘om tua’ |
mambara | mamˈbara | Verb. ‘stand’; ‘berdiri’ |
mambon | mamˈbon | Verb. ‘[existential], there’; ‘ada’ |
Mamika | maˈmika | Noun. ‘name for the people of a place past Kaimana, called Kokonau people’; ‘orang Kokonau’ |
mamor | maˈmor | Noun. ‘hornbill’; ‘burung tahun’ |
mamun | maˈmun | Verb. ‘leave’; ‘kasih tinggal’ |
man | man | Noun. ‘handle of a short tool such as a knife or axe’; ‘ulu, pegangan’ |
manadu | məˈnadu | Noun. ‘taro’; ‘keladi, beda’ |
mang | maŋ | Intransitive verb. ‘bitter’; ‘pahit’ |
mang | maŋ | Noun. ‘language, voice’; ‘bahasa, suara’ |
manggamangga | maŋˌɡamaŋˈɡa | Noun. ‘gong’; ‘gong’ |
manggang | maŋˈɡaŋ | Transitive verb. ‘hang up’; ‘gantung’ |
manggaren | maŋɡaˈren | Verb. ‘crawl, creep (plants)’; ‘merayap, menjalar’ |
manggi | maŋˈɡi | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘sejenis ikan tefar’ |
mangmang | maŋˈmaŋ | Noun. ‘kind of tree’; ‘kayu pahit’ |
Mania | mania | Noun. ‘Mania, place in Karas district’; ‘Mania, nama tempat di Karas’ |
Maniem | maniem | Noun. ‘Maniem, coastal place on biggest Karas island’; ‘Maniem, nama tempat di Karas’ |
maniktambang | maˈniktamˌbaŋ | Noun. ‘brush turkey’; ‘burung gosong, burung kuau’ |
maniktapuri | maˈniktapuˌri | Noun. ‘crowned pigeon’; ‘goura, burung mamruk’ |
manman | manˈman | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘ikan pisau’ |
manyuor | manˈjuor | Verb. ‘adjust’; ‘kasih betul’ |
maorek | maoˈrek | Verb. ‘break down, to pull apart’; ‘rombak, bongkar’ |
maouk | maˈouk | Verb. ‘spit out’; ‘muntah dia keluar’ |
mara | ˈmara | Verb. ‘move landwards’; ‘ke darat, pi di darat’ |
marain | maˈrain | Pronoun. ‘he/she/it alone’; ‘dia sendiri’ |
maraok | maraˈok | Transitive verb. ‘crush’; ‘kasih hancur’ |
maraouk | maraˈouk | Verb. ‘put’; ‘taro’ |
mararak | maraˈrak | Verb. ‘dry, put on dry land’; ‘kasih kering’ |
marau | maˈrau | Noun. ‘gold’; ‘emas’ |
marmar | ˈmarmar | Verb. ‘walk’; ‘jalan’ |
marok | maˈrok | Verb. ‘mislead, joke with, fish using fish lures’; ‘bual, bawa jalan, tipu, pancing bual-bual ikan’ |
marua | ˈmarua | Verb. ‘move seawards’; ‘ke laut, pi di laut’ |
marum | maˈrum | Verb. ‘slice, cut’; ‘iris, potong’ |
marur | maˈrur | Noun. ‘mucus’; ‘ingus’ |
Mas | mas | Noun. ‘name of place on biggest Karas island. It is the beach on which the southern village of Karas island was previously located. That village is called Mas by the Indonesian administration, but it is now located at the beach called Sewa. Therefore, Kalamang speakers call the southern village Sewa when speaking Kalamang.’; ‘Mas’ |
masa | maˈsa | Verb. ‘dry in the sun’; ‘menjemur’ |
masak | maˈsak | Verb. ‘lift’; ‘angkat’ |
masal | maˈsal | Noun. ‘flying fish’; ‘ikan terbang’ |
masalaboung | maˌsalaˈbouŋ | Verb. ‘cut off the end of a stem or piece of wood’; ‘potong kasih jatuh (kalau potong kayu), lepas kayu’ |
masara | masaˈra | Verb. ‘move towards land’; ‘ke darat, pi di darat’ |
masarut | masaˈrut | Verb. ‘tear, rip’; ‘merobek’ |
masawin | masaˈwin | Noun. ‘centipede, scorpion’; ‘kaki seribu, kalajengkin’ |
maser | maˈser | Noun. ‘star, starfish’; ‘bintang, bintang laut’ |
masikit | maˈsikit | Noun. ‘mosque’; ‘mesjid’ |
masinul | masiˈnul | Noun. ‘dew’; ‘embun’ |
masir | maˈsir | Verb. ‘weed’; ‘pameri’ |
masoi | maˈsoi | Noun. ‘cuckoo (larger species)’; ‘wiwik, kangkok, burung masoi’ |
masok | maˈsok | Intransitive verb. ‘tied too tight’; ‘ikat kasih mati, talingkar’ |
masoki | maˈsoki | Verb. ‘shove’; ‘sorong’ |
masu | maˈsu | Verb. ‘search for fish at night with help of a light’; ‘balobi, menyulu (cari ikan pakai lampu)’ |
masuk | ˈmasuk | Verb. ‘enter’; ‘masuk’ |
Mata | maˈta | Noun. ‘Fakfak region inhabitants, Iha/Kapaur speakers’; ‘orang Fakfak, orang Kapaur’ |
mata bulang | ˈmata ˈbulaŋ | Noun. ‘kind of shell’; ‘batu laga’ |
mata dimdim | ˈmata ˈdimdim | Noun. ‘firefly’; ‘kunang-kunang’ |
matan sena | ˈmatan ˈsena | Noun. ‘kind of fish (used for the description of different fish, such as dottybacks and bigeyes)’; ‘sejenis ikan’ |
matur | maˈtur | Transitive verb. ‘drop’; ‘kasih jatuh’ |
mau | mau | Verb. ‘want’; ‘mau’ |
Mauka | mauka | Noun. ‘Mauka, coastal place on biggest Karas island’; ‘Mauka, nama tempat di Karas’ |
maulcie | maulcie | Intransitive verb. ‘crooked or bent’; ‘bengkok’ |
maulma | maulma | Transitive verb. ‘bend’; ‘kasi bengkok’ |
mawal | maˈwal | Intransitive verb. ‘thick’; ‘tebal’ |
mawin | ˈmawin | Verb. ‘feel good’; ‘rasa enak, senang’ |
mayilma | maˈjilma | Transitive verb. ‘turn over, flip’; ‘balebale’ |
me | me | Demonstrative. ‘[distal demonstrative], that’; ‘itu’ |
me | me | Grammatical marker. ‘[topic marker]’; ‘topik, itu’ |
mecua | ˈmecua | Verb. ‘save, store, put away, bury’; ‘simpan, taruh, kubur’ |
mei | mei | Verb. ‘come!’; ‘mari!’ |
meja | meɟa | Noun. ‘table’; ‘meja’ |
mel | mel | Noun. ‘mile (sea mile)’; ‘mil’ |
melebor | meˈlebor | Verb. ‘move to the side, get rid of’; ‘kasih keluar’ |
meleluo | meˈleluo | Verb. ‘sit’; ‘duduk’ |
mena | ˈmena | Conjunction. ‘[apprehensive], otherwise’; ‘nanti’ |
mena | ˈmena | Adverbial modifier. ‘later, soon, then’; ‘nanti’ |
mencari | mencari | Verb. ‘make a living, to go out to work’; ‘mencari’ |
mengerti | meŋerti | Verb. ‘understand’; ‘mengerti’ |
mengga | ˈmeŋɡa | Demonstrative. ‘[lative distal demonstrative], there, from there’; ‘ke situ, dari situ’ |
menyanyi | meɲaɲi | Verb. ‘sing’; ‘menyanyi’ |
mera | ˈmera | Interjection. ‘[interjection of downplay, obviousness or encouragement]’; ‘[kata seru "sudah mu" atau "tarada"]’ |
mera | ˈmera | Conjunction. ‘then, later, so’; ‘baru, jadi’ |
merar | ˈmerar | Noun. ‘mole’; ‘tahi lalat’ |
meraraouk | meraraouk | Verb. ‘cause to break or snap’; ‘kasi putus’ |
merengguen | mereŋˈɡuen | Verb. ‘heap, gather’; ‘kumpul’ |
meresawuo | meresawuo | Verb. ‘struggle’; ‘merontak’ |
mesan | ˈmesan | Noun. ‘gravestone’; ‘messa, batu nisau’ |
mesang | ˈmesaŋ | Noun. ‘gills’; ‘insang’ |
mesang | meˈsaŋ | Noun. ‘pulp, grounds’; ‘ampas’ |
met | met | Demonstrative. ‘[distal demonstrative, object form], that’; ‘itu’ |
metko | ˈmetko | Demonstrative. ‘[locative distal demonstrative], there’; ‘di situ’ |
mia | ˈmia | Verb. ‘come’; ‘datang’ |
miabes | ˈmiabes | Demonstrative. ‘[distal quantity demonstrative], that many’; ‘banyak begitu’ |
miarip | ˈmiarip | Demonstrative. ‘[distal quantity demonstrative for size], that tall, big, long’; ‘besar begitu’ |
