Entry record from Remijsen (2017): Matbat
(1) n. chest; breast (upper part of front side of body trunk).
(2) post. in front of; ahead.
gata³ do bu³k sabɛ¹²¹mtathe bowl is lying in front of the book
gata³ do k-si³ŋbɛ¹²¹mtathe bowl is lying in front of me
mi³ŋgu³ ta si³ŋbɛ¹²¹mta²¹next week
Grammatical note: (inal. si³ŋbɛ¹²¹mta²¹, si³mbɛ¹²¹mta²¹, si³nbɛ²¹mta²¹)