miasen | ˈmiasen | Demonstrative. ‘[distal demonstrative of degree (distance)], that far’; ‘sampai di situ’ |
mier | mier | Pronoun. ‘[third person dual], they two’; ‘dong dua’ |
mikon | miˈkon | Intransitive verb. ‘full’; ‘penuh’ |
min | min | Noun. ‘liver, Adam's apple, throat, voice’; ‘hati’ |
min | min | Verb. ‘sleep’; ‘tidur’ |
minar | miˈnar | Noun. ‘larynx, Adam's apple’; ‘pangkal tenggorokan’ |
mindi | ˈmindi | Adverbial modifier. ‘like that’; ‘begitu’ |
ming | miŋ | Noun. ‘oil’; ‘minyak’ |
minggalot | miŋˈɡalot | Noun. ‘sleeping area, bed, bedroom’; ‘tempat tidur’ |
minggaruk | miŋˈɡaruk | Verb. ‘snore’; ‘mendengkur’ |
minggi | miŋɡi | Adverbial modifier. ‘[distal instrumental demonstrative], with that’; ‘pakai itu, dengan itu, [demonstratif distal instrumentalis]’ |
minggu | miŋɡu | Noun. ‘week, Sunday’; ‘minggu’ |
mingtun | ˈmiŋtun | Noun. ‘frying oil, palm oil’; ‘minyak goreng, minyak kelapa’ |
mintolma | minˈtolma | Verb. ‘cut a throat’; ‘sembeleh, potong tenggorak, potong leher’ |
minum | minum | Verb. ‘drink, drink alcohol’; ‘minum’ |
mirik | mirik | Verb. ‘sing’; ‘nyanyi’ |
mirik | mirik | Noun. ‘song’; ‘nyanyi’ |
mirkon | mirkon | Quantifier. ‘one (canoe)’; ‘satu perahu’ |
misilmisil | ˌmisilˈmisil | Noun. ‘cement floor’; ‘lantai semen’ |
mo | mo | Interjection. ‘[interjection used as a softener]’; ‘kata seru halus, "mo"’ |
mok | mok | Noun. ‘mug’; ‘mok’ |
momar | ˈmomar | Noun. ‘kind of small silver fish’; ‘ikan momar’ |
mon | mon | Intransitive verb. ‘quick’; ‘laju, cepat’ |
monkaret | monˈkaret | Intransitive verb. ‘lazy’; ‘malas’ |
mor | mor | Noun. ‘ingredient to make a dish sour, usually used for tamarind’; ‘asam, asam jawa’ |
mor | mor | Intransitive verb. ‘sour’; ‘asam’ |
mormor | ˈmormor | Verb. ‘hide’; ‘sembunyi’ |
mormor | ˈmormor | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘sejenis ikan bubara’ |
mososor | moˈsosor | Intransitive verb. ‘diligent’; ‘rajin’ |
mosun | ˈmosun | Noun. ‘season’; ‘musim’ |
motor | motor | Noun. ‘motor’; ‘motor’ |
mu | mu | Pronoun. ‘[third person plural], they’; ‘mereka, dorang’ |
muap | moap | Verb. ‘eat’; ‘makan’ |
muap | moap | Noun. ‘food’; ‘makanan’ |
muap sabur | muap ˈsabur | Noun. ‘sago tree’; ‘pohon sagu, tumang’ |
muap sabur kunun | ˈmuap ˈsabur ˈkunun | Noun. ‘sago flour’; ‘isi sagu, tumang’ |
muap sabur sangganun | ˈmuap ˈsabur saŋˈɡanun | Noun. ‘sago grub’; ‘ulat sagu’ |
muapsabursanong | muapsaˈbursaˌnoŋ | Noun. ‘sago leaf roof’; ‘atap daun sagu’ |
muawaruo | muaˈwaruo | Verb. ‘make food, cook’; ‘bikin makanan’ |
muawese | muaˈwese | Intransitive verb. ‘hungry’; ‘lapar’ |
muawesese | muaweˈsese | Verb. ‘very hungry, many hungry people’; ‘lapar sekali, banyak orang yang lapar’ |
mudi | ˈmudi | Verb. ‘throw’; ‘lempar’ |
muhutak | muˈhutak | Pronoun. ‘they alone’; ‘dong sendiri’ |
muin | muin | Pronoun. ‘[third person plural possessive pronoun], their’; ‘mereka punya’ |
muisese | muiˈsese | Intransitive verb. ‘hungry’; ‘lapar’ |
mujim | ˈmuɟim | Noun. ‘muezzin’; ‘mojin, mujin, mujim’ |
muk | muk | Verb. ‘let go of, to throw (esp. fishline)’; ‘lego’ |
muk | muk | Verb. ‘rock, shake one's head’; ‘goyang, angguk, menggelengkan kepala’ |
muka | muka | Noun. ‘muka’; ‘front’ |
mukmuk | ˈmukmuk | Verb. ‘rock, shake (e.g. a tree to harvest its fruits)’; ‘goyang’ |
muler | ˈmuler | Noun. ‘waist’; ‘pinggang’ |
Mulmul | mulmul | Noun. ‘place name’; ‘nama tempat’ |
mulun | muˈlun | Noun. ‘side’; ‘sebelah’ |
mulunggo | muˈluŋɡo | Verb. ‘beside, next to’; ‘di samping, di sebelah’ |
-mun | mun | Grammatical marker. ‘[prohibitive], don't’; ‘[prohibitif], jangan’ |
mun | mun | Noun. ‘citrus fruit, principally lime’; ‘pohon lemon, pohon jeruk, jeruk’ |
mun | mun | Noun. ‘louse, flea’; ‘kutu’ |
mun | mun | Intransitive verb. ‘rotten’; ‘busuk’ |
mun sunsun | mun ˈsunsun | Noun. ‘nit’; ‘telur kutu’ |
Munak | muˈnak | Noun. ‘Munak, place on south Bomberai shore’; ‘Munak, nama kampung di Teporat’ |
munaninggan | ˌmunaˈniŋɡan | Pronoun. ‘they all’; ‘dong semua’ |
munin | ˈmunin | Noun. ‘open-sea side of an island, usually meaning the biggest Karas island’; ‘pulau pu sebelah barat’ |
munmun | ˈmunmun | Verb. ‘delouse, search for fleas’; ‘cari kutu’ |
-mur | -mur | Grammatical marker. ‘[plural for kinship terms]’; ‘[sufiks jamak untuk hubungan kekerabatan]’ |
muradik | muˈradik | Noun. ‘kind of imperial pigeon’; ‘burung walu, warna hijau-putih’ |
murain | muˈrain | Pronoun. ‘they alone’; ‘dong sendiri’ |
murkumkum | murˈkumkum | Noun. ‘imperial pigeon kinds, white’; ‘burung merpati putih’ |
mursambuk | murˈsambuk | Noun. ‘kind of imperial pigeon, possibly nicobar pigeon’; ‘burung pombo warna coklat’ |
mus | mus | Verb. ‘peel and eat without using a knife, e.g. mango’; ‘kupas kulit dengan gigi, makan dengan gigi (tanpa pakai pisang), kaya mangga atau kendongdong’ |
musing | ˈmusiŋ | Noun. ‘leopard torpedo’; ‘sejenis ikan pari’ |
mustika | musˈtika | Noun. ‘pearl shell’; ‘mutiara’ |
mutam | ˈmutam | Noun. ‘tool for finding and killing fleas’; ‘rarout kutu’ |
mutil | ˈmutil | Noun. ‘marbles’; ‘kelereng’ |
-n | -n | Grammatical marker. ‘[nominal phoneme bleached in meaning]’; ‘[fonem nominal, tidak ada arti]’ |
-n | -n | Grammatical marker. ‘[verbal phoneme bleached in meaning]’; ‘[fonem verbal, tidak ada arti]’ |
na | na | Verb. ‘consume’; ‘minum, makan’ |
na= | na | Grammatical marker. ‘[causative marker on verbs starting with bilabial]’; ‘[kausatif], kasih’ |
nabaca | nabaca | Verb. ‘read’; ‘baca’ |
nabalas | nabalas | Verb. ‘answer’; ‘balas’ |
nabaris | nabaris | Verb. ‘line up’; ‘baras’ |
naberuak | nabeˈruak | Verb. ‘drop’; ‘kasih jatuh’ |
nabestai | nabesˈtai | Adverbial modifier. ‘well, with care’; ‘baik-baik’ |
nabestai bot | nabesˈtai bot | Phrase. ‘farewell phrase, lit. be careful on your way’; ‘hati-hati di jalan’ |
nabobar | naˈbobar | Verb. ‘scared and shiver’; ‘kaget minggigil’ |
nabuka | nabuka | Verb. ‘open’; ‘buka’ |
nabulis | nabulis | Verb. ‘roll’; ‘buntal’ |
nacerita | nacerita | Verb. ‘tell’; ‘cerita’ |
nacoba | nacoba | Verb. ‘try’; ‘coba’ |
nadadi | naˈdadi | Verb. ‘weave’; ‘tenun’ |
nadorong | nadoroŋ | Verb. ‘push’; ‘dorong’ |
nadou | naˈdou | Verb. ‘nod’; ‘angguk’ |
nafaduli | nafaˈduli | Verb. ‘care’; ‘peduli’ |
nafafat | naˈfafat | Verb. ‘slap with a hand’; ‘tampar, tampelen’ |
nafikir | naˈfikir | Verb. ‘think’; ‘pikir’ |
nagaris | naɡaris | Verb. ‘draw a line’; ‘garis’ |
nageiding | naˈɡeidiŋ | Verb. ‘grow a seedling (typically in a controlled environment in a garden or around the house)’; ‘beiding’ |
nagepi | naɡepi | Verb. ‘put a clothespin on something’; ‘gepi’ |
naharen | nahaˈren | Noun. ‘leftover’; ‘sisa’ |
nahimat | nahimat | Intransitive verb. ‘thrifty’; ‘hemat’ |
nahitung | nahituŋ | Verb. ‘count’; ‘hitung’ |
naiar | ˈnaiar | Noun. ‘lontar palm’; ‘pohon lontar’ |
nain | nain | Adverbial modifier. ‘like’; ‘macam’ |
nak | nak | Noun. ‘bigger fruits, such as pineapple, coconut or breadfruit, root vegetables such as potato or onion’; ‘buah besar, buah yang tumbuh di dalam tanah’ |
nak= | nak | Grammatical marker. ‘just’; ‘saja’ |
nakabung | naˈkabuŋ | Verb. ‘have stiff muscles, have stomach cramps’; ‘sesak’ |
nakafan | nakafan | Verb. ‘wrap in a cloth’; ‘kafan’ |
nakal | naˈkal | Noun. ‘head’; ‘kepala’ |
nakal pokpok | naˌkalˈpokpok | Noun. ‘fontanelle’; ‘ubun-ubun, fontanel’ |
nakirim | nakirim | Verb. ‘send’; ‘kirim’ |
nakucak | naˈkucak | Verb. ‘rub, to pulverise’; ‘kucak’ |
nakukus | nakukus | Verb. ‘steam (in the kitchen)’; ‘kukus’ |
naladur | naˈladur | Verb. ‘massage’; ‘pijit’ |
nalat | naˈlat | Verb. ‘die, dead’; ‘mati’ |
naloli | naˈloli | Verb. ‘mince, pestle’; ‘giling’ |
naluar | naluar | Verb. ‘slacken’; ‘haria’ |
nam | nam | Verb. ‘puddle’; ‘air yang terganan’ |
namakin | namaˈkin | Verb. ‘feel uncomfortable, feel creeped out’; ‘geli’ |
naman | ˈnaman | Intransitive verb. ‘deep’; ‘dalam’ |
naman | naˈman | Question word. ‘who’; ‘siapa’ |
namandi | namandi | Verb. ‘plane (wood)’; ‘desil’ |
namangadap | namaŋadap | Verb. ‘face’; ‘menghadap’ |
namasawuot | ˌnamasaˈwuot | Verb. ‘race, to chase’; ‘baku kejar, manggurebi’ |
namasuk | namaˈsuk | Verb. ‘give back’; ‘kasih kembali’ |
nambiain | nambiain | Noun. ‘starfruit’; ‘belimbing’ |
namenyasal | nameɲasal | Verb. ‘sorry, feel sorry, regret’; ‘menyesal’ |
namgon | namˈɡon | Intransitive verb. ‘married (woman)’; ‘kawin (perempuan)’ |
namin | naˈmin | Verb. ‘put to bed, put to sleep’; ‘kasih tidur’ |
namot | naˈmot | Verb. ‘secure, hinder, block’; ‘peli, menghalangi’ |
namun | ˈnamun | Noun. ‘her husband’; ‘dia pu laki’ |
namun caun | ˈnamun caun | Noun. ‘second (third, fourth) husband (after death of earlier husband)’; ‘suami kedua’ |
namusi | naˈmusi | Verb. ‘kiss, to press nose against cheek’; ‘mencium’ |
-nan | -nan | Grammatical marker. ‘too’; ‘lagi, juga’ |
nanam | ˈnanam | Noun. ‘east side of the big Karas island, side of an island facing the mainland’; ‘sebelah kampung pulau Karas besar, sebelah timor’ |
nanetkon | nanetkon | Verb. ‘eat, used as part of curse’; ‘sumpah’ |
nanggan | naŋɡan | Verb. ‘sing’; ‘menyanyi’ |
-naninggan | -naniŋɡan | Grammatical marker. ‘all’; ‘semua’ |
naon | naon | Quantifier. ‘one (fruit)’; ‘satu buah’ |
napaki | naˈpaki | Verb. ‘use, wear’; ‘pakai’ |
naparis | naˈparis | Verb. ‘claw, scratch’; ‘cakar, gali-gali’ |
napasang | naˈpasaŋ | Verb. ‘put up, install’; ‘pasang’ |
napinda | napinda | Verb. ‘move’; ‘pinda’ |
napinjam | napinɟam | Verb. ‘lend, borrow’; ‘pinjam’ |
napinjang | naˈpinɟaŋ | Verb. ‘borrow’; ‘pinjam’ |
naputus | naputus | Verb. ‘break’; ‘putus’ |
nar | nar | Noun. ‘egg’; ‘telur’ |
narabir | naˈrabir | Verb. ‘shout, make noise’; ‘ribut’ |
naram | naˈram | Verb. ‘massage, rub, press’; ‘tindis’ |
naramas | naˈramas | Verb. ‘squeeze’; ‘meramas’ |
narampas | narampas | Verb. ‘grab’; ‘rampas’ |
narari | naˈrari | Verb. ‘slice, especially vegetables’; ‘iris’ |
naras | naˈras | Verb. ‘fight’; ‘berkelahi’ |
narasa | narasa | Verb. ‘taste’; ‘rasa’ |
narasaun | narasaun | Noun. ‘taste’; ‘rasa’ |
narawi | naˈrawi | Verb. ‘winnow, filter (rice or corn) by throwing the product in the air, thus separating the chaff from the grains’; ‘kipas, kasih keluar kotornya dari beras atau jagung’ |
narekin | naˈrekin | Verb. ‘count’; ‘hitung’ |
narer | narer | Verb. ‘plug’; ‘sumbat’ |
nares | naˈres | Verb. ‘too heavy to bear’; ‘teralu berat’ |
Narkon | narkon | Noun. ‘Narkon, the name of a small island (rock) off the coast between Mas and Antalisa’; ‘Narkon’ |
narkon | narkon | Quantifier. ‘one (round thing)’; ‘satu buah, satu biji’ |
naroman | naˈroman | Verb. ‘lean on one's chin’; ‘tongka’ |
narorar | naˈrorar | Verb. ‘lead, take by the hand, drag’; ‘tondah, ganding, slep’ |
narorik | naˈrorik | Verb. ‘run (a canoe) aground’; ‘kasih kandas’ |
naruba | naruba | Verb. ‘change’; ‘ruba’ |
narun | naˈrun | Noun. ‘egg, seed’; ‘telur, biji’ |
narur | narur | Verb. ‘run aground’; ‘kasih kandas’ |
nasalen | nasaˈlen | Intransitive verb. ‘completely opened (of window or door)’; ‘paling terbuka’ |
nasalik | naˈsalik | Verb. ‘circumcise’; ‘sunat’ |
nasambian | nasamˈbian | Verb. ‘go to or hold a religious service’; ‘sembayang’ |
nasambung | nasambuŋ | Verb. ‘connect’; ‘sambung’ |
nasandar | naˈsandar | Verb. ‘dock, lean’; ‘sandar’ |
nasangginggir | nasaŋˈɡiŋɡir | Verb. ‘sail hugging the coast’; ‘jalan hasa’ |
nasanggur | naˈsaŋɡur | Verb. ‘rinse (e.g. clothes)’; ‘sepul, spul’ |
nasawawi | nasaˈwawi | Verb. ‘squint’; ‘memicingkan mata’ |
naseduk | naˈseduk | Verb. ‘pull’; ‘tarik’ |
nasek | naˈsek | Verb. ‘break the fast of Ramadan’; ‘batal’ |
nasesak | naˈsesak | Intransitive verb. ‘high tide’; ‘air penuh’ |
nasibur | naˈsibur | Verb. ‘recite’; ‘mengaji’ |
nasirang | nasiraŋ | Verb. ‘pour’; ‘siram’ |
nasiwik | nasiwik | Verb. ‘open a can or a box’; ‘buka kaleng, buka dos’ |
nasomit | naˈsomit | Verb. ‘boil’; ‘colo, rebus’ |
nasuarik | naˈsuarik | Verb. ‘scattered, split’; ‘tabur, terhambur’ |
nasuat | naˈsuat | Verb. ‘pull the strips of a woven thing to make it neat, or to tuck in its loose ends’; ‘tusuk atau tarik daun tikar’ |
nasuena | naˈsuena | Noun. ‘sugar’; ‘gula’ |
nasuk | naˈsuk | Verb. ‘go backwards’; ‘mundur’ |
nasula | naˈsula | Verb. ‘dance (traditionally)’; ‘menari’ |
nasula | naˈsula | Noun. ‘traditional dance’; ‘menari’ |
nasusun | nasusun | Verb. ‘stack’; ‘susun’ |
natada | naˈtada | Verb. ‘collect (water)’; ‘tada’ |
natanda | natanda | Verb. ‘sign’; ‘tanda’ |
natangkis | nataŋkis | Verb. ‘prevent’; ‘tangkis’ |
natawar | naˈtawar | Verb. ‘use prayer water’; ‘bikin air berdo'a’ |
natekin | natekin | Verb. ‘make a sign (e.g. with the hands)’; ‘bikin tanda’ |
natewa | naˈtewa | Verb. ‘punch’; ‘palonko’ |
natobat | natobat | Verb. ‘repent’; ‘tobat’ |
natora | natora | Verb. ‘get better’; ‘tolak’ |
natuka | naˈtuka | Verb. ‘peck, nibble’; ‘tetuk’ |
natukar | natukar | Verb. ‘prick’; ‘tetok’ |
natulis | naˈtulis | Verb. ‘write’; ‘tulis’ |
natumis | naˈtumis | Verb. ‘stir-fry’; ‘tumis’ |
natunggu | natuŋɡu | Verb. ‘wait’; ‘tunggu’ |
nau= | nau | Grammatical marker. ‘[reciprocal], [distributive]’; ‘[resiprokal], baku’ |
nauanona | nauaˈnona | Verb. ‘tidy, balance (e.g. of a wooden canoe by cutting off wood), clean or process wood’; ‘simpan, kasih lurus perahu, kasih bersih kayu’ |
naubes | naubes | Verb. ‘make up, make peace’; ‘baku damai’ |
nauhalar | ˈnauhalar | Verb. ‘get married’; ‘(baku) nika’ |
naukaia | nauˈkaia | Verb. ‘mate’; ‘kawin (binatang)’ |
naukia | nauˈkai | Intransitive verb. ‘siblings’; ‘baku saudara’ |
naukiaka | naukiaˈka | Intransitive verb. ‘siblings’; ‘adik-kakak’ |
naulanggos | naulaŋˈɡos | Intransitive verb. ‘with crossed arms or legs’; ‘pangku kaki atau tangan’ |
nauleluk | ˈnauleluk | Verb. ‘meet’; ‘baku ketemu’ |
naun | naˈun | Noun. ‘fruit’; ‘buah’ |
naun | naˈun | Noun. ‘soil’; ‘tanah’ |
naun kerkap | naun kerˈkap | Noun. ‘clay, red soil’; ‘tanah merah’ |
naunak | naˈunak | Ditransitive verb. ‘show’; ‘memperlihatkan, kasi tunjuk’ |
naunin | naˈunin | Verb. ‘mark, recognise’; ‘kasih tanda, kenal’ |
naunin | naˈunin | Noun. ‘sign, mark’; ‘tanda’ |
naupar | nauˈpar | Noun. ‘morning’; ‘pagi’ |
naurar | naˈurar | Verb. ‘turn around, circle, play music on an electronic device, wander’; ‘putar, putar lagu, putar jalan’ |
nausair | ˈnausair | Verb. ‘fight with weapons, at war’; ‘baku tembak, perang’ |
nauwar | nauwar | Noun. ‘news’; ‘kabar’ |
nauwar tamandi | nauwar tamandi | Phrase. ‘how are you, lit. how is the news’; ‘apa kabar’ |
nawali | nawali | Verb. ‘return’; ‘balik’ |
nawan | naˈwan | Verb. ‘serve food’; ‘melayani, timba, sendok makanan taruh di piring’ |
nawanen | nawaˈnen | Verb. ‘load’; ‘muat’ |
nawanggar | naˈwaŋɡar | Verb. ‘wait’; ‘tunggu’ |
nawarak | nawarak | Verb. ‘close off with a plank’; ‘kancing papan’ |
nawarar | nawaˈrar | Transitive verb. ‘wake someone up’; ‘kasih bangun’ |
nawarir | nawarir | Intransitive verb. ‘high’; ‘tinggi’ |
nawaruok | nawaˈruok | Verb. ‘unload (from a vehicle)’; ‘kasih turun’ |
nawas | naˈwas | Verb. ‘carry close to one's chest’; ‘gendong’ |
nawerar | naˈwerar | Verb. ‘make, do’; ‘bikin’ |
nawol | naˈwol | Verb. ‘stick onto, paste’; ‘tempel’ |
nayie | najie | Verb. ‘stuck’; ‘tagai’ |
-ne | -ne | Grammatical marker. ‘[demonstrative suffix]’; ‘[sufiks demonstratif]’ |
neba | ˈneba | Grammatical marker. ‘[placeholder]’; ‘kata pengisi’ |
neba | ˈneba | Question word. ‘what’; ‘apa’ |
nebara paruo | neˈbara ˈparuo | Phrase. ‘greeting, lit. what are you doing’; ‘bikin apa’ |
nebidangat | neˈbidaŋat | Noun. ‘halfbeak, a kind of fish’; ‘ikan julung besar’ |
nebir | ˈnebir | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘ikan julung’ |
neko | ˈneko | Noun. ‘inside’; ‘di dalam’ |
nemies | nemies | Intransitive verb. ‘exceed’; ‘lewat’ |
nene | neˈne | Noun. ‘cicada’; ‘jangkrik’ |
nenggap | neŋˈɡata | Question word. ‘why, what’; ‘kenapa, apa’ |
nerun | neˈrun | Noun. ‘inside’; ‘dalam’ |
nerunggo | neˈruŋɡo | Noun. ‘inside’; ‘di dalam’ |
newa | ˈnewa | Intransitive verb. ‘the same (length, height, breadth), fit’; ‘pas’ |
newas | ˈnewas | Verb. ‘strand, stranded’; ‘terdampar, terlempar’ |
newer | neˈwer | Verb. ‘pay’; ‘bayar’ |
newer | neˈwer | Noun. ‘payment’; ‘pembayaran’ |
nika | ˈnika | Noun. ‘fishing line’; ‘tali nika, tali pancing’ |
nika | nika | Noun. ‘marriage’; ‘nika’ |
=nin | nin | Grammatical marker. ‘[predicate negator]’; ‘[negasi predikatif], tidak’ |
nina | ˈnina | Noun. ‘grandmother’; ‘nenek’ |
ninanus | ninaˈnus | Noun. ‘great-grandmother, female ancestor’; ‘moyang perempuan’ |
ning | niŋ | Verb. ‘ill, sick, hurt’; ‘sakit’ |
ning | niŋ | Noun. ‘illness’; ‘penyakit’ |
nokin | ˈnokin | Verb. ‘silent’; ‘diam’ |
noknok | nokˈnok | Verb. ‘whisper’; ‘bisikbisik’ |
nop | nop | Noun. ‘kind of bamboo used for storing water’; ‘bambu air’ |
nu | nu | Verb. ‘make machine noise’; ‘bunyi mesin’ |
numur | numur | Noun. ‘number’; ‘nomor’ |
nun | nun | Noun. ‘sound’; ‘bunyi’ |
nung | nuŋ | Verb. ‘hide’; ‘sembunyi’ |
nunggununggu | nuŋˈɡunuŋˌɡu | Noun. ‘kind of snail’; ‘sejenis siput’ |
nunun | nuˈnun | Verb. ‘close one's eyes’; ‘tutup mata’ |
nyanyi | ɲaɲi | Noun. ‘song’; ‘nyanyi’ |
=o | o | Grammatical marker. ‘[conditional]’; ‘[kondisional]’ |
o | oː | Interjection. ‘[emphatic interjection]’; ‘[kata seru, "o"]’ |
ododa | oˈdoda | Noun. ‘gado-gado (an Indonesian dish)’; ‘gado-gado’ |
ofin | ˈofin | Noun. ‘oven’; ‘ofen’ |
oh | oh | Interjection. ‘[interjection expressing surprise]’; ‘[kata seru kejutan]’ |
oioi | oiˈoi | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘tanggiri kambing’ |
okmang | okmaŋ | Verb. ‘scream in order to scare or to give an order’; ‘teriak kasih kaget atau kasih aba-aba’ |
olol | oˈlol | Verb. ‘collect (water)’; ‘tada (air)’ |
olun | ˈolun | Noun. ‘leaf’; ‘daun’ |
onda | ˈonda | Noun. ‘barracuda’; ‘ikan waluwalu’ |
ongkos | oŋkos | Noun. ‘expenses’; ‘ongkos’ |
opa | ˈopa | Demonstrative. ‘[anaphoric demonstrative, used for referents available in discourse or part of common ground]’; ‘tadi, yang tadi’ |
opa | ˈopa | Adverbial modifier. ‘earlier’; ‘tadi, tadi ini’ |
opa yuwa | ˈopa ˈjua | Adverbial modifier. ‘today, earlier today’; ‘hari ini, tadi ini’ |
opatun | oˈpatun | Adverbial modifier. ‘now’; ‘sekarang’ |
or | or | Noun. ‘back, tail’; ‘belakang, ekor’ |
ora | ora | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘ikan taruri’ |
oras | ˈoras | Noun. ‘time (of the day)’; ‘waktu, jam’ |
oronggos | oroŋˈɡos | Noun. ‘redtoothed triggerfish’; ‘ikan pogopogo, ikan kulit tebal’ |
orun | ˈorun | Noun. ‘tail, back’; ‘ekor, belakang’ |
os | os | Noun. ‘sand’; ‘pasir’ |
os barikbarik | os ˌbarikˈbarik | Noun. ‘nerite shell’; ‘sejenis siput yang tinggal di pinggir-pinggir batu’ |
os kibi | os ˈkibi | Noun. ‘kind of sea cucumber, possibly lolly fish sea cucumber’; ‘tripang polos’ |
Os Tumun | os tumun | Noun. ‘Os Tumun, beach on biggest Karas island’; ‘Os Tumun, nama tempat di Karas’ |
osa | ˈosa | Demonstrative. ‘[elevational], up (there)’; ‘di atas (sana), di darat’ |
osatko | oˈsatko | Demonstrative. ‘up there’; ‘di atas’ |
osep | oˈsep | Noun. ‘beach’; ‘pantai’ |
osie | ˈosie | Verb. ‘rest’; ‘istirahat’ |
oskeit | osˈkeit | Noun. ‘on/at the beach’; ‘di pantai, di pasir’ |
oskol | ˈoskol | Noun. ‘edge of the beach close to a cape’; ‘ujung pasir’ |
osmarera | osmaˈrera | Noun. ‘wrasse’; ‘ikan kulit licin, ikan wrasse’ |
ospulpul | osˈpulpul | Noun. ‘species of white fish with a thick skin’; ‘ikan kulit tebal putih’ |
Ostem | ostem | Noun. ‘Ostem, beach on biggest Karas island’; ‘Ostem, nama tempat di Karas’ |
our | our | Verb. ‘fall down (of rain)’; ‘turun (dengan hujan saja)’ |
owa | ˈowa | Demonstrative. ‘[far distal], over there’; ‘di situ’ |
owangga | oˈwaŋɡa | Demonstrative. ‘[lative far distal], from over there, over there’; ‘dari situ, ke situ’ |
owatko | oˈwatko | Demonstrative. ‘[locative far distal], over there’; ‘di situ’ |
pabalet | pabaˈlet | Noun. ‘fly’; ‘lalat’ |
pabie | paˈbie | Verb. ‘carry on the back (like a backpack or with help of a string around the head)’; ‘jinjing’ |
pabiep | pabiep | Noun. ‘club’; ‘kayu pemukul’ |
padamual | padaˈmual | Noun. ‘kind of pandanus, the one used most commonly for making mats’; ‘sejenis daun tikar’ |
paden | paˈden | Noun. ‘pole’; ‘tiang’ |
paden raor | paden raor | Noun. ‘pole under a beam inside a house’; ‘tiang?’ |
paden tabur | paˈden taˈbur | Noun. ‘king post’; ‘tiang gorden, kuda-kuda (yang ti tengah di sisi rumah)’ |
padewaden | ˌpadeˈwaden | Noun. ‘poles, rafters’; ‘tiang-tiang, kuda-kuda rumah’ |
padi | ˈpadi | Noun. ‘rice hull, rice plant’; ‘padi beras, tanaman padi’ |
paer | ˈpaer | Noun. ‘kind of venus clam’; ‘sejenis ciput besar (10cm) yang tinggal di lumpur atau manggi-manggi’ |
pahercie | pahercie | Intransitive verb. ‘opened’; ‘terbuka’ |
paherma | paˈherma | Verb. ‘open the eyes, open (vulgar, possibly sexually meant)’; ‘buka mata, buka’ |
paisor | paiˈsor | Noun. ‘sea current’; ‘arus di laut’ |
paisor kesun | paiˈsor keˈsun | Noun. ‘spiral coral’; ‘tali arus’ |
pak | pak | Verb. ‘chew’; ‘kunyah’ |
pak | pak | Noun. ‘kind of poisonous plant, used for poisoning fish’; ‘kayu buah jiku empat’ |
pak | pak | Noun. ‘moon, month’; ‘bulan’ |
pak | pak | Noun. ‘moonfish, spadefish’; ‘ikan bulan’ |
pak | pak | Noun. ‘nail (metal)’; ‘paku’ |
pak mangmang | pak ˈmaŋmaŋ | Noun. ‘kind of medicinal plant’; ‘daun tumbu daun’ |
pak talawak | pak ˈtalawak | Noun. ‘new moon’; ‘bulan baru’ |
pak tubak | pak ˈtubak | Phrase. ‘full moon’; ‘bulan purnama’ |
pakmang | pakˈmaŋ | Verb. ‘explode, make an explosive sound’; ‘meledak’ |
Pakpak | pakˈpak | Noun. ‘Fakfak, the regency capital’; ‘Fakfak’ |
pakpak | ˈpakpak | Verb. ‘braid’; ‘cacing rambut, anyam’ |
paksa | ˈpaksa | Verb. ‘force’; ‘paksa’ |
paksanual | pasaˈnual | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘sejenis ikan kaya ikan anjang’ |
paku | paku | Verb. ‘nail’; ‘paku’ |
palang | paˈlaŋ | Noun. ‘bird's nest fern’; ‘sejenis pakis, sejenis benalu’ |
palawak | palaˈwak | Intransitive verb. ‘slippery’; ‘licin’ |
pale | paˈle | Verb. ‘make a bamboo floor by tying the pieces together with string’; ‘ikat-ikat, anyam bambu’ |
palom | paˈlom | Noun. ‘spit’; ‘ludah’ |
palom | paˈlom | Verb. ‘spit’; ‘meludah’ |
panci | panci | Noun. ‘pan’; ‘panci’ |
pandoki | panˈdoki | Noun. ‘nypa palm’; ‘daun nipa, daun rumbia’ |
pang | paŋ | Noun. ‘summit’; ‘puncak’ |
pang | paŋ | Noun. ‘washing tub’; ‘baskom’ |
panggal | ˈpaŋɡal | Noun. ‘spider conch (a shell)’; ‘ciput madiki besar’ |
panggala | paŋˈɡala | Noun. ‘cassava’; ‘kasbi, singkong, ubi kayu’ |
panggala | paŋɡaˈla | Intransitive verb. ‘swollen’; ‘bengkak’ |
panggat | paŋˈɡat | Noun. ‘measure: the distance between thumb and middle finger, or thumb and pinky’; ‘langkah, jarak antara ibu jari dan jari tengah atau kelingking’ |
panggat | paŋˈɡat | Noun. ‘step, big step’; ‘langkah’ |
panggat | paŋˈɡat | Verb. ‘walk with big steps’; ‘melangkah’ |
panggatpanggat | paŋˈɡatˌpaŋɡat | Noun. ‘caterpillar’; ‘ulat’ |
panggawangga | paŋˈɡawaŋˌɡa | Noun. ‘leech’; ‘lintah’ |
panggut | ˈpaŋɡut | Noun. ‘some kind of tool for wood’; ‘pangut’ |
paning | paˈniŋ | Verb. ‘ask (a favour), call (for help)’; ‘minta, panggil’ |
panok | paˈnok | Verb. ‘order, ask for permission’; ‘pesan, janji’ |
panok | paˈnok | Noun. ‘order, permission’; ‘pesanan, janji’ |
panok mecuan | panok ˈmecuan | Noun. ‘confirmation (of an appointment)’; ‘taruh janji’ |
panokpanok | ˌpanokˈpanok | Verb. ‘ask permission to leave’; ‘pesan-pesan’ |
panpan | panˈpan | Noun. ‘limpet shell’; ‘sejenis siput kulit cepeu’ |
paos | paˈos | Noun. ‘mud’; ‘lumpur tana, pecek’ |
parai | paˈrai | Noun. ‘owl’; ‘burung hantu’ |
parair | paraˈir | Verb. ‘split, cut lengthwise, break (of glass, earthenware or plastic)’; ‘belah, pecah’ |
parambura | parambura | Noun. ‘curse’; ‘penyakit’ |
paramua | paraˈmua | Verb. ‘cut’; ‘potong’ |
paramuang | paraˈmuaŋ | Noun. ‘crocodile’; ‘buaya’ |
paran | paˈran | Verb. ‘put up a wall’; ‘pasang dinding, peli dinding’ |
paransik | paranˈsik | Intransitive verb. ‘near’; ‘dekat’ |
Parar | parar | Noun. ‘Fatar, island off the south coast of Bomberai’; ‘Fatar, nama tempat di Bomberai selatan’ |
parar | paˈrar | Verb. ‘wake up, to get up’; ‘bangun’ |
parara | paraˈra | Verb. ‘extend on the floor or ground, e.g. a mat’; ‘alas, alas tikar’ |
pararuo | paraˈruo | Verb. ‘fly’; ‘terbang’ |
paras | păˈras | Noun. ‘embers’; ‘bara’ |
parein | paˈrein | Ditransitive verb. ‘sell’; ‘jual’ |
pareinun | paˈreinun | Noun. ‘price’; ‘harga’ |
pareir | paˈreir | Verb. ‘follow’; ‘ikut’ |
parenta | parenta | Verb. ‘command’; ‘perinta’ |
paritman | paˈritman | Verb. ‘claw’; ‘cakar, garasi’ |
parlu | parlu | Verb. ‘need’; ‘perlu’ |
parok | parok | Noun. ‘limb extremity (finger; toe)’; ‘jari’ |
paror | paˈror | Noun. ‘raised platform, typically found under a tree in public space or as a terrace by a house on the shore’; ‘gang, parapara’ |
parua | paˈrua | Verb. ‘pluck, pick’; ‘petik’ |
paruak | paˈruak | Verb. ‘throw aside, throw away, drop’; ‘buang, lepas’ |
parun | paˈrun | Noun. ‘wing (of a bird or insect), fin (of a fish)’; ‘sayap, sirip’ |
paruo | ˈparuo | Verb. ‘do, make’; ‘bikin’ |
paruok | paˈruok | Verb. ‘exit (from a room or a vehicle), fruit’; ‘turun (dari perahu atau rumah), turun buah’ |
paruowaruo | ˌparuoˈwaruo | Verb. ‘do duratively or habitually, make continuously or habitually’; ‘bikinbikin’ |
pas | pas | Adverbial modifier. ‘exactly’; ‘pas’ |
pas | pas | Noun. ‘female, woman’; ‘perempuan’ |
pas | pas | Verb. ‘fit’; ‘pas’ |
pasa | ˈpasa | Noun. ‘rice’; ‘beras, nasi’ |
pasar | pasar | Noun. ‘market’; ‘pasar’ |
pasarom | pasaˈrom | Noun. ‘ambarella, June plum’; ‘kedondong’ |
pasiem | paˈsiem | Noun. ‘yellow taro’; ‘keladi kuning’ |
pasienggara bot | pasieŋˈɡara bot | Verb. ‘defecate’; ‘buang air’ |
pasiep | paˈsiep | Verb. ‘expel’; ‘usir’ |
pasier | paˈsier | Noun. ‘sea’; ‘laut, air garam’ |
pasier up | paˈsier up | Phrase. ‘calm sea, a sea with no or small waves’; ‘laut tidur, ombak kecil’ |
pasierbol | paˈsierbol | Noun. ‘shore’; ‘pinggir laut’ |
pasirwasir | ˌpasirˈwasir | Noun. ‘slightly salty (of food that isn't supposed to be salty, like cake), brackish (of water)’; ‘sedikit asin, air payau, air salobar’ |
paskot | pasˈkot | Noun. ‘widow’; ‘duda perempuan’ |
pasor | paˈsor | Verb. ‘fry’; ‘goreng’ |
pasparin | pasˈparin | Noun. ‘bride price’; ‘belis, emas kawin, harta perempuan’ |
pat | pat | Verb. ‘sew’; ‘jahit’ |
pat | pat | Noun. ‘wing, fin’; ‘sayap, sirip’ |
patin | paˈtin | Noun. ‘sore, wound’; ‘luka’ |
patin | paˈtin | Intransitive verb. ‘wounded’; ‘luka, terluka’ |
patin ter | paˈtin ter | Noun. ‘scar’; ‘bekas luka’ |
Patipi | paˈtipi | Noun. ‘Onin people’; ‘orang Onin’ |
pau | pau | Verb. ‘cook in an earth oven’; ‘bakar batu’ |
pau | pau | Noun. ‘earth oven (filled with hot stones, covered with leaves and earth, no longer in use by Kalamang)’; ‘tempat untuk bakar batu’ |
pawan | paˈwan | Noun. ‘plank, board’; ‘papan’ |
pawan tabak | pawan tabak | Noun. ‘short top plank of a canoe’; ‘papan pendek’ |
payiem | paˈjiem | Verb. ‘fill’; ‘isi’ |
-pe | pe | Grammatical marker. ‘[first person plural inclusive possessive suffix], our’; ‘[sufiks posesif inklusif jamak first person], kita punya’ |
pearip | peˈarip | Noun. ‘water stored between roots of a big tree’; ‘air di bandar kayu atau di akar-akar kayu’ |
pebis | ˈpebis | Noun. ‘woman’; ‘perempuan’ |
Pebis Ruomun | pebis ruomun | Noun. ‘Pebis Ruomun, a coastal place on biggest Karas island’; ‘Pebis Ruomun, nama tempat di Karas’ |
peik | peik | Noun. ‘kind of tree’; ‘pohon matoa’ |
pel | pel | Noun. ‘bunch (of e.g. bananas)’; ‘sisir’ |
pel | pel | Verb. ‘cut or split a bunch of bananas’; ‘potong sisir’ |
pelalang | peˈlalaŋ | Noun. ‘hot water’; ‘air panas’ |
pelelu | peleˈlu | Noun. ‘cold evening wind from the mountain/forest’; ‘angin salju, angin dingin malam, sibu-sibu’ |
peler | peˈler | Noun. ‘mast’; ‘tiang kapal’ |
pen | pen | Intransitive verb. ‘tasty, sweet’; ‘enak, manis’ |
penyakit | peɲakit | Noun. ‘illness (used as part of a curse)’; ‘penyakit’ |
penyakit kat nanetkon | peɲakit kat nanetkon | Phrase. ‘curse, "may an illness eat you!"’; ‘sumpah, "penyakit makan kau!"’ |
pep | pep | Noun. ‘pig’; ‘babi’ |
Pepgor Karimun | ˈpepɡor kaˈrimun | Noun. ‘Pepgor Karimun, promontory at biggest Karas island’; ‘Tanjung Babi (di pulau Karas)’ |
Pepmang | pepmaŋ | Noun. ‘Indonesian’; ‘bahasa Malay, bahasa Indonesia’ |
per | per | Noun. ‘water’; ‘air’ |
per iriskap | per iˈriskap | Noun. ‘drinking water’; ‘air putih, air minum’ |
per kerkap | per kerˈkap | Noun. ‘tea’; ‘teh’ |
per kuskap | per kusˈkap | Noun. ‘coffee’; ‘kopi’ |
per natawarten | per ˌnataˈwarten | Noun. ‘kind of holy water used in local medicine’; ‘air yang berdo'a, air tawar’ |
per paiwai | per ˈpaiwai | Noun. ‘dragonfly’; ‘capung’ |
per pasirwasir | per ˌpasirˈwasir | Noun. ‘brackish water’; ‘air tawar, air selobar, air yang mau asin sedikit’ |
perbol | ˈperbol | Noun. ‘river bank (lit. watermouth)’; ‘tepi sungai’ |
perki | ˈperki | Noun. ‘waterfall’; ‘air terjung’ |
perna | perna | Adverbial modifier. ‘ever’; ‘perna’ |
pertam | perˈtam | Noun. ‘tears’; ‘air mata’ |
perusahan | perusahan | Noun. ‘company, sometimes used to refer to Malakuli, the village on the mainland, because there used to be a logging company there’; ‘perusahan’ |
pes | pes | Verb. ‘peel bit by bit, using a knife or hand’; ‘kupas’ |
pes | pes | Noun. ‘peel, skin, shell’; ‘kulit’ |
pesawat | pesawat | Noun. ‘plane’; ‘pesawat’ |
pesawesa | peˌsaweˈsa | Noun. ‘spatula (kitchen utensil)’; ‘bilabila’ |
pespes | ˈpespes | Noun. ‘leftovers (after peeling), trash’; ‘sampa (sesudah kupas)’ |
peti | ˈpeti | Noun. ‘box, suitcase’; ‘kotak’ |
pi | pi | Pronoun. ‘[first person plural inclusive pronoun], we’; ‘kita’ |
pier | pier | Pronoun. ‘[first person dual inclusive], we two’; ‘kita dua’ |
pihutak | piˈhutak | Pronoun. ‘we alone’; ‘kita sendiri’ |
pikiran | pikiran | Noun. ‘thoughts’; ‘pikiran’ |
pin | pin | Pronoun. ‘[first person plural inclusive possessive pronoun], our’; ‘kita punya’ |
pinaninggan | ˌpinaˈniŋɡan | Pronoun. ‘we all’; ‘kita semua’ |
pingan | ˈpiŋan | Noun. ‘plate’; ‘piring’ |
Pinggor | piŋɡor | Noun. ‘Pinggor’; ‘Pinggor’ |
pirain | piˈrain | Pronoun. ‘we alone’; ‘kita sendiri’ |
pirawilak | piˈrawiˌlak | Noun. ‘kind of tree’; ‘kayu mata buta’ |
-pis | pis | Grammatical marker. ‘side’; ‘sebelah’ |
Pisor | pisor | Noun. ‘Pisor, coastal place on biggest Karas island’; ‘Pisor, nama tempat di Karas’ |
pitis | ˈpitis | Noun. ‘money’; ‘uang’ |
pitisnaharen | piˈtisˌnaharen | Noun. ‘change (money)’; ‘uang sisa’ |
po | po | Noun. ‘breadfruit’; ‘sukun’ |
po | po | Verb. ‘dock, anchor’; ‘berlabu’ |
poar | ˈpoar | Noun. ‘miter (shell), also auger’; ‘siput bor’ |
pokpok | pokpok | Noun. ‘small motor’; ‘pokpok’ |
pol | pol | Verb. ‘compact and smooth, e.g. of a wooden or stone construction or a bag of granular things’; ‘padat’ |
pol | pol | Noun. ‘sap, latex, gum’; ‘tewer, geta’ |
polas | ˈpolas | Verb. ‘cut slices or bits’; ‘potong panggal-panggal’ |
polas | ˈpolas | Noun. ‘slice, piece’; ‘sepotong, sepanggal’ |
polkayak | polˈkajak | Noun. ‘papaya’; ‘pepaya’ |
ponggul | poŋɡul | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘ikan ponggul’ |
porkang | porˈkaŋ | Noun. ‘hole in the rocks from which water flows’; ‘lubang di batu, air garam yang keluar dari situ, dari bawah tanjung kalau meti kering’ |
pos | pos | Noun. ‘hole’; ‘lubang’ |
posiwosi | poˈsiwoˌsi | Noun. ‘spear with one point’; ‘wosiwosi, kalawai jari satu’ |
potma | ˈpotma | Verb. ‘cut, general verb’; ‘potong’ |
potpot | ˈpotpot | Noun. ‘blue-spotted stingray’; ‘sejenis ikan pari biru’ |
pouk | pouk | Verb. ‘float’; ‘terapung, hanyut’ |
poun | poun | Noun. ‘bundle’; ‘bungkus’ |
poup | poup | Verb. ‘carry a living being on one's back’; ‘dukung’ |
poupkon | poupkon | Quantifier. ‘one (bundle)’; ‘satu ikat’ |
Pour | pour | Noun. ‘Faor, name of village on the southern Karas island’; ‘Faor’ |
pous | pous | Noun. ‘possibly a kind of triggerfish’; ‘ikan pogo’ |
powar | ˈpowar | Noun. ‘horn shell’; ‘ciput bor pasir’ |
pue | ˈpue | Verb. ‘hit’; ‘pukul’ |
pueselet | ˈpueselet | Noun. ‘spider’; ‘laba-laba’ |
pukmang | pukmaŋ | Verb. ‘make the sound of something hitting the floor’; ‘bunyi barang jatuh’ |
pul | pul | Noun. ‘wing (of a fish)’; ‘sayap’ |
pulem | ˈpulem | Verb. ‘blink’; ‘mengedip, kedip’ |
pulisi | pulisi | Noun. ‘police’; ‘polisi’ |
pulkiet | ˈpulkiet | Noun. ‘betel stem’; ‘batang sirih’ |
pulma | ˈpulma | Transitive verb. ‘pinch’; ‘mencubit, cubit’ |
pulor | puˈlor | Noun. ‘betel vine’; ‘daun sirih’ |
pulpul | pulˈpul | Noun. ‘butterfly, moth’; ‘kupukupu’ |
pulpulkon | pulpulˈkon | Verb. ‘fly around, whirl’; ‘putar kencang’ |
pulseka | pulˈseka | Noun. ‘grasshopper’; ‘belalang’ |
pungpunggat | puŋˈpuŋɡat | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘sejenis ikan tefar’ |
pur | pur | Noun. ‘betel fruit (the string-like things on the betel vine)’; ‘buah sirih’ |
puraman | puˈraman | Quantifier. ‘how many’; ‘berapa’ |
purap | ˈpurap | Quantifier. ‘fifty’; ‘lima puluh’ |
purarar | puˈrarar | Intransitive verb. ‘messy, mixed up (of long things, such as hair, bamboo or wood)’; ‘barang tahambar, tidak rapi’ |
purir | ˈpurir | Quantifier. ‘twenty’; ‘dua puluh’ |
purir ba kon | purˌir ba ˈkon | Quantifier. ‘twenty-one’; ‘dua puluh satu’ |
pururu | puruˈru | Verb. ‘fall (of a lot of things, possibly in an unruly manner)’; ‘jatuh turun (banyak barang)’ |
pus | pus | Noun. ‘flower’; ‘bunga’ |
pus | pus | Verb. ‘flower’; ‘berbunga’ |
pus | pus | Noun. ‘foam’; ‘busa’ |
pusing | pusiŋ | Verb. ‘confused, bothered’; ‘pusing’ |
pusir | ˈpusir | Noun. ‘bow’; ‘panah, busur’ |
putirie | putiˈrie | Quantifier. ‘eighty’; ‘delapan puluh’ |
putkaninggonie | putˌkaniŋɡoˈnie | Quantifier. ‘ninety’; ‘sembilan puluh’ |
putkaninggonie talin kaninggonie | putˈkaniŋɡoˈnie talin ˌkaniŋɡoˈnie | Quantifier. ‘ninety-nine’; ‘sembilan puluh sembilan’ |
putkansuor | putˈkansuor | Quantifier. ‘forty’; ‘empat puluh’ |
putkansuor talinggon | putˈkansuor taˈliŋɡon | Quantifier. ‘forty-one’; ‘empat puluh satu’ |
putkaruok | putˈkaruok | Quantifier. ‘thirty’; ‘tiga puluh’ |
putkaruok talinggansuor | putˈkaruok taˈliŋɡanˈsuor | Quantifier. ‘thirty-four’; ‘tiga puluh empat’ |
putkaruok talinggaruok | putˈkaruok taˈliŋɡaruok | Quantifier. ‘thirty-three’; ‘tiga puluh tiga’ |
putkaruok talinggon | putˈkaruok taˈliŋɡon | Quantifier. ‘thirty-one’; ‘tiga puluh satu’ |
putkaruok talinir | putˈkaruok taˈlinir | Quantifier. ‘thirty-two’; ‘tiga puluh dua’ |
putkon | ˈputkon | Quantifier. ‘ten’; ‘sepuluh’ |
putkon ba ap | putkon ba ap | Quantifier. ‘fifteen’; ‘lima belas’ |
putkon ba eir | putˈkon ba eir | Quantifier. ‘twelve’; ‘dua belas’ |
putkon ba karuok | putˈkon ba kaˈruok | Quantifier. ‘thirteen’; ‘tiga belas’ |
putkon ba kon | putˈkon ba kon | Quantifier. ‘eleven’; ‘sebelas’ |
putraman | putˈraman | Quantifier. ‘sixty’; ‘enam puluh’ |
putramandalin | putˈramanˈdalin | Noun. ‘seventy’; ‘tujuh puluh’ |
=r | r | Grammatical marker. ‘[plural imperative]’; ‘[imperatif plural]’ |
ra | ra | Verb. ‘hear’; ‘dengar’ |
ra | ra | Verb. ‘move along a path, go, move away, install, become’; ‘pergi, pasang, menjadi’ |
rak | rak | Noun. ‘shelf, cabinet’; ‘rak, lemari’ |
ram | ram | Noun. ‘coral reef (hard varieties)’; ‘karang’ |
ram kolkemkem | ram kolˈkemkem | Noun. ‘kind of coral’; ‘karang ciput’ |
ram parokparok | ram ˌparokˈparok | Noun. ‘kind of coral’; ‘karang cabang-cabang’ |
ram tomtom | ram ˈtomtom | Noun. ‘general name for table-like corals’; ‘sejenis karang kaya payung’ |
raman | raˈman | Quantifier. ‘six’; ‘enam’ |
ramandalin | ramanˈdalin | Quantifier. ‘seven’; ‘tujuh’ |
rambu | ˈrambu | Noun. ‘kind of cuscus’; ‘sejenis kuskus besar’ |
rami | rami | Verb. ‘crowded’; ‘rami’ |
ramie | raˈmie | Verb. ‘pull, drag’; ‘tarik’ |
ran mian | ˈran ˈmian | Verb. ‘move back and forth’; ‘bolak-balik’ |
rane | raˈne | Verb. ‘make noise’; ‘berteriak’ |
rang | raŋ | Noun. ‘open sea’; ‘tengah laut’ |
rangrang | ˈraŋraŋ | Intransitive verb. ‘lukewarm’; ‘hangat-hangat’ |
ranti | ˈranti | Noun. ‘chain’; ‘kalong’ |
raor | ˈraor | Noun. ‘middle’; ‘tengah’ |
raorko | raˈorko | Noun. ‘in the middle’; ‘di tengah’ |
rap | rap | Verb. ‘laugh’; ‘tertawa’ |
rapat | rapat | Verb. ‘tight, meet’; ‘rapat’ |
Rarait | raˈrait | Noun. ‘Seram’; ‘Seram’ |
rarie | raˈrie | Verb. ‘make a pandanus leaf soft by stroking it with the back of a knife so that it can be used for weaving’; ‘kasih lombo daun tikar’ |
rasa | ˈrasa | Verb. ‘like’; ‘suka’ |
rasemsem | raˈsemsem | Noun. ‘pimples’; ‘jerawat’ |
regil | reɡil | Noun. ‘horizontal beam in a wall’; ‘regel’ |
reidak | ˈreidak | Quantifier. ‘much, many’; ‘banyak’ |
reidaksawe | reiˈdaksawe | Intransitive verb. ‘too much, too many’; ‘terlalu banyak’ |
rein | rein | Quantifier. ‘much’ |
reingge | reiŋˈɡe | Quantifier. ‘not much’; ‘kurang banyak, tidak banyak’ |
reirap | ˈreirap | Quantifier. ‘five hundred’; ‘lima ratus’ |
reitkon | ˈreitkon | Quantifier. ‘one hundred’; ‘seratus’ |
reon | ˈreon | Adverbial modifier. ‘maybe’; ‘mungkin’ |
rep | rep | Verb. ‘get, collect’; ‘ambil’ |
rer | rer | Verb. ‘chat, tell a story’; ‘cerita, bicara sama-sama, bercerita’ |
rer | rer | Noun. ‘kind of tree with needles like kapok’; ‘pohon kayu yang punya duri-duri seperti kapok’ |
rer | rer | Noun. ‘story’; ‘story’ |
rer | rer | Noun. ‘true conch (a shell)’; ‘sejenis siput seperti siput taimanis, tapi sedikit lebih besar’ |
rerer | reˈrer | Noun. ‘kind of shell’; ‘sejenis ciput’ |
resan | ˈresan | Noun. ‘hammer’; ‘palu, martelo’ |
-rip | -rip | Grammatical marker. ‘[quality inflection on demonstratives expressing degree (size)], big (like this/that)’; ‘besar begini/begitu (pakai sama wa, me atau mia)’ |
ripi | ripi | Quantifier. ‘thousand’; ‘ribu’ |
ripion | riˈpion | Quantifier. ‘one thousend’; ‘seribu’ |
ririn | ˈririn | Intransitive verb. ‘tall’; ‘tinggi’ |
roba | ˈroba | Noun. ‘Wednesday’; ‘rabu’ |
robaherkiem | robaˈherkiem | Verb. ‘celebrate a bathing festival during the Islamic month of Safar’; ‘mandi safar’ |
robaherpak | robaherpak | Noun. ‘name of the second Islamic month, Safar’; ‘bulan safar’ |
rombongan | romboŋan | Noun. ‘group’; ‘rombongan’ |
rontang | ˈrontaŋ | Noun. ‘kind of pie, resembling Portuguese egg tart, baked in a deep plate called lontar in Indonesian’; ‘kue lontar’ |
ror | ror | Noun. ‘tree, wood’; ‘pohon, kayu’ |
ror buabua | ror buaˈbua | Noun. ‘tree that is cut into poles’; ‘kayu buah-buah, kayu pohon yang dikupas’ |
ror garta | ror ɡarˈta | Noun. ‘rubber tree’; ‘pohon karet’ |
ror iriskap | ror iˈriskap | Noun. ‘gum tree, eucalyptus’; ‘kayu putih’ |
ror kulun | ror ˈkulun | Noun. ‘bark’; ‘kulit kayu’ |
ror soren | ror ˈsoren | Noun. ‘unprocessed wood, just the branches taken off’; ‘kayu buah-buah’ |
ror tabur | ror taˈbur | Noun. ‘tree stump’; ‘tual kayu’ |
rorap | ˈrorap | Noun. ‘foundation’; ‘fundasi’ |
rorkarok | rorˈkarok | Noun. ‘branch’; ‘cabang, ranting’ |
rouk | rouk | Verb. ‘fall over’; ‘jatuh’ |
roukmang | roukˈmaŋ | Verb. ‘make others aware of something falling by making a sound’; ‘orang berteriak kasih tahu orang lain barang mau jatuh’ |
roung | rouŋ | Noun. ‘chambered nautilus (shell)’; ‘sejenis siput di laut, daging seperti sonton’ |
roye | ˈroje | Verb. ‘turn’; ‘balik’ |
rua | ˈrua | Verb. ‘extinguish, kill’; ‘padam, membunuh’ |
ruak | ruak | Verb. ‘fall (fruit, when ripe), loosen (hulls from rice)’; ‘buah gugur’ |
ruam | ruam | Noun. ‘sweat’; ‘keringat’ |
ruan | ruan | Intransitive verb. ‘swollen’; ‘bengkak’ |
ruar | ˈruar | Noun. ‘shark’; ‘ikan hiu’ |
ruar bodaren | ruar boˈdaren | Noun. ‘tawny nurse shark’; ‘sejenis ikan hiu warna coklat, besar, malas lari’ |
ruar kanggir nungnung | ruar ˈkaŋɡir nuŋˈnuŋ | Noun. ‘tawny nurse shark’; ‘manggiwang tutup mata’ |
ruar tagirigiri | ruar taɡiriɡiri | Noun. ‘kind of shark’; ‘sejenis hiu’ |
rum | rum | Noun. ‘kind of emperor or bream fish’; ‘sejenis ikan tefar putih, sembunyi di dalam pasir’ |
rum timbang | rum timˈbaŋ | Noun. ‘kind of fish’; ‘sejenis ikan tefar putih kepala pendek’ |
ruma tangga | ruma taŋɡa | Verb. ‘have a household’; ‘rumah tangga’ |
ruma tangga | ruma taŋɡa | Noun. ‘household’; ‘rumah tangga’ |
Rumbati | rumˈbati | Noun. ‘Onin people’; ‘orang Onin’ |
rumrum | ˈrumrum | Noun. ‘kind of plant used as food and as medicine after giving birth’; ‘bunga mata hari pantai’ |
ruo | ˈruo | Intransitive verb. ‘cooked, prepared’; ‘masak’ |
ruo | ˈruo | Verb. ‘dig’; ‘gali’ |
ruom | ruom | Noun. ‘beach, at the foot of a mountain’; ‘pantai, di bawa gunung’ |
ruop | ruop | Noun. ‘plug’; ‘sumbat, rutas’ |
rup | rup | Verb. ‘help’; ‘bantu’ |
rur | rur | Noun. ‘casuarina (tree)’; ‘pohon kasuari, cemara’ |
rur | rur | Verb. ‘skewer, often using string’; ‘tusuk (biasanya pakai tali)’ |
rurkon | rurkon | Quantifier. ‘one (string or skewer with things on it)’; ‘satu tusuk, satu tali’ |
rusa | ˈrusa | Noun. ‘deer’; ‘rusa’ |
rusing | ˈrusiŋ | Noun. ‘mortar for coconut and kanari nut’; ‘lesun untuk kelapa atau kanari’ |
rusinggain | ruˈsiŋɡain | Noun. ‘pestle for coconut and kanari nut’; ‘anak lesun untuk kelapa dan kanari’ |
sa | sa | Intransitive verb. ‘dry (of trees, plants, fruit, etc.)’; ‘kering (pohon, tanaman, buah)’ |
saban | saˈban | Noun. ‘kind of big bamboo’; ‘bambu’ |
Sabaor | sabaˈor | Noun. ‘Buruwai or Sebakor inhabitants, Buruwai or Sebakor area’; ‘orang Borowai, daerah Borowai’ |
sabar | saˈbar | Noun. ‘front (of a boat)’; ‘depan perahu’ |
sabarak | sabaˈrak | Noun. ‘space under a house built on poles, ground floor in a house with several floors’; ‘kolam rumah, tingkat di bawah’ |
sabel | saˈbel | Noun. ‘cleared forest’; ‘ladang, bekas kebun’ |
sabet | saˈbet | Noun. ‘boil’; ‘bisul’ |
sabtu | ˈsaptu | Noun. ‘Saturday’; ‘sabtu’ |
sabur | sabur | Noun. ‘soap’; ‘sabun’ |
sabur | saˈbur | Verb. ‘wear, dress’; ‘pakai’ |
sadawak | sadaˈwak | Noun. ‘machete’; ‘parang’ |
saerak | saˈerak | Verb. ‘[negative existential], there is no, there are no, empty’; ‘tidak ada, kosong’ |
=saet | saet | Adverbial modifier. ‘just, exclusively, only, all’; ‘saja, semua’ |
saidak | ˈsaidak | Adverbial modifier. ‘true’; ‘betul’ |
saier | saˈier | Noun. ‘taboo, bad luck, offering for good luck’; ‘pamali’ |
saimbumbu | saimˈbumbu | Noun. ‘dragonfish, filefish’; ‘ikan parang’ |
sair | saˈir | Verb. ‘bake’; ‘bakar’ |
sair | saˈir | Noun. ‘place where fish tend to feed, a good fishing spot’; ‘kelat (tempat ikan makan)’ |
sair | saˈir | Verb. ‘shoot with a gun’; ‘panah, tembak’ |
sairarar | sairaˈrar | Noun. ‘lobster’; ‘udang laut’ |
sairarar ladok | sairaˈrar ˈladok | Noun. ‘harlequin shrimp’; ‘sejenis udang’ |
sakarip | saˈkarip | Noun. ‘dibble stick, tool for making holes’; ‘linggis’ |
sal | sal | Noun. ‘kind of wood used to tie a roof to’; ‘kasur kayu, kayu untuk ikat atap di atas’ |
sala | saˈla | Intransitive verb. ‘wrong’; ‘salah’ |
salaboung | salaˈbouŋ | Verb. ‘broken, split off’; ‘lepas, pica’ |
salak | saˈlak | Noun. ‘dent (in a knife or machete)’; ‘tanda di pisau atau parang’ |
salak | saˈlak | Intransitive verb. ‘dented’; ‘tonda’ |
salak | salak | Quantifier. ‘ten thousand’; ‘laksa’ |
salamat | salamat | Noun. ‘good wish’; ‘hajat’ |
salawat | salawat | Verb. ‘pray a kind of prayer’; ‘do'a sholawat’ |
salawei | salaˈwei | Noun. ‘cone shell’; ‘siput bintik-bintik, siput telinga sakit’ |
salir | saˈlir | Verb. ‘change, switch place’; ‘ganti barang pu tempat, saling, ganti pakaian’ |
salout | saˈlout | Noun. ‘flycatcher, monarchs (birds)’; ‘sejenis burung kecil, warna hitam atau kuning’ |
sama | sama | Verb. ‘the same’; ‘sama’ |
samameng | samaˈmeŋ | Noun. ‘civet cat’; ‘musang tupai, musang kelapa’ |
samar | saˈmar | Noun. ‘west, north-west’; ‘barat matahari, tempat matahari turun’ |
samor | saˈmor | Noun. ‘bead’; ‘manik’ |
sampai | sampai | Conjunction. ‘until’; ‘sampai’ |
sampi | sampi | Verb. ‘arrive’; ‘sampai’ |
sampi | sampi | Adverbial modifier. ‘until’; ‘sampai’ |
samsik | samˈsik | Intransitive verb. ‘thin’; ‘tipis’ |
Samuret | saˈmuret | Noun. ‘Mbaham person, Mbaham/Patimuni speaker’; ‘orang Baham/Patimuni’ |
sanam | ˈsanam | Noun. ‘skin diseases like scabies and smallpox’; ‘penyakit kulit kaya kudis dan cacar air’ |
sanamsanam | sanamsanam | Intransitive verb. ‘hairy’; ‘berbulu’ |
sandal | sandal | Noun. ‘slippers, flip-flops’; ‘sandal’ |